Test your inner redneck

The reason "Redneck" or even "Hillbilly" isn't offensive is because whites were never oppressed in America. We were oppressed in our former land which is why we came to America.........Yet we ended up oppressing others just as we didn't want to be oppressed..............
... huh?


Maybe you should remember that the next time someone labels a black joke racist

What in the wide world of fuck are you talking about? Where did I do this?
Nobody brought up race here.

... SMH
The Right has to blur the meaning of racism, in order to claim they're not racist.

Incorrect dumbfuck

noun \ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi-\
: poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race

: the belief that some races of people are better than others

Full Definition of RACISM
: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
: racial prejudice or discrimination
rac·ist noun or adjective
See racism defined for English-language learners »
See racism defined for kids »

The LEFT is who tries to change the definition to fit their agenda. Sorta like making up the word Islamaphobe to fit their agenda, or homophobe

So where is your link to my "black joke" posts, asswipe?

Where did I claim you made a black joke you illiterate moron?
The reason "Redneck" or even "Hillbilly" isn't offensive is because whites were never oppressed in America. We were oppressed in our former land which is why we came to America.........Yet we ended up oppressing others just as we didn't want to be oppressed..............

Whites were never oppressed in America, eh? Tell that to the italians and the irish, just to name a few.
Super Redneck. My relatives are from Virginia and North Carolina, Mississippi, and I was born in Missouri.

Maybe you should remember that the next time someone labels a black joke racist

What in the wide world of fuck are you talking about? Where did I do this?
Nobody brought up race here.

... SMH
The Right has to blur the meaning of racism, in order to claim they're not racist.

Incorrect dumbfuck

noun \ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi-\
: poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race

: the belief that some races of people are better than others

Full Definition of RACISM
: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
: racial prejudice or discrimination
rac·ist noun or adjective
See racism defined for English-language learners »
See racism defined for kids »

The LEFT is who tries to change the definition to fit their agenda. Sorta like making up the word Islamaphobe to fit their agenda, or homophobe

So where is your link to my "black joke" posts, asswipe?

Where did I claim you made a black joke you illiterate moron?

24, shit-for-brains, 24.

Fucking coward.
The reason "Redneck" or even "Hillbilly" isn't offensive is because whites were never oppressed in America. We were oppressed in our former land which is why we came to America.........Yet we ended up oppressing others just as we didn't want to be oppressed..............

Whites were never oppressed in America, eh? Tell that to the italians and the irish, just to name a few.

The idea that is a slur is only offensive if whichever group that slur is aimed at was oppressed is just stupid.

After 4 odd months of being on this board, I've absolutely no idea how the left can have the unmitigated gall to claim that they have the smart people LOL
The reason "Redneck" or even "Hillbilly" isn't offensive is because whites were never oppressed in America. We were oppressed in our former land which is why we came to America.........Yet we ended up oppressing others just as we didn't want to be oppressed..............

Whites were never oppressed in America, eh? Tell that to the italians and the irish, just to name a few.

Oppressed by who LOL! I'll let you figure out your own flaws here.

(Watch him come back and say they were oppressed by the Indians that wouldn't allow them to take their land without a fight)
The reason "Redneck" or even "Hillbilly" isn't offensive is because whites were never oppressed in America. We were oppressed in our former land which is why we came to America.........Yet we ended up oppressing others just as we didn't want to be oppressed..............

Whites were never oppressed in America, eh? Tell that to the italians and the irish, just to name a few.

Italian and Irish aren't races though.
What in the wide world of fuck are you talking about? Where did I do this?
Nobody brought up race here.

... SMH
The Right has to blur the meaning of racism, in order to claim they're not racist.

Incorrect dumbfuck

noun \ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi-\
: poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race

: the belief that some races of people are better than others

Full Definition of RACISM
: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
: racial prejudice or discrimination
rac·ist noun or adjective
See racism defined for English-language learners »
See racism defined for kids »

The LEFT is who tries to change the definition to fit their agenda. Sorta like making up the word Islamaphobe to fit their agenda, or homophobe

So where is your link to my "black joke" posts, asswipe?

Where did I claim you made a black joke you illiterate moron?

24, shit-for-brains, 24.

Fucking coward.

Let me see if I understand you correctly here.

I'm a coward for asking you to prove I said what you claimed I said? Welcome to my ignore list Pogo, you should have been there long ago,but now you are
The Right has to blur the meaning of racism, in order to claim they're not racist.

Incorrect dumbfuck

noun \ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi-\
: poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race

: the belief that some races of people are better than others

Full Definition of RACISM
: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
: racial prejudice or discrimination
rac·ist noun or adjective
See racism defined for English-language learners »
See racism defined for kids »

The LEFT is who tries to change the definition to fit their agenda. Sorta like making up the word Islamaphobe to fit their agenda, or homophobe

So where is your link to my "black joke" posts, asswipe?

Where did I claim you made a black joke you illiterate moron?

24, shit-for-brains, 24.

Fucking coward.

Let me see if I understand you correctly here.

I'm a coward for asking you to prove I said what you claimed I said? Welcome to my ignore list Pogo, you should have been there long ago,but now you are

About what I expected, fucking COWARD. Run away! Run away!

Don't you ever ooze in here with accusations you can't prove, dickhead.
The reason "Redneck" or even "Hillbilly" isn't offensive is because whites were never oppressed in America. We were oppressed in our former land which is why we came to America.........Yet we ended up oppressing others just as we didn't want to be oppressed..............

Whites were never oppressed in America, eh? Tell that to the italians and the irish, just to name a few.

Oppressed by who LOL! I'll let you figure out your own flaws here.

(Watch him come back and say they were oppressed by the Indians that wouldn't allow them to take their land without a fight)

You're joking right? The mafia was formed precisely because the Italians were oppressed

In fact, EXACTLY no different than how or why black street gangs formed .

The irish went exactly the other route and became cops
The reason "Redneck" or even "Hillbilly" isn't offensive is because whites were never oppressed in America. We were oppressed in our former land which is why we came to America.........Yet we ended up oppressing others just as we didn't want to be oppressed..............

Whites were never oppressed in America, eh? Tell that to the italians and the irish, just to name a few.

Oppressed by who LOL! I'll let you figure out your own flaws here.

(Watch him come back and say they were oppressed by the Indians that wouldn't allow them to take their land without a fight)

You're joking right? The mafia was formed precisely because the Italians were oppressed

In fact, EXACTLY no different than how or why black street gangs formed .

The irish went exactly the other route and became cops

And firemen.
The reason "Redneck" or even "Hillbilly" isn't offensive is because whites were never oppressed in America. We were oppressed in our former land which is why we came to America.........Yet we ended up oppressing others just as we didn't want to be oppressed..............

Whites were never oppressed in America, eh? Tell that to the italians and the irish, just to name a few.

The idea that is a slur is only offensive if whichever group that slur is aimed at was oppressed is just stupid.

After 4 odd months of being on this board, I've absolutely no idea how the left can have the unmitigated gall to claim that they have the smart people LOL

I've read your posts. Other than being a foul mouthed insulting teabagger, there is little else that you do have an idea about.
Incorrect dumbfuck

noun \ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi-\
: poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race

: the belief that some races of people are better than others

Full Definition of RACISM
: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
: racial prejudice or discrimination
rac·ist noun or adjective
See racism defined for English-language learners »
See racism defined for kids »

The LEFT is who tries to change the definition to fit their agenda. Sorta like making up the word Islamaphobe to fit their agenda, or homophobe

So where is your link to my "black joke" posts, asswipe?

Where did I claim you made a black joke you illiterate moron?

24, shit-for-brains, 24.

Fucking coward.

Let me see if I understand you correctly here.

I'm a coward for asking you to prove I said what you claimed I said? Welcome to my ignore list Pogo, you should have been there long ago,but now you are

About what I expected, fucking COWARD. Run away! Run away!

Don't think that just because poo bear said he was ignoring you that he actually will. He still reads all your posts, and even responds to some when he forgets he said he was ignoring you. I still haven't figured out how that works.
The reason "Redneck" or even "Hillbilly" isn't offensive is because whites were never oppressed in America. We were oppressed in our former land which is why we came to America.........Yet we ended up oppressing others just as we didn't want to be oppressed..............

Whites were never oppressed in America, eh? Tell that to the italians and the irish, just to name a few.

Oppressed by who LOL! I'll let you figure out your own flaws here.

(Watch him come back and say they were oppressed by the Indians that wouldn't allow them to take their land without a fight)

You're joking right? The mafia was formed precisely because the Italians were oppressed

In fact, EXACTLY no different than how or why black street gangs formed .

The irish went exactly the other route and became cops

Wrong. The Mafia has its roots in early 19th century with the economic sea change from feudalism too private land ownership. It took up the slack of missing civil authority.

Banditry was a serious problem at the time. Rising food prices,[15] the loss of public and church lands,[14] and the loss of feudal commons pushed many desperate peasants to banditry. With no police to call upon, local elites in countryside towns recruited young men into "companies-at-arms" to hunt down thieves and negotiate the return of stolen property, in exchange for a pardon for the thieves and a fee from the victims.[22] These companies-at-arms were often made up of former bandits and criminals, usually the most skilled and violent of them.[15] While this saved communities the trouble of training their own policemen, it may have made the companies-at-arms more inclined to collude with their former brethren rather than destroy them.[15]
-- Wiki
So while one is within the legal system and one without, the two routes aren't "exactly opposite".
So where is your link to my "black joke" posts, asswipe?

Where did I claim you made a black joke you illiterate moron?

24, shit-for-brains, 24.

Fucking coward.

Let me see if I understand you correctly here.

I'm a coward for asking you to prove I said what you claimed I said? Welcome to my ignore list Pogo, you should have been there long ago,but now you are

About what I expected, fucking COWARD. Run away! Run away!

Don't think that just because poo bear said he was ignoring you that he actually will. He still reads all your posts, and even responds to some when he forgets he said he was ignoring you. I still haven't figured out how that works.

He'll run away from this one. Jammed his foot in his mouth and can't man up to admit it. Which speaks volumes.

edit: he's gone and started a poor-me thread where he tries to revise his own history. What a loser.
Last edited:
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Super Red Neck!
Congratulations! You just got your diploma from the Red Neck University! You did well and passed this red neck quiz! You should be very proud cause you are Granny-Slappin Good!

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