Texas Files Lawsuit at SCOTUS Against GA, PA, MI, and WI

The Texas matter has no litigated findings on which to rely.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(For a real sniff of foreign intervention: See Deut 23: 19-20, about the gouging and screwing that Moses likely learned as kid--from Acts 7 a household art and skill of Pharaoh!)

Actually there is, Bush v. Gore is one precedent that said votes within a State can not be treated differently. GA treated mail in ballots differently than in person voting. Some counties in PA allowed voters to fix their defective ballots, while others didn't. That's just two of the due process arguments being made by TX.

LOL Just the will of the voters.
The will of the voters is not immune to the law of the land or superior to it.
What about the will of the voters who have been disenfranchised by a handful of key states
that have changed their voting laws to allow for a huge increase in mail in ballots that are illegally
processed (as in Georgia in their "pipe bursting" incident)?

That is a bad argument to attempt. A monority of voters elected this president in 2016. Were voters in the more populous states disenfranchised?
Go back to school and take a government class--pay close attention to the segment addressing the Electoral College and the founding fathers. You may become enlightened, but I'm not holding my breath.
I dont need enlightenment from a dim bulb. You entirely missed the point.
Maybe you didn't frame your question correctly. I just directed you to where you could find the answer to your question. You still haven't gotten over the loss of 2016. If your bulb is dim, maybe you should invest in a rheostat and turn it up.
It wasn't enough for Trump to be bitch slapped by 81 million voters. He had to go to court to get bitch slapped over and over and over by some judges, many of whom are Republicans.

The man is a masochist.

This shit is HILARIOUS! :lol:
Those four states didn't follow the law in their state. The change in ballot approvals, per law in each of those states, was supposed to go through the state legislature. That didn't happen.

What you have said here is untrue.

No, it's true. It didn't go through state legislatures.

The laws were followed in each state.

They didn't go through the state legislatures.
then it should be ok with you as this is all you do.

regurgitate shit with every post to keep the WAH I HATE TRUMP WAH theme going.

Trump is a loser. A YUGE loser. The biggest sore loser of all time.

Trump would not even be president the first time around if he hadn't gotten a big leg up by Putin.

And Trump knows this. It eats at him. It eats and eats at him. He can't stand this truth.

Now, without that help again, he has lost bigly. A record number of 81 million voters stood in line to bitch slap the fat fuck.

That is eating at him, too. He is such a thin skinned fat baby he can't take it. He's trying to steal this election. Trump is a dead man walking. Wailing and thrashing around, showing us his true five year old character one last time.

81 million bitch slaps! That's GOTTA hurt! :lol:
So according to you, you won. Why are you so angry and profane?
I didn't win. I voted for Jo Jorgensen. I'm a Never Trumper. Even moreso since the election.

I'm no more profane than Trump has been. Suck it.
Am I correct in assuming you are angry because Jo Jorgenson didn't win? My my my, what did you expect.

Did the states bypass their own constitution and laws to change voting laws?
I don't think so. Do you have any examples from the lawsuit that you think are relevant?

the argument seems to be that the state constitution has rules for "absentee ballots", and they sought to create a new class of balloting not defined in the constitution

So the state legislature created a new type of ballot, called a "mail-in" ballot, under rules the state legislature enacted.
They created it after the fact.
Fucking moron, Pennsylvania used mail-in ballots in their primary election in accordance with the new law. Republicans had their opportunity then to challenge the constitutionality of that law if it were really a problem for them. They don't get to sit on that position and wait to see if they win or lose an election, and then attempt to disenfranchise 2.6 million voters because they lost the election over a law that was constitutional when the election was held and the voters followed the law.
So if you don't contest the constitutionality of some law by some arbitrary deadline that Dims have defined, then you can never contest it? What about Plessy vs. Fergusen? How long after the segregation laws were passed was that law contested?

You're a fucking idiot.

Dim fraud has disenfranchised 74 million voters, douchebag.
Way back in 2016, I used to illustrate the idiocy of Trump bleevers by posting pictures of the pied piper leading the children to the cave.

Man oh man, is that just as apt today as it was then!

Trump is a loser. A YUGE loser. The biggest sore loser of all time.

Trump would not even be president the first time around if he hadn't gotten a big leg up by Putin.

And Trump knows this. It eats at him. It eats and eats at him. He can't stand this truth.

Now, without that help again, he has lost bigly. A record number of 81 million voters stood in line to bitch slap the fat fuck.

That is eating at him, too. He is such a thin skinned fat baby he can't take it. He's trying to steal this election. Trump is a dead man walking. Wailing and thrashing around, showing us his true five year old character one last time.

81 million bitch slaps! That's GOTTA hurt! :lol:
So according to you, you won. Why are you so angry and profane?
I didn't win. I voted for Jo Jorgensen. I'm a Never Trumper. Even moreso since the election.

I'm no more profane than Trump has been. Suck it.
Am I correct in assuming you are angry because Jo Jorgenson didn't win? My my my, what did you expect.
No one believes g5000 is a Republican. He's been saying that for years, and he has never had a positive thing to say about any Republican.
Way back in 2016, I used to illustrate the idiocy of Trump bleevers by posting pictures of the pied piper leading the children to the cave.

Man oh man, is that just as apt today as it was then!
You have never been a Republican. Who are you trying to fool?
Trump is a loser. A YUGE loser. The biggest sore loser of all time.

Trump would not even be president the first time around if he hadn't gotten a big leg up by Putin.

And Trump knows this. It eats at him. It eats and eats at him. He can't stand this truth.

Now, without that help again, he has lost bigly. A record number of 81 million voters stood in line to bitch slap the fat fuck.

That is eating at him, too. He is such a thin skinned fat baby he can't take it. He's trying to steal this election. Trump is a dead man walking. Wailing and thrashing around, showing us his true five year old character one last time.

81 million bitch slaps! That's GOTTA hurt! :lol:
So according to you, you won. Why are you so angry and profane?
I didn't win. I voted for Jo Jorgensen. I'm a Never Trumper. Even moreso since the election.

I'm no more profane than Trump has been. Suck it.
Am I correct in assuming you are angry because Jo Jorgenson didn't win? My my my, what did you expect.
No one believes g5000 is a Republican. He's been saying that for years, and he has never had a positive thing to say about any Republican.
I have nothing positive to say about the spineless weasel Republicans who suck Trump's tiny mushroom dick.
Save of course, that the states in question have their own courts to adjudicate such issues in. And none of those courts have found any such 'violations'.

So I ask again, illegal according to who? Not the States in question. And Texas has no authority to rule on the elections of other States.

So where is the violation?
Gee..you are so "sharp" I'm surprised you can't figure this out...not really.

Texas won't be ruling on the election violations of other states. The Supreme Court will.
If five states are allowed to pervert election law then the entire body of laws that rule and govern our
national elections are nuked and Texas has a right to protect the laws that govern them as well as every other state in the union.

And who determines if election laws of a given state were correctly implemented? The respective state courts.

Texas has no say in any of it.
In the end SCOTUS does. See Bush V Gore. The Florida Supreme Court ruled in favor of Gore, SCOTUS overturned the lower court ruling.
Trump is a loser. A YUGE loser. The biggest sore loser of all time.

Trump would not even be president the first time around if he hadn't gotten a big leg up by Putin.

And Trump knows this. It eats at him. It eats and eats at him. He can't stand this truth.

Now, without that help again, he has lost bigly. A record number of 81 million voters stood in line to bitch slap the fat fuck.

That is eating at him, too. He is such a thin skinned fat baby he can't take it. He's trying to steal this election. Trump is a dead man walking. Wailing and thrashing around, showing us his true five year old character one last time.

81 million bitch slaps! That's GOTTA hurt! :lol:
So according to you, you won. Why are you so angry and profane?
I didn't win. I voted for Jo Jorgensen. I'm a Never Trumper. Even moreso since the election.

I'm no more profane than Trump has been. Suck it.
Am I correct in assuming you are angry because Jo Jorgenson didn't win? My my my, what did you expect.
No one believes g5000 is a Republican. He's been saying that for years, and he has never had a positive thing to say about any Republican.
He's the sort of "republican" who likes to get online and claim he is republican.
He's like the sort of man who puts on makeup, a wig and a dress and tucks his balls and penis
up as he hangs out in bars and street corners all night pretending to be a lady.

That's the sort of republican he is.
and i would think on the surface these are valid counter arguments to the claim.

as for whether or not rules were applied equally, unfortunately that just depends on which website you read.

my main point is, i prefer going through the courts to settle disputes and sorting out the details. if trump loses, he loses. however i am not a lawyer and i don't think many in here are. we tend to mix and match as desired our feelings of a desired outcome with the legal process of getting there.

right or wrong, this is a valid way to address your concerns of our system. given other methods i've seen taking place, i far prefer the court method and am fine with allowing time w/o demonizing those pursuing this option we all have available to us.
I agree with most of that, particularly with the courts, with a few caveates.

If the goal is simply to run out the clock or create a situation where legislatures select electors, then I am not ok with it. Given what judges have said, and how Guiliani had to back down from claiming fraud, it is beginning to look like it is.

Also, a very toxic by product of the situation is that Biden and his transition team has not been getting all the access and briefings they should have, regardless of ongoing legal challenges. For comparison, in Gore/Bush, BOTH men received the same briefings until it was resolved. This has very real natuonal security concerns and domestic policy concerns, such as handling the Pandemic.
i am not ok with abuse of the system on either side. we've put ourselves in a revenge "catch up" mode where each side feels they got some "freebies" coming. only they never are settled, just keep the animosity growing.

i would also agree that biden is entitled to what other incoming presidents have gotten in the past. nothing more, nothing less. until you can prove your case, stop being a roadblock.

but that blocking has become simply the way business is done in DC anymore. toxic? sure. one sided? hardly.
Way back in 2016, I used to illustrate the idiocy of Trump bleevers by posting pictures of the pied piper leading the children to the cave.

Man oh man, is that just as apt today as it was then!
You have never been a Republican. Who are you trying to fool?
Gee, a tard is accusing me of not being a Republican. My feewings are huht. :lol:
Trump is a loser. A YUGE loser. The biggest sore loser of all time.

Trump would not even be president the first time around if he hadn't gotten a big leg up by Putin.

And Trump knows this. It eats at him. It eats and eats at him. He can't stand this truth.

Now, without that help again, he has lost bigly. A record number of 81 million voters stood in line to bitch slap the fat fuck.

That is eating at him, too. He is such a thin skinned fat baby he can't take it. He's trying to steal this election. Trump is a dead man walking. Wailing and thrashing around, showing us his true five year old character one last time.

81 million bitch slaps! That's GOTTA hurt! :lol:
So according to you, you won. Why are you so angry and profane?
I didn't win. I voted for Jo Jorgensen. I'm a Never Trumper. Even moreso since the election.

I'm no more profane than Trump has been. Suck it.
Am I correct in assuming you are angry because Jo Jorgenson didn't win? My my my, what did you expect.
No one believes g5000 is a Republican. He's been saying that for years, and he has never had a positive thing to say about any Republican.
He's the sort of "republican" who likes to get online and claim he is republican.
He's like the sort of man who puts on makeup, a wig and a dress and tucks his balls and penis
up as he hangs out in bars and street corners all night pretending to be a lady.

That's the sort of republican he is.
I see I'm getting to the tards.

Funny how none of them will take my bet.

Spineless tards. The whole lot of them. They know Trump is a loser.
Trump is a loser. A YUGE loser. The biggest sore loser of all time.

Trump would not even be president the first time around if he hadn't gotten a big leg up by Putin.

And Trump knows this. It eats at him. It eats and eats at him. He can't stand this truth.

Now, without that help again, he has lost bigly. A record number of 81 million voters stood in line to bitch slap the fat fuck.

That is eating at him, too. He is such a thin skinned fat baby he can't take it. He's trying to steal this election. Trump is a dead man walking. Wailing and thrashing around, showing us his true five year old character one last time.

81 million bitch slaps! That's GOTTA hurt! :lol:
So according to you, you won. Why are you so angry and profane?
I didn't win. I voted for Jo Jorgensen. I'm a Never Trumper. Even moreso since the election.

I'm no more profane than Trump has been. Suck it.
Am I correct in assuming you are angry because Jo Jorgenson didn't win? My my my, what did you expect.
No one believes g5000 is a Republican. He's been saying that for years, and he has never had a positive thing to say about any Republican.
I have nothing positive to say about the spineless weasel Republicans who suck Trump's tiny mushroom dick.
Spineless weasel Republicans are the only kind that you have anything positive to say about.
So if you don't contest the constitutionality of some law by some arbitrary deadline that Dims have defined, then you can never contest it?
So just wait for everyone to vote and then file the lawsuit to take away those votes?

That's pretty screwed up.

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