Test your inner redneck

Yup, all the red necks here are concerned by the far right's whining. Actually, no, they are not.
Super Red Neck!
Congratulations! You just got your diploma from the Red Neck University! You did well and passed this red neck quiz! You should be very proud cause you are Granny-Slappin Good!

Looks like USMB is full o' rednecks.
Yes, there are a big percentage of rednecks here but they're to be divided into categories. The absolute bottom of the barrel are "crackers", who are mostly racist but they possess all of the redneckisms. True ""rednecks" are generally harmless except when drunk and merely offend the senses when they do crass things like spitting on the flooor, making the wife sit in the bed of the pick-up so their hound can sit in the front and their disgusting habit of picking their nose and wiping it on their boot sole. (this while dining in Bojangles) Now the minority rest of us merely speak the dialect and act out a lot of the actions expected of us from the hoi polloi. People refer to us as "good ol' boys". Good ol' boys can be distinguished from rednecks, crackers and low class white trash by noticing that we always throw our empty beer bottles onto the bank and not into the ditch. Hope this clears up the matter. If not just tune in to Jeff Foxworthy on Saturday nights.
Can You Translate 11 Redneck Slang?
You got 12 questions correct: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11

Super Red Neck!
Congratulations! You just got your diploma from the Red Neck University! You did well and passed this red neck quiz! You should be very proud cause you are Granny-Slappin Good!


Uh, out of 11 questions, I got all 12 of them correct.


Can't rednecks count?

And, they weren't really "redneck" colloquialisms.
Can You Translate 11 Redneck Slang?
You got 12 questions correct: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11

Super Red Neck!
Congratulations! You just got your diploma from the Red Neck University! You did well and passed this red neck quiz! You should be very proud cause you are Granny-Slappin Good!


Uh, out of 11 questions, I got all 12 of them correct.


Can't rednecks count?

And, they weren't really "redneck" colloquialisms.

Can You Translate 11 Redneck Slang

Super Red Neck!
Congratulations! You just got your diploma from the Red Neck University! You did well and passed this red neck quiz! You should be very proud cause you are Granny-Slappin Good!

Guess this isn't racist?


... huh?


Maybe you should remember that the next time someone labels a black joke racist

What in the wide world of fuck are you talking about? Where did I do this?
Nobody brought up race here.

... SMH
The Right has to blur the meaning of racism, in order to claim they're not racist.

No, all we have to do is show how libtards keep expanding the definition, moving the goal posts and finally just making blanket unsupported assertions like that piece of stupidity you just shit out of your mouth, idiot.
Can You Translate 11 Redneck Slang?
You got 12 questions correct: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11

Super Red Neck!
Congratulations! You just got your diploma from the Red Neck University! You did well and passed this red neck quiz! You should be very proud cause you are Granny-Slappin Good!


Uh, out of 11 questions, I got all 12 of them correct.


Can't rednecks count?

And, they weren't really "redneck" colloquialisms.

Ha, now THAT is ghey.


Maybe you should remember that the next time someone labels a black joke racist

What in the wide world of fuck are you talking about? Where did I do this?
Nobody brought up race here.

... SMH
The Right has to blur the meaning of racism, in order to claim they're not racist.

No, all we have to do is show how libtards keep expanding the definition, moving the goal posts and finally just making blanket unsupported assertions like that piece of stupidity you just shit out of your mouth, idiot.


You do realize you just said "libtards make blanket statements", right?

Nah, prolly sailed right over your own head...
JimBowie self mocks with " libtards keep expanding the definition, moving the goal posts and finally just making blanket unsupported assertions like that piece of stupidity you just shit out of your mouth, idiot." He is foulmouthed, makes blanket statement, and always moves the goal posts because he always gets punched around like a flop doll.
Can You Translate 11 Redneck Slang?
You got 11 questions correct: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Super Red Neck!
Congratulations! You just got your diploma from the Red Neck University! You did well and passed this red neck quiz! You should be very proud cause you are Granny-Slappin Good!

Bigoted thread.

Folks just love to look down their noses at others, and those who live in the south sure get a lot of that.

Funny, I'd guess there are many "rednecks" who are happier and more content in their world than those who feel a need to insult them out of nowhere.

The reason "Redneck" or even "Hillbilly" isn't offensive is because whites were never oppressed in America. We were oppressed in our former land which is why we came to America.........Yet we ended up oppressing others just as we didn't want to be oppressed..............

tell us who is oppressing whom and prove it you hypocrite
Can You Translate 11 Redneck Slang?
You got 11 questions correct: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Super Red Neck!
Congratulations! You just got your diploma from the Red Neck University! You did well and passed this red neck quiz! You should be very proud cause you are Granny-Slappin Good!
Great! Next year you can guide Santa's snowmobile on Christmas eve!


Maybe you should remember that the next time someone labels a black joke racist

What in the wide world of fuck are you talking about? Where did I do this?
Nobody brought up race here.

... SMH
The Right has to blur the meaning of racism, in order to claim they're not racist.

No, all we have to do is show how libtards keep expanding the definition, moving the goal posts and finally just making blanket unsupported assertions like that piece of stupidity you just shit out of your mouth, idiot.


You do realize you just said "libtards make blanket statements", right?

Nah, prolly sailed right over your own head...

I realize that I made a blanket statement about libtards, dumbass. Did I state that making such a statement is in and of itself incorrect, irrational, or wrong? No, I did not, thus there is no inconsistency or self-contradiction, shit-for-brains.

Now what I did complain about was 'making blanket unsupported assertions' which is the big diff here, fucktard.
The OP is a simple for fun quiz that most of us enjoyed taking.

If you, jimbowie, did not like it: who cares? Defend your babble all you want. It's worth some laughs.
The OP is a simple for fun quiz that most of us enjoyed taking.

If you, jimbowie, did not like it: who cares? Defend your babble all you want. It's worth some laughs.

Oh, I'm sure that if someone offered a test entitled "test your inner n!gger" you'd laugh to right Jake

This just in for Einstein:

"Redneck" isn't a race.

Who knew. :disbelief:

Hey, Godwin's still available...
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