Texas Father Shoots Teen Boy Hiding In Daughter's Room

I have a 2 yr old. When theres a 17 yr old in her room and shes 16...i wont be shooting him in the face ya fuckin pussy
Better get a job and support yourself you worthless fuckin half a man groveling over the internet how you cant find a job. You make real men everywhelre sick. Nut up and take care of your life fornfucks sake and stop asking real job holders on the internet how to get your training wheels.
If I found a 17 year old boy in my 16 year old daughter's bedroom and she denied knowing him and he made a quick move with his hands I would have shot him too. The daughter who reportedly claimed she did not know him will have to live with that on her conscious.

True, and I think the daughter should be charged with manslaughter. The bitch denied knowing the boy, the father felt the need to protect his daughter (although shooting him wasn't necessary unless the daughter was obviously threatened) and shot the boy.
Charge the daughter.
I have a 2 yr old. When theres a 17 yr old in her room and shes 16...i wont be shooting him in the face ya fuckin pussy

How mature. If I don't know who the boy in my daughter's room is, he has to the count of 1 to get the hell out of my house before I open fire. My daughter will be grounded for a good long while if she lies about it.
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suppose the kid was a martial arts master? Suppose he had a weapon hidden in his hand, such as a knife, which could have put to the throat of the girl?
Are you saying you would take that chance with your daughter's life based on some left wing ideology?

Never think the worst. Never shoot someone dead because he MIGHT have a knife, even though you have no evidence to prove that he does.
I don't believe there is any excuse for this man's actions. I hope they throw the book at him. Manslaughter. Obviously not capital murder. He could get off with a misdemeanor, 30 days in the clink, and some community service before he's admitted to the mental institution.
Killing some boy cuz youre an emotional infant isnt the right reasons. It means you have a tiny brain and a small nutsac.
He shouldnt have been at gunpoint to begin with. Are you you retarded notntonfigure out your daughter has a dude over and is so ashamed shed lie?

Death occured.


And youre taking the killers word for it. Naw he wasnt impassioned cuz his daughters a whore. No. He moved. The kid moved. Aaaahhhhhkay i was born yesterday and the sky is green.

Are you saying that you would assume your daughter was lying if you found a boy hiding in her room and she said she didn't know him? Would you lock her in with the boy to teach her the lesson the rest of us seem to be missing?
He shouldnt have been at gunpoint to begin with. Are you you retarded notntonfigure out your daughter has a dude over and is so ashamed shed lie?

Death occured.


And youre taking the killers word for it. Naw he wasnt impassioned cuz his daughters a whore. No. He moved. The kid moved. Aaaahhhhhkay i was born yesterday and the sky is green.

Are you saying that you would assume your daughter was lying if you found a boy hiding in her room and she said she didn't know him? Would you lock her in with the boy to teach her the lesson the rest of us seem to be missing?
Id probably carry him outta the house by his ear after i put a foot in his ass.
Im not arguing that you cant defend you home with deadly force. Im arguing that youre a fucking moron that doesnt deserve to breath air if youncant figure out in that situation that the fuckin kid isnt an intruder. And YOU ALL are morons if you even believe the familys story theyre going with.

The burden of proof in that situation is entirely on the head of the guy in the house without my permission.

All these people who would just set an intruder free in the night to go accost another unsuspecting young woman ....
He shouldnt have been at gunpoint to begin with. Are you you retarded notntonfigure out your daughter has a dude over and is so ashamed shed lie?

Death occured.


And youre taking the killers word for it. Naw he wasnt impassioned cuz his daughters a whore. No. He moved. The kid moved. Aaaahhhhhkay i was born yesterday and the sky is green.

Are you saying that you would assume your daughter was lying if you found a boy hiding in her room and she said she didn't know him? Would you lock her in with the boy to teach her the lesson the rest of us seem to be missing?

The brother saw his legs poking out from under the bed. A person who broke in to attack the daughter isn't going to simply crawl under the bed when someone knocks on the door. Logic dictates that the girl knew the boy. If the father hadn't lost his cool, things could be different.

Then again, if the daughter wasn't such a lying whore, the boy would still be alive.
Yeah, the daughter was getting some. The ultimate irony would be if she ended up preggers by the dead kid. That would be awkward in future years.
Im not arguing that you cant defend you home with deadly force. Im arguing that youre a fucking moron that doesnt deserve to breath air if youncant figure out in that situation that the fuckin kid isnt an intruder. And YOU ALL are morons if you even believe the familys story theyre going with.

The burden of proof in that situation is entirely on the head of the guy in the house without my permission.

Nevermind killing a human being should be the LAST fucking resort in any given situation you narcissistic fucks

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