Texas church shooter shot babies in the face at point-blank range...

BS. The rural areas of this country where gun ownership is the highest are by far the safest. My county hasn't had a firearm murder in 20 years.

Yes the places where there aren't many people. People get killed less when they are not there. What other country has a problem with toddlers shooting people? Where else are police shot regularly? Where else is there such a mass killing problem?

Lots of places. Mexico, most of South America, most of Africa, most of the Middle East, Indonesia, The Philippines, Brazil (lots of video of those...they shoot the cops and security guards just to get their guns), Russia. Really just starting to get a head of steam in Europe...If you can't keep immigrants out, you can't keep weapons out either.

So we have a 3rd world country problem. It's not a problem in civilized countries with gun control. I'm still confident it is much worse here.

Yep...all our Democrat controlled cities are like third world countries.

You must hate our country then since that is most the country.
You should get out of the basement more often...The third world cities are NOT EVEN CLOSE to most of our country.

Trust me...I know.
Well I would use common sense and not be dropping off money at a bank late at night. And clearly he wasn't intent on killing you or you'd have been dead.

It's a lot of money ... Safer in the bank than the bar.

I didn't have a chance to ask him if he had the intent to kill me ... I was ready to shoot him before he had the opportunity.
He didn't stick around to find out who was going to end up dead ... Glad I didn't have to press the issue.

You on the other hand would have been robbed at the least ... :thup:

Yes the places where there aren't many people. People get killed less when they are not there. What other country has a problem with toddlers shooting people? Where else are police shot regularly? Where else is there such a mass killing problem?

Lots of places. Mexico, most of South America, most of Africa, most of the Middle East, Indonesia, The Philippines, Brazil (lots of video of those...they shoot the cops and security guards just to get their guns), Russia. Really just starting to get a head of steam in Europe...If you can't keep immigrants out, you can't keep weapons out either.

So we have a 3rd world country problem. It's not a problem in civilized countries with gun control. I'm still confident it is much worse here.

Yep...all our Democrat controlled cities are like third world countries.

You must hate our country then since that is most the country.
You should get out of the basement more often...The third world cities are NOT EVEN CLOSE to most of our country.

Trust me...I know.

When did you start trying to be insulting Missourian? You used to be quite a good guy. Most our population is urban.
Well I would use common sense and not be dropping off money at a bank late at night. And clearly he wasn't intent on killing you or you'd have been dead.

It's a lot of money ... Safer in the bank than the bar.

I didn't have a chance to ask him if he had the intent to kill me ... I was ready to shoot him before he had the opportunity.
He didn't stick around to find out who was going to end up dead ... Glad I didn't have to press the issue.

You on the other hand would have been robbed at the least ... :thup:

Had he been armed and wanted to kill you, you'd be dead. The killer has every advantage.
Study: More access to guns means more gun-related deaths
A new study from Boston University suggests that might not be the case. In fact, the study says the easier it is to obtain a weapon in a state, the more gun deaths that state has.

Josh Stockley, Associate Professor of Political Science at ULM, said these findings aren't a surprise.

"The more guns you have the more deaths you're going to have," Stockley said.

He said the research backs that up consistently. The Boston University study says states with looser restrictions on concealed carry permits had a 10.6% higher handgun homicide rate.
Had he been armed and wanted to kill you, you'd be dead. The killer has every advantage.

Well ... I am not going to argue with your inability to understand situation awareness.
I don't expect you be able to put yourself in the situation and understand what happened ... Because you simply wouldn't be equipped to handle it.

I don't need to break it down for you any further ... You are just going to make ridiculous arguments.
Plus ... I have shared enough about the experience already (I am no hero) ... And as I have mentioned, I am thankful I was not you ... :thup:

Again ... You are free to gamble with you and your family's life ... Not mine.
I don't need anything from you ... The Constitution already gives me the ability to defend myself.

Had he been armed and wanted to kill you, you'd be dead. The killer has every advantage.

Well ... I am not going to argue with your inability to understand situation awareness.
I don't expect you be able to put yourself in the situation and understand what happened ... Because you simply wouldn't be equipped to handle it.

I don't need to break it down for you any further ... You are just going to make ridiculous arguments.
Plus ... I have shared enough about the experience already (I am no hero) ... And as I have mentioned I am thankful I was not you ... :thup:

Again ... You are free to gamble with you and your family's life ... Not mine.


You are gambling with a lot of lives.
US rate for gun deaths is up for the second straight year

Not at all ... None of my firearms were involved in those statistics ... :thup:

Holy Smokes ... Did you see where 2/3rds of the gun deaths reported in the CDC study were suicides.
I guess you are suggesting no one commits suicide without a firearm.
Yep ... That's a gun problem and probably has nothing to do with mental health issues ... :rolleyes:

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When did you start trying to be insulting Missourian? You used to be quite a good guy. Most our population is urban.

I'm not being insulting...you are being insulting by trying to BS me about my own state and trying to insinuate rural residents somehow don't count.

Now...let me clue you in with some knowledge.

The population of St Louis is 315,000 and Kansas City is 465,000.

Even if you include the Greater Kansas City and St Louis area... 1.2 million and 1 million people respectively...it is still less than half of the population of the state.

The population of the State of Missouri is 6.1 million.

So, all things being equal, the areas with the most legal guns should be the most dangerous...because, according to you, more guns equals more killing.

But the truth is, it is just the opposite...The areas with the most legal guns have the LEAST homicides, the LEAST crime and the SAFEST communities. The dangerous parts also have the LEAST legal gun ownership.

Your theory is bullshit. I understand you are so completely invested in it that facts no longer matter...but that doesn't change the facts one iota.


More legal guns, 18 times less homicides.
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Thank goodness he was shot and killed before he could hurt anyone else. I am very thankful for our right to defend ourselves and possibly others against psychopathic killers. Imagine the sickness it takes to do such a thing to a cute little innocent baby? Such a cowardly act.
I'm not being insulting...you are being insulting by trying to BS me about my own state and trying to insinuate rural residents somehow don't count.

Now...let me clue you in with some knowledge.

The population of St Louis is 315,000 and Kansas City is 465,000.

Even if you include the Greater Kansas City and St Louis area...2 million and 1 million people respectively...it is still less than half of the population of the state.

The population of the State of Missouri is 6.1 million.

So, all things being equal, the areas with the most legal guns should be the most dangerous...because, according to you, more guns equals more killing.

But the truth is, it is just the opposite...The areas with the most legal guns have the LEAST homicides, the LEAST crime and the SAFEST communities. The dangerous parts also have the LEAST legal gun ownership.

Your theory is bullshit. I understand you are so completely invested in it that facts no longer matter...but that doesn't change the facts one iota.

View attachment 159258

More legal guns, 18 times less homicide.

You know people really have to stick their head in the sand not to know why firearms statistics look the way they do.
Of course they will tell you it is because of mass shootings and rampant firearm crimes all over the place.

Where mass shootings are unfortunate ... It isn't hard to see where the rampant firearms crimes take place.
Louisiana has some of the worst statistics for firearms crimes ... But if you take New Orleans and Shreveport out of the equation, the number is cut in half if not more.
We don't even need to talk about the fact those two places are run by Democrats.

I am not saying any firearm death is not tragic ... But the anti-firearm movement isn't really interested in letting us protect ourselves ...
And are willing to put us at the mercy of their failures.

It was a gun owner who stopped him.

After all the kids and innocents were quite dead.
If someone INSIDE the Church had been armed, then the shooting would have stopped sooner.

No it wouldn't. Somebody in Orlando was armed, a highly trained police officer. Didn't matter. But where there is strong gun control, mass shootings aren't a problem.

How man shootings are there every week in Shitcago?

They don't have a wall do they? Easy to get guns into a city.
. Easy to take those guns, but the libs don't want the bad guy's harassed... Might violate their non-existent rights in which they hold as the bad guy's.
Ask Gosnell.

Your poster boy?

After all, if you had your way, every abortion doctor would be a Gosnell. He's what results from pro-life policies, so own him. Show some pride in creating him, because you did create him.
Gosnell is a hero to the left. Largest mass murderer in US history and you lefties adore him.

MSM kept the lid on him, but the upcoming movie will expose him.
How man shootings are there every week in Shitcago?

They don't have a wall do they? Easy to get guns into a city.
Terrorists had no trouble getting fully automatic weapons into Paris, did they?

A group of global terrorists. Here all it takes is an angry asshole. How many mass shootings does France have compared to us?
"Global terrorists?" My ass. they were Muslim "refugees" - exactly the kind that idiots like you want to import into this country.

And the French and every country with gun control have far fewer mass killings than us.
How is gun control working in Mexico?

Oh yeah, Mexico is more violent than Baghdad.
View attachment 159254

Homicide Deaths per 100,000 people...all those white areas...you know, where all the guns are...hardly any...the darkest red areas East and West? That's St Louis and Kansas City...The part of the state with the lowest concentration of legally owned firearms.

Yes the parts with the population. Obviously where there are lots of people there is more crime. And a country with lots of legal firearms is guaranteed to have lots of illegal.
Don't even try it. Per 100,000 is per 100,000.

It is safer where the highest concentration of guns are. Blows a huge hole in your "more guns, more killing" theory.

More guns, less killing.

Guns aren't the problem.

Exactly the opposite of what statics tell us.

More guns more mass shootings.
View attachment 159254

Homicide Deaths per 100,000 people...all those white areas...you know, where all the guns are...hardly any...the darkest red areas East and West? That's St Louis and Kansas City...The part of the state with the lowest concentration of legally owned firearms.

Yes the parts with the population. Obviously where there are lots of people there is more crime. And a country with lots of legal firearms is guaranteed to have lots of illegal.
Don't even try it. Per 100,000 is per 100,000.

It is safer where the highest concentration of guns are. Blows a huge hole in your "more guns, more killing" theory.

More guns, less killing.

Guns aren't the problem.

Exactly the opposite of what statics tell us.

More guns more mass shootings.
. Post the statistics please.
After all the kids and innocents were quite dead.
If someone INSIDE the Church had been armed, then the shooting would have stopped sooner.

No it wouldn't. Somebody in Orlando was armed, a highly trained police officer. Didn't matter. But where there is strong gun control, mass shootings aren't a problem.

How man shootings are there every week in Shitcago?

They don't have a wall do they? Easy to get guns into a city.
Terrorists had no trouble getting fully automatic weapons into Paris, did they?
True, it was 17 terrorists came to France in connection with the 15th of November 2015 with fully automatic weapons for the most part and explosives
...but don't condemn him, you people are just as bad.

A recent poster compared a baby being aborted to a "deadbeat tenant" getting evicted from his apartment.

Such callous cruelty has become the hallmark of the modern liberal.

So you don't get to judge the Texas shooter, he is you.

But you won't do anything to stop kids from being shot right?

No....we try our best...we support the arrest and jailing of gun crimnals...then people like you let them back out. We support ending gun free zones...and you guys fight that tooth and nail. We support gun safety education in all public schools, you guys fight that too......Americans use guns 1.500,000 times a year to stop violent rapes, robberies, murders and even mass public shootings....and you want to take those guns away...

No...it is you who wants kids to be shot....
...but don't condemn him, you people are just as bad.

A recent poster compared a baby being aborted to a "deadbeat tenant" getting evicted from his apartment.

Such callous cruelty has become the hallmark of the modern liberal.

So you don't get to judge the Texas shooter, he is you.

But you won't do anything to stop kids from being shot right?

Let's arm the parents.

National Concealed Carry.

Yeah more concealed carry has really been working out well.
It was a gun owner who stopped him.

After all the kids and innocents were quite dead.

No, moron......since there were no guns in the church in the hands of good guys, they had to wait for the civilian with the AR-15 civilian rifle to stop the killer....and he saved lives...the killer was calmly walking around the church murdering the survivors, so the plumber with the AR-15 civilian rifle saved at least 26 lives....
...but don't condemn him, you people are just as bad.

A recent poster compared a baby being aborted to a "deadbeat tenant" getting evicted from his apartment.

Such callous cruelty has become the hallmark of the modern liberal.

So you don't get to judge the Texas shooter, he is you.

But you won't do anything to stop kids from being shot right?

Let's arm the parents.

National Concealed Carry.

Yeah more concealed carry has really been working out well.

Except when you guys make gun free zones...where people can't carry their guns to stop killers....

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