Texas Files Lawsuit at SCOTUS Against GA, PA, MI, and WI

Too bad you delusional liars couldn't find a shred of evidence of it, else that wouldn't matter. How frustrating it must be for you impotent losers to get outsmarted at every turn by the people you claim are stupid and inept.
Evidence of illegal alien voting has been around FOR YEARS. This just shows that not only do information-deprived victims of liberal OMISSION media not get information, but they haven't BEEN getting it FOR YEARS. They don't know how ignorant they are.

Texas Democrats ask noncitizens to register to vote

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review



Finally Proof of Illegal Alien Voting

Noncitizens, Voting Violations and U.S. Elections | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Illegal Aliens Really Do Vote – a Lot


Exclusive: Florida Investigating Potential Non-Citizen Voters
A sane Republican sides with Biden.

View attachment 427451

pretty sure going around your constitutional processes and laws is also a no no in our system.

not a good defense for what they did.

Is that the conclusion of your crack research team? Haha...dude. The entire world is laughing at the filing. The educated people who are not admitting it is absurd are lying to the cult to take their money or their votes.
So now we have 17 states joining with Texas. Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, and West Virginia joined with Missouri to file an amicus brief supporting Texas.

The Hilbilly states of America.
The Blue and Red States are 99% hillbillys.

There is a trend. Biden won Georgia because of the suburban vote which voted for a Republican governor just 6 years ago. It will only get worse as rural states lose voters while the suburbs gain voters. The states that went to Trump are at the bottom in education. The red states are hillbillies.
Teachers and non-MD Health Care Workers are not quite the most highly educated.
You Liberals flatter yourselves way too much but you can get away with that because you hang out with each other.

Trump supporters are the dumbest people on the planet.

Except for diehard leftist drones like you.
There is nothing unlawful about sending out absentee ballot applications. The courts in Michigan said that state officials acted in a lawful manner. All state laws were followed. Specify which ones were not.


Violations of Election Law:

The Secretary of State unilaterally abrogated signature verification requirements for mail-in ballots.

The Secretary of State sent out unsolicited ballots to all 7.7 million registered voters contrary to election law which requires a voter to request a mail-in ballot through a process that includes a signature to be matched with the voter registration.

The Secretary of State also allowed absentee ballots to be requested online without signature verification.

Local election officials in Wayne County — containing 322,925 more ballots for Biden than for Trump — opened and processed mail-in ballots without poll-watchers present.

Local election officials in Wayne County also ignored the strict election law requirements of placing a written statement or stamp on each ballot envelope indicating that the voter signature was in fact checked and verified with the signature on file with the state.

Evidence of Fraud:

174,384 mail-in ballots in Wayne County had no valid registration number, indicating they likely resulted from election workers running the same ballots through the tabulator multiple times.

71% of Wayne County Absent Voter Counting Boards were unbalanced, where the number of people who checked in did not match the number of ballots cast.
The Secretary of State sent out unsolicited ballots to all 7.7 million registered voters contrary to election law which requires a voter to request a mail-in ballot through a process that includes a signature to be matched with the voter registration.

If that's what Texas' lawsuit is about, they're not just going to have their case thrown out of court -- they're going to be laughed out of court.

That didn't happen. Even the rumors about it didn't happen.

Impeached Trump tweeted that back in May about the Michigan primary... and he got it wrong to boot. which is why he deleted that bullshit tweet and replaced it with one claiming 7.7 million ballot applications were sent unsolicited -- which is not against the law.
How do you know it didn't happen?

Can you not think for yourself?

Dumbfuck, they already mailed out 7.7 million applications. Everyone receiving one can check the box to automatically receive absentee ballots for future elections. Meaning....

a) there's no news reporting 7.7 million ballots were mailed unsolicited for the general election; and

b) ballots mailed out would have been based on 7.7 million ballot applications mailed out in the Spring; and

c) mailing out 7.7 million applications in the Spring to all registered voters in Michigan was done by computer. So if they were going to mail ballots in the fall, also by computer, there would have been more than 7.7 million registered voters as many people in Michigan registered to vote over the summer; and

d) this farce is based on a Trump tweet back in May which he himself deleted when it was brought to his attention that he got it wrong...


... and

e) rightards are the biggest fucking idiots on the planet. Your only hope of salvaging this fiasco lies in the hopes that AmericanThinker, who published this, got it wrong and that Texas isn't really suing over this.

You have not one shred of any significant instance of this. None. You are embarrassing yourself.
HA HA HA. Are you blind > I just posted NINE links for it - and each of these have sublinks - couple of dozen alltogether. Not enough ? Maybe require oh, 100 ?

Plus, you talking about evidence shows AGAIN, you are clueless on this. That's what happens when you watch liberal OMISSION media, like ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS, etc. Don't have to be an airhead ALL your life. Watch Newsmax. Stop being information- deprived.
You have not one shred of any significant instance of this. None. You are embarrassing yourself.
HA HA HA. Are you blind > I just posted NINE links for it - and each of these have sublinks - couple of dozen alltogether. Not enough ? Maybe require oh, 100 ?

Plus, you talking about evidence shows AGAIN, you are clueless on this. That's what happens when you watch liberal OMISSION media, like ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS, etc. Don't have to be an airhead ALL your life. Watch Newsmax. Stop being information- deprived.
Not one of those links contained any evidence for what you are suggesting, you shameless liar. As anyone can see for themselves. And we all know you never read any of them anyway.
You're right about Q3-2020. You're lying about Q2-2018 as evidenced by you posting an image that only goes up to 2018.

Earth to gramps-- this is 2020. :eusa_doh:

Q2-2018 was 2.7%

Of course I'm right about Q3-2020. which shows that YOU LIED about this >> "He's also never had a quarter of GDP growth rech 4%."

A sfor the image that only goes up to 2018, so what ? It doesn't HAVE TO go past 2018. I was referring to 2018. 2019 and 2020 are beside my point (point being 2nd quarter of 2018).

And you are lying that I'm lying (typical leftist behavior)

Q2-2018 was 4.2%

U.S. second-quarter GDP growth raised to 4.2 percent | Reuters

View attachment 427500
Dumbfuck, you lied, that's why you can't post a graph beyond 2018.

I even posted a link to the current data which shows Q2-2018 was 2.7%, not 4.2%.

The Secretary of State sent out unsolicited ballots to all 7.7 million registered voters contrary to election law which requires a voter to request a mail-in ballot through a process that includes a signature to be matched with the voter registration.

If that's what Texas' lawsuit is about, they're not just going to have their case thrown out of court -- they're going to be laughed out of court.
When you don't even know what the Texas lawsuit is about (as shown by > "If that's what Texas' lawsuit is about"), you shouldn't be in here posting about it.

I posted what the lawsuit is about (unconstitutional actions outside the legislature) earlier in the thread, as did other posters. Read the thread.
I replied to another poster who posted that from an AmericanThinker article. If you think that's wrong, take it up with them. I'm too busy laughing my ass off at you yahoos.

LOLOLOL Can you not think for yourself?

Dumbfuck, they already mailed out 7.7 million applications. Everyone receiving one can check the box to automatically receive absentee ballots for future elections. Meaning....

a) there's no news reporting 7.7 million ballots were mailed unsolicited for the general election; and

b) ballots mailed out would have been based on 7.7 million ballot applications mailed out in the Spring; and

c) mailing out 7.7 million applications in the Spring to all registered voters in Michigan was done by computer. So if they were going to mail ballots in the fall, also by computer, there would have been more than 7.7 million registered voters as many people in Michigan registered to vote over the summer; and

d) this farce is based on a Trump tweet back in May which he himself deleted when it was brought to his attention that he got it wrong...


... and

e) rightards are the biggest fucking idiots on the planet. Your only hope of salvaging this fiasco lies in the hopes that AmericanThinker, who published this, got it wrong and that Texas isn't really suing over this.

But the ones you call "biggest fucking idiots" know that this is a CONSTITUTIONAL lawsuit/issue (Article 2, Section 1), while you are still babbling about ballot applications. You still don't know what the hell this whole thing (1st 3 words of the OP title >
Texas Files Lawsuit

is about, and you're displaying that with flying colors.
This country has been at a cold civil war for 4 years. It’s about to go hot.

Trump tweeted this morning “things are going to escalate dramatically”

22 states have joined Texas in its lawsuit that has been brought upon to the Supreme Court. The “New Union” is forming

With all the claims of fraud, Trump isn’t going to lay over nor are his people They will never accept Joe Biden and will never allow him to step foot in the White House.

Democrat voters are either overconfident or extremely naive about what is going on. They are laughing at the thought of a civil war. As usual, they aren’t taking things seriously. Meanwhile 90% of guns and ammunition is owned by Conservatives.

Everyday conservatives are getting more angry and upset that nothing is happening.everyone is on edge. I just don’t see the courts or Supreme Court doing anything about it. The swamp is just too deep. Hell, it goes all the way to the core of the earth and back through China!

Get ready Liberals (because I know you’re not)
"With all the claims of fraud"

With all the claims of fraud, of which none have been proven.

There ^^^ fixed that for ya.
You know the court isn’t going to take this a insane case, right?
They have to, or else they wouldn't be upholding the US Constitution, which is the crux of the case. If they don't take this case, they don't exist.

The US Constitution has nothing to do with this case.

Well, other than the fact that the lawsuit specifically cites violations of the US Constitution, sure.

You mean violations like 7.7 million absentee ballots sent out which was actually fake news put out by the president back in May??

When it refers to election laws, it refers only to state election laws. Please quote anywhere it does otherwise. All elections in this country are run by states.
Article 2, section 1, Clause 4

Look it up. Tell me what it says.
That one is the biggest fucking moron on the planet.
ROFL! Your hatred for me only shows that you fear me.
Did you happen to look up that little part of the constitution that you think doesn't exist? And did you happen to refer back to the part of the lawsuit that asks SCOTUS to rewrite the law?
Why should I play your little game? Quote this "election law" that you believe exists in the Constitution. Otherwise, shut the fuck up. I'm not interested in playing your little game.
LOLOLOL Can you not think for yourself?

Dumbfuck, they already mailed out 7.7 million applications. Everyone receiving one can check the box to automatically receive absentee ballots for future elections. Meaning....

a) there's no news reporting 7.7 million ballots were mailed unsolicited for the general election; and

b) ballots mailed out would have been based on 7.7 million ballot applications mailed out in the Spring; and

c) mailing out 7.7 million applications in the Spring to all registered voters in Michigan was done by computer. So if they were going to mail ballots in the fall, also by computer, there would have been more than 7.7 million registered voters as many people in Michigan registered to vote over the summer; and

d) this farce is based on a Trump tweet back in May which he himself deleted when it was brought to his attention that he got it wrong...


... and

e) rightards are the biggest fucking idiots on the planet. Your only hope of salvaging this fiasco lies in the hopes that AmericanThinker, who published this, got it wrong and that Texas isn't really suing over this.

But the ones you call "biggest fucking idiots" know that this is a CONSTITUTIONAL lawsuit/issue (Article 2, Section 1), while you are still babbling about ballot applications. You still don't know what the hell this whole thing (1st 3 words of the OP title >
Texas Files Lawsuit

is about, and you're displaying that with flying colors.
Dumbfuck, I quoted what is being reported about the Texas lawsuit. :eusa_doh:

And while a bunch of states have lined up behind Texas, a bunch of other states have lined up behind the Constitution...

WASHINGTON — More than two dozen states filed motions with the Supreme Court on Thursday opposing Texas' bid to invalidate President-elect Joe Biden's wins in four battleground states, a long-shot legal move that Pennsylvania blasted as a "seditious abuse of the judicial process."
When it refers to election laws, it refers only to state election laws. Please quote anywhere it does otherwise. All elections in this country are run by states.
Article 2, section 1, Clause 4

Look it up. Tell me what it says.
That one is the biggest fucking moron on the planet.
ROFL! Your hatred for me only shows that you fear me.
Did you happen to look up that little part of the constitution that you think doesn't exist? And did you happen to refer back to the part of the lawsuit that asks SCOTUS to rewrite the law?
Why should I play your little game? Quote this "election law" that you believe exists in the Constitution. Otherwise, shut the fuck up. I'm not interested in playing your little game.
Already did. In fact, it’s in the quote to this very thread.

article 2, section 1, clause 4

The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States.
Dumbfuck, you lied, that's why you can't post a graph beyond 2018.

I even posted a link to the current data which shows Q2-2018 was 2.7%, not 4.2%.

What the hell does 2019 and 2020 have to do with 2nd quarter of 2018. Getting desperate to scrounge up debate material ?

And OH, you "posted a link to the current data which shows Q2-2018 was 2.7%, not 4.2%."

HA HA HA. one little problem there Funny Farm Faun. I already noted that the reason the "current data" as you call it, is what it is , is because the lying, cheating, full of shit BEA, loaded with Obama holdovers, cooked the books to make it appear that way.

So you're a little LATE with your "current data" line. Ah, but libbies will challenge that by saying WHAT EVIDENCE do you have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, the evidence, my information-deprived victim of liberal OMISSION/ DISTORTION media and govt agencies, friend, is that the BEA has made lots of changes in their numbers, continuously over time. And guess what consistency shows up in all these changes. > They all change making Obama look better, and Trump look worse - statistical anomaly. Ho hum. Yawn****

Now go wash out your mouth with soap, and then come back and report to me. :biggrin:
This country has been at a cold civil war for 4 years. It’s about to go hot.

Trump tweeted this morning “things are going to escalate dramatically”

22 states have joined Texas in its lawsuit that has been brought upon to the Supreme Court. The “New Union” is forming

With all the claims of fraud, Trump isn’t going to lay over nor are his people They will never accept Joe Biden and will never allow him to step foot in the White House.

Democrat voters are either overconfident or extremely naive about what is going on. They are laughing at the thought of a civil war. As usual, they aren’t taking things seriously. Meanwhile 90% of guns and ammunition is owned by Conservatives.

Everyday conservatives are getting more angry and upset that nothing is happening.everyone is on edge. I just don’t see the courts or Supreme Court doing anything about it. The swamp is just too deep. Hell, it goes all the way to the core of the earth and back through China!

Get ready Liberals (because I know you’re not)
"With all the claims of fraud"

With all the claims of fraud, of which none have been proven.

There ^^^ fixed that for ya.
Whether you believe or them or not doesn’t matter. It’s what the people believe.

The government is “for the people and is of the people”

And if the people are happy with the government, the people will take the government back. Which is why the founders created the 2nd amendment.

But you’ll never understand that because you don’t believe in the 2nd Amendment and consider the founders racist and should be erased from history

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