Texas Governor Sends Kamala Harris "Christmas Present"

Inhumane is endangering their lives.

Lol!! You've got nothing pal, other than Dimocrat faux outrage!
Does this sound like "inhumane" treatment?

“The DC community has been welcoming buses from Texas anytime they’ve come since April. Christmas Eve and freezing cold weather is no different,” she said. “We are always here welcoming folks with open arms.”
Dimocrats believe this is ok to have our immigration system overwhelmed in this fashion. Fiscal year 2022 ended with a record of more than 2.3 million migrant encounters by federal authorities at the southern border and another nearly 600,000 who are known to have evaded Border Patrol, according to Fox News. At the rate things are going at the southern border, there will be roughly 9.7 million migrants, which is almost the population of New Jersey, crossing during Biden’s time in office, according to American Enterprise
If I was good with that, why would I be advocating for mandatory e-verify with strong enforcement?

DeSantis and those who vote for him are good with that as it was his administration that completely excluded agriculture workers from any kind of verification at all.
That mandatory e-verify with strong enforcement is a great idea, along with a guest worker program, another great idea.

But, none of those great ideas can work as long as long as the border is wide open. The strong enforcement that you want is a foreign concept to the DOJ. Trump ordered raids of thousands of workplaces and the DOJ only prosecuted eleven employers.

So we need to close the border, expell as many border jumpers as we can find, and prosecute employers who provide them jobs, and welfare officials who provide them benefits.
That mandatory e-verify with strong enforcement is a great idea, along with a guest worker program, another great idea.

But, none of those great ideas can work as long as long as the border is wide open. The strong enforcement that you want is a foreign concept to the DOJ. Trump ordered raids of thousands of workplaces and the DOJ only prosecuted eleven employers.

So we need to close the border, expell as many border jumpers as we can find, and prosecute employers who provide them jobs, and welfare officials who provide them benefits.

If there are no jobs, millions leave and most don't come to start with. Mandatory e-verify can be passed in a short time. There is zero ways today to completely stop people from coming.
I’ve been informed that TVA’s unilateral rolling blackouts will continue. All non-essential businesses should reduce power usage. I’ve asked the @Titans to postpone their 12pm game in solidarity with our neighbors. TVA needs to invest in infrastructure to withstand extreme temps," Cooper said on Twitter.

I can bet he has power.
He could made sure they had coats, and boots.

“It really does show the cruelty behind Gov. Abbott and his insistence on continuing to bus people here without care about people arriving late at night on Christmas Eve when the weather is so cold. People are getting off the buses, they don’t have coats, they don’t have clothes for this kind of weather, and they’re freezing," Fischer said.
The Tennessee valley authority has the largest steam plant on Earth. With several sterling style boilers that produce well over 7 million pounds an hour of evaporated water they could use coal to power nearly the entire Northeast with reliable cheap electricity. But as you know that is no longer permitted.

That mandatory e-verify with strong enforcement is a great idea, along with a guest worker program, another great idea.

But, none of those great ideas can work as long as long as the border is wide open. The strong enforcement that you want is a foreign concept to the DOJ. Trump ordered raids of thousands of workplaces and the DOJ only prosecuted eleven employers.

So we need to close the border, expell as many border jumpers as we can find, and prosecute employers who provide them jobs, and welfare officials who provide them benefits.

Why e-verify isn't a nationwide law is beyond me. Likely the business lobby has kept it from becoming a federal requirement.
Why e-verify isn't a nationwide law is beyond me. Likely the business lobby has kept it from becoming a federal requirement.

It's not the law because the economy would go into a tailspin. As soon as it was a serious consideration the business would all demand that their workers get amnesty. That would then mean they have legal rights to address their conditions. Something business does not want.

So we get the fake uproar over not having a wall even though those arguing it know it's not going to stop people, they just can't be honest or willing to face what comes next.
BlackSand I guess we shut down the thread. Let's give them one more chance, shall we?

Any progressive/Democrat on here want to tell us how many illegal aliens they have invited into their homes?

Absent that, your so-called "compassion" consists of demanding others make sacrifices to help illegals, while avoiding showing compassion to illegals yourseves. You avoid that like a welfare dolee avoids a job fair.


False altruism and self-righteous bullshit are almost always the product or when unbridled desires ...
Combined with a woeful neglect in enforcing our Laws and responsible governance ...
Collide with truly uncaring people and an empty bank account.

Not trying to be obtuse ... Just calling it as it is ... :thup:

Lol!! You've got nothing pal, other than Dimocrat faux outrage!
Does this sound like "inhumane" treatment?

“The DC community has been welcoming buses from Texas anytime they’ve come since April. Christmas Eve and freezing cold weather is no different,” she said. “We are always here welcoming folks with open arms.”
I don't know where that came from, but that's how you do it! That is exactly how all Democrats should be reacting to these busloads of migrants from Rep governors, not with all this wailing and gnashing of teeth.

You forget your own narrative, Dems. Remember that the cover story for allowing all of these people to stay once they cross illegally is that they are all - each and every one - experiencing persecution based on race, religion, class, gender, nationality, or political affiliation. Yep, all 2.7 million in fiscal year 2022. Because no one is more persecuted than Mexican farm workers in Mexico.

That story is so fantastic that it needs to be propped up constantly. Reacting like this to only a hundred such refugees while laughing at Texas border towns for having to deal with thousands per day doesn't help your credibility at all.

The Democratic response should be something like: "Of course we welcome any refugees that come to our city. They are fleeing persecution based on their race, religion, class, gender, nationality or political affiliation, fer sure. We thank Texas for helping those refugees get to locations that welcome them with open arms."

If Obama had come out and said that when DeSantis and Abbott sent fifty illegals to Martha's Vineyard, that would have been the end of such stunts. But since the Martha's Vineyard wine and caviar crowd made so much noise about the unfairness of expecting the wealthy to open the gates of their gated communities, or offer their unoccupied vacation home to house refugees, along with the swiftness with which the government rushed to the command of the elites to take those smelly people away, they only opened themselves up to more.

Get ready, Democrats. Biden still will not close the border, so there will be plenty more refugees available. Coming soon to a neighborhood near you.

Very near.
It's not the law because the economy would go into a tailspin. As soon as it was a serious consideration the business would all demand that their workers get amnesty. That would then mean they have legal rights to address their conditions. Something business does not want.
Exactly. I was hoping that your simplistic approach of imprisoning employers was tongue in cheek. We need farm workers, and Americans won't do farm work. Why should they, when they get paid more for sitting at home doing nothing?

But we had farm workers long before the incredible chaos we have at the border under Biden.

Remember that when these illegals are caught, they are not saying "I came for a job, especially picking peas or something. You know anyone who's hiring?" They are saying, "I need asylum because I am fleeing persecution based on race, religion, class, gender, nationality, or political affiliation. For reals!"

It's a little racist to think that they are just here to pick lettuce for your Caesar salad at Bennigans.
So we get the fake uproar over not having a wall even though those arguing it know it's not going to stop people, they just can't be honest or willing to face what comes next.
No, a wall will not stop every single person that insists on coming here.

But there is a Yuge difference between 2020, when Trump was at least trying to enforce the law, and 2021, when Biden took over after requesting a surge to the border of illegal immigrants. If all that happens when they "get caught," is that they are given a court date, and if there is no barrier, why in the world would immigrants not come?

A barrier will slow them down, that's why Clinton advocated one. Catching them and immediately turning them back - as Obama bragged about doing - will slow them down. Making them wait in a dentention facility for their amnesty to be processed will slow them down. The remain in Mexico agreement that Trump entered into with Mexico slowed them down.
Exactly. I was hoping that your simplistic approach of imprisoning employers was tongue in cheek. We need farm workers, and Americans won't do farm work. Why should they, when they get paid more for sitting at home doing nothing?

But we had farm workers long before the incredible chaos we have at the border under Biden.

Remember that when these illegals are caught, they are not saying "I came for a job, especially picking peas or something. You know anyone who's hiring?" They are saying, "I need asylum because I am fleeing persecution based on race, religion, class, gender, nationality, or political affiliation. For reals!"

It's a little racist to think that they are just here to pick lettuce for your Caesar salad at Bennigans.

No, a wall will not stop every single person that insists on coming here.

But there is a Yuge difference between 2020, when Trump was at least trying to enforce the law, and 2021, when Biden took over after requesting a surge to the border of illegal immigrants. If all that happens when they "get caught," is that they are given a court date, and if there is no barrier, why in the world would immigrants not come?

A barrier will slow them down, that's why Clinton advocated one. Catching them and immediately turning them back - as Obama bragged about doing - will slow them down. Making them wait in a dentention facility for their amnesty to be processed will slow them down. The remain in Mexico agreement that Trump entered into with Mexico slowed them down.
But there is a Yuge difference between 2020, when Trump was at least trying to enforce the law, and 2021

Yea...a pandemic.
I don't know where that came from, but that's how you do it! That is exactly how all Democrats should be reacting to these busloads of migrants from Rep governors, not with all this wailing and gnashing of teeth.

You forget your own narrative, Dems. Remember that the cover story for allowing all of these people to stay once they cross illegally is that they are all - each and every one - experiencing persecution based on race, religion, class, gender, nationality, or political affiliation. Yep, all 2.7 million in fiscal year 2022. Because no one is more persecuted than Mexican farm workers in Mexico.

That story is so fantastic that it needs to be propped up constantly. Reacting like this to only a hundred such refugees while laughing at Texas border towns for having to deal with thousands per day doesn't help your credibility at all.

The Democratic response should be something like: "Of course we welcome any refugees that come to our city. They are fleeing persecution based on their race, religion, class, gender, nationality or political affiliation, fer sure. We thank Texas for helping those refugees get to locations that welcome them with open arms."

If Obama had come out and said that when DeSantis and Abbott sent fifty illegals to Martha's Vineyard, that would have been the end of such stunts. But since the Martha's Vineyard wine and caviar crowd made so much noise about the unfairness of expecting the wealthy to open the gates of their gated communities, or offer their unoccupied vacation home to house refugees, along with the swiftness with which the government rushed to the command of the elites to take those smelly people away, they only opened themselves up to more.

Get ready, Democrats. Biden still will not close the border, so there will be plenty more refugees available. Coming soon to a neighborhood near you.

Very near.

Came from the CNN article:

Exactly. I was hoping that your simplistic approach of imprisoning employers was tongue in cheek.

It isn't. I support that 100%. I know it isn't going to happen for the reasons I note. Business gets whatever business wants.

We need farm workers, and Americans won't do farm work. Why should they, when they get paid more for sitting at home doing nothing?

Not true or at least, farm work should pay more than the small amount you can get otherwise.

But we had farm workers long before the incredible chaos we have at the border under Biden.

Remember that when these illegals are caught, they are not saying "I came for a job, especially picking peas or something. You know anyone who's hiring?" They are saying, "I need asylum because I am fleeing persecution based on race, religion, class, gender, nationality, or political affiliation. For reals!"

No they don't as you can only apply for asylum for a short while. After that you are not eligible and you can't work and apply for asylum.

It's a little racist to think that they are just here to pick lettuce for your Caesar salad at Bennigans.

No, a wall will not stop every single person that insists on coming here.

But there is a Yuge difference between 2020, when Trump was at least trying to enforce the law, and 2021, when Biden took over after requesting a surge to the border of illegal immigrants. If all that happens when they "get caught," is that they are given a court date, and if there is no barrier, why in the world would immigrants not come?

A barrier will slow them down, that's why Clinton advocated one. Catching them and immediately turning them back - as Obama bragged about doing - will slow them down. Making them wait in a dentention facility for their amnesty to be processed will slow them down. The remain in Mexico agreement that Trump entered into with Mexico slowed them down.

Clinton advocated for a wall for the same reason as Republicans do. Business gets what business wants.
I know it isn't going to happen for the reasons I note. Business gets whatever business wants.

As do politicians ... And some of the nitwits that keep voting for them.

And amazingly enough ... In a sovereign Nation of Laws ... Some people want to suggest that the best answer is to write a new Law ...
When the problem we are having is that they won't enforce the Laws we already have.

Wake up people ... You're not thinking.
Or what you are thinking is a bunch of worthless crap.

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As do politicians ... And some of the nitwits that keep voting for them.​

No argument from me.

And amazingly enough ... In a sovereign Nation of Laws ... Some people want to suggest that the best answer is to write a new Law ...
When the problem we are having is that they won't enforce the damn Laws we already have.

Wake up people ... You're not thinking.


I won't really argue there either. With mandatory e-verify it would be easier to police. But yes, we have laws now that would allow the government to raid, shut a business down and criminally charge the owners.

That's not good on election day though.
Enough with your fake Christianity.

They were just literally dumped like human garbage in front of the vice president’s house. That’s un-Christian un-Texan, un-American, and something that should not be allowed,” Domingo Garcia, national president of the League of United Latin American Citizens, told reporters Thursday afternoon outside Harris’ residence.

Matthew 11:28-30
“Give me your tired, your poor; your huddled masses yearning to breathe free; the wretched refuse of your teeming shore; send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

How many illegals are living with you hypocrite?
How many are you financially supporting and housing, or are you a hypocrite?
How many unwanted kids have you saved from abortion and adopted? Bonus points severe disabilities.
Bullshit. To you, tbey aren’t people. Not even the kids. You care far more about a fertilized egg than you do these people.

The wall was a useless expenditure already falling apart. We proposed increasing the size border patrol, adding more judges to speed up the backlog, and using more high tech options. You Trumpists rejected that. All you wanted was a wall and to take their children.

Something he said before he was elected. What has he said since?

Nope, this one is on you and only you. Don’t blame others for your barbaric and unChristian behavior. YOU chose to do this for politics. At man up and own it (not that you cause you Trumpsters never do).

How many are you housing hypocrite?

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