Texas about to whack EV drivers upside the head!

But people don't like EV drivers getting a tax credit when they purchase a car. Most think it's ghey.

So since most people by far don't want to drive an EV, it's a political win for law makers.

Anyway....most EV drivers are well to do....they can afford it :fingerscrossed: :fingerscrossed:
I drive about 36k and average 36 miles per gallon of gas and the Texas gas tax is .20, so what would be my yearly average on gas tax?

If I am correct I use one thousand gallons of gas per year and the tax for that that is issued to Texas is .20, so my tax payment yearly is two hundred dollars…

So I say I am paying less but hell maybe you can convince me otherwise…

That was for WinterBorn and not you…
I don't think we will get to "10s of millions of EV owners" very soon.

And given that most electric companies have better rates for off-peak hours, they would probably be charging them in the middle of the night. Most employers would frown on using company power to charge EVs.

You might want to check out how EV owners pay for charging away from home. There's an app for that.

Creating another tax to make up for lost gasoline taxes is wrong and a poor move targeting the electric vehicle drivers. If they are going to go to a tax per mile, or some form of it, they should do it by mileage across the board and dump the per gallon gas tax. Sounds like that republican state has already been taken over by the Democrats. Texans better keep an eye on their "privilege" tax on non-exempt businesses, which sound like an income tax by any other name.
gas tax pays for road repair and adds. Are you suggesting EV cars don't put wear on roads too? hahahahahahaahahahahha can't make up the silliness of demofks. Oh and don't forget the maintenance on the power Grids to accommodate the added load. Fking rich people want shit for free too. wow.
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Skooks, they aren't willing to pay for the road maintenance needed to get them around. Now that truly is
Average cost of gas in Texas is currently $3.156 per gal. If your mpg is between 15 mpg and 28 mpg, you are spending between $0.21 and $0.11 per mile.

The actual mileage on a Tesla Model S Plaid is 300 miles per charge. Electricity in Texas costs, on average, $0.10 and $0.12 per Kw hour. So driving a Tesla Model S costs between $0.03 and $0.04 per mile.

So it will cost, at best, $0.08 per mile more running on gasoline. The average person in the US drives their car 12,000 per year. If it costs you $0.08 per mile more, you will spend $960 more per year to drive 12k miles.

But you are actually GETTING the gas.

Well, you rationalize it however you want, we all know the actual costs will always end up more than expected for an EV. Like Obummacare, they are being marketed as simple, easy and cheap so like Obummacare, we know that EVs will really be complicated to own and expensive. Bottom line is that right off the bat, EV owners are getting hit with a $500 fee out of their pockets they didn't expect and they still have all the liabilities of needing lengthy charges, then there is the matter of replacing those dangerously explosive batteries.
I think everyone should buy an EV so they can suffer the predictable surprises.
I'm not sure they do....

I've been paying taxes for over 40 years.... I don't think I have spent more than ten seconds thinking someone else's tax deductions were "ghey".

If nobody wants to drive an EV...I'd love to hear why the waiting list (reported in Business Insider) is as long as 10 months..

However, I do think it's incredibly ironic that a lot of conservatives who claim to be from Texas post fawning things about Elon Musk who is making these cars....that will devalue the one thing that makes Texas remotely appealing...oil.
Good point on seconds of time spent thing someone else's tax deductions were "ghey".
Taxes, no matter how you collect them have never and will never be liked, unless you are the one that gets to call the shots on how the money is spent. Then your plan is wonderful, forward thinking and a boon to society and mankind until it is despised and somebody wants everybody to have something better or newer.
Skooks, they aren't willing to pay for the road maintenance needed to get them around. Now that truly is View attachment 601662

Progressives think if they are model citizens, paying for stuff doesn't apply to them. Most EV drivers are particularly arrogant.

As Ive been saying in here for 10 years.......costs don't matter to progressives. Until they get smacked upside of the head. :cul2:
Progressives think if they are model citizens, paying for stuff doesn't apply to them. Most EV drivers are particularly arrogant.

As Ive been saying in here for 10 years.......costs don't matter to progressives. Until they get smacked upside of the head. :cul2:
And then they file for bankruptcy 6 times....
I'd have no problem if they charged every electric vehicle driver a fee or fees as long as all the money would be put toward improving the electric grid and refueling infrastructure.

Just like all gasoline taxes are put toward building and repairing roads.

Wait, whut?
Average cost of gas in Texas is currently $3.156 per gal. If your mpg is between 15 mpg and 28 mpg, you are spending between $0.21 and $0.11 per mile.

The actual mileage on a Tesla Model S Plaid is 300 miles per charge. Electricity in Texas costs, on average, $0.10 and $0.12 per Kw hour. So driving a Tesla Model S costs between $0.03 and $0.04 per mile.

So it will cost, at best, $0.08 per mile more running on gasoline. The average person in the US drives their car 12,000 per year. If it costs you $0.08 per mile more, you will spend $960 more per year to drive 12k miles.

But you are actually GETTING the gas.
But those numbers become more affordable when the nitwit leaves the White House, or possibly sooner when Congress flips. My 30 mpg vehicle cost me $21000 not $121,000 so there is that too. And Im not sure the price of electricity is done rising either.
But those numbers become more affordable when the nitwit leaves the White House, or possibly sooner when Congress flips. My 30 mpg vehicle cost me $21000 not $121,000 so there is that too. And Im not sure the price of electricity is done rising either.

The average price of regular unleaded gas in Texas is $3.21.

That is certainly not the highest we have seen gas in our lifetime.

Also, the price of electricity certainly does fluctuate nearly as much as gasoline.
The average price of regular unleaded gas in Texas is $3.21.

That is certainly not the highest we have seen gas in our lifetime.

Also, the price of electricity certainly does fluctuate nearly as much as gasoline.
Well no, not with other Democrat presidents in charge. But it certainly can be a LOT lower as we have recently seen. I believe it will come down again although Biden certainly has done a great deal of damage making us foreign dependent. Still don't see the EVs catching on except with rich Dems.
But those numbers become more affordable when the nitwit leaves the White House, or possibly sooner when Congress flips. My 30 mpg vehicle cost me $21000 not $121,000 so there is that too. And Im not sure the price of electricity is done rising either.
what's the charges to an electric bill? The load is the same as an Air Conditioning unit. My costs per month double when we're running our AC. Sometimes more. $150 a month?
Yes, but they are actually GETTING the gas!

EV owners will be paying for something they not only don't use but bought their EV vehicle hoping to get away from! :laughing0301:

The GAS TAX is for maintenance for the roads IDIOT. The roads the EV's DRIVE on.

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