Texas AG Investigating San Antonio’s Actions Against Chick-Fil-A

Like an infected gangrenous arm you can trace the infection of leftism in Texas from Austin to Houston to San Antonio, etc.

Once the major population centers are infected Texas will fall like California did.

We already went through this with the bakers who would not make a cake for a gay wedding didn't we?
San Antonio has no business denying Chick Fil-A on the basis of their personal beliefs.

If they serve everyone who wants their product, as they always have, then leftist city managers can fuck off! They have no business discriminating against businesses that don't fit their own little
political check list.
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No you aren't. You will be on faux outrage talking point number 100 within 3 days. You wont even remember giving this a single thought. As the AG of texas knows, thus the retarded things he often says.
Are you confusing the issues raised by this thread with your own posts?
Because it's certain your "contributions" will be forgotten rather instantaneously by everyone who stumbles upon them.

It's the brain's way of protecting itself from the ugly unpleasant things it encounters.

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