Texas Bill to Vaccinate Children Without Parents Consent

Most of them have never even read the Bible. They've been told what to think and they seem happy with that.

Wow another two dimensional thinker. If you don't want the fucking government to tell you how to live you must be an ignorant bible thumper who never read the bible.

FYI I am an atheist. I have had my vaccines but I do not believe I have the right to force anyone to do anything against their will.

I know it's hard for you to understand being such a fucking control freak.

In this country, it's the voters who make the government. It's not some secret cabal made up of invisible little bureaucrats wearing trench-coats pulling strings from some "secretly located" back rooms that right wingers would have you believe.

Now what's ironic is that most, if not all, of those right wingers who hate government don't hate it because it controls their lives, but hate it because it won't let them control the lives of others.

I don't "hate" government. I do not trust the fucking government to do what's in my best interest. That decision is mine and mine alone not yours.

It's you sheep who don't want to control your own lives and want someone to tell you how to live and you can't seem to comprehend anyone who doesn't want that.

Easily proven:

Voter suppression



Terrorism (GOP's favorite tool to use against the US population, especially their own base)

Fake wars

Affirmative action for the wealthy and corporations

The list is endless.

Hey you said government is by the people not some shadowy cabal yet in the same breath you say the government is guilty of the above list and much much more and yet you still want the fucking government to control you.

That's bat shit fucking crazy.
1 in 4000. In other words, you have fuck all chance of dying.

Small comfort if you're that one.

How many people have an allergy to seafood? How many in 4000 will die if they eat it and suffer an allergy?

Lets ban seafood because it would suck to be the unlucky bastard who died.

I dont know a single person with seafood allergies. Your right keep eating your Monsanto GMOs and drinking your fluoride water.
You have never heard of a person who could die from eating shellfish?

Fuck you are stupid.
Let's round em up.

What's a few forced invasive procedures after all?

Next on the list forced colonoscopies for all.

Not even remotely likely. There's no public health aspect to that.

There's no public health issue with obesity either. But the sheep think that if some people do something that might increase their health care costs that it's fair game for government mandates and controls. And since a colonoscopy is cheaper than treating cancer it's only a matter of time.

They can't FORCE people to diet - they can increase health insurance premiums but that is a completely different thing - it's still choice because it's not a contagious public health risk. It is not cost that drives vaccination requirements - it's public health.
That was funny until I remembered that some unfortunate people actually believe that crap

Children cannot enter school in this state unless they are vaccinated.
Children entering 7th grade MUST have a Whooping Cough booster or they cannot remain in school.
Beginning July 1, 2012, and beyond, all students entering the 7th grade will need proof of a Tdap booster shot before starting school.
Assembly Bill 354, now chaptered into California law, requires students to be
immunized against pertussis2

And do you also believe that Bill and Melinda gates are evil people who are scheming to shoot third-world people up with Zyklon B?

And that has what to do with what she said?:cuckoo:
Not even remotely likely. There's no public health aspect to that.

There's no public health issue with obesity either. But the sheep think that if some people do something that might increase their health care costs that it's fair game for government mandates and controls. And since a colonoscopy is cheaper than treating cancer it's only a matter of time.

They can't FORCE people to diet - they can increase health insurance premiums but that is a completely different thing - it's still choice because it's not a contagious public health risk. It is not cost that drives vaccination requirements - it's public health.

No one is stopping people from getting vaccines. I have mine, you get yours if you want. if you don't want to I really don't care if you get the measles.
They can't force people to, but they can make them miserable if they don't. Your obviously a new world order boot licker.
That was funny until I remembered that some unfortunate people actually believe that crap

Children cannot enter school in this state unless they are vaccinated.
Children entering 7th grade MUST have a Whooping Cough booster or they cannot remain in school.
Beginning July 1, 2012, and beyond, all students entering the 7th grade will need proof of a Tdap booster shot before starting school.
Assembly Bill 354, now chaptered into California law, requires students to be
immunized against pertussis2

And do you also believe that Bill and Melinda gates are evil people who are scheming to shoot third-world people up with Zyklon B?

What the heck does your response to my post have to do with anything?
Small comfort if you're that one.

How many people have an allergy to seafood? How many in 4000 will die if they eat it and suffer an allergy?

Lets ban seafood because it would suck to be the unlucky bastard who died.

No one is forcing people to eat seafood.

Get the difference yet?

Of course - but it doesn't change my mind. Vaccinate your kids or stay the fuck away from civilisation until you do.
Wow. Your kid's kids will be messed up from GMOs but your to dumb and ignorant to see whats right in front of you. I am not mad at you. I pity you. Your bloodline will die out in a couple of generations. I am sure you are proud of that.
Wow. Your kid's kids will be messed up from GMOs but your to dumb and ignorant to see whats right in front of you. I am not mad at you. I pity you. Your bloodline will die out in a couple of generations. I am sure you are proud of that.

My kids will be vaccinated and will not get measles, or chicken pox, or mumps, or whooping cough, or anything else that has the potential to kill them.
You just don't get it. LOL. Its funny how think your right. Your a dumb parent like most.
You just don't get it. LOL. Its funny how think your right. Your a dumb parent like most.

I am right. An irresponsible parent is a parent who refuses to vaccinate their children because of a fear of autism or some such other thing.
Ok. Seriously, keep feeding your kids GMOs. The earth is overpopulated with your kind anyways. lol.
There's no public health issue with obesity either. But the sheep think that if some people do something that might increase their health care costs that it's fair game for government mandates and controls. And since a colonoscopy is cheaper than treating cancer it's only a matter of time.

They can't FORCE people to diet - they can increase health insurance premiums but that is a completely different thing - it's still choice because it's not a contagious public health risk. It is not cost that drives vaccination requirements - it's public health.

No one is stopping people from getting vaccines. I have mine, you get yours if you want. if you don't want to I really don't care if you get the measles.

The problem is...it's fine if YOU don't care if Ms. Y (who isn't vaccinated) gets measles but - if Mr. W, who can't get vaccinated for health reasons, gets measles because enough people AREN'T vaccinated to provide sufficient public protection - then, well you ought to care. Not that I expect you to but vax only works on preventing disease on a large (ie public health) scale IF enough people are vaccinated to cover those who aren't or - more important - cant be.
People are so dumb these days. I guess living out in the country as a kid and eating my broccoli did help me in life. I am smarter than most and Im not that smart. They are just that dumb.

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