Texas bill would put women to death for having abortions...The GOP: So pro-life they'll kill you

Its more important to be politically correct , than having any sensibility about it

the age old question if you could go back in time and abort Hitler would you do it ?
why kill an innocent child when all you have to do is take him out of the environment that created the evil man

Assuming what created the evil man can be determined is problematic at best

when the environment is political expediency how do you take him out it

politics demand that you blame someone

German superiority how do you remove that from an environment, history of war and military conquest, colonialism
Its more important to be politically correct , than having any sensibility about it

the age old question if you could go back in time and abort Hitler would you do it ?
why kill an innocent child when all you have to do is take him out of the environment that created the evil man

Assuming what created the evil man can be determined is problematic at best

when the environment is political expediency how do you take him out it

politics demand that you blame someone

German superiority how do you remove that from an environment, history of war and military conquest, colonialism

thats a different subject,,,
Its more important to be politically correct , than having any sensibility about it

the age old question if you could go back in time and abort Hitler would you do it ?


I believe that even a baby Hitler would be innocent until proven guilty.

but you know that he is guilty of horrible crimes and if you can go back in time you can save lives

And if killing Baby Hitler somehow results in an even greater atrocity?

What then?

There lies the crux of the problem, how do we know which is the best "what then"
I can't read the link because I refuse to pay the $1.00 the old rag demands . It's obviously an op-ed so it's hard to tell how much of it is spin. The interesting thing is that the left is horrified at the remote possibility of a human being executed but the ongoing system of stabbing a full term baby in the back of the head and sucking it's brain out with a frankenstein machine doesn't seem to bother them.
Your argument makes no sense. Abortion involves a person's rights to individual sovereignty, privacy, and freedom of religion, at the very least. The other involves the possession of a mere object. Apples and oranges.
Rights are rights; the constitution protects all right held by the people with the same veracity.
If a $500 permit/$1000 tax does not violate the right to keep ans bear arms, it does not violate the right to an abortion.

Stupid argument. What if the person is not having an abortion, just transferring the zygote or fetus to somebody who wants it?

You gun nuts are the weirdest, most moronic people going. Just because you people need a penis substitute. Who are you going to point it at? We had guns in the house growing up and I shot them. But this was when people were taught manners and how to be civilized. We weren't crazy and didn't go around flashing them on street corners and bragging about them like total idiots. And you whine about someone having an abortion.
The bill didn't pass.

Someone did bring up a good point though. If a woman is raped and has an abortion, she would be put to death, but her rapist wouldn't be. And, in several states, if the woman keeps the child, in many cases her rapist can get visitation rights to it.

Also a question for the men, if your wife was raped and had the child would you be willing to raise it as your own?
Your argument makes no sense. Abortion involves a person's rights to individual sovereignty, privacy, and freedom of religion, at the very least. The other involves the possession of a mere object. Apples and oranges.
Rights are rights; the constitution protects all right held by the people with the same veracity.
If a $500 permit/$1000 tax does not violate the right to keep ans bear arms, it does not violate the right to an abortion.
Stupid argument.
And yet, nothing you posted in response negates it.
Go figure.
I'm still waiting for these forced-birth clowns to come up with a plan as to how they are going to raise all of these babies they want, who is going to do the actual work, and how are they going to pay for it all, including some compensation to the woman for pain and suffering, risk, expenses, and lost wages. They seem to be lacking in information.
Your argument makes no sense. Abortion involves a person's rights to individual sovereignty, privacy, and freedom of religion, at the very least. The other involves the possession of a mere object. Apples and oranges.
Rights are rights; the constitution protects all right held by the people with the same veracity.
If a $500 permit/$1000 tax does not violate the right to keep ans bear arms, it does not violate the right to an abortion.
Stupid argument.
And yet, nothing you posted in response negates it.
Go figure.

What I wrote does negate it, but reading comprehension does not seem to be your particular talent. If you think that some asshole like pigpence or abbot is going to carry a fetus to term and then go through labor and delivery, I think that you are out of your mind.
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Your argument makes no sense. Abortion involves a person's rights to individual sovereignty, privacy, and freedom of religion, at the very least. The other involves the possession of a mere object. Apples and oranges.
Rights are rights; the constitution protects all right held by the people with the same veracity.
If a $500 permit/$1000 tax does not violate the right to keep ans bear arms, it does not violate the right to an abortion.
Stupid argument.
And yet, nothing you posted in response negates it.
Go figure.
What I wrote does negate it...
- In precise terms, how does your "Stupid argument" response negate the position that the constitution protects all right held by the people with the same veracity?
- Explain the constitutional process that differentiates between a right that can be permitted/taxed and one that cannot.
- Use that process to illustrate how the right to an abortion cannot be permitted/taxed, but the right to keep and bear arms can.
You still have a dumb theory. There are a long line of cases that involve rights to control one's body, including all the rights stemming from Griswold and Loving. The right to own some kind of tangible property. Eminent domain involves the taking of tangible property by the government, but it does not apply to one's physical self, as the morons in texas seem to be trying to do.
nowhere in the constitution does it say you have a right to an abortion, because you dont have a right to an abortion!
"The recent efforts to control women's bodies in Alabama and Georgia are only the latest in a long history of efforts to punish us when we don’t conform to their attempts to control us. A proposal in Texas would go so far as to threaten women who obtain an abortion with capital punishment. If that were being proposed by any other country, we’d be calling it a dangerous violation of human rights.

This week marked the 100th anniversary of the House passing the 19th Amendment. An entire century has passed and we are still forced to fight for the right to make our own decisions as human beings.
We should be outraged by that. And we cannot stand for it. We cannot be silenced. The women of this country will be heard." - Secretary Hillary Clinton

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