terrorist denotates explosive at Planned Parenthood office

so avoid answering the question........good for you

Are they Christians? No one has the right to judge another person if they call them self a christian, but the Bible can, Your answer is Does their action look like what the Bible tells a christian they are supposed to live their life?

they are self called Christians and who are you to judge otherwise?

You take the good with the bad..thats how being part of group works.

A person according to the bible is someone who follows the teaching of Jesus Christ. If Satan called himself a Christian would that make him a Christian?

who are you to judge otherwise?
Fucking stupid son of a bitch. What the fuck did I say?
No one has the right to judge another person if they call them self a christian, but the Bible can
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A Terrorist Act indeed. Most likely, the perp is a white male, aged 18-54 who has hijacked another Religion of Peace (Christianity) and used violence to voice his displeasure. This terrorist does not represent Christianity and I am sure a supermajority of Christians will voice their opposition to this act.

Or, maybe we should take the position that the Left does when terrorists of another religion of peace commit similar acts and simply appease the terrorist and those who think like him? Should we ponder, "What are we doing to make them hate us so much and should we stop?"
Given the history behind such bombings, I am sure law enforcement has that in the profile.

No doubt because it is apparently okay to profie Christians.

Officer, I want to report a suspicious person. He is carrying what looks like a Bible.
Officer, I am following a likely suspect. She is wearing a cross necklace.
Officer, report right away. The person just left a church and is obviously up to no good.

But if it is islamofacist Muslim terrorist who guns down a lot of people, it is not considered proper to even mention his religion.

If it is racist to mention that most of the 20 million illegals entering the country through our southern Border are Mexican.

It is politically correct to be concerned that more than 95% of black people being assaulted, battered, robbed, raped, and murdered in some neighborhoods are being attacked by black people.

But it's okay to assume that somebody who bombed an abortion clinc is a Christian? We have to draw that conclusion before we even know who did it? It isn't possible that people determined to demonize Christians might do it so the Christians would get blamed? That probably didn't happen, but the OP left no room for any possibility that it was somebody other than some Christian nut.

We may not like it. But the history of death and christians can not be questioned. Man has killed in the name of God before our current belief system. It will happen next century also, and the one after.............................

The history of godless societies is no better and the death toll is even higher. And in modern times, no religion is more peaceful and less likely to incite to violence in the name of God or anything else than is Christianity. The odds are excellent that the bomber, if he or she is ever identified, will have some Christian ties as the large majority of Americans have Christian ties. The odds are enormous however that no Chrsitian group will have sanctioned or approved or will defend such an action.
A Terrorist Act indeed. Most likely, the perp is a white male, aged 18-54 who has hijacked another Religion of Peace (Christianity) and used violence to voice his displeasure. This terrorist does not represent Christianity and I am sure a supermajority of Christians will voice their opposition to this act.

Or, maybe we should take the position that the Left does when terrorists of another religion of peace commit similar acts and simply appease the terrorist and those who think like him? Should we ponder, "What are we doing to make them hate us so much and should we stop?"

Most likely, the perp is a white male, aged 18-54
And your Racist thinking tell's you this correct?
they are self called Christians and who are you to judge otherwise?

You take the good with the bad..thats how being part of group works.

A person according to the bible is someone who follows the teaching of Jesus Christ. Is Satan called himself a Christian would that make him a Christian?

Fucking stupid son of a bitch. What the fuck did I say?
No one has the right to judge another person if they call them self a christian, but the Bible can

Ah there have been many variations of people calling themselves christian now hasnt there been?

Thats the amusing part of people like you. When a ugly version comes around, you push them away saying: NOT LIKE ME!!!. NOT LIKE ME!!!!

But want all the credit when someone does something wonderful...

Keep making excuses...its amusing

I don't give a fuck what they call themselves. Do you understand this? Does their action show themselves to be a Christian?
Ah there have been many variations of people calling themselves christian now hasnt there been?

Thats the amusing part of people like you. When a ugly version comes around, you push them away saying: NOT LIKE ME!!!. NOT LIKE ME!!!!

But want all the credit when someone does something wonderful...

Keep making excuses...its amusing

I don't give a fuck what they call themselves. Do you understand this? Does their action show themselves to be a Christian?

in thier eyes yes...They are doing holy work....

That';s a total bull shit answer and you know it is.
And Jerrod Longher was a liberal.
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We are against abortion because it's murder.

Let's go out and murder people to prove our point.

Crying shame. Don't people realize that most aborted babies come from libtards and thus would have likely inherited the libtard gene too?

Abortions should be free for all that think it best to flush any nuts that might drop from their branches of the humanity tree, LOL.


The dirty secret about abortion is that 2/3 of all American abortions are medically necessary and involve women who would have otherwise carried to term. Abortion IS women's health care. Abortion saves women's lives. It is absurd and very dangerous to try and separate one important aspect of women's healthcare from the rest. Would we ever tell a cancer clinic they may not carry a defibrilla*tor or other cardiac gear and medicine?
We are against abortion because it's murder.

Let's go out and murder people to prove our point.


To be fair, they may be looking at it slightly differently than that:

Abortion murders innocent children.
Bombing abortion clinics would only murder those guilty of murdering children.
Therefore, it's justified in their eyes.

I think the reasoning is flawed, but there is a nuance there that you aren't acknowledging.
Yeah, let's bomb PP because they're in there doing things like pre-natal care for poor women who could not afford it otherwise because &^&%$$% REPUBLICANS will fight to the very last person standing to make sure we don't get Affordable Health Care.

These damn ignorant fools are cutting off their own noses just because lushbo, beck, faux told them PP is doing abortions. Oh yeah, and Kyl who lied about how man abortions are done at PP. They're hurting the very people who need affordable health care the most.

About abortion, the facts have not changed. If a woman CHOOSES to have an abortion, its none of your business.
I dont see how someone killing their child isn't our business.

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