Texas Father Shoots Teen Boy Hiding In Daughter's Room

People siding with the fucking killer just cuz they wanna side with a gun owner are the type too deranged by their politics to make sound judgements about life events any longer.

Get a clue. A kid is dead cuz of a moron father who coukdnt stand the emotion of his 16yr. Old fucking.

You are dumb amd depraved.an innocent child is dead.
The kid was in her room. She invited him in. She lied. Kid died.
Now, she has to live with this the rest of HER life, her dad gets to live with it knowing she lied and he killed the guy, the brother has to live with it knowing he told dad about the feet poking out and the results of that cuz for all he knew, some guy was hiding under the bed, the parents of the dead guy have to live with it knowing their son is dead because some teenybopper chick lied to her dad who then shot their son.

As I said before...what a mess.

With that said..I would have done the same thing the lying girls father did. His house. Someone inside he did not invite and under his lying daughters bed. Shoot first, ask questions later. But I probably would have shot him in the leg. Or both legs.
Templar i am 100% pro gun rights. Anyone on here who knows me knows me knows that.

But im not a hack whos gunna defend a cold blooded kid killer cuz his daughter is a smut....just cuz im pro gun.

Yall lack pragmatism and dont value human life over your politics.
The kid was in her room. She invited him in. She lied. Kid died.
Now, she has to live with this the rest of HER life, her dad gets to live with it knowing she lied and he killed the guy, the brother has to live with it knowing he told dad about the feet poking out and the results of that cuz for all he knew, some guy was hiding under the bed, the parents of the dead guy have to live with it knowing their son is dead because some teenybopper chick lied to her dad who then shot their son.

As I said before...what a mess.

With that said..I would have done the same thing the lying girls father did. His house. Someone inside he did not invite and under his lying daughters bed. Shoot first, ask questions later. But I probably would have shot him in the leg. Or both legs.

I was taught from a very young age, never point a gun at someone unless you are willing to kill them, and never, ever shoot, unless you are aiming to kill.
Templar i am 100% pro gun rights. Anyone on here who knows me knows me knows that.

But im not a hack whos gunna defend a cold blooded kid killer cuz his daughter is a smut....just cuz im pro gun.

Yall lack pragmatism and dont value human life over your politics.

You just don't get it do you? A vital life lesson was taught to this girl. If your father has a gun, and you bring a boy home without him knowing, perhaps it would be wiser to tell the truth. Someone's life could be on the line.
Someones life should not be on the line in that situation. Sorry thats retarded.oh noes...therss an unarmed 17 yr old boy in my 16yr olds bedroom....if he moves i better shoot him? Fuck outta here......her father is as big a pussy as our species makes period.
The man deserves to go to prison.

The boy is a year apart from the girl and we're supposed to buy the story "oh she said she didnt know him" and that this father was dumb enough to believe that? No, thats the story the family made up while the cops were on their way.

"He moved his hand so i shot him?"

What a fucking pussy.
Instead of a gun, what if the father whacked him in the head with a baseball bat and killed him?
Would there be any difference? No the results would have been the same. So basically you are arguing that you cannot defend your home/Family with deadly force.
Im not arguing that you cant defend you home with deadly force. Im arguing that youre a fucking moron that doesnt deserve to breath air if youncant figure out in that situation that the fuckin kid isnt an intruder. And YOU ALL are morons if you even believe the familys story theyre going with.
Im not arguing that you cant defend you home with deadly force. Im arguing that youre a fucking moron that doesnt deserve to breath air if youncant figure out in that situation that the fuckin kid isnt an intruder. And YOU ALL are morons if you even believe the familys story theyre going with.

We have to go with the story as is, if you know something we don't, why don't you post it? If it comes out that the story told by this family is wrong, then I will reevaluate my opinion. Until then, it was a good shoot.
A good shot?

So youd marry a grown man that couldnt handle a 17yr old boy without a gun?

This world is getting too effeminate on the male side. Such pussies.
Studies have shown that children's brains are not complete, that they are not able to act and react as adults until much later.

17 is still a child.

But at exactly the moment of the 18th anniversary of their birthdates they are "able to act and react as adults until much later. " Riiiiiiiiiiight!

The guy was not an intruder in the daughter's home. She does not own it. He was an intruder in the FATHER's home. The father owns the house. And he did not know the intruder. In many states you may kill an intruder in your home who you personally do not know and you are not required to retreat. That is the 'castle' doctrine. I'd bet the cyber dollar this one gets off completely, unless there were Skittles involved. In that case, he will get the lethal injection.

You're the reason there should be gun control.

Well, we don't have gun control. Therefore, I highly recommend you stay away from my home. I'm armed. And if I catch you in my home, I'll shoot you. Bank on it.
Texas Father Shoots Teen Boy Hiding In Daughter's Room: Cops

Apparently no charges are being filed but instead the case will be taken to a grand jury to determine if charges should be filed. What say you all?

I will give my take when I get back home later tonight.

Were I on the grand jury I'd certainly find that there was reason to take this man to trial for homicide.

What reason is that? The guy was in his house, in his daughter's room, his daughter denied knowing him, he made a move, the man shot. It's what I would have done, it's pretty much what everyone in the country who has a daughter would do. In this case, the daughter is the guilty party, if she'd told the truth, the guy would still be alive.

In states that have the castle doctrine, he isn't required to 'make a move.' He's in the house. He's a stranger. The law presumes he is there to do you harm. No move needed. You shoot to kill.
Texas Father Shoots Teen Boy Hiding In Daughter's Room: Cops

Apparently no charges are being filed but instead the case will be taken to a grand jury to determine if charges should be filed. What say you all?

I will give my take when I get back home later tonight.

Another casualty in America's war on sex. Instead of allowing a 16yo to have a guest over and fool around, we make her feel so guilty about it that when confronted about the guest she lies and thus an 'intruder' is now present, not a boyfriend.

Hard to give an opinion based solely on the OP. Presumedly the father was holding him at gunpoint when the boyfriend did something to make the father fearful and fire. My first thought is lethal force wasn't justified because somebody twitched. Without knowing the situation and setting though that might be wrong.

You would allow your 16 year old daughter to "fool around" in your house? Tell me, when your daughter gets HIV, what do you tell her? "I'm sorry I let you fool around?" You know, some people just shouldn't be parents.

One in 4 teens has and STD. Now.
Nobody wants to go in your dusty assed orange carpet wood paneled fuckin pledge smelling house sunshine dont worry. Id shoot myself voluntarily first.
Im not arguing that you cant defend you home with deadly force. Im arguing that youre a fucking moron that doesnt deserve to breath air if youncant figure out in that situation that the fuckin kid isnt an intruder. And YOU ALL are morons if you even believe the familys story theyre going with.

It doesn't matter. Texas is a castle doctrine state. Stranger is in your home. Law presumes he is there to do you harm. Shoot him. And I'm pretty sure there were no Skittles involved in this one, so the guy will not even come to trial.
It doesnt make it RIGHT. So defend it all you want. A kid is dead and youre a shitty fucking person. If you cant learn the value of human life over political quandry when you face YOUR OWN death, you are a hopeless, worthless life lived.

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