terrorist denotates explosive at Planned Parenthood office

well beyond the people being caught and expressing their view points?

Dumb luck?


Yeah, it's not like you'd bomb your own abortion clinic - where no one got hurt and no real damage was done.

The Reichstag Fire trick is beneath you leftists....

Or, maybe not...

For Historical Context ONLY:

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+1]The Reichstag Burns[/SIZE][/FONT]

Now bear in mind no one realy knows what happened here...yet...the OP has jumped to conclusions.
no just you morons are...

Of course you are just playing this " they did it" game in order to be partisan.

No. We are pointing out that you guys are underhanded enough to pull some nonsense like this and blame us because you've got a history of doing that.
Has there ever been a abortion killing bombing where the person who murdered or blew up the building not christian?

So you assume that anyone who does it is a Christian, and that is proven since they are all Christians, which you assumed...

Given the history behind such bombings, I am sure law enforcement has that in the profile.

I don't know any Christians who think that someone who would do that is a Christian. And I know a lot of anti-abortion Christians. The left also said McVie was a Christian and he said he wasn't. You're talking about someone who's psychologically disturbed and is more likely part of a militia type group then a Christian Church. Like McVie. I'm not sure profiling them as a "christian" would accomplish much.
The person is unknown, but you somehow know they are Christian?

Has there ever been a abortion killing bombing where the person who murdered or blew up the building not christian?

These people have a social network. Who ever this person is, they should be treated as a terrorist and put in jail for life.

Where in the bible does it tell Christians they are to kill?
Small explosion, little damage, no one is hurt or close to being hurt, no suspects or leads, done in WI where liberals are losing, I smell an inside job! They want to continue the liberal dishonest campaign of the so called war on women!

Yes, this is sounding like a desperate, staged act to get some media attention. I do wonder that if it's proven that it was an inside job if the same libs would insist that the person be tried as a terrorist.
So you assume that anyone who does it is a Christian, and that is proven since they are all Christians, which you assumed...

Given the history behind such bombings, I am sure law enforcement has that in the profile.

I don't know any Christians who think that someone who would do that is a Christian. And I know a lot of anti-abortion Christians. The left also said McVie was a Christian and he said he wasn't. You're talking about someone who's psychologically disturbed and is more likely part of a militia type group then a Christian Church. Like McVie. I'm not sure profiling them as a "christian" would accomplish much.

There are plenty of them out there. In the end it is put to some group or a member of a group, usually a self described christian. Thats the history. It wouldnt surprise me a bit if it were again. It is what it is.
"But please... do carry on regurgitating bullshit."

If you are able to read AND comprehend let me explain so you have a shot of comprehending the post. I basically said what you did although even if the person(I mean wacko) who did this is a Christian, it really isnt about Christianity at all. Got it or shoud I draw a picture?

condescension and sarcasm? Not very Christian of you.
Has there ever been a abortion killing bombing where the person who murdered or blew up the building not christian?

So you assume that anyone who does it is a Christian, and that is proven since they are all Christians, which you assumed...

so avoid answering the question........good for you

Are they Christians? No one has the right to judge another person if they call them self a christian, but the Bible can, Your answer is Does their action look like what the Bible tells a christian they are supposed to live their life?
Has there ever been a abortion killing bombing where the person who murdered or blew up the building not christian?

So you assume that anyone who does it is a Christian, and that is proven since they are all Christians, which you assumed...

Given the history behind such bombings, I am sure law enforcement has that in the profile.

No doubt because it is apparently okay to profie Christians.

Officer, I want to report a suspicious person. He is carrying what looks like a Bible.
Officer, I am following a likely suspect. She is wearing a cross necklace.
Officer, report right away. The person just left a church and is obviously up to no good.

But if it is islamofacist Muslim terrorist who guns down a lot of people, it is not considered proper to even mention his religion.

If it is racist to mention that most of the 20 million illegals entering the country through our southern Border are Mexican.

If it is politically incorrect to be concerned that more than 95% of black people being assaulted, battered, robbed, raped, and murdered in some neighborhoods are being attacked by black people.

Then how is it okay to assume that somebody who bombed an abortion clinc is a Christian? Do we have to draw that conclusion before we even know who did it? It isn't possible that people determined to demonize Christians might do it so the Christians would get blamed? That probably didn't happen, but the OP left no room for any possibility that it was somebody other than some Christian nut.
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Has there ever been a abortion killing bombing where the person who murdered or blew up the building not christian?

So you assume that anyone who does it is a Christian, and that is proven since they are all Christians, which you assumed...

so avoid answering the question........good for you

I don't know, it's not a subject I follow. But I do have some questions for you.

Has anyone but a Muslim put bombs in ambulances?

Has anyone but a Muslim flown commercial airplanes into buildings?

Has anyone but a Muslim blown up busses on city streets or passenger trains?

Are you OK with when those things happen people pronounce the latest "Muslim terrorist" bombing as soon as it happens without any investigation?

Hypocrisy, your name is liberalism.

BTW, I'm not a Christian. I'm just someone who recognizes the idiocy and hypocrisy that is liberalism.
why would i bomb an abortion clinic? I love abortion clinics, Every abortion a woman has there is a less chance of another person like you wasting space

Agreed. And one less liberal voter...
So you assume that anyone who does it is a Christian, and that is proven since they are all Christians, which you assumed...

Given the history behind such bombings, I am sure law enforcement has that in the profile.

No doubt because it is apparently okay to profie Christians.

Officer, I want to report a suspicious person. He is carrying what looks like a Bible.
Officer, I am following a likely suspect. She is wearing a cross necklace.
Officer, report right away. The person just left a church and is obviously up to no good.

But if it is islamofacist Muslim terrorist who guns down a lot of people, it is not considered proper to even mention his religion.

If it is racist to mention that most of the 20 million illegals entering the country through our southern Border are Mexican.

It is politically correct to be concerned that more than 95% of black people being assaulted, battered, robbed, raped, and murdered in some neighborhoods are being attacked by black people.

But it's okay to assume that somebody who bombed an abortion clinc is a Christian? We have to draw that conclusion before we even know who did it? It isn't possible that people determined to demonize Christians might do it so the Christians would get blamed? That probably didn't happen, but the OP left no room for any possibility that it was somebody other than some Christian nut.

We may not like it. But the history of death and christians can not be questioned. Man has killed in the name of God before our current belief system. It will happen next century also, and the one after.............................
oh you mean like the Mccain girl who cut herself?

Yes, do shut the fuck up already.

I dont have a history of it. I am not part of any group you dumb shit..

and no you are pointing out how fucking stupid you really are, again, in public.

You're an angry little troll, pussball; that because you know something about this?

It MIGHT have been a nutjob - BUT the nutjob probably would have done more damage.

This is real suspicious.
I've been a Christian for 74 years. I cannot condone anyone trying to do any damage to any place including planned parenthood. I dont care what party the person is from or claims to represent. This isnt about a Christian, its about a person with a warped sense of reality. Truly warped.

True, and I see no "Christian terrorist" mentioned.

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