Texas Governor Gregg Abbott Says New Laws to Be Passed After Elementary School Shooting

Republicans don’t give a flying fuck about children

Democrats WANT school shootings to continue. They rush to the cameras to politicize every school shooting that takes place, sometimes smiling with glee.

Yep.......a mass school shooting is Christmas day for the democrats....they pull out their gun confiscation wish lists for Santa Government, and demand that uninformed Americans grant their wishes....
Republicans don’t give a flying fuck about children

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You mean like this new democrat law?

On Thursday, mere days after the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, the California State Senate voted to repeal a law requiring that law enforcement be notified when a student threatens violence against school officials.

In a study of mass shootings from 2008 to 2017,
Secret Service found that ‘100 percent of perpetrators showed concerning behaviors, and in 77 percent of shootings, at least one person — most often a peer — knew about their plan,'” explains David Harsanyi of National Review.

Wrong, you can trace the decay of society to the removal of morals and discipline in the schools and homes. Everybody gets a trophy just for showing up, doesn't prepare kids for the real world of adulthood.


Do you see cheating on your wives as a moral household?
Are you stupid or something? Was I supposed to waste my vote like some pollyannaish nincompoop in order to be morally correct?

Well if you are going to complain about a lack of morals, then yes. It would not be a waste. If you are going to vote for immorality don't complain about a lack of it.
Since that is likely how he was able to enter the building, and they didn't have a police resource officer...how is that "diverting attention to something else...?" Had the door been locked, those teachers could have locked their classroom doors before he entered the building....
STFU Gun fetishist

You don’t give a flying fuck about children
We offer solutions...you blame innocent people and simply want to use emotion to ban guns......

Name your "solutions," and see how they stand up to actual scrutiny...

You offer NO solutions!

All you give a shit about is rubbing yourself against your gun fetish.

Children deaths be damned.
I was 17 when I joined the Illinois national guard......had I joined the regular army or marines, I could have been sent around the world to use a rifle to kill people for my country.......but not been able to protect my family with a rifle when I got home.....

I agree. I do not agree with that.
You offer NO solutions!

All you give a shit about is rubbing yourself against your gun fetish.

Children deaths be damned.

and there it is....we start talking about guns, and the anti-gun fanatic starts thinking about sex......

Guns are not sex toys....you need to get help as soon as possible to redirect your sexual impulses into a more productive, normal way........
and there it is....we start talking about guns, and the anti-gun fanatic starts thinking about sex......

Guns are not sex toys....you need to get help as soon as possible to redirect your sexual impulses into a more productive, normal way........

Your fucking nonstop fetishizing about guns and your defense of murderers who slaughter children is appalling
You want to turn this country into an armed camp.

You don’t give a flying fuck about children, gun fetishist.

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Yeah....you have to hide the fact that mass public shootings are rare by adding them up over decades...

The truth....

Mass public shootings.......




In 3 years, a total of 13 individuals out of over 330,000,000 committed mass public shootings......

again, the rarest of rare events...

Now...if you look at the European countries on your list....in a 6 year period, the German socialists murdered 15 million men, women, and children from all across Europe...more people killed than in this country in more than 82 years...

If you average our total criminal shootings.....where the vast majority of the victims are criminals, not innocent men, women and children...

10,000 X 82 years.....starting in 1939...... 820,000

In the 6 years from 1939 to 1945.....Europeans murdered by their governments and the German socialists...... 15 million.

Can you see which number is bigger, and why we don't look to Europe for our gun issues?

Remember, it took Americans with guns to stop the socialists from murdering more Europeans...
Yes. That's hardly what all Trump did but of course the difference here is that I did not vote for Biden.

and that is hardly what biden and his son did...and they did what they did when he was holding public office, and under oath......

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