Texas bible thumper is GOP choice to chair the Science Committee

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The more science learns the closer they get to our Creator. Props science, for realizing the dimensions described in the Bible actually do exist. Keep going.

Surely you can do better than, :booze:. So how many dimensions are there? The Einstein 4, or the Hawking 10?

I'm inclined to go with Einstein on that one. I think the 10 dimensions of string theory are more explanatory models than they are descriptions of reality.
My GOP in Congress is complete out of touch with the country and reality.

"Some Texas Bible-thumper, who believes the earth is 6000 years old and that the first woman was fashioned from the first man's rib, is the GOP choice to head Congress' science committee. Ignorance like this doesn't come easy--it has to be carefully cultivated."

The House Science Committee’s Anti-Science Rampage - The New Yorker
Better than this absolute fuck up... Which is not saying much.Lol
I will take a shot. No Bing, Google....nothing.

The question is the most censored sentence on Earth today. Fox News censors it. HuffPo tosses you off their boards if you ask it.

Earth is on tilted Axis as it orbits the Sun. One pole is always farther away from the Sun

Not very good with geometry, eh? At least you tried to answer. The north pole is further away during winter, and closer during summer. Sorry.

Try this one....

90% of Earth ice on LAND MASS Antarctica
7% of Earth ice on LAND MASS Greenland

so 97% of Earth ice is on the two land masses closest to an Earth pole.... and land moves....
Well what liberals came up with the global warming scam. About time we get common sense back in science.

Creationism is just as bad as global warming "science." It merely wears a different set of clothes.
No, belief in God and his rules create a decent society. Atheism has given us people who don't know which bathroom to use.

As an atheist I agree. Unfortunately most atheist can't tell their buttholes from their mouths. For those people I recommend the bible...

I recommend it for all people.
Well what liberals came up with the global warming scam. About time we get common sense back in science.
Liberal crackpots like, you know, actual climate scientists. But like a good little lemming, you won't be bothered to even research it. You have your marching orders and will believe as you are told. Idiot.

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Scientific Consensus
So you are a conspiracy nut. Stay calm and stumble on.
Conspiracy nut, huh? How did you come up with that one?

It comes from their handbook, " If you know nothing, use the word conspiracy to hide the fact and pretend that is a contribution to the discussion."

:smiliehug: Hi Jakey.
I will take a shot. No Bing, Google....nothing.

The question is the most censored sentence on Earth today. Fox News censors it. HuffPo tosses you off their boards if you ask it.

Earth is on tilted Axis as it orbits the Sun. One pole is always farther away from the Sun

Not very good with geometry, eh? At least you tried to answer. The north pole is further away during winter, and closer during summer. Sorry.

Try this one....

90% of Earth ice on LAND MASS Antarctica
7% of Earth ice on LAND MASS Greenland

so 97% of Earth ice is on the two land masses closest to an Earth pole.... and land moves....
Sigh. OK, so you did try. But "land moves" means very little in the global warming communities.
Fallacy of false criteria. Fallacy of false authority. Your opinion does not count.

One out of three truthful sentences isn't a great average. My opinion is,urrelevant. The Law isn't

The ONLY legitimate powers of the US Government are laid out in the US Constitution. Nowhere else is there a legitimate mandate of power to the Federal Government.

The fact that you seem to believe otherwise makes you an enemy of this country in my mind.
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Well what liberals came up with the global warming scam. About time we get common sense back in science.
Liberal crackpots like, you know, actual climate scientists. But like a good little lemming, you won't be bothered to even research it. You have your marching orders and will believe as you are told. Idiot.

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Scientific Consensus
So you are a conspiracy nut. Stay calm and stumble on.
Conspiracy nut, huh? How did you come up with that one?

It comes from their handbook, " If you know nothing, use the word conspiracy to hide the fact and pretend that is a contribution to the discussion."

:smiliehug: Hi Jakey.
Hi, dear.
Conspiracy nuts pretend that being a conspiracy is not nutty.
But "land moves" means nothing

Actually, it means everything to Earth climate change, and the definition of "ice age," which is really continent specific.

During the past million years for example, NA thawed while Greenland froze...

Ancient Greenland Was Actually Green

"The DNA is proof that sometime between 450,000 and 800,000 years ago, much of Greenland was especially green and covered in a boreal forest "

North America's ice cover 1 mil years ago...

So if Greenland froze while North America thawed, all at the same time on the same planet with the same atmosphere with the same amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, what did CO2 have to do with either event???

What did tectonic plate movement have to do with either??

Fallacy of false criteria. Fallacy of false authority. Your opinion does not count.

One out of three truthful sentences isn't a great average.

The ONLY legitimate powers of the US Government are laid out in the US Constitution. Nowhere else is there a legitimate mandate of power to the Federal Government.

The fact that you seem to believe otherwise makes you an enemy of this country in my mind.
In all actuality, your thinking makes you an enemy of the United States.
NLT is just unhappy that I kicked his ass elsewhere. The picture above is he as I was doing it.
Sure fakey make up another lie...kinda like you being a republican...
NLT, you are a bad sport. I thumped you. And others thumped. You have trouble playing with others. The fact is that I own you.

Claiming to win on the internet is like being happy you won a gold medal in the special olympics
The government is where the grants come from that support science......

Please show me the SPECIFIC wording in Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution allowing Federal money to be spent on Scientific Research.
Fallacy of false criteria. Fallacy of false authority. Your opinion does not count.
My opinion has nothing to do with it. Here's what you get with gov. controlled science:
U.S. Global Change Research Program Budget:

And here is where the money for that charade came from:
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Er, no. The definition if "ice age" is the same on every continent. The Earth is currently in an ice age right now.

So, if an ice age is planetary, while did North America thaw while Greenland froze over the past million years???
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