Texas bans shooting immigrants from helicopters

deport them so they can try again at a later date. Why do liberals like too waste money? OH that's right it's not their money they like wasting it's other peoples money they like too waste.
you would have had a hard time when your fellow country men were exterminating the indigenous population

So wasting people is better than wasting money? Are you a Christian?

Are you fucking brain dead got your god damn head stuck up your ass?

No. Can you answer the question?
To bad they are banning it....

There is no need to shoot someone dead from a helicopter. Just because they may be illegal doesn't mean they deserve to die!

Why bother shooting someone who's already dead? That's really lame and lazy target practice. Get yourself a real target, dude. A moving one! :razz:

Really though..Imo if those folks are crossing the border illegally they deserve to be shot. Just try to enter other countries illegally and you'll get pretty much the same thing. What's fair for one is fair for all.
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"Just try to enter other countries illegally and you'll get pretty much the same thing. What's fair for one is fair for all."

It greatly lightens the burden of America not to have to be better than barbaric countries that execute people without trial, or even arrest.

Only totalitarian hell-holes shoot people for crossing an imaginary line, a mental demarcation. No civilized country does it. Certainly, none in Europe do. Canada doesn't.

Where has what America stood for gone?

trespasser will be shot - Google Search:eusa_whistle:

Someone break into your home, you can legally shoot them. This country is my home.

It's my home too. Someone acts crazy enough they can be sent for evaluation. You're crazy enough.

So says the captain of a sinking ship......crazy comment like that , you should get out of my home..
I have zero tolerance for criminals and for those that so ignorantly support those criminals.
Go live in the rat hole they created there and are fleeing from, then spout your bull.
"Just try to enter other countries illegally and you'll get pretty much the same thing. What's fair for one is fair for all."

It greatly lightens the burden of America not to have to be better than barbaric countries that execute people without trial, or even arrest.

Only totalitarian hell-holes shoot people for crossing an imaginary line, a mental demarcation. No civilized country does it. Certainly, none in Europe do. Canada doesn't.

Where has what America stood for gone?

I would say it has gone to hell just like people like you want. Perhaps you should support the Rule of Law, our Constitution and not be so damn gullible and PC.
"Just try to enter other countries illegally and you'll get pretty much the same thing. What's fair for one is fair for all."

It greatly lightens the burden of America not to have to be better than barbaric countries that execute people without trial, or even arrest.

Only totalitarian hell-holes shoot people for crossing an imaginary line, a mental demarcation. No civilized country does it. Certainly, none in Europe do. Canada doesn't.

Where has what America stood for gone?

So after arresting and detaining/imprisoning and then deporting folks they keep coming back illegally time and time again, where do you stop, realize that what you are presently doing isn't working, and change tactics to something that's a bit more of a 'permanent solution'?
Permanent solutions like, in the American spirit of liberty for all and generosity towards our fellowman, see to it that the situation in the country of origin improves so that the population feels a better choice than leaving, for example?
Permanent solutions like, in the American spirit of liberty for all and generosity towards our fellowman, see to it that the situation in the country of origin improves so that the population feels a better choice than leaving, for example?

So you are saying we should give away even more of our hard working taxpayer's money to every poor nation in the world? Why don't these folks who are so intent on coming here illegally use their strength and resources to build their own country up? Then they won't have to come here. If they are still intent on coming here, how about trying to do it legally?
Permanent solutions like, in the American spirit of liberty for all and generosity towards our fellowman, see to it that the situation in the country of origin improves so that the population feels a better choice than leaving, for example?

So you are saying we should give away even more of our hard working taxpayer's money to every poor nation in the world? Why don't these folks who are so intent on coming here illegally use their strength and resources to build their own country up? Then they won't have to come here. If they are still intent on coming here, how about trying to do it legally?

"...see to it..." does not mean fly in planes loaded with dollars.

That is not what is being said. That said, we could say 'security' is dearly expensive and that peace is cheaper than war. We could also say the revolutionary force in the world should be the American revolution, with what it stood for. Hoping that everyone is just going to follow the will of a big, rich country not even civilized enough to honor life is not solid policy. An example to aspire to must be set, not one to kneel to.
Again, an illegal immigrant doesn't deserve to be shot. Detain them and deport them. They didn't kill anyone. Since when does killing them fit their crime?

I would prefer them dead at the border then alive and across the border, thank you very much. Gun turrets and a kill zone along the border.....works for me.

So you support the murder of people who pose you no threat.

How nice. How very conservative.

Interesting isn't it? These represent the bulk of the people who would be put under the death penalty by supporters of this:
"Just try to enter other countries illegally and you'll get pretty much the same thing. What's fair for one is fair for all."

It greatly lightens the burden of America not to have to be better than barbaric countries that execute people without trial, or even arrest.

Only totalitarian hell-holes shoot people for crossing an imaginary line, a mental demarcation. No civilized country does it. Certainly, none in Europe do. Canada doesn't.

Where has what America stood for gone?

So after arresting and detaining/imprisoning and then deporting folks they keep coming back illegally time and time again, where do you stop, realize that what you are presently doing isn't working, and change tactics to something that's a bit more of a 'permanent solution'?
Nope. The way it is now makes us a lot of money. And really, we can't afford the cheap labor they give us. $$$
Funny how if one speaks against something the right supports, one automatically becomes left.
Texas bans shooting immigrants from helicopters | The Raw Story

While announcing the new policy, Texas Department of Public Safety Director Steve McCraw insisted that the ban on aerial shootings had nothing to do with the October 2012 death of two Guatemalan immigrants, who were gunned down by troopers in helicopter while they were hiding in the back of a speeding pickup truck near La Joya.
Never mind Texasss wanting to secede ... The US should just throw them out of the Union.

But I'm sure the usual suspects will just love the thought of illegal immigration being a capital offense.

Are we supposed to be upset because they were doing it, or because they were stopped?

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