Texas Gov. Abbot to load illegals on busses and drop them on Capital Hill.

Walls work, Halfwit.

Walls don't "work" because once they are up, the new Democrat administration can't remove them at will and let the tide flow.

That's why they don't "work." The problem is we have a different understanding of the word "work."
Well, this has been a pretty useless thread so far. Lot of hatred and people clobbering each other. Thinking in the box.

Look, we don't have to engage in any kidnapping. Just do what the liberals do - set these people up so they have a job when they arrive in DC, and then tell them you'll give them a few thousand bucks to pay the first couple of months' rent, and then ASK them if they want to go. Bet you 90% of them say yes. If they go voluntarily it's not kidnapping, right? Problem solved. Everyone's happy.
So the Governor of Texas is openly confessing a human smuggling plot, and nobody's called the FBI yet?
They're not walking across the desert, they get a ride to the border and most of them get a ride all the way through Mexico by bus, truck, train or pickup with stock trailers.

Once across they turn themselves in to the nearest trooper, deputy, or Border Patrol agent and get a ride to the station before being trucked to another town or flown out of state to the location nearest their preferred destination.
Where do I sign up for this tour? Free travel with a guide? Good deal.
So you think that Texas should make these freeloaders pay for the free trip to DC? OK, They'll pay us Texas taxpayers for their own expenses of the money Texas State taxpayers who have been double burdened by Democrat dirty politics to get even with conservative-majority states. Biden's life stinks to high heaven anyway, what the extortionist crimninal President Biden has been for 47 years of pickpocketing the Foreign Aid packages when nobody was looking and concealed by Nancy Pelosi Omeurta tactics. He oughta be imprisoned in solitary confinement in a Federal prison Hospita for the duration of his pickpocketing life. We will also put a freeze on every cent he has to pay back his corrupt thefts of taxpayer money. And those gold pens Nancy Pelosi handed out with her criminal impeachment of President Trump? We'll give her and sicko Hillary Clinton padded rooms in the same facility for them to dream up more ways to hurt 60% of the American taxpayers in their isolated cells. That way, they can instruct the walls with all kinds of hateful dealings with other American people who don't cotton to their communist-control freak nightmares they were gonna destroy the United States Constitution with. Oh, and just to be anti-racist we will prepare rooms for Maxine Waters and two of her influential accomplices caught stalking President Trump's staff, and all their insider trading feduciary misconduct of an illegal nature as stated in the Constitution before Nancy's little petty 2-reams-of-paper laws destroyed the spirit of the Constitution with gimme-gimme crap, we're rescinding the whole thing, plus we want our taxpayer money back in the United States treasury, not the Clinton library and secreted offshore accounts owned by any of these creeps who went after the Constitution's one-man-one-vote clause, since they trivialized our polls to their whims. We're not taking any more Democrat Omeurta any more and it's going to cost them the fortunes they made off of insider knowledge they took advantage of when they became congresscritters. And they can give back the federal land grabs they bought for nothingburger prices with that made them kingpins over who knows how many millions of acres they grabbed in the last century. That would include a few Rinos, BTW.

LOL. Do you retards get paid on how many Dems you name check? Pelosi, Biden, Maxine Waters, Hillary... you left out AOC, Obama, Carter...

As for the rest of your gibberish... what the heck has Clinton library, Rump's impeachment anything to do with what we are discussing? Did the meds run out this morning? My sympathies.

Go have a nice lie-down and come back when you can cogently state your case. :itsok:

LOL. Do you retards get paid on how many Dems you name check? Pelosi, Biden, Maxine Waters, Hillary... you left out AOC, Obama, Carter...

As for the rest of your gibberish... what the heck has Clinton library, Rump's impeachment anything to do with what we are discussing? Did the meds run out this morning? My sympathies.

Go have a nice lie-down and come back when you can cogently state your case. :itsok:

You're lying through yer hat. "retards" do not generally have 140+ iqs, do not know what it takes to give rebuttal to a butt head, and need a parent or other overseer from birth to death. Your adversaries have no such advantages, but perhaps you do.

The Clinton Library foundation was Hillary's piggy bank for making life hell on earth for her adversaries. It was closed down, and now that the Democrats are back in power again, it shows up frequently in discussion websites. At present their net worth is a quarter of a billion dollars not counting any offshore accounts. Here's How Much The Clintons Are Really Worth

You said, " you left out AOC, Obama, Carter..."​
With millions of unfortunate Ukrainians on my tearful prayer list, I really hadn't thought about the previous ankle-biters you mentioned, sweetie. :whipg: Their day will come.

You're most welcome.
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You're lying through yer hat. "retards" do not generally have 140+ iqs, do not know what it takes to give rebuttal to a butt head, and need a parent or other overseer from birth to death. Your adversaries have no such advantages, but perhaps you do.

The Clinton Library foundation was Hillary's piggy bank for making life hell on earth for her adversaries. It was closed down, and now that the Democrats are back in power again, it shows up frequently in discussion websites. At present their net worth is a quarter of a billion dollars not counting any offshore accounts. Here's How Much The Clintons Are Really Worth

You said, " you left out AOC, Obama, Carter..."​
With millions of unfortunate Ukrainians on my tearful prayer list, I really hadn't thought about the previous ankle-biters you mentioned, sweetie. :whipg: Their day will come.

You're most welcome.
Again, what has Hillary to do with this subject? The Clinton library foundation is in Texas, now? And speaking of foundations/charities... you may want to look up your orange douche bag and his family's shenanigans with their charity piggy bank.

As for Ukrainian and the other gibberish... please ask your doctor to prescribe something stronger. Whatever you are taking...isn't working.

But I am curious. Is this the kind of gibberish considered deep thoughts in your wing-nut circles? And you retards wonder why people make fun of you. :itsok:
See? Can't help talking about violence, can you? Of course, it's so easy when hiding behind your keyboard.
Expand E verify, require sponsors, fine employers who hire illegals. Give them a six month grace period.. so employers have a chance to fire them and they have a chance to leave on their own. Then round up and deport those who remain.... and fine employers heavily by the day .
As it stands now if an emplyer fires suspected illegals they are going to face lawsuits for discrimination and action by the EEOC.

We've got to have some serious changes in law before we can even begin to put the onus on employers.

It's not the employers who are responsible for enforcing immigration law, it's the responsibility of the Federal govt who under Obama fought tooth and nail in federal courts to prevent states from even assisting with immigration enforcement.

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