Texas Files Lawsuit at SCOTUS Against GA, PA, MI, and WI

That is a bad argument to attempt. A monority of voters elected this president in 2016. Were voters in the more populous states disenfranchised?
Every voter in every election whose candidate does not win is "disenfranchised" if that's how you wish to
look at things. The question is was an election fairly contested? Or not?

We know for absolutely certain the 2020 presidential election was as dirty and corrupt as can be.
And the aftermath has been corrupt too. Appeals to lower and state courts have been summarily rejected
out of hand.
The solution when lower courts refuse to honestly deal with things (ignoring Dominion and ballot fraud) is to take it to the Supreme Court.

Tbhe federal courts have rejected them as well. That includes judges appointed by Trump.
Yes. The Supreme Court has done it's job when the lower state and federal courts refused to do theirs
because they know no one is going to hold them accountable.

Disgusting but it's just what we saw in Gore v Bush in 2000. In the second Trump term I would like to see
some accountability from these petty autocrats in robes.

Anyone who can say he sees no evidence of fraud after being informed about Dominion needs to be
removed from office and lose any pensions or remunerations due.

There is going to be no second Trump term. Dominion is just some crazy right wing nutjob conspiracy hoax.

The dominion conspiracy is double stupid.

First, there's nothing to support it. So belief in the dominion batshit is just pure, unrefined dipshittery.

Second, its been demonstrably disproven. If Dominion voting machines were changing votes, then physical paper ballot (with the votes written right on it for the voter to review) would be wildly different than the electronic vote tallies.

Georgia hand counted the physical ballots. The hand recount of the physical ballots matched the electronic tallies with WAY more than 99% accuracy.

Obliterating this silly turd of a conspiracy.
Even worse, if there was a problem with Dominion, why did Team Trump lie about it and conflate it with Smartmatic, which actually has nothing to do with Dominion?

Did the states bypass their own constitution and laws to change voting laws?
I don't think so. Do you have any examples from the lawsuit that you think are relevant?

the argument seems to be that the state constitution has rules for "absentee ballots", and they sought to create a new class of balloting not defined in the constitution

So the state legislature created a new type of ballot, called a "mail-in" ballot, under rules the state legislature enacted.
They created it after the fact.
Fucking moron, Pennsylvania used mail-in ballots in their primary election in accordance with the new law. Republicans had their opportunity then to challenge the constitutionality of that law if it were really a problem for them. They don't get to sit on that position and wait to see if they win or lose an election, and then attempt to disenfranchise 2.6 million voters because they lost the election over a law that was constitutional when the election was held and the voters followed the law.
So if you don't contest the constitutionality of some law by some arbitrary deadline that Dims have defined, then you can never contest it? What about Plessy vs. Fergusen? How long after the segregation laws were passed was that law contested?

You're a fucking idiot.

Dim fraud has disenfranchised 74 million voters, douchebag.

You are trying to disenfranchise 80 million voters.

No, YOU are, by insisting that the election be decided by tainted election procedures.

You are falsely claiming that the election was tainted when multiple judges disagree with you.
Not just multiple judges -- every judge. Some even appointed by Trump.

And not just judges, but Trump's own Director of CISA, who Trump fired after he stated there was no evidence of vote flipping.

And not just judges and CISA, but Trump's own Attorney General, who said they had not yet seen widespread fraud capable of overturning the election.

And not just judges, CISA and the Department of Justice, but me too.

Its that last one that sold it for me!
This lawsuit brought by the corrupt Texas AG is a farce. It is an embarrassment to the legal system of the United States of America. The Supreme Court will rid themselves of this trash lawsuit faster than Trump runs away from a book.
These states broke their own laws.

Are denying the states did not follow their constitutional process?
Lol...the states did not violate their “own laws.” The corrupt Texas AG’s lawsuit is a rehash of all the prior cases that have been laughed out of court. The tragedy and farce is that they are so many lemmings in other starters that followed corrupt Texas AG off the cliff.
Law states changing the election process requires going through the legislature.

Please show me where these 4 states did that.

All you gotta do.
Please show me a single case that Trump won on that argument.

All you gotta do.
Trump has nothing to do with it, deflection Dan.

Now show me where these states followed their process.

You can't, can you?
Huh???? Lawsuits were brought on this issue and Trump lost.

Ahiw me one case where Trump won.

You can’t, can you?
This is the Texas lawsuit. Keep up.
The Texas lawsuit is trash. It will dismissed out of hand.

Coming from a dipwad who's already proven that he knows nothing whatsoever about the Texas lawsuit, this means . . . exactly as much as every other post you make, which is nothing.

If Texas wins the case, will all states who made voting rules changes without their legislature doing it have their EC votes voided, or just the ones listed in the case?
I think this case would just cover the listed defendants, however any state that violated the constitution in this regard would be in jeopardy after the precedent was set.
Texas extended early voting without any input from the legislature. There goes those 38 EC votes for Trump down the drain. Changes were made the same way across the country.
That's a red herring as it pertains to in person voting. Nobody has challenged that, and many states did the same. This is about absentee ballots, verification (or lack thereof), and items that do not accommodate emergency measures like social distancing. Powers granted to governors are not granted to all executive branches such as election officials unless specified by the legislature or state Constitution.

Election officials can interpret the laws that are passed by the state just as federal agencies interpret laws passed by the federal government..

Again: there is no "interpretation" involved in deadlines. Dates and numbers are not fuzzy grey areas to anyone who isn't as stupid as you are, and those people shouldn't be in charge.

You do not know what is in the state constitution.
Texas Sues Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin at Supreme Court over Election Rules

Texas Case Challenges Election Directly at Supreme Court

"Texas brought a suit against four states that did something they cannot do: they violated the U.S. Constitution in their conduct of the presidential election. And this violation occurred regardless of the amount of election fraud that may have resulted. The four defendant states are Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Texas filed the suit directly in the Supreme Court. Article III of the Constitution lists a small number of categories of cases in which the Supreme Court has “original jurisdiction.”

The Texas suit is clear, and it presents a compelling case. The four offending states each violated the U.S. Constitution in two ways.

First, they violated the Electors Clause of Article II of the Constitution when executive or judicial officials in the states changed the rules of the election without going through the state legislatures. The Electors Clause requires that each State “shall appoint” its presidential electors “in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct.”

Thus, when the Pennsylvania Supreme Court extended by three days the deadline for receiving mail-in ballots, contrary to the law passed by the state legislature, the state court changed the rules in violation of the Electors Clause. Similarly, when Georgia’s Secretary of State responded to a lawsuit by entering into a Compromise Settlement Agreement and Release (i.e. a consent decree) with the Democratic Party of Georgia, and modified the signature verification requirements spelled out by Georgia law, that changing of the rules violated the Electors Clause."

Importantly, the Texas lawsuit presents a pure question of law. It is not dependent upon disputed facts. Although these unconstitutional changes to the election rules could have facilitated voter fraud, the State of Texas doesn’t need to prove a single case of fraud to win. It is enough that the four states violated the Constitution.

I fucking LIVE to read Kobach on Breitbart! :D
That is a bad argument to attempt. A monority of voters elected this president in 2016. Were voters in the more populous states disenfranchised?
Every voter in every election whose candidate does not win is "disenfranchised" if that's how you wish to
look at things. The question is was an election fairly contested? Or not?

We know for absolutely certain the 2020 presidential election was as dirty and corrupt as can be.
And the aftermath has been corrupt too. Appeals to lower and state courts have been summarily rejected
out of hand.
The solution when lower courts refuse to honestly deal with things (ignoring Dominion and ballot fraud) is to take it to the Supreme Court.

Tbhe federal courts have rejected them as well. That includes judges appointed by Trump.
Yes. The Supreme Court has done it's job when the lower state and federal courts refused to do theirs
because they know no one is going to hold them accountable.

Disgusting but it's just what we saw in Gore v Bush in 2000. In the second Trump term I would like to see
some accountability from these petty autocrats in robes.

Anyone who can say he sees no evidence of fraud after being informed about Dominion needs to be
removed from office and lose any pensions or remunerations due.

There is going to be no second Trump term. Dominion is just some crazy right wing nutjob conspiracy hoax.

The dominion conspiracy is double stupid.

First, there's nothing to support it. So belief in the dominion batshit is just pure, unrefined dipshittery.

Second, its been demonstrably disproven. If Dominion voting machines were changing votes, then physical paper ballot (with the votes written right on it for the voter to review) would be wildly different than the electronic vote tallies.

Georgia hand counted the physical ballots. The hand recount of the physical ballots matched the electronic tallies with WAY more than 99% accuracy.

Obliterating this silly turd of a conspiracy.
Even worse, if there was a problem with Dominion, why did Team Trump lie about it and conflate it with Smartmatic, which actually has nothing to do with Dominion?

Because they're making this shit up as they go along and know that their target audience are hapless dipshits that will believe anything they say?
So now we have 17 states joining with Texas. Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, and West Virginia joined with Missouri to file an amicus brief supporting Texas.

The Hilbilly states of America.
The states are not hurt by how the other states run their elections. They have no standing.
Yes, they are. I sure as hell was hurt by fraud being used to get Biden elected.
You can apply equal protection when your state has been given affirmative action.

You have a state which gets 1.2 EC votes for every million citizens, arguing equal protection with a state which gets 1.8 EC votes for every million citizens.

Oh, spare us with the false equivalency bullshit. "We don't have to follow the law, because we don't have the pure mob rule democracy that we want!!!"

The operative part of the phrase "equal protection under the law" is actually "UNDER THE LAW". The law - in this case, the US Constitution - says that election laws are set by state legislatures. Not by the governor, not by the state Supreme Court, not by the Secretary of State. If a state's election was being governed by arbitrary decisions made by those other people, rather than by the laws passed by the state legislature, then that is a violation of the US Constitution.

And there's no amount of whining that "Well, the whole election is not fair, because it isn't done the way I think it should be!!!" that's going to change that fact, or be worth a taco fart in a wind tunnel to anyone here.

State legislatures include the Governor. The state Supreme Court has every right to interpret state constitutions. State officials also have the right to interpret laws. If that interpretation conflicts with the legislature then the legislature can pass a propos3ed law subject to approval of the Governor.
the legislative branch includes the executive?

that's some funny assed shit right there.

So you think the legislature can make laws all by themselves?
So now we have 17 states joining with Texas. Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, and West Virginia joined with Missouri to file an amicus brief supporting Texas.

The Hilbilly states of America.
The Blue and Red States are 99% hillbillys.
The Blue and Red States are 99% hillbillys.
And that is a GOOD thing, trust me.
All the sophisticated people I know want to live with the hillbillys when they retire.

Or, with each other as they slowly shift States Blue.

Ask Texas, Georgia and Arizona.
That's what happens when Liberals are afraid of the Blue War Zone they created and they flee to Safe States.
Of course, these Liberals are still Mentally Ill and turn the Safe State into yet another Blue War Zone.
This political stunt is nothing more than a desperate effort from right wing politicians to show Trump they still support him. Nobody expects it to have any effect on anything.

No it’s about more than blind obedience. TX AG is about to have his bond revoked & he needs a pardon.

Most of all it’s about grift. Donnie is over 230 million at present.
The Blue and Red States are 99% hillbillys.
And that is a GOOD thing, trust me.
All the sophisticated people I know want to live with the hillbillys when they retire.

Or, with each other as they slowly shift States Blue.

Ask Texas, Georgia and Arizona.
That's what happens when Liberals are afraid of the Blue War Zone they created and they flee to Safe States.
Of course, these Liberals are still Mentally Ill and turn the Safe State into yet another Blue War Zone.

Or they sell their homes from States with high property values for tons of money and move to States with low property values and live large.

Its a similar situation for ex-pats moving to say, Mexico.
That is a bad argument to attempt. A monority of voters elected this president in 2016. Were voters in the more populous states disenfranchised?
Every voter in every election whose candidate does not win is "disenfranchised" if that's how you wish to
look at things. The question is was an election fairly contested? Or not?

We know for absolutely certain the 2020 presidential election was as dirty and corrupt as can be.
And the aftermath has been corrupt too. Appeals to lower and state courts have been summarily rejected
out of hand.
The solution when lower courts refuse to honestly deal with things (ignoring Dominion and ballot fraud) is to take it to the Supreme Court.

Tbhe federal courts have rejected them as well. That includes judges appointed by Trump.
Yes. The Supreme Court has done it's job when the lower state and federal courts refused to do theirs
because they know no one is going to hold them accountable.

Disgusting but it's just what we saw in Gore v Bush in 2000. In the second Trump term I would like to see
some accountability from these petty autocrats in robes.

Anyone who can say he sees no evidence of fraud after being informed about Dominion needs to be
removed from office and lose any pensions or remunerations due.

There is going to be no second Trump term. Dominion is just some crazy right wing nutjob conspiracy hoax.

The dominion conspiracy is double stupid.

First, there's nothing to support it. So belief in the dominion batshit is just pure, unrefined dipshittery.

Second, its been demonstrably disproven. If Dominion voting machines were changing votes, then physical paper ballot (with the votes written right on it for the voter to review) would be wildly different than the electronic vote tallies.

Georgia hand counted the physical ballots. The hand recount of the physical ballots matched the electronic tallies with WAY more than 99% accuracy.

Obliterating this silly turd of a conspiracy.
Even worse, if there was a problem with Dominion, why did Team Trump lie about it and conflate it with Smartmatic, which actually has nothing to do with Dominion?

Because they know their followers will believe whatever they are told, they can't accept that more people wanted him gone the wanted him to stay, just as they can't understand that not everyone liked his POLICIES and think it's all about Trump bad.
The Blue and Red States are 99% hillbillys.
And that is a GOOD thing, trust me.
All the sophisticated people I know want to live with the hillbillys when they retire.

Or, with each other as they slowly shift States Blue.

Ask Texas, Georgia and Arizona.
That's what happens when Liberals are afraid of the Blue War Zone they created and they flee to Safe States.
Of course, these Liberals are still Mentally Ill and turn the Safe State into yet another Blue War Zone.

Or they sell their homes from States with high property values for tons of money and move to States with low property values and live large.

Its a similar situation for ex-pats moving to say, Mexico.
An an example, retired Nassau County residents are making a killing by selling to some New York City folks and moving out of state.
I am sure these NYC Bleeding Hearts will turn Nassau County into a high crime area over the next few years.
That is a bad argument to attempt. A monority of voters elected this president in 2016. Were voters in the more populous states disenfranchised?
Every voter in every election whose candidate does not win is "disenfranchised" if that's how you wish to
look at things. The question is was an election fairly contested? Or not?

We know for absolutely certain the 2020 presidential election was as dirty and corrupt as can be.
And the aftermath has been corrupt too. Appeals to lower and state courts have been summarily rejected
out of hand.
The solution when lower courts refuse to honestly deal with things (ignoring Dominion and ballot fraud) is to take it to the Supreme Court.

Tbhe federal courts have rejected them as well. That includes judges appointed by Trump.
Yes. The Supreme Court has done it's job when the lower state and federal courts refused to do theirs
because they know no one is going to hold them accountable.

Disgusting but it's just what we saw in Gore v Bush in 2000. In the second Trump term I would like to see
some accountability from these petty autocrats in robes.

Anyone who can say he sees no evidence of fraud after being informed about Dominion needs to be
removed from office and lose any pensions or remunerations due.

There is going to be no second Trump term. Dominion is just some crazy right wing nutjob conspiracy hoax.

The dominion conspiracy is double stupid.

First, there's nothing to support it. So belief in the dominion batshit is just pure, unrefined dipshittery.

Second, its been demonstrably disproven. If Dominion voting machines were changing votes, then physical paper ballot (with the votes written right on it for the voter to review) would be wildly different than the electronic vote tallies.

Georgia hand counted the physical ballots. The hand recount of the physical ballots matched the electronic tallies with WAY more than 99% accuracy.

Obliterating this silly turd of a conspiracy.
Even worse, if there was a problem with Dominion, why did Team Trump lie about it and conflate it with Smartmatic, which actually has nothing to do with Dominion?

Because they know their followers will believe whatever they are told, they can't accept that more people wanted him gone the wanted him to stay, just as they can't understand that not everyone liked his POLICIES and think it's all about Trump bad.
Show me a politician whose policies are approved by 100% of their constituents.
That is a bad argument to attempt. A monority of voters elected this president in 2016. Were voters in the more populous states disenfranchised?
Every voter in every election whose candidate does not win is "disenfranchised" if that's how you wish to
look at things. The question is was an election fairly contested? Or not?

We know for absolutely certain the 2020 presidential election was as dirty and corrupt as can be.
And the aftermath has been corrupt too. Appeals to lower and state courts have been summarily rejected
out of hand.
The solution when lower courts refuse to honestly deal with things (ignoring Dominion and ballot fraud) is to take it to the Supreme Court.

Tbhe federal courts have rejected them as well. That includes judges appointed by Trump.
Yes. The Supreme Court has done it's job when the lower state and federal courts refused to do theirs
because they know no one is going to hold them accountable.

Disgusting but it's just what we saw in Gore v Bush in 2000. In the second Trump term I would like to see
some accountability from these petty autocrats in robes.

Anyone who can say he sees no evidence of fraud after being informed about Dominion needs to be
removed from office and lose any pensions or remunerations due.

There is going to be no second Trump term. Dominion is just some crazy right wing nutjob conspiracy hoax.

The dominion conspiracy is double stupid.

First, there's nothing to support it. So belief in the dominion batshit is just pure, unrefined dipshittery.

Second, its been demonstrably disproven. If Dominion voting machines were changing votes, then physical paper ballot (with the votes written right on it for the voter to review) would be wildly different than the electronic vote tallies.

Georgia hand counted the physical ballots. The hand recount of the physical ballots matched the electronic tallies with WAY more than 99% accuracy.

Obliterating this silly turd of a conspiracy.
Even worse, if there was a problem with Dominion, why did Team Trump lie about it and conflate it with Smartmatic, which actually has nothing to do with Dominion?

Because they know their followers will believe whatever they are told, they can't accept that more people wanted him gone the wanted him to stay, just as they can't understand that not everyone liked his POLICIES and think it's all about Trump bad.
What policy did you not like?

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