Texas Gov. Abbot to load illegals on busses and drop them on Capital Hill.

I wonder what DeSantis is going to do when he hears about this. Ship the goddamn Florida Illegals to Pelosi's compound in San Francisco?

So, you also condemn Biden and his administration for bussing illegals all over the country?

If so, then I applaud you for being consistent.
It's a mistake. Trump didn't solve the problem either. They don't want to stop illegal immigration.
Isn’t that exactly what the feds are doing?
Exactly, but the feds can operate interstate, for right or wrong. State on state or state on district dumping will not work, although state on district should.
Remember the dumb ass plan. Take state prisoners, put them on a two, three, four day bus rides through 4 states. Stop where for food. Stop where for sleep. Are the chained? Are they handcuffed? You think the four states are going to give jail holding access for this obviously illegal multi day, probably multi night road trip? One prisoner wants to walk. Outside of Texas, what are they going to do? Beat them down in public? Shoot them, though not charged with felonies. What if locals step in to help as obviously you can't have Texas troopers beating the shit out of aliens in these other states. Being totally illegal, Texas National Guard command structure won't help, be a party out of the state. A Thousand ways for this to land Abbott and accomplices in jail on Federal interstate charges, possibly even kidnapping or human trafficking if some of these people don't want to go, or wish to get out before being dumped in Washington. How about lawsuits? If one of the pass through states goes with the plan of Texas, might they be liable. We could end up with bus loads of rich illegal aliens off of Texas and the states in between. I am pretty sure, those states don't want them and won't appreciate additional illegal aliens getting off in their state, on the whim of Texas. The whole thing is ridiculously f#ucked from the get go. Closest approach to the plan would best be non-stop flights from Texas controlled airport or Air Guard air field to avoid Homeland Defense at a Texas airport, directly to the Federal District of Columbia and then get out of dodge.
I don't really care what Abbott does with them. I don't want him to spread them in Memphis, Jackson, Nashville, Cookville or Knoxville and doubt the state would take kindly to it.
I like the idea of driving them back across the Mexican border and dumping them. I am pretty sure he could get National Guard support on his side of the border and plenty of random nut balls outside the guard that would be glad to invade Mexico. Could be fun to watch.:auiqs.jpg:
Abbott isn't very smart and he doesn't want to solve the problem. He's acting out some macho role for a headline.

You might have a point if not for his entire history on the border since taking office. Right now you just sound like a typical lefty with a chapped ass making up whatever you can to smear a really good man and the best governor we've had in over 20 years.
Sure, send them over. Anyone this motivated to cross the desert and brave all the hardships just to give their families a better life will be motivated to work hard. We need just those kinds of people on the East coast.

So long as you don't send us right-wing retards. I mean, who needs lazy retarded Texans, amIright?
They're not walking across the desert, they get a ride to the border and most of them get a ride all the way through Mexico by bus, truck, train or pickup with stock trailers.

Once across they turn themselves in to the nearest trooper, deputy, or Border Patrol agent and get a ride to the station before being trucked to another town or flown out of state to the location nearest their preferred destination.

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