Texas Files Lawsuit at SCOTUS Against GA, PA, MI, and WI

LOLOLOL Can you not think for yourself?

Dumbfuck, they already mailed out 7.7 million applications. Everyone receiving one can check the box to automatically receive absentee ballots for future elections. Meaning....

a) there's no news reporting 7.7 million ballots were mailed unsolicited for the general election; and

b) ballots mailed out would have been based on 7.7 million ballot applications mailed out in the Spring; and

c) mailing out 7.7 million applications in the Spring to all registered voters in Michigan was done by computer. So if they were going to mail ballots in the fall, also by computer, there would have been more than 7.7 million registered voters as many people in Michigan registered to vote over the summer; and

d) this farce is based on a Trump tweet back in May which he himself deleted when it was brought to his attention that he got it wrong...


... and

e) rightards are the biggest fucking idiots on the planet. Your only hope of salvaging this fiasco lies in the hopes that AmericanThinker, who published this, got it wrong and that Texas isn't really suing over this.

But the ones you call "biggest fucking idiots" know that this is a CONSTITUTIONAL lawsuit/issue (Article 2, Section 1), while you are still babbling about ballot applications. You still don't know what the hell this whole thing (1st 3 words of the OP title >
Texas Files Lawsuit

is about, and you're displaying that with flying colors.
Dumbfuck, I quoted what is being reported about the Texas lawsuit. :eusa_doh:

And while a bunch of states have lined up behind Texas, a bunch of other states have lined up behind the Constitution...

WASHINGTON — More than two dozen states filed motions with the Supreme Court on Thursday opposing Texas' bid to invalidate President-elect Joe Biden's wins in four battleground states, a long-shot legal move that Pennsylvania blasted as a "seditious abuse of the judicial process."
When you regurgitate fake news all you prove is that you're a brainwashed minion.

No, it's because they don't have standing, dumbass.

It's like CA suing TX for allowing fracking.

God you guys are stupid.
See page 15 for standing....

"The constitutional failures of Defendant States injure Plaintiff States because [the right of suffrage is denied]."

The right to suffrage isn't denied. The folks in Texas got to vote.

The idea that you've lost your right to sufferage if your candidate loses is silly.
You aren't thinking if you think it is simple. I hope that is an exception for you, and not the norm.

If states illegally change their voting rules, such that the election outcome is changed, all of the people in other states who voted for other candidates have effectively had their votes nullified, illegally.

It's somewhat analogous to water rights of states that share the same river. If an upstream state builds a dam, the other states still have access to the river basin, but when they turn on their taps, they don't get as much water as before.

And the proper forum for recourse is the Supreme Court.

It's my opinion that the Dems in some states used the plandemic to illegally steal the election, in violation of their, and the US Constitutions. It's similar to stealing the river water that adjacent states share.

Virginia also changed its voting regulations this year, rather dramatically, but they did it through the legislature, consistent with the Constitution.

Which rules were changed illegally?
Mail-in voting, for one, asshole.

Nothing illegal about it.
If the legislature didn't approve it, then it's illegal.

No, it's because they don't have standing, dumbass.

It's like CA suing TX for allowing fracking.

God you guys are stupid.
See page 15 for standing....

"The constitutional failures of Defendant States injure Plaintiff States because [the right of suffrage is denied]."

The right to suffrage isn't denied. The folks in Texas got to vote.

The idea that you've lost your right to sufferage if your candidate loses is silly.
You aren't thinking if you think it is simple. I hope that is an exception for you, and not the norm.

If states illegally change their voting rules, such that the election outcome is changed, all of the people in other states who voted for other candidates have effectively had their votes nullified, illegally.

It's somewhat analogous to water rights of states that share the same river. If an upstream state builds a dam, the other states still have access to the river basin, but when they turn on their taps, they don't get as much water as before.

And the proper forum for recourse is the Supreme Court.

It's my opinion that the Dems in some states used the plandemic to illegally steal the election, in violation of their, and the US Constitutions. It's similar to stealing the river water that adjacent states share.

Virginia also changed its voting regulations this year, rather dramatically, but they did it through the legislature, consistent with the Constitution.

Which rules were changed illegally?
All the ones that were changed, moron.
Fucking moron, you already answered that post of mine with, "Mail-in voting, for one, asshole." But you fail because there was nothing illegal about mail-in voting. So which other rules were illegally changed?
It is illegal if it's not a law in the state, and unless the legislature voted to make it a law, then it's illegal. The governor or state courts cannot change the law unilaterally. What part of that don't you get?

Untrue. The legislature can delegate that authority to other bodies such as in Michigan where voters can initiate a proposition that can be voted on by voters. The proposition won by a 2-1 margin. That allowed no-excuse mail in balloting in Michigan.
What part of "the constitution delegates election law to the state legislatures" didn't you understand?

What it has to do with it is you're lying. That's why I'm posting directly from the BEA's official website while you refuse to.

Oh the "official website." HA HA HA. Isn't THAT nice. And exactly what the hell does THAT have to do with anything? Are you now claiming that what I showed (33.1% jump in GDP) is not correct ? If not , then who the hell cares where you posted from, or where I posted from ? Have you been getting enough sleep ?

Wow, 7:10 PM. I'm off the computer. Got some real life to attend to.
No, gramps, you're senile -- that graph shows Q2-2018 was 2.7%, not 4.2%.

You should be happy; why are you so angry?
Are you always angry?

I'm laughing my ass off at you idiots. If you think laughter is anger, I can't help that.
What you have been exhibiting here for several years is anger, not laughter.
Your mental illness is convincing you it's laughter.
When it refers to election laws, it refers only to state election laws. Please quote anywhere it does otherwise. All elections in this country are run by states.
Article 2, section 1, Clause 4

Look it up. Tell me what it says.
That one is the biggest fucking moron on the planet.
ROFL! Your hatred for me only shows that you fear me.
Did you happen to look up that little part of the constitution that you think doesn't exist? And did you happen to refer back to the part of the lawsuit that asks SCOTUS to rewrite the law?
Why should I play your little game? Quote this "election law" that you believe exists in the Constitution. Otherwise, shut the fuck up. I'm not interested in playing your little game.
Already did. In fact, it’s in the quote to this very thread.

article 2, section 1, clause 4

The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States.
That doesn't refer to election law, moron. It only refers to the date an event will occur.

What it has to do with it is you're lying. That's why I'm posting directly from the BEA's official website while you refuse to.

Oh the "official website." HA HA HA. Isn't THAT nice. And exactly what the hell does THAT have to do with anything? Are you now claiming that what I showed (33.1% jump in GDP) is not correct ? If not , then who the hell cares where you posted from, or where I posted from ? Have you been getting enough sleep ?

Wow, 7:10 PM. I'm off the computer. Got some real life to attend to.
No, gramps, you're senile -- that graph shows Q2-2018 was 2.7%, not 4.2%.

You should be happy; why are you so angry?
Are you always angry?

I'm laughing my ass off at you idiots. If you think laughter is anger, I can't help that.
What you have been exhibiting here for several years is anger, not laughter.
Your mental illness is convincing you it's laughter.

The average DemonRat reminds me of the joker and his useful idiots.

They’re all batshit crazy, delusional, and have sever mental deficiencies.

If the Joker were real, he’d have been the DNC nominee
When it refers to election laws, it refers only to state election laws. Please quote anywhere it does otherwise. All elections in this country are run by states.
Article 2, section 1, Clause 4

Look it up. Tell me what it says.
That one is the biggest fucking moron on the planet.
ROFL! Your hatred for me only shows that you fear me.
Did you happen to look up that little part of the constitution that you think doesn't exist? And did you happen to refer back to the part of the lawsuit that asks SCOTUS to rewrite the law?
Why should I play your little game? Quote this "election law" that you believe exists in the Constitution. Otherwise, shut the fuck up. I'm not interested in playing your little game.
Already did. In fact, it’s in the quote to this very thread.

article 2, section 1, clause 4

The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States.
That doesn't refer to election law, moron. It only refers to the date an event will occur.
Which event does it refer to?

What it has to do with it is you're lying. That's why I'm posting directly from the BEA's official website while you refuse to.

Oh the "official website." HA HA HA. Isn't THAT nice. And exactly what the hell does THAT have to do with anything? Are you now claiming that what I showed (33.1% jump in GDP) is not correct ? If not , then who the hell cares where you posted from, or where I posted from ? Have you been getting enough sleep ?

Wow, 7:10 PM. I'm off the computer. Got some real life to attend to.
No, gramps, you're senile -- that graph shows Q2-2018 was 2.7%, not 4.2%.

You should be happy; why are you so angry?
Are you always angry?

I'm laughing my ass off at you idiots. If you think laughter is anger, I can't help that.
What you have been exhibiting here for several years is anger, not laughter.
Your mental illness is convincing you it's laughter.
View attachment 427545
The average DemonRat reminds me of the joker and his useful idiots.

They’re all batshit crazy, delusional, and have sever mental deficiencies.

If the Joker were real, he’d have been the DNC nominee
The Joker had a plan; Liberals are off-the-cuff assholes.
He's the only president on record to accomplish that. He's also never had a quarter of GDP growth rech 4%.
FALSE! The most recent quarter (3rd quarter of 2020) was 33.1% (highest in US history).

View attachment 427495

There also was a 4.2% growth (2nd quarter of 2018), which the anti-Trump BEA reduced to a lesser amount.

Here is the BEA chart showing 4.2% (2nd quarter of 2018) before they cut it down, reported by the leftist magazine Mother Jones >>>

View attachment 427491

U.S. second-quarter GDP growth raised to 4.2 percent | Reuters

PS - note the continuous overall sinking of the Obama GDP's, on contrast to the continuous rising after Trump took over. The infamous "V GRAPH"

View attachment 427494

After a horrendous drop. We are seeing the economy slowing again because of Senate Republicans.
The courts have repeatedly dismissed your arguments.

You're 1-57 in the courts for a reason.
That reason is massive corruption. Biden vote stealing and creating is a fact. Not a fiction! Corrupt
judiciary rubber stamping Biden friendly decisions.
Think of the Florida Supreme Court circa 2000;
There is nothing unlawful about sending out absentee ballot applications. The courts in Michigan said that state officials acted in a lawful manner. All state laws were followed. Specify which ones were not.


Violations of Election Law:

The Secretary of State unilaterally abrogated signature verification requirements for mail-in ballots.

The Secretary of State sent out unsolicited ballots to all 7.7 million registered voters contrary to election law which requires a voter to request a mail-in ballot through a process that includes a signature to be matched with the voter registration.

The Secretary of State also allowed absentee ballots to be requested online without signature verification.

Local election officials in Wayne County — containing 322,925 more ballots for Biden than for Trump — opened and processed mail-in ballots without poll-watchers present.

Local election officials in Wayne County also ignored the strict election law requirements of placing a written statement or stamp on each ballot envelope indicating that the voter signature was in fact checked and verified with the signature on file with the state.

Evidence of Fraud:

174,384 mail-in ballots in Wayne County had no valid registration number, indicating they likely resulted from election workers running the same ballots through the tabulator multiple times.

71% of Wayne County Absent Voter Counting Boards were unbalanced, where the number of people who checked in did not match the number of ballots cast.

Again there is no evidence to support your accusations. The SOS did not send out ballots just applications for mail in ballots. Again you are just regurgitating stuff that has been looked at by state and federal courts. The answer has been the same. Trump has lost about 30 cases in a row after winning only one. The total imbalance in Wayne County was around 400 votes total. Other counties had imbalances as well.
The full text of the lawsuit is at


Here's a summary of the lawsuit. If these things are true, then Democrats definitely stole the election.

A Summary of the Texas Election Lawsuit
Nobody needed to see this to know they stole the election. There have viral videos for more than a month, showing Republican poll watchers being denied entrance to voting halls, other Republican poll watchers being kicked out of voting halls, other Republican poll watchers forced to stand 6-30 feet away from the vote counters (where they couldn't see a thing), and others kept outside the voting hall, with large cardboard covers placed over the windows, so the Republican poll watchers couldn't see inside, and do their jobs of watching the vote counts.

Whole thing was a FARCE, and just these violations alone invalidated the entire election, without even looking at the mountain of other cheating that went on rampantly, all over the country.

The Trump campaign has long since dropped their claims that pollwatchers were not allowed. You need to catch up on the facts. Protestors screaming at poll workers are not poll watchers.

Your complaints are a FARCE. Even judges appointed by Trump have thrown your asses out of court you lying NAZI.
The Secretary of State sent out unsolicited ballots to all 7.7 million registered voters contrary to election law which requires a voter to request a mail-in ballot through a process that includes a signature to be matched with the voter registration.

If that's what Texas' lawsuit is about, they're not just going to have their case thrown out of court -- they're going to be laughed out of court.
When you don't even know what the Texas lawsuit is about (as shown by > "If that's what Texas' lawsuit is about"), you shouldn't be in here posting about it.

I posted what the lawsuit is about (unconstitutional actions outside the legislature) earlier in the thread, as did other posters. Read the thread.

John Cornyn has already said he doesn't understand it. Texas Rep Chip Roy has also called it ridiculous. No state has a right to interfere in another state's elections.
The Trump campaign has long since dropped their claims that pollwatchers were not allowed. You need to catch up on the facts. Protestors screaming at poll workers are not poll watchers.

Your complaints are a FARCE. Even judges appointed by Trump have thrown your asses out of court you lying NAZI.
No one dropped claims that poll watchers were hampered and hindered by Biden monkeys.
Been visiting with your Old Grandad again?
So now we have 17 states joining with Texas. Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, and West Virginia joined with Missouri to file an amicus brief supporting Texas.

The Hilbilly states of America.
The Blue and Red States are 99% hillbillys.

There is a trend. Biden won Georgia because of the suburban vote which voted for a Republican governor just 6 years ago. It will only get worse as rural states lose voters while the suburbs gain voters. The states that went to Trump are at the bottom in education. The red states are hillbillies.
Teachers and non-MD Health Care Workers are not quite the most highly educated.
You Liberals flatter yourselves way too much but you can get away with that because you hang out with each other.

Trump supporters are the dumbest people on the planet.

Except for diehard leftist drones like you.

I know everyone who disagrees is a diehard leftist drone. I suppose Arizona and Georgia are filled with leftist drones. You are so far to the right that Ronald Reagan would be a leftist drone to you.
Last edited:
The Trump campaign has long since dropped their claims that pollwatchers were not allowed. You need to catch up on the facts. Protestors screaming at poll workers are not poll watchers.

Your complaints are a FARCE. Even judges appointed by Trump have thrown your asses out of court you lying NAZI.
No one dropped claims that poll watchers were hampered and hindered by Biden monkeys.
Been visiting with your Old Grandad again?

"President Donald Trump's campaign has dropped the allegation from its federal lawsuit challenging the results of Pennsylvania's election which claimed that hundreds of thousands of ballots in the key swing state had been illegally counted without Republican poll observers present."

Trump campaign drops claim that GOP poll observers weren't allowed to watch Pennsylvania vote count (msn.com)

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