Terrorists Attack Russia

You people are totally stupid aren't you?

That 200 figure is from ONE incident, not COMBINED incidents in TOTAL.?

Actually the combined total was only 190, I rounded it up.

Since the siege began it’s our view that at least 190 civilians have been killed by coalition airstrikes, mostly US.
ISIS is the problem. Not those trying to wipe them off the face of the Earth, where they belong.
You people are totally stupid aren't you?

That 200 figure is from ONE incident, not COMBINED incidents in TOTAL.?

Since the siege began it’s our view that at least 190 civilians have been killed by coalition airstrikes, mostly US.

Since the beginning of the siege is one incident? Another 'useful idiot' bites the 'fake news' dust.
ISIS is the problem. Not those trying to wipe them off the face of the Earth, where they belong.

I agree, but they should do a better job going after ISIS and less going after anti-Assad forces. And of course, limiting civilian casualities.
You people are totally stupid aren't you?

That 200 figure is from ONE incident, not COMBINED incidents in TOTAL.?

Actually the combined total was only 190, I rounded it up.

Since the siege began it’s our view that at least 190 civilians have been killed by coalition airstrikes, mostly US.

"Actually the combined total was only 190, I rounded it up."

Since the siege began it’s our view that at least 190 civilians have been killed by coalition airstrikes, mostly US."

Point one, read the forum rules, you DON'T write in red, only the mods write in red.

Point two, you have the IQ of a paper cup, the fucking siege in the SYRIAN VILLAGE OF MANBIJ....ONE INCIDENT as I already stated....NOT COMBINED INCIDENTS IN TOTAL you idiot.

From the article I linked earlier, lets get it CORRECT shall we:

"US airstrikes allegedly kill at least 73 civilians in northern Syria

"US airstrikes on a Syrian village have killed at least 73 civilians, a majority of them women and children,activists say, in the deadliest coalition attack on non-combatants since the start of the bombing campaign against the Islamic State.

The bombing was part of a two-month push to seize the town of Manbij,

- Snip -

“Since the siege began it’s our view that at least 190 civilians have been killed by coalition airstrikes, mostly US."

You people are totally stupid aren't you?

That 200 figure is from ONE incident, not COMBINED incidents in TOTAL.?

Since the siege began it’s our view that at least 190 civilians have been killed by coalition airstrikes, mostly US.

Since the beginning of the siege is one incident? Another 'useful idiot' bites the 'fake news' dust.

You don't give a CRAP about Syrian civilians, just like you don't give a CRAP about Russians blown up in St. Petersburg today, actually your type are probably HAPPY that Russians have been blown up today in St. Petersburg and are hoping that MORE Russians get blown up in terrorist attacks, you sick waste of human skin.
ISIS is the problem. Not those trying to wipe them off the face of the Earth, where they belong.

I agree, but they should do a better job going after ISIS and less going after anti-Assad forces. And of course, limiting civilian casualities.

ISIS wouldn't have gained a foothold were it not for the Obama Administration you moron, with incidents like the below.

The Obama Administration was enabling ISIS and also dropping them weapons and leaving weapons and military vehicles behind for them in both Syria and Iraq.

This was an "accident", by "accident" they dropped weapons meant for the Kurds to ISIS.

The Pentagon blamed it on the wind, um, okay :rolleyes-41:

Isis apparently takes control of US weapons airdrop intended for Kurds

· Pentagon admits one of 28 loads missing and blames wind

"The Pentagon admitted on Wednesday that one of the airdrops of weapons intended for Kurds in the besieged Syrian town of Kobani almost certainly ended up in the hands of the Islamic State (Isis) fighters.

The Pentagon blamed the wind for possibly blowing the supplies off course and argued that one cache was not enough to make a significant difference to Isis.

Video footage released by Isis shows what appears to be one of its fighters in desert scrubland with a stack of boxes attached to a parachute. The boxes are opened to show an array of weapons, some rusty, some new. A canister is broken out to reveal a hand grenade. Other equipment appeared to be parts for rocket-propelled grenades.

The Pentagon said the pallet of weapons was one of 28 dropped, not six as previously reported."

Isis apparently takes control of US weapons airdrop intended for Kurds

An "accident" that is repeated is NOT an "accident" it's deliberate. The next time was even better, this was leaving behind weapons and also allowing military hardware including vehicles to fall into the hands of ISIS in Mosul, Iraq.

U.S. Shoots Itself In the Foot By Accidentally Arming ISIS

"One of the earliest major setbacks in the war against ISIS came last June when the U.S.-backed Iraqi army was routed by Islamic militants in the northern Iraq city of Mosul. Government forces retreated from the Islamic jihadists’ assault. They left behind a trove of costly military hardware, including U.S.-made armored Humvees, trucks, rockets, machine guns and even a helicopter.

Last weekend, the new Iraqi prime minister, Haider al-Abadi, gave Iraqi state television the first detailed accounting of those lost weapons. Some were old or barely functioning, but others were in good shape and of great value to the ISIS militants.

According to Reuters, the U.S.-made weaponry that fell into enemy hands including 2,300 Humvee armored vehicles, at least 40 M1A1 main battle tanks, 74,000 machine guns, and as many as 52 M198 howitzer mobile gun systems, plus small arms and ammunition.

Although al-Abadi and other Iraqi and U.S. officials haven’t attached a dollar sign to the lost weaponry and vehicles, a back-of-the-envelope calculation of those losses might look something like this:

    • 2,300 Humvee armored vehicles @ $70,000 per copy. Total: $161 million
    • 40 M1A1 Abram tanks @ $4.3 million per copy. Total: $172 million
    • 52 M198 Howitzer mobile gun systems @ $527,337 per copy. Total: $27.4 million
    • 74,000 Army machine guns @ $4,000 per copy. Total: $296 million
The grand total comes to $656.4 million, but experts say those losses represent just a portion of the many hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of U.S.-supplied military equipment that has fallen into ISIS’s hands and is being used against the U.S. and allied forces on the ground in Iraq and neighboring Syria."

U.S. Shoots Itself In the Foot By Accidentally Arming ISIS
So horrific, I know someone in St Petersburg right now and he's been on that line.

I have spent time in the beautiful and cultured city of St. Petersburg, where I indulged my great love of opera at the Mariinsky Theatre.





Mariinsky Theatre Official Website

Also the majestic State Hermitage Museum.





So horrific, I know someone in St Petersburg right now and he's been on that line.

I have spent time in the beautiful and cultured city of St. Petersburg, where I indulged my great love of opera at the Mariinsky Theatre.





Mariinsky Theatre Official Website

Also the majestic State Hermitage Museum.






Thanks Lucy Hamilton , he also loves the theatre, opera and ballet and has many photos, some of yours look familiar. He's also taken many pictures of the metro stations there and they are truly works of art.
You people are totally stupid aren't you?

That 200 figure is from ONE incident, not COMBINED incidents in TOTAL.?

Since the siege began it’s our view that at least 190 civilians have been killed by coalition airstrikes, mostly US.

Since the beginning of the siege is one incident? Another 'useful idiot' bites the 'fake news' dust.

You don't give a CRAP about Syrian civilians, just like you don't give a CRAP about Russians blown up in St. Petersburg today, actually your type are probably HAPPY that Russians have been blown up today in St. Petersburg and are hoping that MORE Russians get blown up in terrorist attacks, you sick waste of human skin.

They started terroristic war against Russia since 1999 year, when Russia just started war against international terroristic coalition in Chechen territory. The version about "revenge for civilians" is just illusion. At first - they lie about civilians. At second - they kill own civilians by thousands, so Russian army is really saving civilians from slavery and death inside ISIS....

Just another anti-Russian attack in silent, cloaked war against us...

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