Texas bill would put women to death for having abortions...The GOP: So pro-life they'll kill you

But not horrifying enough to have outside a paywall? :)

But it looks like we are still winning :)

Humm, is killing an innocent baby in the womb horrifying?

I know you don't give a hoot about babies, so I'll just note that the bill does not mandate the death penalty but rather allows it. So your thread title is misleading.

Even in Texas, most homicides do not result in the death penalty. So it's very unlikely that more than a very small percentage of women who violated this law would be executed, if any.
I was just reading about this. The guy who introduced this bill has been married 5 times....no surprises there.

What about the men who impregnate these women? What do they get? Many insist the woman gets an abortion because they don't want to be paying child support for 18 plus years. What about them?
Also need a law that says every time a democrat thinks they can be arrested and charged.
But there is this, from the article-

A number of hurdles stand in the way of the legislation, including the reluctance of the committee’s chairman, Republican Jeff Leach, to bring it to the full House. Even some antiabortion groups, such as Texans for Life, oppose the severe changes to the state’s criminal laws.

1. Never going to happen.

2. "The act of public atonement they are seeking is passage of a bill that would criminalize abortion without exception, and make it possible to convict women who undergo the procedure of homicide, which can carry the death penalty in Texas."The act of public atonement they are seeking is passage of a bill that would criminalize abortion without exception, and make it possible to convict women who undergo the procedure of homicide, which can carry the death penalty in Texas.

So Liberals want to make it legal to murder innocent, defenseless newborn babies .... for which they are NOT ashamed / horrified ... but a Texas law that decides murdering a newborn baby would constitute MURDER and result in a criminal charge 'MURDER' that could lead to the death penalty is what is horrifying?!


Again, being realistic, this bill is not going to pass, but as I said, it exposes the fact that defending an innocent baby's right to life and punishing anyone who would murder a newborn baby is 'horrifying' to liberals.

Explaining further: I see as 'Murder' being applied to such a case - the murder of a newborn baby; however I concede that states that past the 'Heartbeat Bill' - that defines a baby when a heartbeat is heard and outlaws abortions after this point - could attempt to apply 'murder' to abortions after a heartbeat is heard. I just don't see this bill passing / standing the test of time.
this is horrifying!!

The year I was born, there were just 1/2 of the total number of people on this Earth. Think about that for just 30 seconds. Take my word for it. I can feel the pressure now. I know, I know, it's hard for you to imagine, but killing one fetus squirting moron means nothing to me or the overcrowded world. I feel sorry for you. Imagine what it will be like in just one more lifetime. As far as I'm concerned, you can all go to hell. :9:
I was just reading about this. The guy who introduced this bill has been married 5 times....no surprises there.

What about the men who impregnate these women? What do they get? Many insist the woman gets an abortion because they don't want to be paying child support for 18 plus years. What about them?
then maybe the women should keep their legs closed,,,
I was just reading about this. The guy who introduced this bill has been married 5 times....no surprises there.

What about the men who impregnate these women? What do they get? Many insist the woman gets an abortion because they don't want to be paying child support for 18 plus years. What about them?

So a male whore , I bet he believes Paul, women be submissive to men, and the only good a women is for is to give birth.

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