Texas Democrats leave state to try to stop GOP voting bill

News reports showed happy Democrat members of the Texas legislature laughing and joking, on a private charted jet, designed to take them out of the state, to thwart a vote on election integrity, by stopping a quorum. When they come back they're going to be arrested, and will be doing jail time. Maybe the news media will show us the before and after pictures. Should be an interesting contrast.

Amazing how these legislators turned criminals, can so lightly and flippantly think they can use election fraud to get themselves re-elected, as if the fraud-riddled 2020 election outrages, should now be thought of as normal. Nothing could be farther from the truth. This important vote on election integrity is going to happen, and the laws that need to be passed are going to be.

One of the Democrat legislators flying out of the state, state Rep. Trey Martinez Fischer said “We’ve left our jobs, we’ve left our families, we’ve left our homes. Because there is nothing more important than voting rights in America.” What he really means is >> there is nothing more important TO DEMOCRATS, than ILLEGAL voting rights FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS, In America.”

Here is a quote from Texas governor Greg Abbot, from KVUE, 2 hours ago>>

"There is something the governor can do. First of all, I’ll tell you what the House of Representatives can do. What the speaker can do is issue a call to have these members arrested. In addition to that, however, I can and I will continue to call a special session after special session after special session all the way up until election next year. And so if these people want to be hanging out wherever they’re hanging out on this taxpayer-paid junket, they’re going to have to be prepared to do it for well over a year. As soon as they come back in the state of Texas, they will be arrested, they will be cabined inside the Texas Capitol until they get their job done. "

Even your article, quoting the Governor listed no statute that would allow for arrest and no penalties. I would be interested in seeing it, if it exists. I have never heard of a law anywhere in the country that says people walking of the job, can be arrested or imprisoned. Has Texas fallen to a communist takeover by it's own Governor?
The Governor of Texas is talking about arresting legislators coming back into the state of Texas and you call me a Fascist? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

The Governor thinks he can send Texas Law Enforcement to D.C. and pick them up. Just one problem, whomever that dolt sends will not authority, no jurisdiction and no arrest power in D.C.

And exactly what shall they be arrested for?
It's Texas Constitutional Law. Law makers can be arrested for not attending special sessions.
Arrested, slapped on the wrist and released where they won't do a damn thing! Abbott is a joke.
No, they can be held in the Capitol Building long enough to make up a quorum, then they can go fuck themselves.
I think this is why they left, they were being threatened with being round up by the Texas Rangers and held there against their will.
I posted the evidence that you know is valid
Pathetic liar. take it to court or stfu already, you are embarrassing our county.
Did anybody say the court battles were over ? If they did, it sure wasn't me. More evidence is coming forth every day of how bad the STEAL was.

Post them in a courtroom, dude. You got nothing if all you can do is stick it on a message board. They even call him President Biden on Fox News. It has been in all the papers. Let me know when the court date is, and I will try to catch part of what you present and will definitely read the judge's ruling. Until you prove different, he just lost. Everybody with one foot in reality know that. You are beating your little fingertips for nothing.
The President of the United States, and overwhelming choice of the American people, is Donald J. Trump.

Jo biden is a pathetic, demented puppet, White House HIGHJACKER, and China cahoots conspirator.

Ho hum.
They are not criminals. The Republicans are the criminals, They are launching a attack on democracy Republicans are the ones committing crimes. There is absolutely no evidence of illegal voting. You are nothing but a lying weasel as well as a thug. Greg Abbott is a thug who should be named in the same breath as Hitler and Stalin. These Democrat legislators are heroes as they fight against dictatorial thugs. They are doing the same thing our founding fathers did when they fought British rule.
Long before these * latest evidences of 2020 election fraud were published, I posted PAGES & PAGES of election fraud from multiple states. It's all there for anyone serious about the issue, and not pretending it didn't happen like these clownish fools who post idiocy in this forum.

Democrats all over the country participated in this fraud. A full scale attack on our nation, attack on out democracy, TREASON, and they should all be arrested, convicted, and sentenced to death by firing squad.

Greg Abbott and PRESIDENT Trump are the heroes. I hope Texas comes down HARD on these dirty criminals.

You are the lying, weasel, filthy, traitor, thug. You should be executed for SEDITION & TREASON.

GA. WATCHDOG: Fulton Recount Had 60% Error Rate; 1000s of Fake Biden Votes Found - Headline USA

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Have you ever considered sanity as a viable alternative to your current state of being?

There is nothing the least bit Nazi-like about requiring a legitimate I.D. to vote.
NO. busybee has NOT ever considered sanity as a viable alternative to his current state of being. He, like, most other current day Democrats, is INSANE.
That's an understatement, they are worse than that.

Much worse.:mad-61:
They are enemies of the USA, they support the enemies of the USA (ex. China, Iran), and should not be a part of this country. They are also nuts (ex. support men in womens' sports). Why we tolerate them being here, is beyond the imagination.
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here’s another fact. Joe Biden is president. Your president. Elected in a blow out election with over 7 million votes. Certified in all 50 states, and monitored as the safest election in history by the dept of homeland security under the former guys administration.
Is there a doctor in the house ? I mean really.

That's a fact. Anything that denies some one a vote should be rectified, not increased to suit any party.
Here's a fact. Anything that allows someone to vote illegally should be rectified, not increased to suit the Democrats.

here’s another fact. Joe Biden is president. Your president. Elected in a blow out election with over 7 million votes. Certified in all 50 states, and monitored as the safest election in history by the dept of homeland security under the former guys administration.

You really see nothing wrong here?
here’s another fact. Joe Biden is president. Your president. Elected in a blow out election with over 7 million votes. Certified in all 50 states, and monitored as the safest election in history by the dept of homeland security under the former guys administration.
Is there a doctor in the house ? I mean really.

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This type of reply is the problem. He said it as it is. It's fact. Biden won legally.
You guys can't accept it it. Trump was the first to promote a fraudulent election before it even happened and you all fell for it.
Now you are harping about it as if it's not true.

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