Texas Gov. Rick Perry Indicted For Abuse Of Power

And she's the only person that can pursue this? If there is a real case here get the Feds on it.

She Lehmberg is not the one pursuing it, It is the State DA, who happens to be a republican

So if she had resigned CPRIT would still be investigated. So much for that motive.

No because he was going to replace her with a "Perry loyalist" - Houston Chronicle.

Besided tryint to hide the CPRIT investigation, Perry has tried to "make sure that virtually every key position in state gov is a Perry loyalist"

He has also set up several funds, the Texas Enterprise Fund for example that uses taxpayer money to lure businesses to Texas (these are businesses that donate to political causes HMMMMM. several of them are currently under audit. I'll bet this Peloton Therapeutics is a Perry friend and the $11 million from CPRIT was taxpayer money
She Lehmberg is not the one pursuing it, It is the State DA, who happens to be a republican

So if she had resigned CPRIT would still be investigated. So much for that motive.

No because he was going to replace her with a "Perry loyalist" - Houston Chronicle.

Besided tryint to hide the CPRIT investigation, Perry has tried to "make sure that virtually every key position in state gov is a Perry loyalist"

He has also set up several funds, the Texas Enterprise Fund for example that uses taxpayer money to lure businesses to Texas (these are businesses that donate to political causes HMMMMM. several of them are currently under audit. I'll bet this Peloton Therapeutics is a Perry friend and the $11 million from CPRIT was taxpayer money

And this is all secret inside information that you got from ????????
So if she had resigned CPRIT would still be investigated. So much for that motive.

No because he was going to replace her with a "Perry loyalist" - Houston Chronicle.

Besided tryint to hide the CPRIT investigation, Perry has tried to "make sure that virtually every key position in state gov is a Perry loyalist"

He has also set up several funds, the Texas Enterprise Fund for example that uses taxpayer money to lure businesses to Texas (these are businesses that donate to political causes HMMMMM. several of them are currently under audit. I'll bet this Peloton Therapeutics is a Perry friend and the $11 million from CPRIT was taxpayer money

And this is all secret inside information that you got from ????????

I have already said about 3 times this information is from The Houston Chronicle. Yesterday and today. And the information about several of his funds where he awards taxpayer money to companies (he recently paid Toyota several million to relocate to Texas) has been in the paper several times for several months. So has CPRIT for that matter.
Oh and by the way, The Houston Chronicle endorsed Mitt Romney for Pres, they give more editorial space to republican syndicated columnists, and the Special Prosecutor that got Perry indicted is a Republican.
No because he was going to replace her with a "Perry loyalist" - Houston Chronicle.

Besided tryint to hide the CPRIT investigation, Perry has tried to "make sure that virtually every key position in state gov is a Perry loyalist"

He has also set up several funds, the Texas Enterprise Fund for example that uses taxpayer money to lure businesses to Texas (these are businesses that donate to political causes HMMMMM. several of them are currently under audit. I'll bet this Peloton Therapeutics is a Perry friend and the $11 million from CPRIT was taxpayer money

And this is all secret inside information that you got from ????????

I have already said about 3 times this information is from The Houston Chronicle. Yesterday and today. And the information about several of his funds where he awards taxpayer money to companies (he recently paid Toyota several million to relocate to Texas) has been in the paper several times for several months. So has CPRIT for that matter.

I'll bet this Peloton Therapeutics is a Perry friend and the $11 million from CPRIT was taxpayer money

That didn't sound like the Houston Chronicle to me. Besides if he was preparing to do something illegal why didn't people just wait until he committed the crime ?
the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats.

Thats a criminal act.

you are lying. Thats why he was indicted for..coercion, or a criminal act

So any act of firing someone is coercion? Any defunding of an agency is coercion? I call it getting someone who should be fired out of office. She's part of an integrity unit and did time for DWI. Not only that when she was arrested she tried to use her position to weasel out of it. Anyone who defends that is a spineless partisan hack.

you this fucking stupid? I guess so.

I.e. You have nothing more to add. I win, you lose, go back to your hole.
martybegan seem to be completely ignorant about what getting an indictment entails.

it's not merely pointing a finger at someone...or accusing someone you don't like.

it's a very thorough vetting of a case.

Then I guess everyone indicted is convicted, a 100% success rate......

A prosecutor can get a ham sandwich indicted if they try hard enough.
And this is all secret inside information that you got from ????????

I have already said about 3 times this information is from The Houston Chronicle. Yesterday and today. And the information about several of his funds where he awards taxpayer money to companies (he recently paid Toyota several million to relocate to Texas) has been in the paper several times for several months. So has CPRIT for that matter.

I'll bet this Peloton Therapeutics is a Perry friend and the $11 million from CPRIT was taxpayer money

That didn't sound like the Houston Chronicle to me. Besides if he was preparing to do something illegal why didn't people just wait until he committed the crime ?

When I wrote "Ill bet" i assumed you would be smart enough to know that was my opinion. That is I think the only statement I made that cannot be supported by the articles. If you read the original post, it's almost all straight from the newspaper. There are 1 or 2 sentences where I summarized a paragraph. Why didn't they wait until he committed the crime? I assume that the Special Prosecuter believes Perry did already commit the crime, or else he would not have been indicted.
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I have already said about 3 times this information is from The Houston Chronicle. Yesterday and today. And the information about several of his funds where he awards taxpayer money to companies (he recently paid Toyota several million to relocate to Texas) has been in the paper several times for several months. So has CPRIT for that matter.

I'll bet this Peloton Therapeutics is a Perry friend and the $11 million from CPRIT was taxpayer money

That didn't sound like the Houston Chronicle to me. Besides if he was preparing to do something illegal why didn't people just wait until he committed the crime ?

When I wrote "Ill bet" i assumed you would be smart enough to know that was my opinion. If you read the original post, it's almost all straight from the newspaper. Why didn't they wait until he committed the crime? I assume that the Special Prosecuter believes Perry did already commit the crime, or else he would not have been indicted.

I'm sure he wove a nice story for the grand jury. I bet he left out the drunk DA portion.
Why is Perry still walking around. Shouldn't hew be locked up without bail? :whip:

So any act of firing someone is coercion? Any defunding of an agency is coercion? I call it getting someone who should be fired out of office. She's part of an integrity unit and did time for DWI. Not only that when she was arrested she tried to use her position to weasel out of it. Anyone who defends that is a spineless partisan hack.

you this fucking stupid? I guess so.

I.e. You have nothing more to add. I win, you lose, go back to your hole.

well there is another lie.....good for you
The prosecutor was convicted of DWI and refused to resign.

How can a prosecutor represent the interests of the people when she herself is a criminal?

Austin is chocked full of moonbats and a misdemeanor indictment on this charge, given the facts, only ENHANCES Perry's standing.

Please, keep trumpeting this as loudly as possible.

Wasn't GW Bush arrested for drunk driving....

Did you vote for him for President?

Let me help you out...

Bush pleaded guilty to driving while under the influence. Just like the prosecutor.

Your position is that such a plea, finding of guilt, disqualifies you from serving as a prosecutor in a county.....shouldn't it really disqualify you from serving as President which is a much more responsible position?

If there were videos of him acting like that, he wouldn't have even been considered for dog catcher.

You know it and I know it.

Technology...it's a bitch.
To add insult to injury, this drunk idiot was riding in the bike lane.. A child, anyone could have been killed because SHE ALONE chose to drive drunk- with an open bottle of vodka on the seat next to her when they stopped her.. Once arrested, she kicked, screamed, threatened to spit on officers.
Why do liberals circle the wagons regardless?
Nasty lying rude drunk lezbo in charge of "The Public Integrity Unit." What's the problem, you racist hateful homophobic bullying conservative poopy pants......

I didn't know that had to be run by a saint? And what part of getting drunk out of your mind and arrested means you aren't an honest person? A bit stupid maybe, but dishonest? Only a Mormon would think that...

Would you defend her if she was a drunk conservative? I doubt it. You have no standing in this thread.

Yes, because a DUI doesn't mean you can't do your government job.
That didn't sound like the Houston Chronicle to me. Besides if he was preparing to do something illegal why didn't people just wait until he committed the crime ?

When I wrote "Ill bet" i assumed you would be smart enough to know that was my opinion. If you read the original post, it's almost all straight from the newspaper. Why didn't they wait until he committed the crime? I assume that the Special Prosecuter believes Perry did already commit the crime, or else he would not have been indicted.

I'm sure he wove a nice story for the grand jury. I bet he left out the drunk DA portion.

Oh I think everyone in Texas, if they read the newspaper, knows about the drunk DA portion of it. I rather imagine the grand jury heard it all. I can't imagine they did not. It's like I said, this has nothing to do with her DUI. there have been writeups about all of this and political cartoons in the paper now for months.

And it seems all that most of the republicans on this thread want to talk about is the DUI. Hey, I'm not supporting her. And I have not said perry is guilty. Except for that one "Ill bet" sentence, everything I wrote is straight out of the paper. If you don't like it or don't believe, take it up with the paper. I'm just the messenger. trying to get a little more detailed info into this discussion that so far has mostly talked about "how can she prosecute DUIs when she has had one", and :perry can veto whatever he wants" etc. You guys are way off target.

It's about taxpayer money going to companies that were not approved or did not go through the vetting process or whatever the right term might be. " Without proper review" is the term in the paper. $11 million

There have also been several stories about taxpayer money (several $million) going to a company that was supposed to move to Texas from California. They bought a few acres of land and several years later they are still in CA with no employees in Texas.
When I wrote "Ill bet" i assumed you would be smart enough to know that was my opinion. If you read the original post, it's almost all straight from the newspaper. Why didn't they wait until he committed the crime? I assume that the Special Prosecuter believes Perry did already commit the crime, or else he would not have been indicted.

I'm sure he wove a nice story for the grand jury. I bet he left out the drunk DA portion.

Oh I think everyone in Texas, if they read the newspaper, knows about the drunk DA portion of it. I rather imagine the grand jury heard it all. I can't imagine they did not. It's like I said, this has nothing to do with her DUI. there have been writeups about all of this and political cartoons in the paper now for months.

And it seems all that most of the republicans on this thread want to talk about is the DUI. Hey, I'm not supporting her. And I have not said perry is guilty. Except for that one "Ill bet" sentence, everything I wrote is straight out of the paper. If you don't like it or don't believe, take it up with the paper. I'm just the messenger. trying to get a little more detailed info into this discussion that so far has mostly talked about "how can she prosecute DUIs when she has had one", and :perry can veto whatever he wants" etc. You guys are way off target.

It's about taxpayer money going to companies that were not approved or did not go through the vetting process or whatever the right term might be. " Without proper review" is the term in the paper. $11 million

There have also been several stories about taxpayer money (several $million) going to a company that was supposed to move to Texas from California. They bought a few acres of land and several years later they are still in CA with no employees in Texas.

He's not being indicted for diverting any money.
Wasn't GW Bush arrested for drunk driving....

Did you vote for him for President?

Let me help you out...

Bush pleaded guilty to driving while under the influence. Just like the prosecutor.

Your position is that such a plea, finding of guilt, disqualifies you from serving as a prosecutor in a county.....shouldn't it really disqualify you from serving as President which is a much more responsible position?

If there were videos of him acting like that, he wouldn't have even been considered for dog catcher.

You know it and I know it.

Technology...it's a bitch.

A recap:

Pay special attention to the last 10 seconds of this news report

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