Texas Files Lawsuit at SCOTUS Against GA, PA, MI, and WI

Already did. In fact, it’s in the quote to this very thread.

article 2, section 1, clause 4

The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States.
It might interest you to know that if this whole thing keeps rolling to Jan. 6, then yes it will be the Congress (US House) that will select the electors. But it won't be by popular vote. It is done by STATES, each one having one vote, and that puts Donald Trump in the White House for 4 MORE YEARS, undoubtedly. :biggrin:
Whether you believe or them or not doesn’t matter. It’s what the people believe.

The government is “for the people and is of the people”

And if the people are happy with the government, the people will take the government back. Which is why the founders created the 2nd amendment.

But you’ll never understand that because you don’t believe in the 2nd Amendment and consider the founders racist and should be erased from history
BTW, since you mentioned the 2nd Amendment. Even if Biden WERE able to cheat his way into the White House (highly doubtful), his $200 tax on all guns and magazines would be shot to hell by the SCOTUS, on grounds of violation of the Constitution's 2nd Amendment.
Dumbfuck, you lied, that's why you can't post a graph beyond 2018.

I even posted a link to the current data which shows Q2-2018 was 2.7%, not 4.2%.

What the hell does 2019 and 2020 have to do with 2nd quarter of 2018. Getting desperate to scrounge up debate material ?

And OH, you "posted a link to the current data which shows Q2-2018 was 2.7%, not 4.2%."

HA HA HA. one little problem there Funny Farm Faun. I already noted that the reason the "current data" as you call it, is what it is , is because the lying, cheating, full of shit BEA, loaded with Obama holdovers, cooked the books to make it appear that way.

So you're a little LATE with your "current data" line. Ah, but libbies will challenge that by saying WHAT EVIDENCE do you have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, the evidence, my information-deprived victim of liberal OMISSION/ DISTORTION media and govt agencies, friend, is that the BEA has made lots of changes in their numbers, continuously over time. And guess what consistency shows up in all these changes. > They all change making Obama look better, and Trump look worse - statistical anomaly. Ho hum. Yawn****

Now go wash out your mouth with soap, and then come back and report to me. :biggrin:

What it has to do with it is you're lying. That's why I'm posting directly from the BEA's official website while you refuse to.

This country has been at a cold civil war for 4 years. It’s about to go hot.

Trump tweeted this morning “things are going to escalate dramatically”

22 states have joined Texas in its lawsuit that has been brought upon to the Supreme Court. The “New Union” is forming

With all the claims of fraud, Trump isn’t going to lay over nor are his people They will never accept Joe Biden and will never allow him to step foot in the White House.

Democrat voters are either overconfident or extremely naive about what is going on. They are laughing at the thought of a civil war. As usual, they aren’t taking things seriously. Meanwhile 90% of guns and ammunition is owned by Conservatives.

Everyday conservatives are getting more angry and upset that nothing is happening.everyone is on edge. I just don’t see the courts or Supreme Court doing anything about it. The swamp is just too deep. Hell, it goes all the way to the core of the earth and back through China!

Get ready Liberals (because I know you’re not)
"With all the claims of fraud"

With all the claims of fraud, of which none have been proven.

There ^^^ fixed that for ya.
Whether you believe or them or not doesn’t matter. It’s what the people believe.

The government is “for the people and is of the people”

And if the people are happy with the government, the people will take the government back. Which is why the founders created the 2nd amendment.

But you’ll never understand that because you don’t believe in the 2nd Amendment and consider the founders racist and should be erased from history
I never said you weren't free to believe your delusions. I'm merely pointing out your beliefs are delusional.

And as far as the 2nd Amendment, I do believe in it. I've had a gun for many years now. I also don't believe the Founders should be erased from history.

I'll just chalk those up to more of your delusions.
Dumbfuck, I quoted what is being reported about the Texas lawsuit. :eusa_doh:

And while a bunch of states have lined up behind Texas, a bunch of other states have lined up behind the Constitution...

WASHINGTON — More than two dozen states filed motions with the Supreme Court on Thursday opposing Texas' bid to invalidate President-elect Joe Biden's wins in four battleground states, a long-shot legal move that Pennsylvania blasted as a "seditious abuse of the judicial process."
HA HA. But you have it BACKWARDS. It is Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, and many others who are lined up behind the Constitution. That is the crux of the case. It is the 4 cheater states who are in VIOLATION of the Constitution (Article 2, Section 1), that are the defendants.

And while you're washing out your mouth with soap, gargle with some strong mouthwash too. :biggrin:
Dumbfuck, I quoted what is being reported about the Texas lawsuit. :eusa_doh:

And while a bunch of states have lined up behind Texas, a bunch of other states have lined up behind the Constitution...

WASHINGTON — More than two dozen states filed motions with the Supreme Court on Thursday opposing Texas' bid to invalidate President-elect Joe Biden's wins in four battleground states, a long-shot legal move that Pennsylvania blasted as a "seditious abuse of the judicial process."
HA HA. But you have it BACKWARDS. It is Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, and many others who are lined up behind the Constitution. That is the crux of the case. It is the 4 cheater states who are in VIOLATION of the Constitution (Article 2, Section 1), that are the defendants.

And while you're washing out your mouth with soap, gargle with some strong mouthwash too. :biggrin:
Then explain why Texas isn’t holding itself to the same standards as these “cheater” states?
Dumbfuck, I quoted what is being reported about the Texas lawsuit. :eusa_doh:

And while a bunch of states have lined up behind Texas, a bunch of other states have lined up behind the Constitution...

WASHINGTON — More than two dozen states filed motions with the Supreme Court on Thursday opposing Texas' bid to invalidate President-elect Joe Biden's wins in four battleground states, a long-shot legal move that Pennsylvania blasted as a "seditious abuse of the judicial process."
HA HA. But you have it BACKWARDS. It is Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, and many others who are lined up behind the Constitution. That is the crux of the case. It is the 4 cheater states who are in VIOLATION of the Constitution (Article 2, Section 1), that are the defendants.

And while you're washing out your mouth with soap, gargle with some strong mouthwash too. :biggrin:

You mean with a lawsuit based on a Trump tweet that he deleted because he got it wrong? That's you're idea of Constitutional, gramps?



What it has to do with it is you're lying. That's why I'm posting directly from the BEA's official website while you refuse to.

Oh the "official website." HA HA HA. Isn't THAT nice. And exactly what the hell does THAT have to do with anything? Are you now claiming that what I showed (33.1% jump in GDP) is not correct ? If not , then who the hell cares where you posted from, or where I posted from ? Have you been getting enough sleep ?

Wow, 7:10 PM. I'm off the computer. Got some real life to attend to.

What it has to do with it is you're lying. That's why I'm posting directly from the BEA's official website while you refuse to.

Oh the "official website." HA HA HA. Isn't THAT nice. And exactly what the hell does THAT have to do with anything? Are you now claiming that what I showed (33.1% jump in GDP) is not correct ? If not , then who the hell cares where you posted from, or where I posted from ? Have you been getting enough sleep ?

Wow, 7:10 PM. I'm off the computer. Got some real life to attend to.
No, gramps, you're senile -- that graph shows Q2-2018 was 2.7%, not 4.2%.


What it has to do with it is you're lying. That's why I'm posting directly from the BEA's official website while you refuse to.

Oh the "official website." HA HA HA. Isn't THAT nice. And exactly what the hell does THAT have to do with anything? Are you now claiming that what I showed (33.1% jump in GDP) is not correct ? If not , then who the hell cares where you posted from, or where I posted from ? Have you been getting enough sleep ?

Wow, 7:10 PM. I'm off the computer. Got some real life to attend to.
No, gramps, you're senile -- that graph shows Q2-2018 was 2.7%, not 4.2%.

You should be happy; why are you so angry?
Are you always angry?

What it has to do with it is you're lying. That's why I'm posting directly from the BEA's official website while you refuse to.

Oh the "official website." HA HA HA. Isn't THAT nice. And exactly what the hell does THAT have to do with anything? Are you now claiming that what I showed (33.1% jump in GDP) is not correct ? If not , then who the hell cares where you posted from, or where I posted from ? Have you been getting enough sleep ?

Wow, 7:10 PM. I'm off the computer. Got some real life to attend to.
No, gramps, you're senile -- that graph shows Q2-2018 was 2.7%, not 4.2%.

You should be happy; why are you so angry?
Are you always angry?

I'm laughing my ass off at you idiots. If you think laughter is anger, I can't help that.
A sane Republican sides with Biden.

View attachment 427451

pretty sure going around your constitutional processes and laws is also a no no in our system.

not a good defense for what they did.

Which is why you’re 1-57 in court with your allegations.

I can’t recall ever seeing so many people completely detached from reality as the Trump cult.

Seriously, where else would a group of people who’ve lost virtually every single time think they are winning?
Dumbfuck, I quoted what is being reported about the Texas lawsuit. :eusa_doh:

And while a bunch of states have lined up behind Texas, a bunch of other states have lined up behind the Constitution...

WASHINGTON — More than two dozen states filed motions with the Supreme Court on Thursday opposing Texas' bid to invalidate President-elect Joe Biden's wins in four battleground states, a long-shot legal move that Pennsylvania blasted as a "seditious abuse of the judicial process."
HA HA. But you have it BACKWARDS. It is Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, and many others who are lined up behind the Constitution. That is the crux of the case. It is the 4 cheater states who are in VIOLATION of the Constitution (Article 2, Section 1), that are the defendants.

And while you're washing out your mouth with soap, gargle with some strong mouthwash too. :biggrin:

You are a clueless cultist
So, when the SC tells you stupid fuckers to sit down and shut up, what will you do then?
I don't remember anyone plotting to overthrow Trump. I don't remember them spying on Trump.

I remember there being LOTS of contacts between Trump associates and Russian intelligence agents... including meetings where digging up dirt and releasing it was discussed. I remember 40+ indictments and a number of these conspirators being jailed. I remember Trump pardoning one after he plead guilty.

Certainly more in jail from that GOOD investigation than any other.

If I were Trump I would have disavowed those individuals and cheered on the investigation for pushing back on Russian interference.

But that's just me.
Legally troubled Texas A.G. concocts absurd election lawsuit as Trump muses about pardons If you had told me this kind of crazy stuff was going on, I would have never believed you originally. But then again, we are talking about Republicans and their cult base, so yes, it is totally believable. We of course are talking about these insane and totally stupid law suits by Ken Paxton to over turn the election, who of course is under criminal indictment himself. This is the typical nonsensical Rudy Giuliani play book, where you go after the folks who are investigating you, while you yourself are being investigated for criminal activity. Needless to say this is going to backfire on Paxton and the idiot base who believe this craziness. Paxton and the Republican party have descended into full, all out bonkers. Unleashing crackpots and criminals is not a winning strategy. Apparently the majority of the party isn't smart enough to see that. They have become the laughing stock of the country. Thank goodness we still have a majority who care and vote for sanity.
Sanity? Do you believe men with tits are women?
I believe in intelligent debate. You should too.
Legally troubled Texas A.G. concocts absurd election lawsuit as Trump muses about pardons If you had told me this kind of crazy stuff was going on, I would have never believed you originally. But then again, we are talking about Republicans and their cult base, so yes, it is totally believable. We of course are talking about these insane and totally stupid law suits by Ken Paxton to over turn the election, who of course is under criminal indictment himself. This is the typical nonsensical Rudy Giuliani play book, where you go after the folks who are investigating you, while you yourself are being investigated for criminal activity. Needless to say this is going to backfire on Paxton and the idiot base who believe this craziness. Paxton and the Republican party have descended into full, all out bonkers. Unleashing crackpots and criminals is not a winning strategy. Apparently the majority of the party isn't smart enough to see that. They have become the laughing stock of the country. Thank goodness we still have a majority who care and vote for sanity.

The more adjectives you use in the first few words of a post, the more we know it's nothing more than your delusions and idiocy.
In other words, you are argument free. No surprises there.
This country has been at a cold civil war for 4 years. It’s about to go hot.

Trump tweeted this morning “things are going to escalate dramatically”

22 states have joined Texas in its lawsuit that has been brought upon to the Supreme Court. The “New Union” is forming

With all the claims of fraud, Trump isn’t going to lay over nor are his people They will never accept Joe Biden and will never allow him to step foot in the White House.

Democrat voters are either overconfident or extremely naive about what is going on. They are laughing at the thought of a civil war. As usual, they aren’t taking things seriously. Meanwhile 90% of guns and ammunition is owned by Conservatives.

Everyday conservatives are getting more angry and upset that nothing is happening.everyone is on edge. I just don’t see the courts or Supreme Court doing anything about it. The swamp is just too deep. Hell, it goes all the way to the core of the earth and back through China!

Get ready Liberals (because I know you’re not)
"With all the claims of fraud"

With all the claims of fraud, of which none have been proven.

There ^^^ fixed that for ya.
ROFL! Biden could sodomize a 5-year-old on CNN and you would claim there's no proof he's a pedophile.
where you go after the folks who are investigating you, while you yourself are being investigated for criminal activity.
Have you ever heard of a court room? Just curious. Defense lawyers do that- and, it can lead to a corrupt prosecution- do you want people to just roll over and accept that? It appears your bias is evidence you do.

There is no Law of Innocence to be applied- fyi- however, until a trial proves otherwise (no matter the how) then in the US, our system, allegedly, performs in the blind justice mode- that is not blinded by, btw- a good defense lawyer has to maintain innocence while the burden of proof of guilt lies with the prosecution- again, there is no law of innocence that can be applied- btw, I don't think a civil action lawsuit is a criminal action lawsuit- I could be wrong though, so I'll wait for your bias to prove me guilty-
The prosecution hasn't made a case yet for voter fraud. As for Paxton, his case isn't civil. Next?

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