Tesla Powerwall in Australia: Electricity bill dives from $660 to $50

Ahhh, poor LapDog, if insults were the criteria for defeat, you lost a long time ago. Cars must meet specific requirements? Sure, yet now you propose changing the rules to make one car competitive that is at this time unable to compete. Truly I have never seen such a blatant display of rule by dictatorship. Now you demand that the rules of racing be changed so that cars that are not competitive can actually enter a race? Yes, my posts are not substantial, because I do not allow you to spew your ridiculous, ill thought, posts without pointing out how stupid they are.

"It is fair and competitive just as long as we change the rules so that it is as we dictate"?

Or, if a car can not compete because it fails to perform, we simply need to change the rules dictating that no car can perform?

Making it simply a test of who can change a tire, quickest?

Why do you waste your keystrokes to talk about something you have absolutely NO CLUE about? Do you even know how racing works? Significant changes have already been made in racing before. On large tracks like Daytona they have restricter plate racing because the cars were going so fast that when they wrecked they would fly off the track... if you don't have any idea whatsoever what you are talking about, you should just stop... you are embarrassing yourself.

Yes, the restrictor plates dropped the speeds by around 30 mph. But the cars can still go off the track into the stands. In other words the restrictor plates haven't done the job they were intended for. And the drivers hate them for the most part feeling that they increase the likelihood of crashes. Far better would have been to allow the racers to come up with an aerodynamic solution.

The same is true in F1. The FIA has mandated some good, and not so good rules that have turned what was once the pinnacle of car racing into a rather boring parade. Now I watch Isle of Man TT and Irish road racing as that is far more entertaining.

What you failed to mention... was WHY they believe the restrictor plates cause more crashes. It's because it makes everything so even that cars have to travel in packs to use the aerodynamics to the advantage of gaining speed.

Yes, it REQUIRES the drivers to pack in close together which leads to more accidents. in other words it's a fucking retarded solution to a very real problem. Sounds like the government.

No, what it did was start a chain of events that needs to be tweaked. Adapt and overcome. :) They wanted to slow down the cars that were getting faster and faster... they did that. Now they need to figure out a way to make it so that race cars can pass without so much bumper to bumper action.

Any time you need to tweak you're doing something wrong. Just sayin.
Leo? Come on now. Leo's foot print, and what he has done as far as building an eco-friendly island is unreal.

Are you on drugs? Leo's carbon footprint is over 1000 times higher than mine. Eco friendly resort? Once again, are you on drugs. The only way to get to it is via boat or airplane and it was a nice un fucked with piece of property. In other words it was virgin. Now it's not.

How do you expect people to get around the world? Sail boat?

You can not possibly be serious...

Hell, your ultra-Conservative Breitbart rag even wrote about his island...

Be Eco-Friendly at Leonardo DiCaprio's New Environmentalist Resort-for $2K a Night - Breitbart

You claim it's an "eco" resort but ignore the carbon expended in getting there. You also seem to think it great that he took a pristine island and fucked it up. Far better would have been to buy a pre-existing resort that was falling apart and fix that up. But no, that would be intelligent.

Again...how do you expect people to get around the world? Sail boat? It's not practical to be able to change EVERYTHING. You have to fight battles, one at a time, and let the war settle it'self out.

How on Earth are you "fighting a battle" when you take a perfect island and develop it? Wake the hell up silly person.

You are totally ignoring sooo many important points. I'm not even going to waste my time going into them, because you have made up your mind as has Etcetera. There is no discussion here. It's pointless.
Why do you waste your keystrokes to talk about something you have absolutely NO CLUE about? Do you even know how racing works? Significant changes have already been made in racing before. On large tracks like Daytona they have restricter plate racing because the cars were going so fast that when they wrecked they would fly off the track... if you don't have any idea whatsoever what you are talking about, you should just stop... you are embarrassing yourself.

Yes, the restrictor plates dropped the speeds by around 30 mph. But the cars can still go off the track into the stands. In other words the restrictor plates haven't done the job they were intended for. And the drivers hate them for the most part feeling that they increase the likelihood of crashes. Far better would have been to allow the racers to come up with an aerodynamic solution.

The same is true in F1. The FIA has mandated some good, and not so good rules that have turned what was once the pinnacle of car racing into a rather boring parade. Now I watch Isle of Man TT and Irish road racing as that is far more entertaining.

What you failed to mention... was WHY they believe the restrictor plates cause more crashes. It's because it makes everything so even that cars have to travel in packs to use the aerodynamics to the advantage of gaining speed.

Yes, it REQUIRES the drivers to pack in close together which leads to more accidents. in other words it's a fucking retarded solution to a very real problem. Sounds like the government.

No, what it did was start a chain of events that needs to be tweaked. Adapt and overcome. :) They wanted to slow down the cars that were getting faster and faster... they did that. Now they need to figure out a way to make it so that race cars can pass without so much bumper to bumper action.

Any time you need to tweak you're doing something wrong. Just sayin.

Uh... not even the most brilliant minds in the world get things right the first time all the time. Sorry, but that was a very ignorant statement to make.
Are you on drugs? Leo's carbon footprint is over 1000 times higher than mine. Eco friendly resort? Once again, are you on drugs. The only way to get to it is via boat or airplane and it was a nice un fucked with piece of property. In other words it was virgin. Now it's not.

How do you expect people to get around the world? Sail boat?

You can not possibly be serious...

Hell, your ultra-Conservative Breitbart rag even wrote about his island...

Be Eco-Friendly at Leonardo DiCaprio's New Environmentalist Resort-for $2K a Night - Breitbart

You claim it's an "eco" resort but ignore the carbon expended in getting there. You also seem to think it great that he took a pristine island and fucked it up. Far better would have been to buy a pre-existing resort that was falling apart and fix that up. But no, that would be intelligent.

Again...how do you expect people to get around the world? Sail boat? It's not practical to be able to change EVERYTHING. You have to fight battles, one at a time, and let the war settle it'self out.

How on Earth are you "fighting a battle" when you take a perfect island and develop it? Wake the hell up silly person.

You are totally ignoring sooo many important points. I'm not even going to waste my time going into them, because you have made up your mind as has Etcetera. There is no discussion here. It's pointless.

What am I "ignoring"? Please educate me instead of running away.
Yes, the restrictor plates dropped the speeds by around 30 mph. But the cars can still go off the track into the stands. In other words the restrictor plates haven't done the job they were intended for. And the drivers hate them for the most part feeling that they increase the likelihood of crashes. Far better would have been to allow the racers to come up with an aerodynamic solution.

The same is true in F1. The FIA has mandated some good, and not so good rules that have turned what was once the pinnacle of car racing into a rather boring parade. Now I watch Isle of Man TT and Irish road racing as that is far more entertaining.

What you failed to mention... was WHY they believe the restrictor plates cause more crashes. It's because it makes everything so even that cars have to travel in packs to use the aerodynamics to the advantage of gaining speed.

Yes, it REQUIRES the drivers to pack in close together which leads to more accidents. in other words it's a fucking retarded solution to a very real problem. Sounds like the government.

No, what it did was start a chain of events that needs to be tweaked. Adapt and overcome. :) They wanted to slow down the cars that were getting faster and faster... they did that. Now they need to figure out a way to make it so that race cars can pass without so much bumper to bumper action.

Any time you need to tweak you're doing something wrong. Just sayin.

Uh... not even the most brilliant minds in the world get things right the first time all the time. Sorry, but that was a very ignorant statement to make.

Nope. It's a realistic one. Rules are being written by people who have no clue about modern racing. Instead of "tweaking" the rules they should have convened the real experts and tried to figure out a way to achieve the goal with technology. When rules are used to achieve some goal there are always, and I mean always, unintended consequences. Sometimes they are beneficial, a rarity, but the usual result is something that makes a bad problem even worse, or as the restrictor plates have done, created a whole new problem that ultimately is worse than the problem they were trying to fix.
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Professional racing is structured so that there is competition.
True, and Electric cars are not structured so that they can compete thus, like all things Electric, you want the rules changed to give the appearance, that Electric can compete.
Seriously? Calling me non-sense coming from someone that made the statement that when oil dries up we die?

Edit: I've NEVER said we need to go without oil... NEVER. Prove I said that. In fact I've said we will NEVER be able to stop using oil and coal. BUT we need to limit it's use so it last longer, and so that we can minimize the effects it has on the environment.
How will you grow food with out Oil? Without Oil we do die. Using it faster to build Solar and Wind brings the end nearer. Solar and Wind consume far too much for what they provide us. How do you build a Wind Turbine without oil, is there a substitute for the Propene, which only comes from Oil, which you need to manufacture fiberglass?

Did you just seriously ask how you grow food without oil? OMG how in the hell did people live before we discovered oil?

Not very well. Fossil fuels have allowed the farming industry to industrialize. I suggest you look at the production rates pre, and post internal combustion engines.
An electric motor can do anything that a ICE can do. And, most of the time, do it better. As the energy density of batteries continues to increase, there will come a time when the ICE is relegated to the same role as the horse is today.

Sure it can. Let's see here, Isle of Man TT. The super bikes can do two laps at full speed then they have to stop for a refuel and more importantly a new rear tire (the real reason for the stop) while the electric class can make but a single lap. And that not nearly as fast as the super bikes. Hmmm. How about that Formula E class? Well lookey here, they do fewer laps than the Formula One cars, at a slower speed, and they have to stop and CHANGE CARS at the halfway point. Yeppers, they are so good you have to have two to perform not as well as a Formula One.

Or how about that solar powered airplane? Technology demonstrator I think they called it? Not really. It was far more of an endurance demonstrator. It took them months to traverse the world whereas a regular aircraft can do it in hours, and it was a highly dangerous flight for the pilots involved them not being able to sleep for over 5 days in a couple of instances.

That is what we call an epic fail dude.
No, ol' man, the epic fail is you once more lying.

Lightning electric motorbike wins the Pike Peak race hands down.

The lightning is the fastest production motorbike in the world.

Lightning Electric Motorcycle Fastest Electric MotorcycleLightning Motorcycles
Did you just seriously ask how you grow food without oil? OMG how in the hell did people live before we discovered oil?

Not very well. Fossil fuels have allowed the farming industry to industrialize. I suggest you look at the production rates pre, and post internal combustion engines.

Well of course, the production is going to be higher using combines and tractors, but just because those wouldn't be viable anymore doesn't mean we can't any longer grow food. It means that people will have to start growing their own food instead of depending on buying it from large farms. I'm not really sure why this idea is so hard to grasp. There are people RIGHT now living without any type of mechanical farming equipment, car, anything that uses oil... and they are living.

We will always be able to grow food. That's not the issue. the issue is efficiency. Oil won't be running out any time soon, and neither will coal. Technology will keep us going for quite a while. What annoys me is there are so many other, better uses for oil than using them to power our cars. I would love to see a broadcast energy system as envisioned by Tesla. That would be revolutionary, and environmentally friendly unlike the battery powered monstrosities we currently see.
Another really dumb ass 'Conservative' disses the present and future EV's. LOL

  • 2016_tesla_model-s_sedan_p90d_fq_oem_2_400.jpg
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2016 Tesla Model S Sedan Pricing & Features | Edmunds

Boy, would I ever love to have one of those 'monstrosities'. Tesla S, P100D

Tesla Model S - Car and Driver

Boasting up to 315 miles of range, the Model S is the all-electric dream car envied by many. Icing on the cake is Ludicrous mode that blasts the top P100D to 60 mph in a claimed 2.5 seconds. The lower-spec models offer reduced driving ranges and features, but the base 60 model we tested hit 60 mph in 5.5 seconds. Luxury items such as an air filter that Tesla says can protect occupants from bioweapons and pollutants—plus available high-tech features including Tesla’s Autopilot—seal the deal.

0 to legal limit acceleration that makes a GT-40 look like a lead sled.

Wow. Really? You want to go there, sport? My GT will top out at 214 mph. How about the Tesla? I can drive it for over 500 miles on a single tank of gas, refuel in minutes and drive another 500 miles. How about that Tesla? My car is over 50 years old and worth well over 1.5 million bucks. How about that Tesla? What happens when the battery bricks? Oh yeah, it ain't worth dog poo. In fact it becomes a net liability. 0-60 times you say? How about 4.2 seconds, but that is in a car geared to do 200 miles per hour. If I wanted to change the gearing I can drop my 0-60 times to the same as the Tesla.

See how that works. My 50 year old car is worth more, has a better top speed, is more driveable for long distances, corners like a dream compared to that Tesla whale (yes I have driven one) and isn't a polluting monstrosity when the battery packs up.
Still playing the dumb ass, Mr. Westwall? Why yes, your GT is worth a million and a half. And you cannot legally use that top end at all anywhere on the highway. And, were you to gear that GT to match a P100D, it would take a professional driver to keep it straight to the legal limit. Whereas a P100D can do that with granny driving, because of the torque control.

And the P100D is a three ton luxury car that can comfortably seat five. And you can drive it comfortably in the supermarket parking lot. No, it is not worth a million and a half. It can be had for less that $150,000. And it is over 90% made in America.
You obviously have never watched racing or you would understand what I am saying. Cars have to all meet specific requirements, making as even a playing field as possible, putting more onus on the driver's skill, and the strategy of the crew members.

I can see you've been defeated, as you have instead fallen into the idea of nothing substantial in your posts other than insults. Congrats.
Ahhh, poor LapDog, if insults were the criteria for defeat, you lost a long time ago. Cars must meet specific requirements? Sure, yet now you propose changing the rules to make one car competitive that is at this time unable to compete. Truly I have never seen such a blatant display of rule by dictatorship. Now you demand that the rules of racing be changed so that cars that are not competitive can actually enter a race? Yes, my posts are not substantial, because I do not allow you to spew your ridiculous, ill thought, posts without pointing out how stupid they are.

"It is fair and competitive just as long as we change the rules so that it is as we dictate"?

Or, if a car can not compete because it fails to perform, we simply need to change the rules dictating that no car can perform?

Making it simply a test of who can change a tire, quickest?

Why do you waste your keystrokes to talk about something you have absolutely NO CLUE about? Do you even know how racing works? Significant changes have already been made in racing before. On large tracks like Daytona they have restricter plate racing because the cars were going so fast that when they wrecked they would fly off the track... if you don't have any idea whatsoever what you are talking about, you should just stop... you are embarrassing yourself.

Yes, the restrictor plates dropped the speeds by around 30 mph. But the cars can still go off the track into the stands. In other words the restrictor plates haven't done the job they were intended for. And the drivers hate them for the most part feeling that they increase the likelihood of crashes. Far better would have been to allow the racers to come up with an aerodynamic solution.

The same is true in F1. The FIA has mandated some good, and not so good rules that have turned what was once the pinnacle of car racing into a rather boring parade. Now I watch Isle of Man TT and Irish road racing as that is far more entertaining.

What you failed to mention... was WHY they believe the restrictor plates cause more crashes. It's because it makes everything so even that cars have to travel in packs to use the aerodynamics to the advantage of gaining speed.

Yes, it REQUIRES the drivers to pack in close together which leads to more accidents. in other words it's a fucking retarded solution to a very real problem. Sounds like the government.
OK, Mr. Westwall, post us the government regulations for the restrictor plates. LOL
What you failed to mention... was WHY they believe the restrictor plates cause more crashes. It's because it makes everything so even that cars have to travel in packs to use the aerodynamics to the advantage of gaining speed.

Yes, it REQUIRES the drivers to pack in close together which leads to more accidents. in other words it's a fucking retarded solution to a very real problem. Sounds like the government.

No, what it did was start a chain of events that needs to be tweaked. Adapt and overcome. :) They wanted to slow down the cars that were getting faster and faster... they did that. Now they need to figure out a way to make it so that race cars can pass without so much bumper to bumper action.

Any time you need to tweak you're doing something wrong. Just sayin.

Uh... not even the most brilliant minds in the world get things right the first time all the time. Sorry, but that was a very ignorant statement to make.

Nope. It's a realistic one. Rules are being written by people who have no clue about modern racing. Instead of "tweaking" the rules they should have convened the real experts and tried to figure out a way to achieve the goal with technology. When rules are used to achieve some goal there are always, and I mean always, unintended consequences. Sometimes they are beneficial, a rarity, but the usual result is something that makes a bad problem even worse, or as the restrictor plates have done, created a whole new problem that ultimately is worse than the problem they were trying to fix.
OK, post for us who those people are that are making the rules, and who they work for. I bet you are afraid to do that, Mr. Westwall.
Professional racing is structured so that there is competition.
True, and Electric cars are not structured so that they can compete thus, like all things Electric, you want the rules changed to give the appearance, that Electric can compete.
In about ten years, the battery technology will have advanced to the point where the batteries will have as much or more energy density as liquid fuels. And they will beat the socks off of the ICE's. The ICE will be relegated to the same role as the horse is today.
How will you grow food with out Oil? Without Oil we do die. Using it faster to build Solar and Wind brings the end nearer. Solar and Wind consume far too much for what they provide us. How do you build a Wind Turbine without oil, is there a substitute for the Propene, which only comes from Oil, which you need to manufacture fiberglass?

Did you just seriously ask how you grow food without oil? OMG how in the hell did people live before we discovered oil?

Not very well. Fossil fuels have allowed the farming industry to industrialize. I suggest you look at the production rates pre, and post internal combustion engines.
An electric motor can do anything that a ICE can do. And, most of the time, do it better. As the energy density of batteries continues to increase, there will come a time when the ICE is relegated to the same role as the horse is today.

Sure it can. Let's see here, Isle of Man TT. The super bikes can do two laps at full speed then they have to stop for a refuel and more importantly a new rear tire (the real reason for the stop) while the electric class can make but a single lap. And that not nearly as fast as the super bikes. Hmmm. How about that Formula E class? Well lookey here, they do fewer laps than the Formula One cars, at a slower speed, and they have to stop and CHANGE CARS at the halfway point. Yeppers, they are so good you have to have two to perform not as well as a Formula One.

Or how about that solar powered airplane? Technology demonstrator I think they called it? Not really. It was far more of an endurance demonstrator. It took them months to traverse the world whereas a regular aircraft can do it in hours, and it was a highly dangerous flight for the pilots involved them not being able to sleep for over 5 days in a couple of instances.

That is what we call an epic fail dude.
No, ol' man, the epic fail is you once more lying.

Lightning electric motorbike wins the Pike Peak race hands down.

The lightning is the fastest production motorbike in the world.

Lightning Electric Motorcycle Fastest Electric MotorcycleLightning Motorcycles

Oh big whoop. Here's the reality olfraud....And, the electric bike is 4.3 MILLION dollars. Compared to 125,000 for the ICE powered bikes. So, you're slower, can manage only a single lap, and cost shitloads more. Yeppers, only your typical brain dead progressive would think that was smart....


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Not very well. Fossil fuels have allowed the farming industry to industrialize. I suggest you look at the production rates pre, and post internal combustion engines.

Well of course, the production is going to be higher using combines and tractors, but just because those wouldn't be viable anymore doesn't mean we can't any longer grow food. It means that people will have to start growing their own food instead of depending on buying it from large farms. I'm not really sure why this idea is so hard to grasp. There are people RIGHT now living without any type of mechanical farming equipment, car, anything that uses oil... and they are living.

We will always be able to grow food. That's not the issue. the issue is efficiency. Oil won't be running out any time soon, and neither will coal. Technology will keep us going for quite a while. What annoys me is there are so many other, better uses for oil than using them to power our cars. I would love to see a broadcast energy system as envisioned by Tesla. That would be revolutionary, and environmentally friendly unlike the battery powered monstrosities we currently see.
Another really dumb ass 'Conservative' disses the present and future EV's. LOL

  • 2016_tesla_model-s_sedan_p90d_fq_oem_2_400.jpg
  • 2016_tesla_model-s_sedan_90d_rq_oem_1_400.jpg
  • 2016_tesla_model-s_sedan_90d_s_oem_1_400.jpg
  • 2016_tesla_model-s_sedan_90d_i_oem_3_400.jpg
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2016 Tesla Model S Sedan Pricing & Features | Edmunds

Boy, would I ever love to have one of those 'monstrosities'. Tesla S, P100D

Tesla Model S - Car and Driver

Boasting up to 315 miles of range, the Model S is the all-electric dream car envied by many. Icing on the cake is Ludicrous mode that blasts the top P100D to 60 mph in a claimed 2.5 seconds. The lower-spec models offer reduced driving ranges and features, but the base 60 model we tested hit 60 mph in 5.5 seconds. Luxury items such as an air filter that Tesla says can protect occupants from bioweapons and pollutants—plus available high-tech features including Tesla’s Autopilot—seal the deal.

0 to legal limit acceleration that makes a GT-40 look like a lead sled.

Wow. Really? You want to go there, sport? My GT will top out at 214 mph. How about the Tesla? I can drive it for over 500 miles on a single tank of gas, refuel in minutes and drive another 500 miles. How about that Tesla? My car is over 50 years old and worth well over 1.5 million bucks. How about that Tesla? What happens when the battery bricks? Oh yeah, it ain't worth dog poo. In fact it becomes a net liability. 0-60 times you say? How about 4.2 seconds, but that is in a car geared to do 200 miles per hour. If I wanted to change the gearing I can drop my 0-60 times to the same as the Tesla.

See how that works. My 50 year old car is worth more, has a better top speed, is more driveable for long distances, corners like a dream compared to that Tesla whale (yes I have driven one) and isn't a polluting monstrosity when the battery packs up.
Still playing the dumb ass, Mr. Westwall? Why yes, your GT is worth a million and a half. And you cannot legally use that top end at all anywhere on the highway. And, were you to gear that GT to match a P100D, it would take a professional driver to keep it straight to the legal limit. Whereas a P100D can do that with granny driving, because of the torque control.

And the P100D is a three ton luxury car that can comfortably seat five. And you can drive it comfortably in the supermarket parking lot. No, it is not worth a million and a half. It can be had for less that $150,000. And it is over 90% made in America.

Wow, you really don't anything do you. No, it would not take a "professional driver to keep it straight" where the hell do you idiots come from, you have clearly never, ever, driven a high performance car. Ever. Here's the deal silly man, going straight is easy. Any old dumbshit can do that. Even you. The skill comes in when you are taking the corners, that's where you need a competent driver.

I can drive my car comfortably anywhere. It is a very comfortable car to drive. I can seat two. That's what it was designed for. I can even go to the supermarket (and have) to get a good load of groceries. And, like I said before, I can drive 1000 miles in a single day (and have) good luck doing that with your Tesla. And my car will continue to appreciate while the Tesla will drop to nothing.
Yes, it REQUIRES the drivers to pack in close together which leads to more accidents. in other words it's a fucking retarded solution to a very real problem. Sounds like the government.

No, what it did was start a chain of events that needs to be tweaked. Adapt and overcome. :) They wanted to slow down the cars that were getting faster and faster... they did that. Now they need to figure out a way to make it so that race cars can pass without so much bumper to bumper action.

Any time you need to tweak you're doing something wrong. Just sayin.

Uh... not even the most brilliant minds in the world get things right the first time all the time. Sorry, but that was a very ignorant statement to make.

Nope. It's a realistic one. Rules are being written by people who have no clue about modern racing. Instead of "tweaking" the rules they should have convened the real experts and tried to figure out a way to achieve the goal with technology. When rules are used to achieve some goal there are always, and I mean always, unintended consequences. Sometimes they are beneficial, a rarity, but the usual result is something that makes a bad problem even worse, or as the restrictor plates have done, created a whole new problem that ultimately is worse than the problem they were trying to fix.
OK, post for us who those people are that are making the rules, and who they work for. I bet you are afraid to do that, Mr. Westwall.

Why on Earth would I be afraid to do that? Here's the link to NASCAR, they set the rules. Tell me that the restrictor plate rules have been beneficial to the sport. Tell me how the rule has made things "safer". C'mon silly man.

Professional racing is structured so that there is competition.
True, and Electric cars are not structured so that they can compete thus, like all things Electric, you want the rules changed to give the appearance, that Electric can compete.
In about ten years, the battery technology will have advanced to the point where the batteries will have as much or more energy density as liquid fuels. And they will beat the socks off of the ICE's. The ICE will be relegated to the same role as the horse is today.

:laugh::laugh::laugh: Keep dreamin dude. Battery technology is stagnant for the most part. So long as that is the primary method of storing energy you ain't going nowhere. It is a old technology that is bound by the laws of physics.
In about ten years, the battery technology will have advanced to the point where the batteries will have as much or more energy density as liquid fuels. And they will beat the socks off of the ICE's. The ICE will be relegated to the same role as the horse is today.
ICE, you mean an engine? An Engine contains no energy, you mental giant, do you drink when you post? Are you feeble? Can you make a sentence with the words, Hare, Hunter, and Field? In 10 years the government will do what they have claimed they will do tomorrow, solving a problem EverReady and Duracell have spent a 100 years on. Old Crock continues his Crock of shit. The part that Old Crock is not able to comprehend, that in ten years, you will still need Oil, to make batteries, and if everyone is using batteries, then that is a huge, new, market for Oil. To save the Oil, Old Crock will use all the Oil on a dream that will always fail, at the least, it fails because it is a dream that is fueled or built with Oil. Dream on dumb fuck!
Did you just seriously ask how you grow food without oil? OMG how in the hell did people live before we discovered oil?

Not very well. Fossil fuels have allowed the farming industry to industrialize. I suggest you look at the production rates pre, and post internal combustion engines.
An electric motor can do anything that a ICE can do. And, most of the time, do it better. As the energy density of batteries continues to increase, there will come a time when the ICE is relegated to the same role as the horse is today.

Sure it can. Let's see here, Isle of Man TT. The super bikes can do two laps at full speed then they have to stop for a refuel and more importantly a new rear tire (the real reason for the stop) while the electric class can make but a single lap. And that not nearly as fast as the super bikes. Hmmm. How about that Formula E class? Well lookey here, they do fewer laps than the Formula One cars, at a slower speed, and they have to stop and CHANGE CARS at the halfway point. Yeppers, they are so good you have to have two to perform not as well as a Formula One.

Or how about that solar powered airplane? Technology demonstrator I think they called it? Not really. It was far more of an endurance demonstrator. It took them months to traverse the world whereas a regular aircraft can do it in hours, and it was a highly dangerous flight for the pilots involved them not being able to sleep for over 5 days in a couple of instances.

That is what we call an epic fail dude.
No, ol' man, the epic fail is you once more lying.

Lightning electric motorbike wins the Pike Peak race hands down.

The lightning is the fastest production motorbike in the world.

Lightning Electric Motorcycle Fastest Electric MotorcycleLightning Motorcycles

Oh big whoop. Here's the reality olfraud....And, the electric bike is 4.3 MILLION dollars. Compared to 125,000 for the ICE powered bikes. So, you're slower, can manage only a single lap, and cost shitloads more. Yeppers, only your typical brain dead progressive would think that was smart....


Again, what a liar you are, Mr. Westwall. The Lightning motorcycle retails beginning at $39,000.

Lightning Electric Motorcycle Fastest Electric MotorcycleLightning Motorcycles

Lightning Motorcycle has designed and produced a Sportbike sure to change the minds of anyone doubting electric motorcycle performance. The LS-218 is the fastest production motorcycle in the world - gas or electric. Retail price starts at $38,888 USD.

Again, the Lightning tops out at 218 mph.

Specifications - Lightning MotorcyclesLightning Motorcycles

And the lightning in the top class for motorcycles at the Pikes Peak race beat the closest ICE motorcycle in the race by 20 seconds. That is in a race usually decided in tenths of a second.

Lightning Makes History At Pikes Peak
No, what it did was start a chain of events that needs to be tweaked. Adapt and overcome. :) They wanted to slow down the cars that were getting faster and faster... they did that. Now they need to figure out a way to make it so that race cars can pass without so much bumper to bumper action.

Any time you need to tweak you're doing something wrong. Just sayin.

Uh... not even the most brilliant minds in the world get things right the first time all the time. Sorry, but that was a very ignorant statement to make.

Nope. It's a realistic one. Rules are being written by people who have no clue about modern racing. Instead of "tweaking" the rules they should have convened the real experts and tried to figure out a way to achieve the goal with technology. When rules are used to achieve some goal there are always, and I mean always, unintended consequences. Sometimes they are beneficial, a rarity, but the usual result is something that makes a bad problem even worse, or as the restrictor plates have done, created a whole new problem that ultimately is worse than the problem they were trying to fix.
OK, post for us who those people are that are making the rules, and who they work for. I bet you are afraid to do that, Mr. Westwall.

Why on Earth would I be afraid to do that? Here's the link to NASCAR, they set the rules. Tell me that the restrictor plate rules have been beneficial to the sport. Tell me how the rule has made things "safer". C'mon silly man.

So, it is NASCAR, not the government that makes the rules for the stockers. So any beef concerning those rules should be directed in the direction of a private concern, NASCAR.
Professional racing is structured so that there is competition.
True, and Electric cars are not structured so that they can compete thus, like all things Electric, you want the rules changed to give the appearance, that Electric can compete.
In about ten years, the battery technology will have advanced to the point where the batteries will have as much or more energy density as liquid fuels. And they will beat the socks off of the ICE's. The ICE will be relegated to the same role as the horse is today.

:laugh::laugh::laugh: Keep dreamin dude. Battery technology is stagnant for the most part. So long as that is the primary method of storing energy you ain't going nowhere. It is a old technology that is bound by the laws of physics.
What a fucking liar you continue to be, Mr. Westwall. Battery technology is going leaps and bounds. Oncor, the largest utility in Texas, has stated that the economic line for grid scale batteries is $350 per kw/hr. Tesla is now offering grid scale batteries at $250 per kw/hr.

Why Tesla Batteries Are Cheap Enough To Prevent New Power Plants

Tesla Wins Massive Contract to Power the California Grid

Tesla just won a bid to supply grid-scale power in Southern California to help prevent electricity shortages following the biggest natural gas leak in U.S. history. The Powerpacks, worth tens of millions of dollars, will be operational in record time—by the end of this year.

Tesla Motors Inc. will supply 20 megawatts (80 megawatt-hours) of energy storage to Southern California Edison as part of a wider effort to prevent blackouts by replacing fossil-fuel electricity generation with lithium-ion batteries. Tesla's contribution is enough to power about 2,500 homes for a full day, the company said in a blog post on Thursday. But the real significance of the deal is the speed with which lithium-ion battery packs are being deployed.
Tesla Motors Inc. will supply 20 megawatts (80 megawatt-hours) of energy storage to Southern California Edison as part of a wider effort to prevent blackouts by replacing fossil-fuel electricity generation with lithium-ion batteries. Tesla's contribution is enough to power about 2,500 homes for a full day, the company said in a blog post on Thursday. But the real significance of the deal is the speed with which lithium-ion battery packs are being deployed.
20 mwh is enough power to prevent blackouts? If that was true, the billions of dollars spend on Renewables would of prevented blackouts. 20 mwh? That is all they are short. Old Crock is really stupid.

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