Tesla moves headquarters from California to Texas

I would not think there are that many HQ jobs as to make a huge difference there.

They did not move the manufacturing, but actually are putting more into the manufacturing plant in Cali.
Ah. My bad then. I wasn't sure what was moving as I've not read that much into it. I would think moving manufacturing would cost a TON to retool.

I'm in the Dallas area and sooner or later going back to the office. But I do imagine work from home options will open up
I'm in the Dallas area and sooner or later going back to the office. But I do imagine work from home options will open up

I am sure some will, but it will never be like it was. My brother is an architect out of Atlanta. While they were working from home due to COVID he moved 2 hours further away from his company. Over the summer they told them all Aug 1 was the day to be back in the office. He and a couple others said if they were made to come back they would quit...all are now full time remote and he even brought home his office chair.

People have prove they can get work done when not sitting in the office, and companies can save a shit ton of money in rent.
I am sure some will, but it will never be like it was. My brother is an architect out of Atlanta. While they were working from home due to COVID he moved 2 hours further away from his company. Over the summer they told them all Aug 1 was the day to be back in the office. He and a couple others said if they were made to come back they would quit...all are now full time remote and he even brought home his office chair.

People have prove they can get work done when not sitting in the office, and companies can save a shit ton of money in rent.
Yep. I would love to move further out away from city madness but waiting for things to settle before making it an issue.
Yep. I would love to move further out away from city madness but waiting for things to settle before making it an issue.

Yeah, I hear ya. If I get fulltime remote offer I will take it, but will not move for a while. Hoping it happens as my wife works for the VA and there are so many places we can go with them eventually.
Yeah, I hear ya. If I get fulltime remote offer I will take it, but will not move for a while. Hoping it happens as my wife works for the VA and there are so many places we can go with them eventually.
I have family in Orlando and could see in that area.

good luck!
Zoom, Teams, Gather, Skype, and about 1000 more.
We use Zoom and Teams now. Not quite the same. To each their own. My people prefer to be back in the office so they don't have distractions with kids, pets, etc.

Why are you judging?
We use Zoom and Teams now. Not quite the same. To each their own. My people prefer to be back in the office so they don't have distractions with kids, pets, etc.

Why are you judging?

Why are you? What makes the distractions of home any worse than the distractions of the office? I have far less distractions at home than I did in the office.
Why are you? What makes the distractions of home any worse than the distractions of the office? I have far less distractions at home than I did in the office.
I am not. I am saying many prefer to be back in the office. To each their own. Training younger people is easier face to face. You mean you have far fewer distractions? Thats you. You do you. I am not preaching to you or telling you what to do. But many do prefer to leave their house.
I am not. I am saying many prefer to be back in the office. To each their own. Training younger people is easier face to face. You mean you have far fewer distractions? Thats you. You do you. I am not preaching to you or telling you what to do. But many do prefer to leave their house.

I love leaving my house, but going to an office to sit in a cubicle is close to the bottom of reasons to leave.

I was playing around with the numbers and figured I saved about 19,000 miles from my cars since we got sent home. That is a savings of at around 2500 bucks just in gas not to mention wear and tear on the vehicles.
I love leaving my house, but going to an office to sit in a cubicle is close to the bottom of reasons to leave.

I was playing around with the numbers and figured I saved about 19,000 miles from my cars since we got sent home. That is a savings of at around 2500 bucks just in gas not to mention wear and tear on the vehicles.
So you do you. My office is a 10 minute walk. Many prefer collaboration. Not all. Plus I see clients and future clients frequently. We have different jobs. You do you but don't vilify others for disagreeing with you.
That's one of the risks a state takes when it maintains high taxes. You can go too far, and a business has to protect itself.
obama boogie.gif

Oracle is not going back to the office.

If you need a friend, get a dog.

Of course all cannot. But it is the trend. Not sure about in other cites, but ATT in St Louis made half their work force remote, and they had more than that which wanted to go remote. We have been working from home since March 18th and now they are talking about making it full time remote. No way I would choose to go back to driving 70 miles a day instead of walking to my office
ATT has been moving jobs to low tax states for decades. Unless your job requires a lands-on process you are in danger of your job moving to a cheaper state.

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