Terrorist Pals Launch Hundreds Of Rockets at Civilians



First civilian car hit by a Qassam rocket 2nd by a direct hit by a Kornet anti-tank missile,
launched by the PIJ from Gaza at a civilian car standing still on a highway change.
Palestinian Islamic Jihad footage of launching of the anti-tank (Kornet) missile hitting an Israeli vehicle today

That's the shorter version, without the banners and songs of glory.
One thing though, the upper part of the video is clearly edited, the trains were stopped on that section already yesterday, but it clearly shows the none-sense of the people who planned the disengagement.




At around 6 PM following casualties were reported in Sorokoa and Barzilai hospitals:
131 injuries -62 shock, 60 light physical injuries, 3 medium level injuries, 3 severely injured, 3 dead.

Among the names that were allowed to be published by the community is Pinhas Fishwazman H"YD covered a passing by elderly woman during a direct hit in Ashdod, absorbed the blast and the shrapnel and died after several minutes. The woman was transported to the Soroka hospital to be treated for shock, she didn't receive physical injuries.

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CLEARED FOR RELEASE: We thwarted an attempted Hamas cyber offensive against Israeli targets. Following our successful cyber defensive operation, we targeted a building where the Hamas cyber operatives work.

HamasCyberHQ.exe has been removed.

In response to 250+ rockets fired from #Gaza at Israel, we struck a Hamas HQ. In this building, Hamas used to order terror attacks and used to transfer money, supplies & logistics for the sake of killing Israelis.

Emphasis on the "used to". We destroyed it.

Israel Defense Forces on Twitter



Palestinian Islamic Jihad senior: "We are ready to increase the range of fire, we are at the beginning of the battle"

A senior and the Saraiya al-Quds, the military wing of PIJ in a message to Israeli govt: "The resistance responded with destructive force in response to IDF attacks on civilians, including children, and residential buildings," said a senior member of the military wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Ready to increase the range of fire, we are at the beginning of the battle. "

In addition, a senior official claims that new rockets were used, resulting in heavy damage to Ashkelon.

Source: Palestinian Islamic Jihad Official

Update 21:00 - Senior Talal Al Jadian killed in targeted assassination

One of the top leaders of the al-Quds Brigades, and the other a field commander.

Israel Defense Forces UPDATE:

"We just targeted Hamed Ahmed Khudari, a Gazan terrorist responsible for transferring Iranian funds to Hamas & PIJ in Gaza, helping fund their rocket fire at Israelis.

Transferring Iranian money to Hamas & the PIJ doesn’t make you a businessman."


Update 15:45 - following threats from Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the mayor of Ramat Gan, a city in the center of Israel where there's the stock market and a center of economic activity, ordered to open the bomb shelters throughout the city.

Update 19:48 - Another successful targeted assassination of Hamas senior commander in south-west Gaza,
in Tel al-Hou, A neighborhood of the millionaires where the businessmen and militant leaders live, usually excluded in previous confrontations by diverting the focus to the poorer neighborhoods in the east.

Israel Defense Forces on Twitter
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After assassination of the senior leader, Hamas in a message to Israel: "Interested in ceasefire"

The organization approached Israel through the Egyptian mediator and asked for a return to the calm that prevailed until the meeting. In Jerusalem they have not yet replied.

Security sources in Israel reported on Sunday that Hamas conveyed a message to Israel through the Egyptian mediator that the organization was interested in resuming calm and agreeing to a ceasefire, the news reported. According to the report, Hamas on the one hand signals the possibility of a greater escalation on the Gaza border, but on the other hand much more reconciliatory messages sent to Israel through the Egyptian mediator.

Israel has yet to respond to the proposals, and it is possible that the Cabinet's decision regarding the continuation of military activity is waiting. We recall that in a joint operation of the Israel Defense Forces and the General Security Service, Hamed Ahmed 'Abd Khudri, a resident of the Gaza Strip, was responsible for large-scale cash transfers from Iran to terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip. Khadri, 34, is the owner of the "Hamed Llasrafa" / "Alupak" money exchange company, which was declared a terrorist organization in Israel in June 2018.

In recent years, the status of the exchange company and the status of Khudari as a central money changer in the Gaza Strip have been established. Khudari transferred large sums of money to Hamas, the Islamic Jihad, and other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip through his money changer company and with the help of money changers abroad and merchants who were aware of the declaration of the company as a terrorist organization.

The IDF and the Shin Bet say that Khudari's financial activity, which served as Iran's spearhead in the Gaza Strip, has contributed significantly to the promotion of terror activity and the military buildup of terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip. "The IDF and the General Security Service will continue to act to thwart and disrupt Iran's attempts to promote terrorist activity from the Gaza Strip by funding terrorist organizations - Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the other terrorist organizations in the Gaza strip" the statement said.


After senior leader assassinated, Hamas in a message to Israel:"Interested in ceasefire"
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A Muslim rocket blew up and killed a woman and her infant. Sick culture of death. These vermin aren't ready for a nation yet.

Those savages, that Israel decided to build their nation upon.

Dupeaganda, is what you support.
I support the only democracy in the Middle East. I support a nation of people that has contributed more to the world culture and science than the Islamic culture of death ever will.

Because the Israeli culture that harbors Commies, Organ traffickers, Pedophile Rabbis, and Russian Mafia gangsters is such an improvement. (Rolls eyes)
A Muslim rocket blew up and killed a woman and her infant. Sick culture of death. These vermin aren't ready for a nation yet.

Those savages, that Israel decided to build their nation upon.

Dupeaganda, is what you support.
I support the only democracy in the Middle East. I support a nation of people that has contributed more to the world culture and science than the Islamic culture of death ever will.

They throw 200 missiles at Israel, and NOW they want a ceasefire. :auiqs.jpg:

Don’t know why Israel doesn’t do what they do; Just hurl Rockets and kill as many as possible
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A Muslim rocket blew up and killed a woman and her infant. Sick culture of death. These vermin aren't ready for a nation yet.

Those savages, that Israel decided to build their nation upon.

Dupeaganda, is what you support.
I support the only democracy in the Middle East. I support a nation of people that has contributed more to the world culture and science than the Islamic culture of death ever will.

Because the Israeli culture that harbors Commies, Organ traffickers, Pedophile Rabbis, and Russian Mafia gangsters is such an improvement. (Rolls eyes)
You're a retard.
Those savages, that Israel decided to build their nation upon.

Dupeaganda, is what you support.
I support the only democracy in the Middle East. I support a nation of people that has contributed more to the world culture and science than the Islamic culture of death ever will.

Because the Israeli culture that harbors Commies, Organ traffickers, Pedophile Rabbis, and Russian Mafia gangsters is such an improvement. (Rolls eyes)
You're a retard.

It’s worse then that..,, He’s a Pollack

Dupeaganda, is what you support.
I support the only democracy in the Middle East. I support a nation of people that has contributed more to the world culture and science than the Islamic culture of death ever will.

Because the Israeli culture that harbors Commies, Organ traffickers, Pedophile Rabbis, and Russian Mafia gangsters is such an improvement. (Rolls eyes)
You're a retard.

It’s worse then that..,, He’s a Pollack

Why are you so bigoted?
RE: Terrorist Pals Launch Hundreds Of Rockets at Civilians
⁜→ rylah, et al,

The trick here is to put the Fear of Justice in the Arab Palestinian Leadership heart.

First civilian car hit by a Qassam rocket 2nd by a direct hit by a Cornet AT rocket.

One way, but certainly not the only way, is to capture and place on public trial --- using Israeli domestic law --- for threats, coercion, grievous bodily and murder of Israeli civilians in a campaign of terror against the state.

This would require the simultaneous apprehension of several 21st Century HAMAS leaders and key officials.

Most Respectfully,
It is interesting that with all of the whining Israel does about the Palestinian's violations of the law, not one has ever been taken to the Hague.
one day wait till the guilty feelz white suburban and urban Americans get a taste of conflict
theyre not gonna like it


It seems to be happening in France, and spreading.

But nobody's taking any notice of that, either.

Ive noticed .....the globalist are hanging on by a thread
ive been shaking my head derrrr at that farce called the eussr since its inception ....im not gonna be to far off on what year i said it would collapse
RE: Terrorist Pals Launch Hundreds Of Rockets at Civilians
⁜→ rylah, et al,

The trick here is to put the Fear of Justice in the Arab Palestinian Leadership heart.

First civilian car hit by a Qassam rocket 2nd by a direct hit by a Cornet AT rocket.

One way, but certainly not the only way, is to capture and place on public trial --- using Israeli domestic law --- for threats, coercion, grievous bodily and murder of Israeli civilians in a campaign of terror against the state.

This would require the simultaneous apprehension of several 21st Century HAMAS leaders and key officials.

Most Respectfully,
It is interesting that with all of the whining Israel does about the Palestinian's violations of the law, not one has ever been taken to the Hague.

It's interesting how with every attempt to take Israel to international courts, they the Palis themselves are found guilty of their own accusations.

Now You do the usual scared Jihadi duck dance.
RE: Terrorist Pals Launch Hundreds Of Rockets at Civilians
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Wow! I can't believe you said that.

It is interesting that with all of the whining Israel does about the Palestinian's violations of the law, not one has ever been taken to the Hague.

Israel is NOT a signatory to the Treaty of Rome (The Rome Statutes). Israel will NOT bring anything before the ICC.

Most Respectfully,
Israel is a law free zone and Israel will do anything to keep it that way. It is like the wild west of the middle east.

The Palestinians have never violated any law because there isn't any.

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