Texas Gov. Abbot to load illegals on busses and drop them on Capital Hill.

The Saudis solved their problem with illegals ten years ago without violence or abuse. The US could as well. We'd rather fight about a useless border wall than solve the problem. I'm sick of these prancing pissants.
What we know is the wall has worked very well where it's been completed and there's more ready to go but Biden would rather pay folks to guard the equipment rather than put it to use.
If indeed they are "state prisoners", what law is going to stop him from carrying this forward?
I have already stated what I think are the legal challenges of the interstate field trip with no return to place of origin. The rest would be up to the states, the Feds, and the courts.
I have already stated what I think are the legal challenges of the interstate field trip with no return to place of origin. The rest would be up to the states, the Feds, and the courts.
And I've asked on what grounds? What specific statutes is the governor violating?
And you just keep on doing the same. Sad, but I've come to understand this really is the best you have to offer.
Well lets see how it plays out. If wrong, when it goes down, (if it goes down), you can remind me and I will eat crow, but I do not recognize your legal acumen at this time.
Well lets see how it plays out. If wrong, when it goes down, (if it goes down), you can remind me and I will eat crow, but I do not recognize your legal acumen at this time.
You should probably not use words and phrases such as "legal acumen" since it's obvious you no idea what it means.
I have already stated what I think are the legal challenges of the interstate field trip with no return to place of origin. The rest would be up to the states, the Feds, and the courts.
And I'll ask again what specific statutes are being violated with this move by the governor?
And I'll ask again what specific statutes are being violated with this move by the governor?
Of course libs will parade dozens of sleazy shit eating lawyers past obama or biden judges to get an injunction

but Texas has lawyers too
You should probably not use words and phrases such as "legal acumen" since it's obvious you no idea what it means.
This is what I thought it was. I don't know what you thought it was.
Of course libs will parade dozens of sleazy shit eating lawyers past obama or biden judges to get an injunction

but Texas has lawyers too
Yep and I suspect this is a case that would be fast tracked to the SCOTS if they can ever figure out what they want to charge him with.
I could explain it. I could break it down into neat little packages that even a retard like you can understand but then... how will you ever improve?

This is what you do. Read my posts a few times, then when you are done, read them a couple more times. Eventually, you will get it. I have faith in you. Ok, sweetheart? :itsok:
So you have nothing.

Got it.
We have 21,000 border patrol agents. We have the US Coast Guard and US Customs and Immigration. Trump's wall is a disaster... unfinished, easily breeched and falling down in places. Why not do what works?
Walls work, Halfwit.

I think they should be bused to Murrietta California again so Militiamen on Holiday and Far Right & Right leaning Protestors can block the Buses again ...
In other words, a free ride to DC? Right on time for the Cherry blossom season. Yeah, that will learn them.
So you think that Texas should make these freeloaders pay for the free trip to DC? OK, They'll pay us Texas taxpayers for their own expenses of the money Texas State taxpayers who have been double burdened by Democrat dirty politics to get even with conservative-majority states. Biden's life stinks to high heaven anyway, what the extortionist crimninal President Biden has been for 47 years of pickpocketing the Foreign Aid packages when nobody was looking and concealed by Nancy Pelosi Omeurta tactics. He oughta be imprisoned in solitary confinement in a Federal prison Hospita for the duration of his pickpocketing life. We will also put a freeze on every cent he has to pay back his corrupt thefts of taxpayer money. And those gold pens Nancy Pelosi handed out with her criminal impeachment of President Trump? We'll give her and sicko Hillary Clinton padded rooms in the same facility for them to dream up more ways to hurt 60% of the American taxpayers in their isolated cells. That way, they can instruct the walls with all kinds of hateful dealings with other American people who don't cotton to their communist-control freak nightmares they were gonna destroy the United States Constitution with. Oh, and just to be anti-racist we will prepare rooms for Maxine Waters and two of her influential accomplices caught stalking President Trump's staff, and all their insider trading feduciary misconduct of an illegal nature as stated in the Constitution before Nancy's little petty 2-reams-of-paper laws destroyed the spirit of the Constitution with gimme-gimme crap, we're rescinding the whole thing, plus we want our taxpayer money back in the United States treasury, not the Clinton library and secreted offshore accounts owned by any of these creeps who went after the Constitution's one-man-one-vote clause, since they trivialized our polls to their whims. We're not taking any more Democrat Omeurta any more and it's going to cost them the fortunes they made off of insider knowledge they took advantage of when they became congresscritters. And they can give back the federal land grabs they bought for nothingburger prices with that made them kingpins over who knows how many millions of acres they grabbed in the last century. That would include a few Rinos, BTW.

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So you advocate kidnapping. Why am I not surprised. (keeping in mind, kidnapping and then taking your kidnap victims across state lines is a federal offense)
First response of snowflake liberals: hide behind the law.

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