Texas Governor Sends Kamala Harris "Christmas Present"

How many unwanted kids have you saved from abortion and adopted? Bonus points severe disabilities.
There are lengthy waiting lists full of people who are begging to adopt "unwanted kids." There is no such thing as an unwanted kid. Sorry, Coyote. I like you, but I'll have to call you on that one every time. Just like I'd call you if you called them "retards," which is no better.

I'm a Special Educator and if there were babies with disabilities waiting to be adopted, I'd adopt one as quick as they'd let me. But I raised five kids - all with dyslexia, and one with ADHD. If I adopted a baby with a severe disability now, I'd be stealing that very much wanted baby from a couple who can't have them on their own.
Just when I thought the Democrats couldn't find any more ways to use COVID as a political ploy.

The COVID caused Title 42 to be implemented by Trump. As far as I know that was the only restriction placed on immigration due to COVID. It's still in place, so but . . . but . . . but . . . COVID! is not the answer.
Covid depressed even unsanctioned travel.

Don't try to bloviate away the obvious...
Whatever you need to think sweetheart, you still haven't said how many of these illegals should be allowed in every year... that's what I call a concession. lol
If they are "illegals" what control can you assert over volume?
How many unwanted kids have you saved from abortion and adopted hypcrite? You going to keep spamming the thread?

We could go on and on, but I strongly suspect your as big a hypocrite as those you are judging.
I did no such thing. You don't get to make up positions for me simply because you can't address them.

Do you still avidly support the notion that the vast majority of Americans approve of the flood of illegal immigrants flowing across our border? Or, did you finally read the facts I provided?

Do you still avidly support the notion that the vast majority of Americans approve of the flood of illegal immigrants flowing across our border? Or, did you finally read the facts I provided?

Its fully supported or we would be addressing the reasons they come.

While some may say they don't support it, they support the solution even less which is a lame argument to stand on.
What exactly can he do?

…of course, the question is just another way to dodge accountability for Republican behavior.
First and foremost, President Biden should visit the serious trouble spots and then tell the local leaders and citizens and see for himself the utter chaos he has caused.

Then President Biden and his handlers could immediately return to all the policies that were working during the Trump administration. Including completing the border fence.
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I predict eternal afterlife in the infernal region for Gov. Abbott. I think that’s a safe bet.
What exactly can he do?

…of course, the question is just another way to dodge accountability for Republican behavior.
lol, you vermin love to pretend, love to spew bullshit, 24/7/365.
Its fully supported or we would be addressing the reasons they come.

While some may say they don't support it, they support the solution even less which is a lame argument to stand on.
The mystery is how you vermin are allowed to exist.
Its fully supported or we would be addressing the reasons they come.

While some may say they don't support it, they support the solution even less which is a lame argument to stand on.
Wait, I thought that's what Kamala Harris was supposed to be doing.

What solution has she come up with, and why hasn't it worked?
My views :
More immigrants, more criminal gangs( if no coherent & effective policy ).

Yeah, more gangsters bring more crimes. The final result is that you see more victims & more budgets. Amen!

" In a recent letter to the editor, a writer laments that conservatives “hate” immigrants. I am a first-generation American, as are many conservatives. My father and all my grandparents and most of my extended family were immigrants. So why would I hate immigrants? The left insists on labeling conservatives as “haters.” We do not hate immigrants, legal or illegal.

But here is what we do hate:

A broken immigration system that allows illegal immigrants to go to the head of the line in front of those who have waited their turn. "

By Madeline Sanchez

Source:Conservatives don't hate immigrants; we do hate this: – Conservatives don't hate immigrants; we do hate this:

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