Texas Bill to Vaccinate Children Without Parents Consent

Republicans believe disease is caused by "demons". Vaccines won't do anything. They are part of that "gobble-dee-gook" science.
Republicans believe disease is caused by "demons". Vaccines won't do anything. They are part of that "gobble-dee-gook" science.

So, you think its ok for the government to insist a person have something put into ones body without informed consent by the parent ?
Next, all female teens will receive Norplant, or some such method of birth control to prevent teen pregnancy inthe school nurses office..
Another overstep of authority.

Be prepared people soon you'll have to prove you ate your vegetables or else be fined or tossed in jail.
Your gonna have to take a poop at 3 o clock everyday. Then they gonna change it to 7 o clock just to watch you poop your pants.

They can leave the country if they don't like it.

No one is forcing them to stay.

You sound like an elitist boot licker.

Well no.

I got several "forced" vaccinations. This country got rid of small pox, polio and numerous other diseases that spread like wildfire by "forcing" people to get vaccinations.

Don't like it?

They can leave the country if they don't like it.

No one is forcing them to stay.

You sound like an elitist boot licker.

Well no.

I got several "forced" vaccinations. This country got rid of small pox, polio and numerous other diseases that spread like wildfire by "forcing" people to get vaccinations.

Don't like it?


Let's round em up.

What's a few forced invasive procedures after all?

Next on the list forced colonoscopies for all.
Take your vaccinations, eat your gmos, drink you fluoride water, take your orders, and baaah like a sheep
Republicans believe disease is caused by "demons". Vaccines won't do anything. They are part of that "gobble-dee-gook" science.

So, you think its ok for the government to insist a person have something put into ones body without informed consent by the parent ?
Next, all female teens will receive Norplant, or some such method of birth control to prevent teen pregnancy inthe school nurses office..

Hmmm, force people to have something put into their body? Now where have I heard that before?

Oh, I remember:

Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell signs Virginia ultrasound bill - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

medically unnecessary and physically invasive

Don't worry, you'll all conform once Obama and his DHS brown shirts get you interred into their reeducation camps... That is if they don't make lamp shades out of you first.
They can leave the country if they don't like it.

No one is forcing them to stay.
You sound like an elitist boot licker.

Well no.

I got several "forced" vaccinations. This country got rid of small pox, polio and numerous other diseases that spread like wildfire by "forcing" people to get vaccinations.

Don't like it?


The only way vaccinations really work is if enough of the public is vaccinated against the disease to prevent an epidemic. There are always a very small proportion of people that for some reason or another, can not be vaccinated, and that is a very different reason than those that choose not be vaccinated.

I think most people, who have grown up in an era largely free of small pox, polio, Rubella, Diptheria, Yellow Fever and a host of other serious childhood diseases have no idea how devastating those diseases were in terms of mortality and long term health consequences.

I support certain vaccinations being mandatory - it protects those who truly can't be vaccinated as well.

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