Texas church shooter shot babies in the face at point-blank range...

With the most guns in the world and the highest incarceration rate we still have much higher crime rates than other civilized countries with gun control. We also have many unique problems to our country like mass shootings, over 50 police shot and killed each year, our police shoot many, many people, toddlers shoot people, road rage shootings, women shot by significant others.... Too many guns.
Why the US has the most mass shootings - CNN
US cops killed 100 times more than German police in 2015
Analysis | American toddlers are still shooting people on a weekly basis this year
Study: Road rage incidents involving guns are increasing

The “boyfriend loophole” in U.S. gun laws is costing women’s lives

More police officers die on the job in states with more guns

Fallen officers: 64 shot dead in the line of duty in 2016 - CNN

FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year - CNN
How man shootings are there every week in Shitcago?

They don't have a wall do they? Easy to get guns into a city.
Terrorists had no trouble getting fully automatic weapons into Paris, did they?

A group of global terrorists. Here all it takes is an angry asshole. How many mass shootings does France have compared to us?
"Global terrorists?" My ass. they were Muslim "refugees" - exactly the kind that idiots like you want to import into this country.

And the French and every country with gun control have far fewer mass killings than us.

RIght, France has had numerous mass killings. So has England, Belgium and Germany.
They don't have a wall do they? Easy to get guns into a city.
Terrorists had no trouble getting fully automatic weapons into Paris, did they?

A group of global terrorists. Here all it takes is an angry asshole. How many mass shootings does France have compared to us?
"Global terrorists?" My ass. they were Muslim "refugees" - exactly the kind that idiots like you want to import into this country.

And the French and every country with gun control have far fewer mass killings than us.

RIght, France has had numerous mass killings. So has England, Belgium and Germany.

Over the course of years yes. We have numerous EACH year. When was the last mass killing in Germany? Ours was this week.
Over the course of years yes. We have numerous EACH year. When was the last mass killing in Germany? Ours was this week.

When they show up on your doorstep to kill you and your family with a bunch of firearms ... What are you going to do about it ... :dunno:

...but don't condemn him, you people are just as bad.

A recent poster compared a baby being aborted to a "deadbeat tenant" getting evicted from his apartment.

Such callous cruelty has become the hallmark of the modern liberal.

So you don't get to judge the Texas shooter, he is you.

It's not even surprising to hear you defend the killer.
Over the course of years yes. We have numerous EACH year. When was the last mass killing in Germany? Ours was this week.

When they show up on your doorstep to kill you and your family with a bunch of firearms ... What are you going to do about it ... :dunno:


Hasn't happened. And would be far less likely if we had good gun control. We have the most guns in the world and the most gun death. Do the math.
...but don't condemn him, you people are just as bad.

A recent poster compared a baby being aborted to a "deadbeat tenant" getting evicted from his apartment.

Such callous cruelty has become the hallmark of the modern liberal.

So you don't get to judge the Texas shooter, he is you.

But you won't do anything to stop kids from being shot right?

Let's arm the parents.

National Concealed Carry.

Yeah more concealed carry has really been working out well.
It was a gun owner who stopped him.
After he had already killed all those people...
Hasn't happened. And would be far less likely if we had good gun control. We have the most guns in the world and the most gun death. Do the math.

It obviously hasn't happened ... You are still breathing ... :thup:

Hasn't happened. And would be far less likely if we had good gun control. We have the most guns in the world and the most gun death. Do the math.

It obviously hasn't happened ... You are still breathing ... :thup:


And it would be far less likely if we had good gun control. That's why countries with gun control have lower homicide rates. They don't have toddlers killing people. Road rage doesn't lead to death. Their police aren't shot and killed weekly. Mass shootings aren't happening regularly. We have all those even with the highest incarceration rate in the world!

And it would be far less likely if we had good gun control. That's why countries with gun control have lower homicide rates. They don't have toddlers killing people. Road rage doesn't lead to death. Their police aren't shot and killed weekly. Mass shootings aren't happening regularly. We have all those even with the highest incarceration rate in the world!

It would be almost certain you would be dead if anyone showed up to kill you.
You can gamble on your chances of that happening with your own life ... Not mine ... :thup:

Yes clearly our gun control is very weak.

Translation: Proven once again background checks are not the silver bullet gun controllers make them out to be.

To put it as plainly as humanly possible...I trust my gun to keep me and mine safe far more than your background checks.

This is just another prime example of the hard but true facts...government cannot keep you safe...laws cannot keep you safe...police cannot keep you safe...systems of control cannot keep you safe...even you might not be able to keep yourself safe...but of all the above, I trust myself the most.
Yes clearly our gun control is very weak.

Translation: Proven once again background checks are not the silver bullet gun controllers make them out to be.

To put it as plainly as humanly possible...I trust my gun to keep me and mine safe far more than your background checks.

This is just another prime example of the hard but true fact...government cannot keep you safe...laws cannot keep you safe...police cannot keep you safe...systems of control cannot keep you safe...even you might not be able to keep yourself safe...but of all the above, I trust myself the most.

That stats don't lie. Countries with gun control are much more safe.
...but don't condemn him, you people are just as bad.

A recent poster compared a baby being aborted to a "deadbeat tenant" getting evicted from his apartment.

Such callous cruelty has become the hallmark of the modern liberal.

So you don't get to judge the Texas shooter, he is you.

Oh STFU with saying liberals don't care about the shootings.

Tell it to the assholes who want to hide guns on their person, and admit almost all are knee jerk RWNJs like you.

You pretend you care about shooting victims but you are actually USING their deaths to further own agenda. You are standing on the bodies of dead children to rant about abortion.

If you are posting in a thread about food stamps or school breakfast programs, you will get all pious and preachy, condemning a woman whose child needs those programs.

And don't even think about doing anything to protect children. Oh hell no. You pro-birther nuts gotta have your concealed weapons.


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And it would be far less likely if we had good gun control. That's why countries with gun control have lower homicide rates. They don't have toddlers killing people. Road rage doesn't lead to death. Their police aren't shot and killed weekly. Mass shootings aren't happening regularly. We have all those even with the highest incarceration rate in the world!

It would be almost certain you would be dead if anyone showed up to kill you.
You can gamble on your chances of that happening with your own life ... Not mine ... :thup:


And the corpses keep piling up.
Yes clearly our gun control is very weak.

Translation: Proven once again background checks are not the silver bullet gun controllers make them out to be.

To put it as plainly as humanly possible...I trust my gun to keep me and mine safe far more than your background checks.

This is just another prime example of the hard but true fact...government cannot keep you safe...laws cannot keep you safe...police cannot keep you safe...systems of control cannot keep you safe...even you might not be able to keep yourself safe...but of all the above, I trust myself the most.

That stats don't lie. Countries with gun control are much more safe.

Were They safer than the U.S. before they had gun control?
Yes clearly our gun control is very weak.

Translation: Proven once again background checks are not the silver bullet gun controllers make them out to be.

To put it as plainly as humanly possible...I trust my gun to keep me and mine safe far more than your background checks.

This is just another prime example of the hard but true fact...government cannot keep you safe...laws cannot keep you safe...police cannot keep you safe...systems of control cannot keep you safe...even you might not be able to keep yourself safe...but of all the above, I trust myself the most.

That stats don't lie. Countries with gun control are much more safe.

Were They safer than the U.S. before they had gun control?

Gun ownership has always been lower. That equals safer. Their police aren't getting shot regularly. Toddlers aren't killing people. They don't have regular mass shootings.
Yes clearly our gun control is very weak.

Translation: Proven once again background checks are not the silver bullet gun controllers make them out to be.

To put it as plainly as humanly possible...I trust my gun to keep me and mine safe far more than your background checks.

This is just another prime example of the hard but true fact...government cannot keep you safe...laws cannot keep you safe...police cannot keep you safe...systems of control cannot keep you safe...even you might not be able to keep yourself safe...but of all the above, I trust myself the most.

That stats don't lie. Countries with gun control are much more safe.

Were They safer than the U.S. before they had gun control?

Gun ownership has always been lower. That equals safer. Their police aren't getting shot regularly. Toddlers aren't killing people. They don't have regular mass shootings.

BS. The rural areas of this country where gun ownership is the highest are by far the safest. My county hasn't had a firearm murder in 20 years.
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Let's arm the parents.

National Concealed Carry.

Yeah more concealed carry has really been working out well.
It was a gun owner who stopped him.

After all the kids and innocents were quite dead.
If someone INSIDE the Church had been armed, then the shooting would have stopped sooner.

No it wouldn't. Somebody in Orlando was armed, a highly trained police officer. Didn't matter. But where there is strong gun control, mass shootings aren't a problem.

In Tucson, there was an armed guy who ran into a Walgreens to hide.

It was in armed people stopped shooter.

What Blackrook is carefully ignoring is that in most of these shoototings, a semi-auto is used. That means they're dead before most of them even knows there's a shooter.

But, truth is, this is not a thread about mass shootings. Blackrook is using those dead people as an excuse to rant about abortion. Utterly shameful, especially since Blackrook likes to preach about what a good christian he is.

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