Texas Gov. Abbot to load illegals on busses and drop them on Capital Hill.

How do we solve the problem?
Expand E verify, require sponsors, fine employers who hire illegals. Give them a six month grace period.. so employers have a chance to fire them and they have a chance to leave on their own. Then round up and deport those who remain.... and fine employers heavily by the day .
Almost all US voters are peons; don't let your sense of self-importance gloss over the reality. My first response to you I addressed you as a "fellow peon" so tagging it as "name-calling" is an interesting take. Try reading other posts before making false conceptions.
So, you weren't insulting me? Love you too, sweetheart. :kissykissy2:
It’s not like he has to do this long term. About ten busses worth being dropped on DC will be enough to get the point across.
Abbott is a horse's ass. He doesn't want to solve illegal immigration. He's just grandstanding for the hicks in Texas.
Expand E verify, require sponsors, fine employers who hire illegals. Give them a six month grace period.. so employers have a chance to fire them and they have a chance to leave on their own. Then round up and deport those who remain.... and fine employers heavily by the day .
So employers are the problem. Cool. Are employers also responsible for the sanctuary city policies?
Expand E verify, require sponsors, fine employers who hire illegals. Give them a six month grace period.. so employers have a chance to fire them and they have a chance to leave on their own. Then round up and deport those who remain.... and fine employers heavily by the day .
All good points but maybe we should add not letting them come here in the first place. Just a thought.
Abbott is a horse's ass. He doesn't want to solve illegal immigration. He's just grandstanding for the hicks in Texas.
So how would you solve it? The feds won’t secure the border and expect the states to just eat the cost. How the fuck would you do it?
You've already demonstrated quite well that you're a drooling, window licking moron so what's this? Hoping for bonus points?

Yes, we're laughing, at you.
Can't handle it when it's in Texas, eh sucker? TFB for you.

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