Texas bill would put women to death for having abortions...The GOP: So pro-life they'll kill you

once a man deposits his sperm into a women it becomes her property....simple as that
then why do the men have to pay child support if she decides not to kill it???
You want it both ways don't you? Guys can have sex with a woman but if she becomes pregnant, then he should just be able to walk away, right? Doesn't work like that bucko!

Oh, and she isn't "killing" anything! the definition of killing a person is that of an already born person, not a 12 week old fetus.

What about the 11 year old who was raped by her father/brother/uncle and becomes pregnant? Should she be forced to carry it to term when she still has a baby body herself?
once a man deposits his sperm into a women it becomes her property....simple as that
then why do the men have to pay child support if she decides not to kill it???
You want it both ways don't you? Guys can have sex with a woman but if she becomes pregnant, then he should just be able to walk away, right? Doesn't work like that bucko!

Oh, and she isn't "killing" anything! the definition of killing a person is that of an already born person, not a 12 week old fetus.

What about the 11 year old who was raped by her father/brother/uncle and becomes pregnant? Should she be forced to carry it to term when she still has a baby body herself?
both ways is better than just one way,,,and sorry if stopping a heart beat defines dead then once the heart starts defines life,,just cant deny science on this one
what you claim is a legal definition kinda like slavery was once legal

as for rape and incest those are valid discussions that go above and beyond the majority of abortions,,,
once a man deposits his sperm into a women it becomes her property....simple as that
then why do the men have to pay child support if she decides not to kill it???

Don't donate sperm to a woman whom you don't know well. Refrain.It's a choice, you know.

Perhaps medical science can come up with a way for the zygote or fetus to be transferred from the woman's body to the man or to an incubation facility of his choice.

I've always felt that there is malicious intent behind the anti-choice movement. There is nothing like a bunch of guys who want unfettered access to automatic weapons, bump stocks, and to spend enormous amounts of money on weaponry, all the while screaming at women about "God" and "murder," between their rants about being "locked and loaded," and refusing to discuss intelligently the subject of using available technology to prevent unwanted pregnancies. The movement seems to be based on hatred and disgust with female sexuality, unless they happen to be enjoying it at the moment. This situation is warped.
once a man deposits his sperm into a women it becomes her property....simple as that
then why do the men have to pay child support if she decides not to kill it???

Don't donate sperm to a woman whom you don't know well. Refrain.It's a choice, you know.

Perhaps medical science can come up with a way for the zygote or fetus to be transferred from the woman's body to the man or to an incubation facility of his choice.

I've always felt that there is malicious intent behind the anti-choice movement. There is nothing like a bunch of guys who want unfettered access to automatic weapons, bump stocks, and to spend enormous amounts of money on weaponry, all the while screaming at women about "God" and "murder," between their rants about being "locked and loaded," and refusing to discuss intelligently the subject of using available technology to prevent unwanted pregnancies. The movement seems to be based on hatred and disgust with female sexuality, unless they happen to be enjoying it at the moment. This situation is warped.
all that is irrelevant to the discussion,,,and a piss poor excuse to murder an innocent baby
I was just reading about this. The guy who introduced this bill has been married 5 times....no surprises there.

What about the men who impregnate these women? What do they get? Many insist the woman gets an abortion because they don't want to be paying child support for 18 plus years. What about them?
You said that they don't matter, so they don't matter now either.
once a man deposits his sperm into a women it becomes her property....simple as that
then why do the men have to pay child support if she decides not to kill it???

Don't donate sperm to a woman whom you don't know well. Refrain.It's a choice, you know.

Perhaps medical science can come up with a way for the zygote or fetus to be transferred from the woman's body to the man or to an incubation facility of his choice.

I've always felt that there is malicious intent behind the anti-choice movement. There is nothing like a bunch of guys who want unfettered access to automatic weapons, bump stocks, and to spend enormous amounts of money on weaponry, all the while screaming at women about "God" and "murder," between their rants about being "locked and loaded," and refusing to discuss intelligently the subject of using available technology to prevent unwanted pregnancies. The movement seems to be based on hatred and disgust with female sexuality, unless they happen to be enjoying it at the moment. This situation is warped.
As always, women have a choice.

You don't want to be pregnant?

You decide that here:


Not here:

or men could take responsiblity for their sperm
I agree,,,so lets make sure before any abortion the father has to agree on it,,,

thats a law I can get behind

Its not up to any men, its between the doctor and the female. If only there were not so many loser men out there.
its their child too???

or do you want more special rights for women

Only when its delivered, until then , nope.
not true,,,

Yep, its true.
I agree,,,so lets make sure before any abortion the father has to agree on it,,,

thats a law I can get behind

Its not up to any men, its between the doctor and the female. If only there were not so many loser men out there.
its their child too???

or do you want more special rights for women

Only when its delivered, until then , nope.
not true,,,

Yep, its true.
NOPE!!! its not
once a man deposits his sperm into a women it becomes her property....simple as that
then why do the men have to pay child support if she decides not to kill it???
You want it both ways don't you? Guys can have sex with a woman but if she becomes pregnant, then he should just be able to walk away, right? Doesn't work like that bucko!

Oh, and she isn't "killing" anything! the definition of killing a person is that of an already born person, not a 12 week old fetus.

What about the 11 year old who was raped by her father/brother/uncle and becomes pregnant? Should she be forced to carry it to term when she still has a baby body herself?
both ways is better than just one way,,,and sorry if stopping a heart beat defines dead then once the heart starts defines life,,just cant deny science on this one
what you claim is a legal definition kinda like slavery was once legal

as for rape and incest those are valid discussions that go above and beyond the majority of abortions,,,
The heart starts beating even before the brain starts forming so that defense is not valid.The brain makes a person human, not the heart.

And, since we're on the subject of killing already born children, what about the order in the bible to kill all of the first born sons of the Jews? These were already born boys and yet many of you here think the bible is the word of God and should be taken and followed to the letter. You're fine with that I assume.

And finally, what do you care if a woman you don't know and never will has an abortion? Will you seek her out and volunteer to adopt her baby, pay all of her medical bills, and house her all through her pregnancy?

It's easy for men to sit on their high horses and think they can dictate what a woman does with her body and medical choice, but would be screaming to high heaven if someone decided to do the same with theirs.
once a man deposits his sperm into a women it becomes her property....simple as that
then why do the men have to pay child support if she decides not to kill it???
You want it both ways don't you? Guys can have sex with a woman but if she becomes pregnant, then he should just be able to walk away, right? Doesn't work like that bucko!

Oh, and she isn't "killing" anything! the definition of killing a person is that of an already born person, not a 12 week old fetus.

What about the 11 year old who was raped by her father/brother/uncle and becomes pregnant? Should she be forced to carry it to term when she still has a baby body herself?
both ways is better than just one way,,,and sorry if stopping a heart beat defines dead then once the heart starts defines life,,just cant deny science on this one
what you claim is a legal definition kinda like slavery was once legal

as for rape and incest those are valid discussions that go above and beyond the majority of abortions,,,
The heart starts beating even before the brain starts forming so that defense is not valid.The brain makes a person human, not the heart.

And, since we're on the subject of killing already born children, what about the order in the bible to kill all of the first born sons of the Jews? These were already born boys and yet many of you here think the bible is the word of God and should be taken and followed to the letter. You're fine with that I assume.

And finally, what do you care if a woman you don't know and never will has an abortion? Will you seek her out and volunteer to adopt her baby, pay all of her medical bills, and house her all through her pregnancy?

It's easy for men to sit on their high horses and think they can dictate what a woman does with her body and medical choice, but would be screaming to high heaven if someone decided to do the same with theirs.
your opinion is noted,,,and rejected as a reason to murder an innocent baby

and as we can see I dont care about the women but the baby she wants to murder

Yes it is.

There are no exceptions in this bill. So a woman who has an ectopic pregnancy just has to die. A woman who has one of many conditions that will cause death will now die in Texas if this bill is allowed to stand.

Which it won't be allowed to be law. Even if by some miracle it manages to get past the Texas congress and signed into law the federal courts will never allow this law to be implemented.

No judge is going to allow a law that forces women to die if their pregnancy goes wrong to stand.

It's just plain and simple fact.

I notice that the person who wrote that bill doesn't include the male who caused the woman to be pregnant in the consequences of abortion. Interesting. Only women are held responsible. It will be only women who will die too.
once a man deposits his sperm into a women it becomes her property....simple as that
then why do the men have to pay child support if she decides not to kill it???
You want it both ways don't you? Guys can have sex with a woman but if she becomes pregnant, then he should just be able to walk away, right? Doesn't work like that bucko!

Oh, and she isn't "killing" anything! the definition of killing a person is that of an already born person, not a 12 week old fetus.

What about the 11 year old who was raped by her father/brother/uncle and becomes pregnant? Should she be forced to carry it to term when she still has a baby body herself?
both ways is better than just one way,,,and sorry if stopping a heart beat defines dead then once the heart starts defines life,,just cant deny science on this one
what you claim is a legal definition kinda like slavery was once legal

as for rape and incest those are valid discussions that go above and beyond the majority of abortions,,,
The heart starts beating even before the brain starts forming so that defense is not valid.The brain makes a person human, not the heart.

And, since we're on the subject of killing already born children, what about the order in the bible to kill all of the first born sons of the Jews? These were already born boys and yet many of you here think the bible is the word of God and should be taken and followed to the letter. You're fine with that I assume.

And finally, what do you care if a woman you don't know and never will has an abortion? Will you seek her out and volunteer to adopt her baby, pay all of her medical bills, and house her all through her pregnancy?

It's easy for men to sit on their high horses and think they can dictate what a woman does with her body and medical choice, but would be screaming to high heaven if someone decided to do the same with theirs.
your opinion is noted,,,and rejected as a reason to murder an innocent baby

and as we can see I dont care about the women but the baby she wants to murder
Oh FFS! It's not a "baby" until it's born! Until then, it's first a zygote, then becomes a fetus.

And, how many of those "babies" did you volunteer to adopt?
‘It was the first time in the state’s history, committee members said, that public testimony had been heard on a measure holding women criminally liable for their abortions. The legislation was left pending on Tuesday, as Democrats claimed there was a contradiction in the agenda advanced by its supporters, who call themselves “pro-life.”’ ibid

Republicans have gone insane.

And the authoritarian right can’t wait for the Supreme Court to overturn Roe so they can violate the privacy rights of women and compel women to give birth against their will.
then why do the men have to pay child support if she decides not to kill it???
You want it both ways don't you? Guys can have sex with a woman but if she becomes pregnant, then he should just be able to walk away, right? Doesn't work like that bucko!

Oh, and she isn't "killing" anything! the definition of killing a person is that of an already born person, not a 12 week old fetus.

What about the 11 year old who was raped by her father/brother/uncle and becomes pregnant? Should she be forced to carry it to term when she still has a baby body herself?
both ways is better than just one way,,,and sorry if stopping a heart beat defines dead then once the heart starts defines life,,just cant deny science on this one
what you claim is a legal definition kinda like slavery was once legal

as for rape and incest those are valid discussions that go above and beyond the majority of abortions,,,
The heart starts beating even before the brain starts forming so that defense is not valid.The brain makes a person human, not the heart.

And, since we're on the subject of killing already born children, what about the order in the bible to kill all of the first born sons of the Jews? These were already born boys and yet many of you here think the bible is the word of God and should be taken and followed to the letter. You're fine with that I assume.

And finally, what do you care if a woman you don't know and never will has an abortion? Will you seek her out and volunteer to adopt her baby, pay all of her medical bills, and house her all through her pregnancy?

It's easy for men to sit on their high horses and think they can dictate what a woman does with her body and medical choice, but would be screaming to high heaven if someone decided to do the same with theirs.
your opinion is noted,,,and rejected as a reason to murder an innocent baby

and as we can see I dont care about the women but the baby she wants to murder
Oh FFS! It's not a "baby" until it's born! Until then, it's first a zygote, then becomes a fetus.

And, how many of those "babies" did you volunteer to adopt?

do you know the meaning of fetus??? you should look it up sometime

and I would adopt all of them but there are to many people far more qualified than me waiting to adopt,,,
I was just reading about this. The guy who introduced this bill has been married 5 times....no surprises there.

What about the men who impregnate these women? What do they get? Many insist the woman gets an abortion because they don't want to be paying child support for 18 plus years. What about them?
then maybe the women should keep their legs closed,,,
What a disgusting comment! Is that what you told every woman you wanted to have sex with? "Oh honey, I want to have sex with you, but you just need to keep your legs closed." That about right?

What about those who are raped or are the product of incest? What about those whose BC has failed?

What about the man's responsibility? There are condoms galore in every drug store and every vending machine in public bathrooms!

then why do the men have to pay child support if she decides not to kill it???
You want it both ways don't you? Guys can have sex with a woman but if she becomes pregnant, then he should just be able to walk away, right? Doesn't work like that bucko!

Oh, and she isn't "killing" anything! the definition of killing a person is that of an already born person, not a 12 week old fetus.

What about the 11 year old who was raped by her father/brother/uncle and becomes pregnant? Should she be forced to carry it to term when she still has a baby body herself?
both ways is better than just one way,,,and sorry if stopping a heart beat defines dead then once the heart starts defines life,,just cant deny science on this one
what you claim is a legal definition kinda like slavery was once legal

as for rape and incest those are valid discussions that go above and beyond the majority of abortions,,,
The heart starts beating even before the brain starts forming so that defense is not valid.The brain makes a person human, not the heart.

And, since we're on the subject of killing already born children, what about the order in the bible to kill all of the first born sons of the Jews? These were already born boys and yet many of you here think the bible is the word of God and should be taken and followed to the letter. You're fine with that I assume.

And finally, what do you care if a woman you don't know and never will has an abortion? Will you seek her out and volunteer to adopt her baby, pay all of her medical bills, and house her all through her pregnancy?

It's easy for men to sit on their high horses and think they can dictate what a woman does with her body and medical choice, but would be screaming to high heaven if someone decided to do the same with theirs.
your opinion is noted,,,and rejected as a reason to murder an innocent baby

and as we can see I dont care about the women but the baby she wants to murder
Oh FFS! It's not a "baby" until it's born! Until then, it's first a zygote, then becomes a fetus.

And, how many of those "babies" did you volunteer to adopt?

Your babies are felines, STFU. You're like a parody of a human being. Total bullshit.

1 guy that works with me ex aborted his kid. He divorced her (for that) and now has 4 kids.

The father should have a say unless he's not around. I totally sympathize with the dude. That's fucked up.
What the world needs is a 100% effective, easy to use birth control, either a shot, a once a year pill or something similar. If enough of us demanded it, the world could come up with it.
You want it both ways don't you? Guys can have sex with a woman but if she becomes pregnant, then he should just be able to walk away, right? Doesn't work like that bucko!

Oh, and she isn't "killing" anything! the definition of killing a person is that of an already born person, not a 12 week old fetus.

What about the 11 year old who was raped by her father/brother/uncle and becomes pregnant? Should she be forced to carry it to term when she still has a baby body herself?
both ways is better than just one way,,,and sorry if stopping a heart beat defines dead then once the heart starts defines life,,just cant deny science on this one
what you claim is a legal definition kinda like slavery was once legal

as for rape and incest those are valid discussions that go above and beyond the majority of abortions,,,
The heart starts beating even before the brain starts forming so that defense is not valid.The brain makes a person human, not the heart.

And, since we're on the subject of killing already born children, what about the order in the bible to kill all of the first born sons of the Jews? These were already born boys and yet many of you here think the bible is the word of God and should be taken and followed to the letter. You're fine with that I assume.

And finally, what do you care if a woman you don't know and never will has an abortion? Will you seek her out and volunteer to adopt her baby, pay all of her medical bills, and house her all through her pregnancy?

It's easy for men to sit on their high horses and think they can dictate what a woman does with her body and medical choice, but would be screaming to high heaven if someone decided to do the same with theirs.
your opinion is noted,,,and rejected as a reason to murder an innocent baby

and as we can see I dont care about the women but the baby she wants to murder
Oh FFS! It's not a "baby" until it's born! Until then, it's first a zygote, then becomes a fetus.

And, how many of those "babies" did you volunteer to adopt?

do you know the meaning of fetus??? you should look it up sometime

and I would adopt all of them but there are to many people far more qualified than me waiting to adopt,,,
Too many waiting to adopt? Then why are there thousands of kids languishing in foster homes just dying to be adopted? And what makes you so unqualified to adopt? Are you a registered sex offender? Don't have enough money to buy a kid?

Women have had to choose to have an abortion because of a debilitating defect with the fetus. These were wanted pregnancies. Should she be forced to carry it to term knowing it will die in agony after it's born? And during it's short life she will be presented with maybe a million dollar medical bill?

Finally, neither you or any other man has any right to tell a woman what she can do about a medical decision made by her and her doctor.........period!

Oh, and one more thing, all babies are so sacred unless they're brown ones born to immigrants, then they're just a burden on the country. That about right?

And it's still a fetus until it's born or able to live outside the womb, which is around 24 weeks.
I was just reading about this. The guy who introduced this bill has been married 5 times....no surprises there.

What about the men who impregnate these women? What do they get? Many insist the woman gets an abortion because they don't want to be paying child support for 18 plus years. What about them?
then maybe the women should keep their legs closed,,,
What a disgusting comment! Is that what you told every woman you wanted to have sex with? "Oh honey, I want to have sex with you, but you just need to keep your legs closed." That about right?

What about those who are raped or are the product of incest? What about those whose BC has failed?

What about the man's responsibility? There are condoms galore in every drug store and every vending machine in public bathrooms!

You want it both ways don't you? Guys can have sex with a woman but if she becomes pregnant, then he should just be able to walk away, right? Doesn't work like that bucko!

Oh, and she isn't "killing" anything! the definition of killing a person is that of an already born person, not a 12 week old fetus.

What about the 11 year old who was raped by her father/brother/uncle and becomes pregnant? Should she be forced to carry it to term when she still has a baby body herself?
both ways is better than just one way,,,and sorry if stopping a heart beat defines dead then once the heart starts defines life,,just cant deny science on this one
what you claim is a legal definition kinda like slavery was once legal

as for rape and incest those are valid discussions that go above and beyond the majority of abortions,,,
The heart starts beating even before the brain starts forming so that defense is not valid.The brain makes a person human, not the heart.

And, since we're on the subject of killing already born children, what about the order in the bible to kill all of the first born sons of the Jews? These were already born boys and yet many of you here think the bible is the word of God and should be taken and followed to the letter. You're fine with that I assume.

And finally, what do you care if a woman you don't know and never will has an abortion? Will you seek her out and volunteer to adopt her baby, pay all of her medical bills, and house her all through her pregnancy?

It's easy for men to sit on their high horses and think they can dictate what a woman does with her body and medical choice, but would be screaming to high heaven if someone decided to do the same with theirs.
your opinion is noted,,,and rejected as a reason to murder an innocent baby

and as we can see I dont care about the women but the baby she wants to murder
Oh FFS! It's not a "baby" until it's born! Until then, it's first a zygote, then becomes a fetus.

And, how many of those "babies" did you volunteer to adopt?

Your babies are felines, STFU. You're like a parody of a human being. Total bullshit.

1 guy that works with me ex aborted his kid. He divorced her (for that) and now has 4 kids.

The father should have a say unless he's not around. I totally sympathize with the dude. That's fucked up.
You obviously don't get around much because there are many men who don't want the responsibility of being a father. thus the term, "dead beat dads." You know of one person, but that isn't the norm.

I belong to a woman's group and many of them have sons who they said they paid for the girl to have an abortion so it wouldn't ruin their boy's life.

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