Texas Father Shoots Teen Boy Hiding In Daughter's Room

Texas Father Shoots Teen Boy Hiding In Daughter's Room: Cops

Apparently no charges are being filed but instead the case will be taken to a grand jury to determine if charges should be filed. What say you all?

I will give my take when I get back home later tonight.

Another casualty in America's war on sex. Instead of allowing a 16yo to have a guest over and fool around, we make her feel so guilty about it that when confronted about the guest she lies and thus an 'intruder' is now present, not a boyfriend.

Hard to give an opinion based solely on the OP. Presumedly the father was holding him at gunpoint when the boyfriend did something to make the father fearful and fire. My first thought is lethal force wasn't justified because somebody twitched. Without knowing the situation and setting though that might be wrong.

You would allow your 16 year old daughter to "fool around" in your house? Tell me, when your daughter gets HIV, what do you tell her? "I'm sorry I let you fool around?" You know, some people just shouldn't be parents.

Wait until you have a 16 y/o daughter.

Actually by the time they turn 16 their Hymens are long gone. Unless, of course, they are fat and/or ugly.

Another casualty in America's war on sex. Instead of allowing a 16yo to have a guest over and fool around, we make her feel so guilty about it that when confronted about the guest she lies and thus an 'intruder' is now present, not a boyfriend.

Hard to give an opinion based solely on the OP. Presumedly the father was holding him at gunpoint when the boyfriend did something to make the father fearful and fire. My first thought is lethal force wasn't justified because somebody twitched. Without knowing the situation and setting though that might be wrong.

You would allow your 16 year old daughter to "fool around" in your house? Tell me, when your daughter gets HIV, what do you tell her? "I'm sorry I let you fool around?" You know, some people just shouldn't be parents.

Wait until you have a 16 y/o daughter.

Actually by the time they turn 16 their Hymens are long gone. Unless, of course, they are fat and/or ugly.


I think I'd rather my daughter was fat or ugly than a slut.
To me, the guy should have asked the girl first if she wanted the boy to leave. If the boy refused to leave after she wanted him to.....well then you know the rest.

God bless you always!!!

To me, the guy should have asked the girl first if she wanted the boy to leave. If the boy refused to leave after she wanted him to.....well then you know the rest.

God bless you always!!!


You see a stranger in your 16-year-old's bed -- she says she doesn't know him -- and you ask her if she wants the intruder to leave?
^^^ If she doesn't know him and he refuses to leave, she better not be lying about her knowing him because something will be done to him.

God bless you always!!!

^^^ If she doesn't know him and he refuses to leave, she better not be lying about her knowing him because something will be done to him.

God bless you always!!!


No, when a stranger enters your 16-year-old's bedroom in the middle of the night, you don't offer to let him leave. If he's on top of your daughter, you do something very violent to stop that situation from continuing. If he's not currently on top of your daughter then you tell him to stay still and not make a move while you call 911.

And if he makes a move which you perceive as threatening you do what you feel you need to do in order to keep your loved ones safe.

You would really and truly let a stranger who accosted your daughter in her bedroom run off in the night to accost again another day? Really?
^^^ If there is already a gun in his face, he will do whatever he is ordered to if he has any sense in that head of his. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

^^^ If there is already a gun in his face, he will do whatever he is ordered to if he has any sense in that head of his. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)



Once your daughter has said she doesn't know him, you don't ask your daughter if she wants the intruder to leave. And you don't let the intruder run off. You send that b@st@rd to prison ... unless he's stupid enough to threaten you some more in which case you defend your home and family, and if he doesn't make it as far as the prison then so be it.
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Wait until you have a 16 y/o daughter.

Actually by the time they turn 16 their Hymens are long gone. Unless, of course, they are fat and/or ugly.

Really, is that really the way it is in your neighborhood?
Sounds like the results of a terrible job of being a parent.
If I found a 17 year old boy in my 16 year old daughter's bedroom and she denied knowing him and he made a quick move with his hands I would have shot him too. The daughter who reportedly claimed she did not know him will have to live with that on her conscious.

That pretty much sums it up.

Fuck, I might have shot him even if she admitted knowing him.
If I found a 17 year old boy in my 16 year old daughter's bedroom and she denied knowing him and he made a quick move with his hands I would have shot him too. The daughter who reportedly claimed she did not know him will have to live with that on her conscious.

Her conscious? Is there a brain in your head?

Of course you would shoot the kid. You are a person who cannot handle himself without the firearm.....or with it.

A quick move with his hands? Maybe swatting a fly? If you don't see a weapon you DO NOT SHOOT!!!!

Funny how you say that, yet routinely defend cops who do the same thing.
If I found a 17 year old boy in my 16 year old daughter's bedroom and she denied knowing him and he made a quick move with his hands I would have shot him too. The daughter who reportedly claimed she did not know him will have to live with that on her conscious.

Moreover, she will have his blood on her hands for the rest of her life. That's why you never tell a lie, it can get someone killed.
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Studies have shown that children's brains are not complete, that they are not able to act and react as adults until much later.

17 is still a child.

But at exactly the moment of the 18th anniversary of their birthdates they are "able to act and react as adults until much later. " Riiiiiiiiiiight!

The guy was not an intruder in the daughter's home. She does not own it. He was an intruder in the FATHER's home. The father owns the house. And he did not know the intruder. In many states you may kill an intruder in your home who you personally do not know and you are not required to retreat. That is the 'castle' doctrine. I'd bet the cyber dollar this one gets off completely, unless there were Skittles involved. In that case, he will get the lethal injection.

You're the reason there should be gun control.

And you're the reason why there shouldn't. If you can come up with a viable solution that doesn't infringe on the rights of gun owners, I'm all for it. But since I have yet to see anything of the sort, I must presume that you, like all of your liberal friends, want to ban guns outright.

How many times must we get it through your thick skulls? Criminals don't obey gun laws. All this will do is harm those who carry legally.
If a grown assed man cant diffuse oris confused about a situation regarding two teenagers in a room and he resorts to firing his gun, he is an inept human being and should not be allowed free to walk among the sane.
If a grown assed man cant diffuse oris confused about a situation regarding two teenagers in a room and he resorts to firing his gun, he is an inept human being and should not be allowed free to walk among the sane.

You're joking, right? Well then, the first mistake he made was believing his daughter. Or he simply taught her a life lesson about lying. In that case, that would be the most effective way of instilling honesty in someone. It shouldn't have come to bloodshed, but hey, she lied, someone died.
You obviously are too cavalier about human life yourself.

She likely didnt think her dad was batshit enough to kill a young 17year old kid.

The poor kid. This guy deserves to rot for his decision and killing an unarmed fucking kid cuz he cant come to terms with his daughter being a fuckin smut. Fuck outta here. If this situation calls for death in anyones eyes they dont belong sharing an internet with me. Fu k off my internet, herb.
You obviously are too cavalier about human life yourself.

She likely didnt think her dad was batshit enough to kill a young 17year old kid.

The poor kid. This guy deserves to rot for his decision and killing an unarmed fucking kid cuz he cant come to terms with his daughter being a fuckin smut. Fuck outta here. If this situation calls for death in anyones eyes they dont belong sharing an internet with me. Fu k off my internet, herb.

The kid shouldn't have moved. Someone hold's a gun on you, you freeze. Period, end of story. It would all have been sorted out when the cops got there. The girl should not have lied. The father did what any father would have done.
He shouldnt have been at gunpoint to begin with. Are you you retarded notntonfigure out your daughter has a dude over and is so ashamed shed lie?

Death occured.


And youre taking the killers word for it. Naw he wasnt impassioned cuz his daughters a whore. No. He moved. The kid moved. Aaaahhhhhkay i was born yesterday and the sky is green.

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