Texas Governor Gregg Abbott Says New Laws to Be Passed After Elementary School Shooting

The mass media, and the political elites can't decide on a consistent ethical narrative, and you seriously want to blame the American public for "having closed minds?"


The closed minds are my opinion as that relates to accepting that America is at war with Russia.
Canadians have made up their minds to not turn the abortion question into a political issue.
I hope so too but I feel that all American minds will remain closed for the foreseeable future on understanding the cause of mass murder by gun.

Quite understandably so when it's going to call for the admission of guilt concerning America's continuous wars.
The solutions like with most issues is in the middle ground of what the political parties fight over. Mental health needs attention as does limiting access of guns to dangerous people.
Trump's infidelities don't impinge on my observation. Can you say non sequitur? Now, I ask you again, how is my observation hypocritical?

You understand. You complain about something but then defend electing someone who brags about doing those things.

How do you convince people these things are wrong when you elect someone to the highest office that is as guilty as anyone?
The solutions like with most issues is in the middle ground of what the political parties fight over. Mental health needs attention as does limiting access of guns to dangerous people.
I fear that you're not on the right track. You know my talking point, as was laid bare by Michael Moore.
Democrats WANT school shootings to continue. They rush to the cameras to politicize every school shooting that takes place, sometimes smiling with glee.

Lefty's relentless campaign is to destroy, destroy, destroy! His is the campaign of instability, degeneracy, lawlessness, chaos, crisis. It's all about political power, control, dominance. Most of the leftist sheep on this board, for example, are too stupid to see it, but the elites among them are all about "fearmongering" their way to power.
You understand. You complain about something but then defend electing someone who brags about doing those things.

How do you convince people these things are wrong when you elect someone to the highest office that is as guilty as anyone?
Are you stupid or something? Was I supposed to waste my vote like some pollyannaish nincompoop in order to be morally correct? I voted for the best viable candidate. There's nothing hypocritical about that.

Now back to the merits of my observation.
It's an opportunity to shame the Democratic party into accepting armed guards at schools and a prison fortress atmosphere!

I have a hunch that the Republicans don't really want any part of that, and so any progress will be stalled off indefinitely.

By now everybody should have it fixed in their own heads at least that Michael Moore seems to be the only American to stumble onto the solution, and then be brave enough to voice the opinion.

However, the first step probably has to be taken of the armed guards and the prison conditions.

School taxation will go wild unless there's a tradeoff on the children's education, to fund the changes.
You've obviously never been in either a prison or a school with armed security.
Texas is doing a knock up job managing mass shootings so far!! ;) can’t wait to see them hopefully find a solution that helps the issue
THis shooting was the result of one stupid teacher leaving a door open to the outside and another teacher leaving her classroom doors open.

"Texas" had nothing to do with it.
While popular culture at large and abortion on demand has been teaching kids for decades that human life and sexuality are cheap, indeed, that sexual chastity and fidelity are antiquated virtues, that the marital and familiar bonds of civilization are oppressive: lefty's anti-socialization factories, i.e., the state schools, have been doubling down on these lessons and churning out vicious sissies, skanks, bullies, and rank psychopaths at an ever-increasing rate.

In the meantime, folks are babbling about gun regulation.
If guns were the problem we'd have had school shootings weekly at my HS because nearly every boy had at least one rifle and shotgun hanging in the gun racks of their trucks or hidden behind the seat or in the cover of the bench seats which often had a slide in pocket for a long gun.

The closest we ever came to a school shooting was when the principle asked me to shoot a rabid skunk behind the lunch room.

The problem is with how our kids are raised today with no respect for life or the property of others and with no concept of real consequences.

They spend so much time living in an online fantasy world or gaming they are completely disconnected from reality.
I've made it abundantly clear that I think they should but I didn't refine it to just red states.

However, just red states doing it would be a bonus in my opinion. It would encourage future shooters to take on the challenge and improve upon the latest shooter's methods and efficiency.

So first get into the school, which will be relatively easy, and then whack the armed guard.

Then get on with his mission.

So we'll see how it works out won't we?
Is that what you are hoping for?
I hope so too but I feel that all American minds will remain closed for the foreseeable future on understanding the cause of mass murder by gun.

Quite understandably so when it's going to call for the admission of guilt concerning America's continuous wars.
Guns don't mass murder.
You can demagogue the issue and strawman the solution all you like, but the solution won't go way. You're kidding yourself if you think red states are not going to start truly securing the schools.

The blue states are the ones not securing their buildings.....and relaxing laws about dangerous teens....
ok i will do that but only because i liked that you called me "bro", bro


New laws will be passed after the shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said on May 27.

“Do we expect any laws to come out of this devastating crime? The answer is yes. Absolutely yes,” said Abbott, a Republican.

Those laws will be “in multiple different subject areas,” he added.

One area will be making schools safer. He also wants laws that address the “array of healthcare issues that relate to those who commit gun crimes.”

“The status quo is unacceptable. This crime is unacceptable. We’re not going to be here and talking about it and do nothing about it. We will be looking for the best laws that we can get passed to make our communities and schools safer,” Abbott said.

Some legislators and governors see the need for bills that curb access to guns, but Abbott suggested he isn’t of the same mind.

Pressed on whether he’d support legislation to tighten background checks, Abbott said background checks can be avoided, pointing to how the Dimitrios Pagourtzis, a 17-year-old who carried out the shooting in Santa Fe, Texas, in 2018, took the gun he used from a parent.

“Anyone who suggests, ‘well, maybe we should focus on background checks as opposed to mental health.’ I suggest to you is mistaken,” Abbott said.

The Republican also brushed aside talk about moving the legal age to buy rifles to 21, noting that 18-year-olds in Texas have been able to buy the guns for some 150 years and school shootings have only recently started happening.

State. Sen. Roland Gutierrez, a Democrat, interrupted the briefing to urge Abbott to call a special session so lawmakers can reconvene, and said the session should focus on gun laws.

“We have to do something,” Gutierrez said, adding that he feels 18-year-olds shouldn’t have guns.

The Texas Democratic Party, meanwhile, called for a bill that would ban “assault weapons,” which it did not define.

“The Texas Democratic Party joins their call for a special session to ban assault weapons and pass life-saving legislation to end gun violence in Texas,” Gilberto Hinojosa, the party chairman, said in a statement.

Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan, a Republican, has largely aligned with Abbott, saying he thinks the focus should be on mental health legislation as opposed to bills concerning firearms.

Oh....I get it......he is absolutely right on this issue.......so you don't like it.....
The only way 18 year olds shouldn't have guns is if it includes 18-20 year olds in the military also.

I was 17 when I joined the Illinois national guard......had I joined the regular army or marines, I could have been sent around the world to use a rifle to kill people for my country.......but not been able to protect my family with a rifle when I got home.....
Cool! Write it up as a law and go lock up that traumatized teacher. Anything to divert the attention to something else!

Since that is likely how he was able to enter the building, and they didn't have a police resource officer...how is that "diverting attention to something else...?" Had the door been locked, those teachers could have locked their classroom doors before he entered the building....

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