Texas bill would put women to death for having abortions...The GOP: So pro-life they'll kill you

What a disgusting comment! Is that what you told every woman you wanted to have sex with? "Oh honey, I want to have sex with you, but you just need to keep your legs closed." That about right?

What about those who are raped or are the product of incest? What about those whose BC has failed?

What about the man's responsibility? There are condoms galore in every drug store and every vending machine in public bathrooms!

Oh FFS! It's not a "baby" until it's born! Until then, it's first a zygote, then becomes a fetus.

And, how many of those "babies" did you volunteer to adopt?

Your babies are felines, STFU. You're like a parody of a human being. Total bullshit.

1 guy that works with me ex aborted his kid. He divorced her (for that) and now has 4 kids.

The father should have a say unless he's not around. I totally sympathize with the dude. That's fucked up.
You obviously don't get around much because there are many men who don't want the responsibility of being a father. thus the term, "dead beat dads." You know of one person, but that isn't the norm.

I belong to a woman's group and many of them have sons who they said they paid for the girl to have an abortion so it wouldn't ruin their boy's life.

I can't agree more on the deadbeat dad issue.

I used to work payroll at a large west coast home improvement chain of stores. One of my jobs was garnishments. I had 2 large file cabinets of just child support garnishments. In all those thousands of files, ONE was a woman. Only because she set up her child support as a deduction on her pay when the divorce was finalized. She never wanted to get behind in payments. All the rest of the thousands of files were men. Men who tried to get out of paying to support their own flesh and blood. Men who even denied the child was their own flesh and blood. Men who were executives who made huge amounts of money but wouldn't support their own flesh and blood.

My oldest sister's first husband even went as far as saying my sister had a miscarriage and my niece didn't exist. My sister had to go with that 3 year old "miscarriage", my niece to court to prove he was lying and had an obligation to support his own flesh and blood he denied existed. Even with the court order my sister never received a penny in child support for her child from the father of her child.

Way too many women face men who go to great lengths to deny their own flesh and blood just so they don't have to pay child support. Way too many children in America go to bed at night who have never even met their dad. Much less received even a birthday card from him. Way too many men make babies then walk away or divorce and walk away from their own flesh and blood. It's interesting that issue isn't important to the anti choice people.

This legislation has no exceptions for anything. So women will be forced to die if their pregnancy goes wrong. Rape survivors will be forced to carry to term and give birth to a rapist's child. Children who are sexually abused by relatives or friends of the family will be forced to carry pregnancies to term even if the child is too young and small to safely carry to term and give birth. Women who have miscarriages will now be investigated and probably prosecuted for miscarriages.

I don't believe any legislation like that will ever pass our courts even if it's able to pass a state legislature. All this legislation does is show normal rational people how much some conservatives hate women and want them to die. It's disgusting and people like that should never be in a position to force their views on anyone in this nation.
Thanks for the first hand information. There was a guy in my department who had his wages garnished for child support and he constantly moaned about it. And we made good money too. He never saw his kids, they were in Pittsburgh and he was in Winston Salem.He never talked about them or had any pictures of them either. His ex had to finally take him to court and he acted like he had been robbed.

Here's a true story.... When I was in my late teens, a friend got pregnant by her boyfriend of two years. After the baby was born, she had to take him to court for child support. He brought a couple of his friends who testified that they had also slept with her....they hadn't...but lied for their friend. This was before there was DNA testing. Anyhow, after that, the judge told all of them they would have to pay child support for the next 18 years. You've never seen walking back at such a pace in your life. The judge never changed his ruling though and even though he could have held them in contempt, I think his ruling was far better. They never expected that decision and wanted to kill the friend who was the actual father. All of us knew about it and laughed our butts off. They ended up having to pay until the kid was 18 too. She promptly dumped him after the court date and raised the baby on her own until she met a decent man and married him. She wouldn't let him adopt the child though because she still wanted to make the father pay for what he did. Poetic Justice if you ask me.
he was robbed

She took him for everything she could, and probably 4-5 others too.

It's a cycle set in place by LBJ.
I was just reading about this. The guy who introduced this bill has been married 5 times....no surprises there.

What about the men who impregnate these women? What do they get? Many insist the woman gets an abortion because they don't want to be paying child support for 18 plus years. What about them?
then maybe the women should keep their legs closed,,,
What a disgusting comment! Is that what you told every woman you wanted to have sex with? "Oh honey, I want to have sex with you, but you just need to keep your legs closed." That about right?

What about those who are raped or are the product of incest? What about those whose BC has failed?

What about the man's responsibility? There are condoms galore in every drug store and every vending machine in public bathrooms!

The heart starts beating even before the brain starts forming so that defense is not valid.The brain makes a person human, not the heart.

And, since we're on the subject of killing already born children, what about the order in the bible to kill all of the first born sons of the Jews? These were already born boys and yet many of you here think the bible is the word of God and should be taken and followed to the letter. You're fine with that I assume.

And finally, what do you care if a woman you don't know and never will has an abortion? Will you seek her out and volunteer to adopt her baby, pay all of her medical bills, and house her all through her pregnancy?

It's easy for men to sit on their high horses and think they can dictate what a woman does with her body and medical choice, but would be screaming to high heaven if someone decided to do the same with theirs.
your opinion is noted,,,and rejected as a reason to murder an innocent baby

and as we can see I dont care about the women but the baby she wants to murder
Oh FFS! It's not a "baby" until it's born! Until then, it's first a zygote, then becomes a fetus.

And, how many of those "babies" did you volunteer to adopt?

Your babies are felines, STFU. You're like a parody of a human being. Total bullshit.

1 guy that works with me ex aborted his kid. He divorced her (for that) and now has 4 kids.

The father should have a say unless he's not around. I totally sympathize with the dude. That's fucked up.
You obviously don't get around much because there are many men who don't want the responsibility of being a father. thus the term, "dead beat dads." You know of one person, but that isn't the norm.

I belong to a woman's group and many of them have sons who they said they paid for the girl to have an abortion so it wouldn't ruin their boy's life.

how many of those women are deadbeat mothers and living off of welfare???

sorry if a women or man wanted to, one person can provide for a child without outside money
How can a woman provide for a child without outside money? Be born rich? Have a sugar daddy?

A lot of single women who are on welfare have no family to take care of the child while she works and day care is too expensive. Again, on that woman's group, many women say even though they're married, they can't afford to have a job because day care would eat up every penny they make

How typical, you want to force her to give birth then not support her after it's born. You're pro-birth, but not pro-life.
All the more reason contraception needs to be pushed big big big time. Women who don't want kids we FULLY support and understand this brave courageous decision not to have them. It's a wise one if you want to work instead. Focus on work, etc the nation supports this. But if you don't want kids then don't get pregnant.

their is absolutely nothing brave or courageous about joining the work force
do you hear yourself?
are you fighting for women ?} calling for days of action ?

if women want a career thats their choice. NO ONE is stopping them or holding them back .
would you hold your own sister or daughter back from pursuing what she wants?

I n no way shape or form does it deserve any medal or praise for "bravery"

i've see A LOT OF this in my generation
pathetic depressed lost souls like this

and people like you are the reason for it

That is my calling card to admit, I had to go to a lot of therapy to admit, that I do want to be in a relationship and it’s okay to say I want to be in a relationship, so I decided to dedicate my new book to my future husband, where ever he may be, so he knows I’m serious about being vulnerable and understanding that I don’t have to be some strong independent woman to actually proof myself in life.

she even says she wants a man to put her in her place when she needs to be
I volunteer to give her a smack:04: :21:

I would see them all over the city pining away why didn't i have children WHY didnt i start a family

im not saying you cant go out and be a ho and have fun either
we were all teens and in our early 20s once

broads are total horn dogs
mother nature whaddya gonna do

Since i'm a lesbian trapped in a mans body(pffft no on can tell me im NOT! sexists!!!!) we can only tell strong young progressive girls who've been fed a lot of feminist crap

at 25 ladies
at after work tequila Tuesdays
pick yer head up from whatever crotch you may be down on for the night and ask yourself this what do i want?

The Nobelist thing a woman can do is be the rock that holds a strong loving family together
ask any good women who does it its not a cake walk and she does it out of pure selflessness and love

yes i understand some need 2 working parents but thats kinda different than a 38 year old single woman that panics and freaks out and starts questioning W HY didnt i have a family

Many do !
and many find themselves dealing with depression

Youre naturally wired to want Children, you can only lie to yourself for so long .when it comes to stuff like that i tend not to argue so much with nature n god

left wing feminist i hate to tell ya but youve in no way shape or form "evolved"
they like to throw the word "evolved " around
jus sayin
What a disgusting comment! Is that what you told every woman you wanted to have sex with? "Oh honey, I want to have sex with you, but you just need to keep your legs closed." That about right?

What about those who are raped or are the product of incest? What about those whose BC has failed?

What about the man's responsibility? There are condoms galore in every drug store and every vending machine in public bathrooms!

Oh FFS! It's not a "baby" until it's born! Until then, it's first a zygote, then becomes a fetus.

And, how many of those "babies" did you volunteer to adopt?

Your babies are felines, STFU. You're like a parody of a human being. Total bullshit.

1 guy that works with me ex aborted his kid. He divorced her (for that) and now has 4 kids.

The father should have a say unless he's not around. I totally sympathize with the dude. That's fucked up.
You obviously don't get around much because there are many men who don't want the responsibility of being a father. thus the term, "dead beat dads." You know of one person, but that isn't the norm.

I belong to a woman's group and many of them have sons who they said they paid for the girl to have an abortion so it wouldn't ruin their boy's life.

I can't agree more on the deadbeat dad issue.

I used to work payroll at a large west coast home improvement chain of stores. One of my jobs was garnishments. I had 2 large file cabinets of just child support garnishments. In all those thousands of files, ONE was a woman. Only because she set up her child support as a deduction on her pay when the divorce was finalized. She never wanted to get behind in payments. All the rest of the thousands of files were men. Men who tried to get out of paying to support their own flesh and blood. Men who even denied the child was their own flesh and blood. Men who were executives who made huge amounts of money but wouldn't support their own flesh and blood.

My oldest sister's first husband even went as far as saying my sister had a miscarriage and my niece didn't exist. My sister had to go with that 3 year old "miscarriage", my niece to court to prove he was lying and had an obligation to support his own flesh and blood he denied existed. Even with the court order my sister never received a penny in child support for her child from the father of her child.

Way too many women face men who go to great lengths to deny their own flesh and blood just so they don't have to pay child support. Way too many children in America go to bed at night who have never even met their dad. Much less received even a birthday card from him. Way too many men make babies then walk away or divorce and walk away from their own flesh and blood. It's interesting that issue isn't important to the anti choice people.

This legislation has no exceptions for anything. So women will be forced to die if their pregnancy goes wrong. Rape survivors will be forced to carry to term and give birth to a rapist's child. Children who are sexually abused by relatives or friends of the family will be forced to carry pregnancies to term even if the child is too young and small to safely carry to term and give birth. Women who have miscarriages will now be investigated and probably prosecuted for miscarriages.

I don't believe any legislation like that will ever pass our courts even if it's able to pass a state legislature. All this legislation does is show normal rational people how much some conservatives hate women and want them to die. It's disgusting and people like that should never be in a position to force their views on anyone in this nation.
Thanks for the first hand information. There was a guy in my department who had his wages garnished for child support and he constantly moaned about it. And we made good money too. He never saw his kids, they were in Pittsburgh and he was in Winston Salem.He never talked about them or had any pictures of them either. His ex had to finally take him to court and he acted like he had been robbed.

Here's a true story.... When I was in my late teens, a friend got pregnant by her boyfriend of two years. After the baby was born, she had to take him to court for child support. He brought a couple of his friends who testified that they had also slept with her....they hadn't...but lied for their friend. This was before there was DNA testing. Anyhow, after that, the judge told all of them they would have to pay child support for the next 18 years. You've never seen walking back at such a pace in your life. The judge never changed his ruling though and even though he could have held them in contempt, I think his ruling was far better. They never expected that decision and wanted to kill the friend who was the actual father. All of us knew about it and laughed our butts off. They ended up having to pay until the kid was 18 too. She promptly dumped him after the court date and raised the baby on her own until she met a decent man and married him. She wouldn't let him adopt the child though because she still wanted to make the father pay for what he did. Poetic Justice if you ask me.
he was robbed
Who was robbed? Both had to pay for their child/children. You don't think a man should pay for his children and should just be able to walk away with no responsibilities?
then maybe the women should keep their legs closed,,,
What a disgusting comment! Is that what you told every woman you wanted to have sex with? "Oh honey, I want to have sex with you, but you just need to keep your legs closed." That about right?

What about those who are raped or are the product of incest? What about those whose BC has failed?

What about the man's responsibility? There are condoms galore in every drug store and every vending machine in public bathrooms!

your opinion is noted,,,and rejected as a reason to murder an innocent baby

and as we can see I dont care about the women but the baby she wants to murder
Oh FFS! It's not a "baby" until it's born! Until then, it's first a zygote, then becomes a fetus.

And, how many of those "babies" did you volunteer to adopt?

Your babies are felines, STFU. You're like a parody of a human being. Total bullshit.

1 guy that works with me ex aborted his kid. He divorced her (for that) and now has 4 kids.

The father should have a say unless he's not around. I totally sympathize with the dude. That's fucked up.
You obviously don't get around much because there are many men who don't want the responsibility of being a father. thus the term, "dead beat dads." You know of one person, but that isn't the norm.

I belong to a woman's group and many of them have sons who they said they paid for the girl to have an abortion so it wouldn't ruin their boy's life.

how many of those women are deadbeat mothers and living off of welfare???

sorry if a women or man wanted to, one person can provide for a child without outside money
How can a woman provide for a child without outside money? Be born rich? Have a sugar daddy?

A lot of single women who are on welfare have no family to take care of the child while she works and day care is too expensive. Again, on that woman's group, many women say even though they're married, they can't afford to have a job because day care would eat up every penny they make

How typical, you want to force her to give birth then not support her after it's born. You're pro-birth, but not pro-life.

its called living frugal,,,

not to mention every case is different, as in my case after I paid her her bed fees she was making over 60K a yr and I was living on less than 10K,,

and I still had to provide for them since I had them half the time,,again I did it because I lived frugally,,,
Your babies are felines, STFU. You're like a parody of a human being. Total bullshit.

1 guy that works with me ex aborted his kid. He divorced her (for that) and now has 4 kids.

The father should have a say unless he's not around. I totally sympathize with the dude. That's fucked up.
You obviously don't get around much because there are many men who don't want the responsibility of being a father. thus the term, "dead beat dads." You know of one person, but that isn't the norm.

I belong to a woman's group and many of them have sons who they said they paid for the girl to have an abortion so it wouldn't ruin their boy's life.

I can't agree more on the deadbeat dad issue.

I used to work payroll at a large west coast home improvement chain of stores. One of my jobs was garnishments. I had 2 large file cabinets of just child support garnishments. In all those thousands of files, ONE was a woman. Only because she set up her child support as a deduction on her pay when the divorce was finalized. She never wanted to get behind in payments. All the rest of the thousands of files were men. Men who tried to get out of paying to support their own flesh and blood. Men who even denied the child was their own flesh and blood. Men who were executives who made huge amounts of money but wouldn't support their own flesh and blood.

My oldest sister's first husband even went as far as saying my sister had a miscarriage and my niece didn't exist. My sister had to go with that 3 year old "miscarriage", my niece to court to prove he was lying and had an obligation to support his own flesh and blood he denied existed. Even with the court order my sister never received a penny in child support for her child from the father of her child.

Way too many women face men who go to great lengths to deny their own flesh and blood just so they don't have to pay child support. Way too many children in America go to bed at night who have never even met their dad. Much less received even a birthday card from him. Way too many men make babies then walk away or divorce and walk away from their own flesh and blood. It's interesting that issue isn't important to the anti choice people.

This legislation has no exceptions for anything. So women will be forced to die if their pregnancy goes wrong. Rape survivors will be forced to carry to term and give birth to a rapist's child. Children who are sexually abused by relatives or friends of the family will be forced to carry pregnancies to term even if the child is too young and small to safely carry to term and give birth. Women who have miscarriages will now be investigated and probably prosecuted for miscarriages.

I don't believe any legislation like that will ever pass our courts even if it's able to pass a state legislature. All this legislation does is show normal rational people how much some conservatives hate women and want them to die. It's disgusting and people like that should never be in a position to force their views on anyone in this nation.
Thanks for the first hand information. There was a guy in my department who had his wages garnished for child support and he constantly moaned about it. And we made good money too. He never saw his kids, they were in Pittsburgh and he was in Winston Salem.He never talked about them or had any pictures of them either. His ex had to finally take him to court and he acted like he had been robbed.

Here's a true story.... When I was in my late teens, a friend got pregnant by her boyfriend of two years. After the baby was born, she had to take him to court for child support. He brought a couple of his friends who testified that they had also slept with her....they hadn't...but lied for their friend. This was before there was DNA testing. Anyhow, after that, the judge told all of them they would have to pay child support for the next 18 years. You've never seen walking back at such a pace in your life. The judge never changed his ruling though and even though he could have held them in contempt, I think his ruling was far better. They never expected that decision and wanted to kill the friend who was the actual father. All of us knew about it and laughed our butts off. They ended up having to pay until the kid was 18 too. She promptly dumped him after the court date and raised the baby on her own until she met a decent man and married him. She wouldn't let him adopt the child though because she still wanted to make the father pay for what he did. Poetic Justice if you ask me.
he was robbed
Who was robbed? Both had to pay for their child/children. You don't think a man should pay for his children and should just be able to walk away with no responsibilities?

I would like to see the specifics of that case,,

in my case after I paid her her bed fees she was making over 60K a yr and I was living on less than 10K,,
then maybe the women should keep their legs closed,,,
What a disgusting comment! Is that what you told every woman you wanted to have sex with? "Oh honey, I want to have sex with you, but you just need to keep your legs closed." That about right?

What about those who are raped or are the product of incest? What about those whose BC has failed?

What about the man's responsibility? There are condoms galore in every drug store and every vending machine in public bathrooms!

your opinion is noted,,,and rejected as a reason to murder an innocent baby

and as we can see I dont care about the women but the baby she wants to murder
Oh FFS! It's not a "baby" until it's born! Until then, it's first a zygote, then becomes a fetus.

And, how many of those "babies" did you volunteer to adopt?

Your babies are felines, STFU. You're like a parody of a human being. Total bullshit.

1 guy that works with me ex aborted his kid. He divorced her (for that) and now has 4 kids.

The father should have a say unless he's not around. I totally sympathize with the dude. That's fucked up.
You obviously don't get around much because there are many men who don't want the responsibility of being a father. thus the term, "dead beat dads." You know of one person, but that isn't the norm.

I belong to a woman's group and many of them have sons who they said they paid for the girl to have an abortion so it wouldn't ruin their boy's life.

how many of those women are deadbeat mothers and living off of welfare???

sorry if a women or man wanted to, one person can provide for a child without outside money
How can a woman provide for a child without outside money? Be born rich? Have a sugar daddy?

A lot of single women who are on welfare have no family to take care of the child while she works and day care is too expensive. Again, on that woman's group, many women say even though they're married, they can't afford to have a job because day care would eat up every penny they make

How typical, you want to force her to give birth then not support her after it's born. You're pro-birth, but not pro-life.

Get a job, bitch! Or maybe get married before you have the kid and do it the right way, derp!

There's no shame in being a stay-at-home mother.
Your babies are felines, STFU. You're like a parody of a human being. Total bullshit.

1 guy that works with me ex aborted his kid. He divorced her (for that) and now has 4 kids.

The father should have a say unless he's not around. I totally sympathize with the dude. That's fucked up.
You obviously don't get around much because there are many men who don't want the responsibility of being a father. thus the term, "dead beat dads." You know of one person, but that isn't the norm.

I belong to a woman's group and many of them have sons who they said they paid for the girl to have an abortion so it wouldn't ruin their boy's life.

I can't agree more on the deadbeat dad issue.

I used to work payroll at a large west coast home improvement chain of stores. One of my jobs was garnishments. I had 2 large file cabinets of just child support garnishments. In all those thousands of files, ONE was a woman. Only because she set up her child support as a deduction on her pay when the divorce was finalized. She never wanted to get behind in payments. All the rest of the thousands of files were men. Men who tried to get out of paying to support their own flesh and blood. Men who even denied the child was their own flesh and blood. Men who were executives who made huge amounts of money but wouldn't support their own flesh and blood.

My oldest sister's first husband even went as far as saying my sister had a miscarriage and my niece didn't exist. My sister had to go with that 3 year old "miscarriage", my niece to court to prove he was lying and had an obligation to support his own flesh and blood he denied existed. Even with the court order my sister never received a penny in child support for her child from the father of her child.

Way too many women face men who go to great lengths to deny their own flesh and blood just so they don't have to pay child support. Way too many children in America go to bed at night who have never even met their dad. Much less received even a birthday card from him. Way too many men make babies then walk away or divorce and walk away from their own flesh and blood. It's interesting that issue isn't important to the anti choice people.

This legislation has no exceptions for anything. So women will be forced to die if their pregnancy goes wrong. Rape survivors will be forced to carry to term and give birth to a rapist's child. Children who are sexually abused by relatives or friends of the family will be forced to carry pregnancies to term even if the child is too young and small to safely carry to term and give birth. Women who have miscarriages will now be investigated and probably prosecuted for miscarriages.

I don't believe any legislation like that will ever pass our courts even if it's able to pass a state legislature. All this legislation does is show normal rational people how much some conservatives hate women and want them to die. It's disgusting and people like that should never be in a position to force their views on anyone in this nation.
Thanks for the first hand information. There was a guy in my department who had his wages garnished for child support and he constantly moaned about it. And we made good money too. He never saw his kids, they were in Pittsburgh and he was in Winston Salem.He never talked about them or had any pictures of them either. His ex had to finally take him to court and he acted like he had been robbed.

Here's a true story.... When I was in my late teens, a friend got pregnant by her boyfriend of two years. After the baby was born, she had to take him to court for child support. He brought a couple of his friends who testified that they had also slept with her....they hadn't...but lied for their friend. This was before there was DNA testing. Anyhow, after that, the judge told all of them they would have to pay child support for the next 18 years. You've never seen walking back at such a pace in your life. The judge never changed his ruling though and even though he could have held them in contempt, I think his ruling was far better. They never expected that decision and wanted to kill the friend who was the actual father. All of us knew about it and laughed our butts off. They ended up having to pay until the kid was 18 too. She promptly dumped him after the court date and raised the baby on her own until she met a decent man and married him. She wouldn't let him adopt the child though because she still wanted to make the father pay for what he did. Poetic Justice if you ask me.
he was robbed

She took him for everything she could, and probably 4-5 others too.

It's a cycle set in place by LBJ.
She who? The judge made the decision about the boys knowing they were lying and the guy I worked with was a dead beat dad so the court made him pay. The girl never even knew he was bringing in his friends to lie until that day in court. She didn't have a say in it at all.
You obviously don't get around much because there are many men who don't want the responsibility of being a father. thus the term, "dead beat dads." You know of one person, but that isn't the norm.

I belong to a woman's group and many of them have sons who they said they paid for the girl to have an abortion so it wouldn't ruin their boy's life.

I can't agree more on the deadbeat dad issue.

I used to work payroll at a large west coast home improvement chain of stores. One of my jobs was garnishments. I had 2 large file cabinets of just child support garnishments. In all those thousands of files, ONE was a woman. Only because she set up her child support as a deduction on her pay when the divorce was finalized. She never wanted to get behind in payments. All the rest of the thousands of files were men. Men who tried to get out of paying to support their own flesh and blood. Men who even denied the child was their own flesh and blood. Men who were executives who made huge amounts of money but wouldn't support their own flesh and blood.

My oldest sister's first husband even went as far as saying my sister had a miscarriage and my niece didn't exist. My sister had to go with that 3 year old "miscarriage", my niece to court to prove he was lying and had an obligation to support his own flesh and blood he denied existed. Even with the court order my sister never received a penny in child support for her child from the father of her child.

Way too many women face men who go to great lengths to deny their own flesh and blood just so they don't have to pay child support. Way too many children in America go to bed at night who have never even met their dad. Much less received even a birthday card from him. Way too many men make babies then walk away or divorce and walk away from their own flesh and blood. It's interesting that issue isn't important to the anti choice people.

This legislation has no exceptions for anything. So women will be forced to die if their pregnancy goes wrong. Rape survivors will be forced to carry to term and give birth to a rapist's child. Children who are sexually abused by relatives or friends of the family will be forced to carry pregnancies to term even if the child is too young and small to safely carry to term and give birth. Women who have miscarriages will now be investigated and probably prosecuted for miscarriages.

I don't believe any legislation like that will ever pass our courts even if it's able to pass a state legislature. All this legislation does is show normal rational people how much some conservatives hate women and want them to die. It's disgusting and people like that should never be in a position to force their views on anyone in this nation.
Thanks for the first hand information. There was a guy in my department who had his wages garnished for child support and he constantly moaned about it. And we made good money too. He never saw his kids, they were in Pittsburgh and he was in Winston Salem.He never talked about them or had any pictures of them either. His ex had to finally take him to court and he acted like he had been robbed.

Here's a true story.... When I was in my late teens, a friend got pregnant by her boyfriend of two years. After the baby was born, she had to take him to court for child support. He brought a couple of his friends who testified that they had also slept with her....they hadn't...but lied for their friend. This was before there was DNA testing. Anyhow, after that, the judge told all of them they would have to pay child support for the next 18 years. You've never seen walking back at such a pace in your life. The judge never changed his ruling though and even though he could have held them in contempt, I think his ruling was far better. They never expected that decision and wanted to kill the friend who was the actual father. All of us knew about it and laughed our butts off. They ended up having to pay until the kid was 18 too. She promptly dumped him after the court date and raised the baby on her own until she met a decent man and married him. She wouldn't let him adopt the child though because she still wanted to make the father pay for what he did. Poetic Justice if you ask me.
he was robbed

She took him for everything she could, and probably 4-5 others too.

It's a cycle set in place by LBJ.
She who? The judge made the decision about the boys knowing they were lying and the guy I worked with was a dead beat dad so the court made him pay. The girl never even knew he was bringing in his friends to lie until that day in court. She didn't have a say in it at all.

You ain't foolin' anyone.
What a disgusting comment! Is that what you told every woman you wanted to have sex with? "Oh honey, I want to have sex with you, but you just need to keep your legs closed." That about right?

What about those who are raped or are the product of incest? What about those whose BC has failed?

What about the man's responsibility? There are condoms galore in every drug store and every vending machine in public bathrooms!

Oh FFS! It's not a "baby" until it's born! Until then, it's first a zygote, then becomes a fetus.

And, how many of those "babies" did you volunteer to adopt?

Your babies are felines, STFU. You're like a parody of a human being. Total bullshit.

1 guy that works with me ex aborted his kid. He divorced her (for that) and now has 4 kids.

The father should have a say unless he's not around. I totally sympathize with the dude. That's fucked up.
You obviously don't get around much because there are many men who don't want the responsibility of being a father. thus the term, "dead beat dads." You know of one person, but that isn't the norm.

I belong to a woman's group and many of them have sons who they said they paid for the girl to have an abortion so it wouldn't ruin their boy's life.

how many of those women are deadbeat mothers and living off of welfare???

sorry if a women or man wanted to, one person can provide for a child without outside money
How can a woman provide for a child without outside money? Be born rich? Have a sugar daddy?

A lot of single women who are on welfare have no family to take care of the child while she works and day care is too expensive. Again, on that woman's group, many women say even though they're married, they can't afford to have a job because day care would eat up every penny they make

How typical, you want to force her to give birth then not support her after it's born. You're pro-birth, but not pro-life.

Get a job, bitch! Or maybe get married before you have the kid and do it the right way, derp!

There's no shame in being a stay-at-home mother.
I am retired from a major airline and made excellent money and per MY choice, never had any kids, so go spew your filthy wrath at someone else.
You obviously don't get around much because there are many men who don't want the responsibility of being a father. thus the term, "dead beat dads." You know of one person, but that isn't the norm.

I belong to a woman's group and many of them have sons who they said they paid for the girl to have an abortion so it wouldn't ruin their boy's life.

I can't agree more on the deadbeat dad issue.

I used to work payroll at a large west coast home improvement chain of stores. One of my jobs was garnishments. I had 2 large file cabinets of just child support garnishments. In all those thousands of files, ONE was a woman. Only because she set up her child support as a deduction on her pay when the divorce was finalized. She never wanted to get behind in payments. All the rest of the thousands of files were men. Men who tried to get out of paying to support their own flesh and blood. Men who even denied the child was their own flesh and blood. Men who were executives who made huge amounts of money but wouldn't support their own flesh and blood.

My oldest sister's first husband even went as far as saying my sister had a miscarriage and my niece didn't exist. My sister had to go with that 3 year old "miscarriage", my niece to court to prove he was lying and had an obligation to support his own flesh and blood he denied existed. Even with the court order my sister never received a penny in child support for her child from the father of her child.

Way too many women face men who go to great lengths to deny their own flesh and blood just so they don't have to pay child support. Way too many children in America go to bed at night who have never even met their dad. Much less received even a birthday card from him. Way too many men make babies then walk away or divorce and walk away from their own flesh and blood. It's interesting that issue isn't important to the anti choice people.

This legislation has no exceptions for anything. So women will be forced to die if their pregnancy goes wrong. Rape survivors will be forced to carry to term and give birth to a rapist's child. Children who are sexually abused by relatives or friends of the family will be forced to carry pregnancies to term even if the child is too young and small to safely carry to term and give birth. Women who have miscarriages will now be investigated and probably prosecuted for miscarriages.

I don't believe any legislation like that will ever pass our courts even if it's able to pass a state legislature. All this legislation does is show normal rational people how much some conservatives hate women and want them to die. It's disgusting and people like that should never be in a position to force their views on anyone in this nation.
Thanks for the first hand information. There was a guy in my department who had his wages garnished for child support and he constantly moaned about it. And we made good money too. He never saw his kids, they were in Pittsburgh and he was in Winston Salem.He never talked about them or had any pictures of them either. His ex had to finally take him to court and he acted like he had been robbed.

Here's a true story.... When I was in my late teens, a friend got pregnant by her boyfriend of two years. After the baby was born, she had to take him to court for child support. He brought a couple of his friends who testified that they had also slept with her....they hadn't...but lied for their friend. This was before there was DNA testing. Anyhow, after that, the judge told all of them they would have to pay child support for the next 18 years. You've never seen walking back at such a pace in your life. The judge never changed his ruling though and even though he could have held them in contempt, I think his ruling was far better. They never expected that decision and wanted to kill the friend who was the actual father. All of us knew about it and laughed our butts off. They ended up having to pay until the kid was 18 too. She promptly dumped him after the court date and raised the baby on her own until she met a decent man and married him. She wouldn't let him adopt the child though because she still wanted to make the father pay for what he did. Poetic Justice if you ask me.
he was robbed

She took him for everything she could, and probably 4-5 others too.

It's a cycle set in place by LBJ.
She who? The judge made the decision about the boys knowing they were lying and the guy I worked with was a dead beat dad so the court made him pay. The girl never even knew he was bringing in his friends to lie until that day in court. She didn't have a say in it at all.
I am curious as to how long she knew him before she threw her legs open for him
I can't agree more on the deadbeat dad issue.

I used to work payroll at a large west coast home improvement chain of stores. One of my jobs was garnishments. I had 2 large file cabinets of just child support garnishments. In all those thousands of files, ONE was a woman. Only because she set up her child support as a deduction on her pay when the divorce was finalized. She never wanted to get behind in payments. All the rest of the thousands of files were men. Men who tried to get out of paying to support their own flesh and blood. Men who even denied the child was their own flesh and blood. Men who were executives who made huge amounts of money but wouldn't support their own flesh and blood.

My oldest sister's first husband even went as far as saying my sister had a miscarriage and my niece didn't exist. My sister had to go with that 3 year old "miscarriage", my niece to court to prove he was lying and had an obligation to support his own flesh and blood he denied existed. Even with the court order my sister never received a penny in child support for her child from the father of her child.

Way too many women face men who go to great lengths to deny their own flesh and blood just so they don't have to pay child support. Way too many children in America go to bed at night who have never even met their dad. Much less received even a birthday card from him. Way too many men make babies then walk away or divorce and walk away from their own flesh and blood. It's interesting that issue isn't important to the anti choice people.

This legislation has no exceptions for anything. So women will be forced to die if their pregnancy goes wrong. Rape survivors will be forced to carry to term and give birth to a rapist's child. Children who are sexually abused by relatives or friends of the family will be forced to carry pregnancies to term even if the child is too young and small to safely carry to term and give birth. Women who have miscarriages will now be investigated and probably prosecuted for miscarriages.

I don't believe any legislation like that will ever pass our courts even if it's able to pass a state legislature. All this legislation does is show normal rational people how much some conservatives hate women and want them to die. It's disgusting and people like that should never be in a position to force their views on anyone in this nation.
Thanks for the first hand information. There was a guy in my department who had his wages garnished for child support and he constantly moaned about it. And we made good money too. He never saw his kids, they were in Pittsburgh and he was in Winston Salem.He never talked about them or had any pictures of them either. His ex had to finally take him to court and he acted like he had been robbed.

Here's a true story.... When I was in my late teens, a friend got pregnant by her boyfriend of two years. After the baby was born, she had to take him to court for child support. He brought a couple of his friends who testified that they had also slept with her....they hadn't...but lied for their friend. This was before there was DNA testing. Anyhow, after that, the judge told all of them they would have to pay child support for the next 18 years. You've never seen walking back at such a pace in your life. The judge never changed his ruling though and even though he could have held them in contempt, I think his ruling was far better. They never expected that decision and wanted to kill the friend who was the actual father. All of us knew about it and laughed our butts off. They ended up having to pay until the kid was 18 too. She promptly dumped him after the court date and raised the baby on her own until she met a decent man and married him. She wouldn't let him adopt the child though because she still wanted to make the father pay for what he did. Poetic Justice if you ask me.
he was robbed

She took him for everything she could, and probably 4-5 others too.

It's a cycle set in place by LBJ.
She who? The judge made the decision about the boys knowing they were lying and the guy I worked with was a dead beat dad so the court made him pay. The girl never even knew he was bringing in his friends to lie until that day in court. She didn't have a say in it at all.
I am curious as to how long she knew him before she threw her legs open for him

I'm thinking the whole thing is a propaganda lie.
I have no idea about your rant. I'm just saying if you don't want kids we support you. If you do we support you. There is no shame in choosing not to have kids if you don't want them. That's it. It's not a huge deal if a woman chooses not to have them. Anything that leads to less abortions is a good thing.
Thanks for the first hand information. There was a guy in my department who had his wages garnished for child support and he constantly moaned about it. And we made good money too. He never saw his kids, they were in Pittsburgh and he was in Winston Salem.He never talked about them or had any pictures of them either. His ex had to finally take him to court and he acted like he had been robbed.

Here's a true story.... When I was in my late teens, a friend got pregnant by her boyfriend of two years. After the baby was born, she had to take him to court for child support. He brought a couple of his friends who testified that they had also slept with her....they hadn't...but lied for their friend. This was before there was DNA testing. Anyhow, after that, the judge told all of them they would have to pay child support for the next 18 years. You've never seen walking back at such a pace in your life. The judge never changed his ruling though and even though he could have held them in contempt, I think his ruling was far better. They never expected that decision and wanted to kill the friend who was the actual father. All of us knew about it and laughed our butts off. They ended up having to pay until the kid was 18 too. She promptly dumped him after the court date and raised the baby on her own until she met a decent man and married him. She wouldn't let him adopt the child though because she still wanted to make the father pay for what he did. Poetic Justice if you ask me.
he was robbed

She took him for everything she could, and probably 4-5 others too.

It's a cycle set in place by LBJ.
She who? The judge made the decision about the boys knowing they were lying and the guy I worked with was a dead beat dad so the court made him pay. The girl never even knew he was bringing in his friends to lie until that day in court. She didn't have a say in it at all.
I am curious as to how long she knew him before she threw her legs open for him

I'm thinking the whole thing is a propaganda lie.
women are known for being full of shit
I can't agree more on the deadbeat dad issue.

I used to work payroll at a large west coast home improvement chain of stores. One of my jobs was garnishments. I had 2 large file cabinets of just child support garnishments. In all those thousands of files, ONE was a woman. Only because she set up her child support as a deduction on her pay when the divorce was finalized. She never wanted to get behind in payments. All the rest of the thousands of files were men. Men who tried to get out of paying to support their own flesh and blood. Men who even denied the child was their own flesh and blood. Men who were executives who made huge amounts of money but wouldn't support their own flesh and blood.

My oldest sister's first husband even went as far as saying my sister had a miscarriage and my niece didn't exist. My sister had to go with that 3 year old "miscarriage", my niece to court to prove he was lying and had an obligation to support his own flesh and blood he denied existed. Even with the court order my sister never received a penny in child support for her child from the father of her child.

Way too many women face men who go to great lengths to deny their own flesh and blood just so they don't have to pay child support. Way too many children in America go to bed at night who have never even met their dad. Much less received even a birthday card from him. Way too many men make babies then walk away or divorce and walk away from their own flesh and blood. It's interesting that issue isn't important to the anti choice people.

This legislation has no exceptions for anything. So women will be forced to die if their pregnancy goes wrong. Rape survivors will be forced to carry to term and give birth to a rapist's child. Children who are sexually abused by relatives or friends of the family will be forced to carry pregnancies to term even if the child is too young and small to safely carry to term and give birth. Women who have miscarriages will now be investigated and probably prosecuted for miscarriages.

I don't believe any legislation like that will ever pass our courts even if it's able to pass a state legislature. All this legislation does is show normal rational people how much some conservatives hate women and want them to die. It's disgusting and people like that should never be in a position to force their views on anyone in this nation.
Thanks for the first hand information. There was a guy in my department who had his wages garnished for child support and he constantly moaned about it. And we made good money too. He never saw his kids, they were in Pittsburgh and he was in Winston Salem.He never talked about them or had any pictures of them either. His ex had to finally take him to court and he acted like he had been robbed.

Here's a true story.... When I was in my late teens, a friend got pregnant by her boyfriend of two years. After the baby was born, she had to take him to court for child support. He brought a couple of his friends who testified that they had also slept with her....they hadn't...but lied for their friend. This was before there was DNA testing. Anyhow, after that, the judge told all of them they would have to pay child support for the next 18 years. You've never seen walking back at such a pace in your life. The judge never changed his ruling though and even though he could have held them in contempt, I think his ruling was far better. They never expected that decision and wanted to kill the friend who was the actual father. All of us knew about it and laughed our butts off. They ended up having to pay until the kid was 18 too. She promptly dumped him after the court date and raised the baby on her own until she met a decent man and married him. She wouldn't let him adopt the child though because she still wanted to make the father pay for what he did. Poetic Justice if you ask me.
he was robbed

She took him for everything she could, and probably 4-5 others too.

It's a cycle set in place by LBJ.
She who? The judge made the decision about the boys knowing they were lying and the guy I worked with was a dead beat dad so the court made him pay. The girl never even knew he was bringing in his friends to lie until that day in court. She didn't have a say in it at all.
I am curious as to how long she knew him before she threw her legs open for him
Oh, so he had nothing to do with it right? It's all her fault? You obviously were never a horny teen boy who was going with a girl and convinced her to have sex with him. Are you a Eunuch or an incel? Sounds like it.
he was robbed

She took him for everything she could, and probably 4-5 others too.

It's a cycle set in place by LBJ.
She who? The judge made the decision about the boys knowing they were lying and the guy I worked with was a dead beat dad so the court made him pay. The girl never even knew he was bringing in his friends to lie until that day in court. She didn't have a say in it at all.
I am curious as to how long she knew him before she threw her legs open for him

I'm thinking the whole thing is a propaganda lie.
women are known for being full of shit
You really are a woman hater, aren't you? Bet you've never had a decent relationship with a woman in your life.
Thanks for the first hand information. There was a guy in my department who had his wages garnished for child support and he constantly moaned about it. And we made good money too. He never saw his kids, they were in Pittsburgh and he was in Winston Salem.He never talked about them or had any pictures of them either. His ex had to finally take him to court and he acted like he had been robbed.

Here's a true story.... When I was in my late teens, a friend got pregnant by her boyfriend of two years. After the baby was born, she had to take him to court for child support. He brought a couple of his friends who testified that they had also slept with her....they hadn't...but lied for their friend. This was before there was DNA testing. Anyhow, after that, the judge told all of them they would have to pay child support for the next 18 years. You've never seen walking back at such a pace in your life. The judge never changed his ruling though and even though he could have held them in contempt, I think his ruling was far better. They never expected that decision and wanted to kill the friend who was the actual father. All of us knew about it and laughed our butts off. They ended up having to pay until the kid was 18 too. She promptly dumped him after the court date and raised the baby on her own until she met a decent man and married him. She wouldn't let him adopt the child though because she still wanted to make the father pay for what he did. Poetic Justice if you ask me.
he was robbed

She took him for everything she could, and probably 4-5 others too.

It's a cycle set in place by LBJ.
She who? The judge made the decision about the boys knowing they were lying and the guy I worked with was a dead beat dad so the court made him pay. The girl never even knew he was bringing in his friends to lie until that day in court. She didn't have a say in it at all.
I am curious as to how long she knew him before she threw her legs open for him
Oh, so he had nothing to do with it right? It's all her fault? You obviously were never a horny teen boy who was going with a girl and convinced her to have sex with him. Are you a Eunuch or an incel? Sounds like it.

I never said that,,,
She took him for everything she could, and probably 4-5 others too.

It's a cycle set in place by LBJ.
She who? The judge made the decision about the boys knowing they were lying and the guy I worked with was a dead beat dad so the court made him pay. The girl never even knew he was bringing in his friends to lie until that day in court. She didn't have a say in it at all.
I am curious as to how long she knew him before she threw her legs open for him

I'm thinking the whole thing is a propaganda lie.
women are known for being full of shit
You really are a woman hater, aren't you? Bet you've never had a decent relationship with a woman in your life.
so since you cant defend your view or refute the message you attack the messenger,,,

and you kinda proved my point didnt you???

Humm, is killing an innocent baby in the womb horrifying?

I know you don't give a hoot about babies, so I'll just note that the bill does not mandate the death penalty but rather allows it. So your thread title is misleading.

Even in Texas, most homicides do not result in the death penalty. So it's very unlikely that more than a very small percentage of women who violated this law would be executed, if any.

Yes it is. Fortunately it will never be enacted.

Abortion is going to destroy the right in the coming years. This is an issue where time has outlasted any effect of their pro birther crusade against women.

If it's one thing America is not becoming, it's more religious. Or more ideologically to the right. They are just becoming louder and more shrill as they slowly fade away.

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