Texas Father Shoots Teen Boy Hiding In Daughter's Room

Her conscious? Is there a brain in your head?

Of course you would shoot the kid. You are a person who cannot handle himself without the firearm.....or with it.

A quick move with his hands? Maybe swatting a fly? If you don't see a weapon you DO NOT SHOOT!!!!
suppose the kid was a martial arts master? Suppose he had a weapon hidden in his hand, such as a knife, which could have put to the throat of the girl?
Are you saying you would take that chance with your daughter's life based on some left wing ideology?

So, one should shoot just in case?

What ever happened to knowing what you're shooting at? Or to using equal force? And fighting fair?

Not the way I was taught about guns at all.

"fighting fair"

Tell me what that means?

A young man that most likely is tougher and more agile than an obviously overweight man 55 years of age with medical issues?



Denote the fairness of that fight please. One looks "cut" the other looks like he could keel over any second.
Her conscious? Is there a brain in your head?

Of course you would shoot the kid. You are a person who cannot handle himself without the firearm.....or with it.

A quick move with his hands? Maybe swatting a fly? If you don't see a weapon you DO NOT SHOOT!!!!
suppose the kid was a martial arts master? Suppose he had a weapon hidden in his hand, such as a knife, which could have put to the throat of the girl?
Are you saying you would take that chance with your daughter's life based on some left wing ideology?

So, one should shoot just in case?

What ever happened to knowing what you're shooting at? Or to using equal force? And fighting fair?

Not the way I was taught about guns at all.
Not "just in case"..
In the interpretation of "castle laws", all one has to do is have a "reasonable" idea that life and limb were in danger at the time of the incident.
There is no "retreat" statute attached here.
Here's the bottom line....In a situation such as I imagine this to be, "you think, you hesitate, you die."
Tis better to be judged by 12, than carried by six.
Debate concluded.
You may now have the last word.
If dad had not had a gun, the kid would have been bounced off the walls.

We need guns because we have guns.

And here we go.:cuckoo:

These the horrors that he was speaking of.

Actually, just very simple logic.

Think about it.

Without trying to get a fight going, just think about it.

Nothing to think about. The guy was identified as an intruder by the turd daughter. That makes him an intruder. Intruder in my house equals room temperature.
First off, yes, he was a child as per the legal definition of the word.

Second, the daughter should have NEVER denied knowing the boy - very bad; this was the thing that got her boyfriend killed, pretty much.

Third, the dad should have asked more questions and not gotten so "trigger-happy."

All this being taken into account, the father should NOT be charged imho.

It is, to me, understandable that the dad felt threatened. He thought that he was defending his family from an intruder/possible rapist.
A teenager in Harris County, Texas, was fatally shot by the father of a girl who sneaked the boy into her bedroom, authorities said.

Johran McCormick, 17, was shot early Thursday morning after the father of a 16-year-old girl found him in her bedroom, KHOU-TV reports.

McCormick was discovered first when the girl's younger brother went to say good night to her and saw two feet sticking out from under her bed.

The brother got his father who confronted McCormick after the daughter reportedly claimed she did not know him.

The man, whose name has not been released, called 911. He then got into an argument with the teen. The father told police that he opened fire when McCormick suddenly moved his hands, according to RawStory.com.

McCormick died at the scene. Deputies recovered a handgun from the home.

Investigators later discovered the victim was a friend of the daughter's whom she had let into the home, the Houston Chronicle reports.

Texas Father Shoots Teen Boy Hiding In Daughter's Room: Cops

Apparently no charges are being filed but instead the case will be taken to a grand jury to determine if charges should be filed. What say you all?

I will give my take when I get back home later tonight.

Were I on the grand jury I'd certainly find that there was reason to take this man to trial for homicide.
A teenager in Harris County, Texas, was fatally shot by the father of a girl who sneaked the boy into her bedroom, authorities said.

Johran McCormick, 17, was shot early Thursday morning after the father of a 16-year-old girl found him in her bedroom, KHOU-TV reports.

McCormick was discovered first when the girl's younger brother went to say good night to her and saw two feet sticking out from under her bed.

The brother got his father who confronted McCormick after the daughter reportedly claimed she did not know him.

The man, whose name has not been released, called 911. He then got into an argument with the teen. The father told police that he opened fire when McCormick suddenly moved his hands, according to RawStory.com.

McCormick died at the scene. Deputies recovered a handgun from the home.

Investigators later discovered the victim was a friend of the daughter's whom she had let into the home, the Houston Chronicle reports.

Texas Father Shoots Teen Boy Hiding In Daughter's Room: Cops

Apparently no charges are being filed but instead the case will be taken to a grand jury to determine if charges should be filed. What say you all?

I will give my take when I get back home later tonight.

Another casualty in America's war on sex. Instead of allowing a 16yo to have a guest over and fool around, we make her feel so guilty about it that when confronted about the guest she lies and thus an 'intruder' is now present, not a boyfriend.

Hard to give an opinion based solely on the OP. Presumedly the father was holding him at gunpoint when the boyfriend did something to make the father fearful and fire. My first thought is lethal force wasn't justified because somebody twitched. Without knowing the situation and setting though that might be wrong.
A gun nut father, finds out his bitch daughter is a whore and shoots her lover, well, at least the one he found.
He them claims, "Rapid movement" as his excuse to shoot the young lad.

This is clearly murder and the father should be executed for his crime.
A teenager in Harris County, Texas, was fatally shot by the father of a girl who sneaked the boy into her bedroom, authorities said.

Johran McCormick, 17, was shot early Thursday morning after the father of a 16-year-old girl found him in her bedroom, KHOU-TV reports.

McCormick was discovered first when the girl's younger brother went to say good night to her and saw two feet sticking out from under her bed.

The brother got his father who confronted McCormick after the daughter reportedly claimed she did not know him.

The man, whose name has not been released, called 911. He then got into an argument with the teen. The father told police that he opened fire when McCormick suddenly moved his hands, according to RawStory.com.

McCormick died at the scene. Deputies recovered a handgun from the home.

Investigators later discovered the victim was a friend of the daughter's whom she had let into the home, the Houston Chronicle reports.

Texas Father Shoots Teen Boy Hiding In Daughter's Room: Cops

Apparently no charges are being filed but instead the case will be taken to a grand jury to determine if charges should be filed. What say you all?

I will give my take when I get back home later tonight.

Is the kid black? Is the dad white?

If the answer to either one of those is no, then this story will never get legs.

Everyone involved is black. So it is not a racial thing.
If I found a 17 year old boy in my 16 year old daughter's bedroom and she denied knowing him and he made a quick move with his hands I would have shot him too. The daughter who reportedly claimed she did not know him will have to live with that on her conscious.

Her conscious? Is there a brain in your head?

Of course you would shoot the kid. You are a person who cannot handle himself without the firearm.....or with it.

A quick move with his hands? Maybe swatting a fly? If you don't see a weapon you DO NOT SHOOT!!!!
suppose the kid was a martial arts master? Suppose he had a weapon hidden in his hand, such as a knife, which could have put to the throat of the girl?
Are you saying you would take that chance with your daughter's life based on some left wing ideology?

The fact is that the girl invited the boy into her home. He was a guest, even if the father did not understand that. Also, this is the father's story that he didn't know the kid and that his daughter denied knowing him. Personally, I think the father knew the kid was his daughter's boyfriend. Neighbors said the father was very strict.
The title is the attempt to mislead.

god I hate to bring this up; Did Zimmerman shoot a boy or a young man?

At 17, you are a young man, but 'boy' is used to twist things. This 'boy' was killed, take away the 2nd.

Studies have shown that children's brains are not complete, that they are not able to act and react as adults until much later.

17 is still a child.


seriously, fucking :link:

You seriously need a link for this? Your knowledge is obviously very limited. Look it up yourself; this is pretty much common knowledge.
Her conscious? Is there a brain in your head?

Of course you would shoot the kid. You are a person who cannot handle himself without the firearm.....or with it.

A quick move with his hands? Maybe swatting a fly? If you don't see a weapon you DO NOT SHOOT!!!!

Yabut, he might have been getting ready to throw popcorn.

But yes, the girl will have this on her conscience for the rest of her life, and maybe her conscious, as well.
When based on the information your daughter gives you" no daddy, i don't know him" , that kid in the eyes of the father is an intruder. One does not move suddenly in any way if there is a person with a gun pointed at them. FREEZE...or take a bullet.

The kid is hiding under the girls bed, as I understood it, or maybe he was in bed with her, and the girl says "no daddy, I don't know him". You've got to have an IQ of about 10 to believe that. If she didn't know him and was frightened and scared she would have jumped out of bed screaming that this intruder was trying to rape her. Apparently critical thinking is a lost art.
CaféAuLait;8775662 said:
suppose the kid was a martial arts master? Suppose he had a weapon hidden in his hand, such as a knife, which could have put to the throat of the girl?
Are you saying you would take that chance with your daughter's life based on some left wing ideology?

So, one should shoot just in case?

What ever happened to knowing what you're shooting at? Or to using equal force? And fighting fair?

Not the way I was taught about guns at all.

"fighting fair"

Tell me what that means?

A young man that most likely is tougher and more agile than an obviously overweight man 55 years of age with medical issues?



Denote the fairness of that fight please. One looks "cut" the other looks like he could keel over any second.

So by all means, let's shoot him to make certain he does nobody any harm, lmao!

It's not about a "man sized" brain.

It's about myelinization and pruning not being anywhere near yet and a lack of control by the frontal lobe. Teenagers are crazy. With a stable environment their brain can get fixed by the mid-20's. With an unstable environment it can take a few years longer.

But that's kinda all the more reason you'd want to protect your daughter if you thought she was being attacked. Whacked out teen brain in a man's body. And the whacked out teen already showing he gives in to impulses like entering strangers' houses and getting into bed with their young women. No apparent fear of consequences.

The father appears to have protected his daughter in good faith.

The daughter is gonna be messed up. Much therapy needed here.
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And here we go.:cuckoo:

These the horrors that he was speaking of.

Actually, just very simple logic.

Think about it.

Without trying to get a fight going, just think about it.

Nothing to think about. The guy was identified as an intruder by the turd daughter. That makes him an intruder. Intruder in my house equals room temperature.

Just curious, would you take into account the way your daughter reacted? If she said "no Daddy, I don't know that boy", would you believe her? See, if she jumped out of bed all panicked screaming that this man came in her room and was trying to rape her, and there was actually some evidence of that, I could understand a father shooting the guy. However, that is not the way this is coming out. This father obviously is not all that bright and should never have owned a gun, because he didn't have the brains to figure out his daughter just got caught with her boyfriend in her room.

Secondly, the entire story given by the father will be thrown out in court most likely. The facts of this are that the boy was a guest in the house, invited in by the daughter. The boy was unarmed. The father shot and killed an unarmed guest in his house. That is murder, and if it comes out that the father actually knew the kid was his daughter's girlfriend, the charge will definitely be 2nd degree murder rather than involuntary manslaughter, which btw is the least charge this man will be facing.
First off, yes, he was a child as per the legal definition of the word.

Second, the daughter should have NEVER denied knowing the boy - very bad; this was the thing that got her boyfriend killed, pretty much.

Third, the dad should have asked more questions and not gotten so "trigger-happy."

All this being taken into account, the father should NOT be charged imho.

It is, to me, understandable that the dad felt threatened. He thought that he was defending his family from an intruder/possible rapist.

There is no indication that the daughter felt threatened even as she lied about knowing the boy. The father is a moron or a liar. Personally, I will wait to see what happens, but I'm guessing the father knew this was his daughter's boyfriend and was so pissed that he just decided to end the relationship permanently.
A gun nut father, finds out his bitch daughter is a whore and shoots her lover, well, at least the one he found.
He them claims, "Rapid movement" as his excuse to shoot the young lad.

This is clearly murder and the father should be executed for his crime.

I think he should and will be charged with 2nd degree murder. The least charge he will face is involuntary manslaughter. He killed an unarmed guest in his home.
A teenager in Harris County, Texas, was fatally shot by the father of a girl who sneaked the boy into her bedroom, authorities said.

Johran McCormick, 17, was shot early Thursday morning after the father of a 16-year-old girl found him in her bedroom, KHOU-TV reports.

McCormick was discovered first when the girl's younger brother went to say good night to her and saw two feet sticking out from under her bed.

The brother got his father who confronted McCormick after the daughter reportedly claimed she did not know him.

The man, whose name has not been released, called 911. He then got into an argument with the teen. The father told police that he opened fire when McCormick suddenly moved his hands, according to RawStory.com.

McCormick died at the scene. Deputies recovered a handgun from the home.

Investigators later discovered the victim was a friend of the daughter's whom she had let into the home, the Houston Chronicle reports.

Texas Father Shoots Teen Boy Hiding In Daughter's Room: Cops

Apparently no charges are being filed but instead the case will be taken to a grand jury to determine if charges should be filed. What say you all?

I will give my take when I get back home later tonight.

Were I on the grand jury I'd certainly find that there was reason to take this man to trial for homicide.

I'm waiting to hear that the father actually knew the kid was his daughter's boyfriend. Neighbors said the father was very strict and controlling. I think his story is a cover up. If it is, it will most certainly come out.
The man deserves to go to prison.

The boy is a year apart from the girl and we're supposed to buy the story "oh she said she didnt know him" and that this father was dumb enough to believe that? No, thats the story the family made up while the cops were on their way.

"He moved his hand so i shot him?"

What a fucking pussy.

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