Texas Governor Sends Kamala Harris "Christmas Present"

And they will be because nothing has been addressed concerning them coming here for years. Now there are millions and the only way to address that is to let it get worse or give them amnesty.

Many entering our country illegally our bringing drugs and violence in. I guess that's okay with you.
Many entering our country illegally our bringing drugs and violence in. I guess that's okay with you.

BLah, blah, blah.

If not for the overwhelming number coming seeking jobs, the few others would be far easier to apprehend.

People don't even need to come to bring drugs. A drone is far easier and easier to get away with doing.
There are lengthy waiting lists full of people who are begging to adopt "unwanted kids." There is no such thing as an unwanted kid. Sorry, Coyote. I like you, but I'll have to call you on that one every time. Just like I'd call you if you called them "retards," which is no better.

Those waiting lists are for healthy babies. Not babies born with severe defects, autism, fetal alcohol syndrome or addicted to crack. Nor are there waiting lists for older kids who‘s mothers would have had an abortion, but hung on trying to be a mother until she couldn’t or her kids were taken from her. It is a perfectly fair demand to make of someone supposedly anti abortion who asks of me “how many illegal immigrants do I have in my home” soley because I don’t agree with his particular views.

I'm a Special Educator and if there were babies with disabilities waiting to be adopted, I'd adopt one as quick as they'd let me. But I raised five kids - all with dyslexia, and one with ADHD. If I adopted a baby with a severe disability now, I'd be stealing that very much wanted baby from a couple who can't have them on their own.
I think that is pretty neat, kudos to you, you walk the walk :)

I can’t house other people very well in my house. It is small, rural and out of the way of the services and transportation they would need. , I have four dogs, and am involved in Aussie rescue (that is where I put my efforts). My community has taken in some Syrian refugees and there are multiple ways of helping people with housing them in your home. For example teaching them English, providing meals and social support, job hunting,transportation, donating clothing, furniture and household items.

I think the question Old Flame is asking is no different than the one I responded with.
Those waiting lists are for healthy babies. Not babies born with severe defects, autism, fetal alcohol syndrome or addicted to crack.
I'm not sure where you are getting your facts, but I won't add the annoying "LINK?" emoticon.

There are indeed people who adopt babies born with physical addictions, and babies born with disabilities.


Here is a site warning parents seeking to adopt a child born addicted of the downsides. That would not be needed if there weren't would-be parents looking to adopt them.

But I agree that there is likely no waiting lists of the type for healthy babies. But people do adopt them, and the fact that they do does not sway the opinion of pro-choicers in the slightest.

Every aborted baby loses their chance to be adopted, ever. And there are long waiting lists for the overwhelming majority of children who continue to be killed pre-birth, is the point. So long that many American couples opt for foreign adoption.
Nor are there waiting lists for older kids who‘s mothers would have had an abortion, but hung on trying to be a mother until she couldn’t or her kids were taken from her. It is a perfectly fair demand to make of someone supposedly anti abortion who asks of me “how many illegal immigrants do I have in my home” soley because I don’t agree with his particular views.
Probably not. Those kids could have been easily adopted out as babies, but now will not likely find themselves much better off in CPS's hands. Kids suffer from poor choices by parents, that will likely never change. Killing a kid in the womb, is the poorest choice of all for that kid.
I think that is pretty neat, kudos to you, you walk the walk :)

I can’t house other people very well in my house. It is small, rural and out of the way of the services and transportation they would need. , I have four dogs, and am involved in Aussie rescue (that is where I put my efforts). My community has taken in some Syrian refugees and there are multiple ways of helping people with housing them in your home. For example teaching them English, providing meals and social support, job hunting,transportation, donating clothing, furniture and household items.

I think the question Old Flame is asking is no different than the one I responded with.
Then you walk the walk also. I believe that many people who favor unlimited immigration are willing to help, and do everyday.

I do belive that Abbott was right to send the illegals where people were able to help them, and that they people who helped them were right to doso.

My point is that the Democrat politicians' version of being willing to help, is to send printed money to small border cities and tell them to deal with the migrant families as best as they can, and don't send them anywhere. Their fury at having to deal with the poor on Martha's Vineyard, or Washington DC, reveals their true nature.

I had to jump in because of the "unwanted kids" phrase. I'll get over it, I shouldn't be trying to get people to change the way they talk.
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I'm not sure where you are getting your facts, but I won't add the annoying "LINK?" emoticon.

There are indeed people who adopt babies born with physical addictions, and babies born with disabilities.

View attachment 742614

Here is a site warning parents seeking to adopt a child born addicted of the downsides. That would not be needed if there weren't would-be parents looking to adopt them.

But I agree that there is likely no waiting lists of the type for healthy babies. But people do adopt them, and the fact that they do does not sway the opinion of pro-choicers in the slightest.

Every aborted baby loses their chance to be adopted, ever. And there are long waiting lists for the overwhelming majority of children who continue to be killed pre-birth, is the point. So long that many American couples opt for foreign adoption.

Probably not. Those kids could have been easily adopted out as babies, but now will not likely find themselves much better off in CPS's hands. Kids suffer from poor choices by parents, that will likely never change. Killing a kid in the womb, is the poorest choice of all for that kid.

Then you walk the walk also. I believe that many people who favor unlimited immigration are willing to help, and do everyday.

I do belive that Abbott was right to send the illegals where people were able to help them, and that they people who helped them were right to doso.

My point is that the Democrat politicians' version of being willing to help, is to send printed money to small border cities and tell them to deal with the migrant families as best as they can, and don't send them anywhere. Their fury at having to deal with the poor on Martha's Vineyard, or Washington DC, reveals their true nature.

I had to jump in because of the "unwanted kids" phrase. I'll get over it, I shouldn't be trying to get people to change the way they talk.
Try to keep your posts shorter and to the point. Most folks don't want to read long posts. Remember that brevity is the soul of wit.
I'm not sure where you are getting your facts, but I won't add the annoying "LINK?" emoticon.

There are indeed people who adopt babies born with physical addictions, and babies born with disabilities.

View attachment 742614

Here is a site warning parents seeking to adopt a child born addicted of the downsides. That would not be needed if there weren't would-be parents looking to adopt them.

But I agree that there is likely no waiting lists of the type for healthy babies. But people do adopt them, and the fact that they do does not sway the opinion of pro-choicers in the slightest.
Far fewer people adopt them and they end up in the foster care system. The older they, the less likely they are to be adopted. In some of areas of the country you will see a large increase in such children because the mother has no choice. Down’s syndrome has a fairly positive image associated with it than some of the other problems that can occur.
Every aborted baby loses their chance to be adopted, ever. And there are long waiting lists for the overwhelming majority of children who continue to be killed pre-birth, is the point. So long that many American couples opt for foreign adoption.

I’m no going to go there because we’re already taking this way off topic…

Probably not. Those kids could have been easily adopted out as babies, but now will not likely find themselves much better off in CPS's hands. Kids suffer from poor choices by parents, that will likely never change. Killing a kid in the womb, is the poorest choice of all for that kid.

Then you walk the walk also. I believe that many people who favor unlimited immigration are willing to help, and do everyday.

I’m going to challenge you on that. I think very few support that. Most people support good border control, a humane policy in how they treated, and a fix to our immigration. Where we differ is how that fix should look like. What sorts of immigrants, what kinds of categories and what numbers. That is why the constant open borders accusation is a lie Used to shut down debate. If you don’t agree harsh measures, your for open borders.

I do belive that Abbott was right to send the illegals where people were able to help them, and that they people who helped them were right to doso.

I absolutely don’t. It was cruel, deceptive and wrong. You don’t use people like that. If you want to it right you coordinate with aid groups, make sure the migrants have the right clothing for the destination and be honest about their destination and what expect (not promising them jobs in xyz and dumping them per). The batch they dumped at Harris’ house? They were destined for NY but the weather got so bad they dumped them in DC instead. Moving migrants to other location isn’t issue, it’s the how of it and the callous disregard for real people’s lives. We are better that.
My point is that the Democrat politicians' version of being willing to help, is to send printed money to small border cities and tell them to deal with the migrant families as best as they can, and don't send them anywhere. Their fury at having to deal with the poor on Martha's Vineyard, or Washington DC, reveals their true nature.
No. It doesn’t. The anger was at the way it was done, people just dumped, and for all your criticism, those rich elites stepped to the plate and did more than Abbot and DeSantas ever would. The fact that they did forced the pro-dump group group to spin it into something negative.

That is where true natures are revealed. Those who dupe and dump migrants for political purposes and those step up and do the right thing. Taking people from a shelter, including kids, and dumping them on city street at night in single digit temperatures without coats, some in tshirts, is wrong and nothing is going change that. People don’t cease being people due to borders.

I had to jump in because of the "unwanted kids" phrase. I'll get over it, I shouldn't be trying to get people to change the way they talk.
As you know, the vast majority are opposed to illegal immigration. The Democrat leadership obviously loves illegal aliens as they anticipate amnesty for the millions down the road.

Who is the "WE" that have no desire to remove millions of illegal aliens?

Rasmussen Poll: Illegal Immigration Getting Worse, Biden Doing Poor Job

By Eric Mack |
Monday, 11 April 2022 01:43 PM EDT

Only 14% of likely U.S. voters said the illegal immigration problem is improving under Biden, while 55% say it is getting worse, and 27% say the problem is staying the same.

A full 50% also give Biden a poor rating on his handling of the immigration crisis, while just 32% give Biden at least a good rating.

Broken down by party on saying illegal immigration is getting worse:

77% of Republicans.

60% of independent or third-party voters.

29% of Democrats.

Broken down by party on saying illegal immigration is getting better:

25% of Democrats.

9% of independent or third-party voters.

6% of Republicans.

Those giving Biden a poor rating on immigration, by party:

77% of Republicans.

59% of independent or third-party voters.

21% of Democrats.

Those giving Biden an "excellent" or "good" rating on immigration, by party:

60% of Democrats.

20% of independent or third-party voters.

14% of Republicans.

Your nuts.
Dimocrats believe this is ok to have our immigration system overwhelmed in this fashion. Fiscal year 2022 ended with a record of more than 2.3 million migrant encounters by federal authorities at the southern border and another nearly 600,000 who are known to have evaded Border Patrol, according to Fox News. At the rate things are going at the southern border, there will be roughly 9.7 million migrants, which is almost the population of New Jersey, crossing during Biden’s time in office, according to American Enterprise
Migrants have been coming here since 2014, they were bad for the first years of tramp.
Can you say that about another person? Why isn't there any Christians in the republican party?

I'd say you can say that about most of Washington and I imagine there are Christians in the Republican party.

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The number of encounters had fallen to just over 400,000 in fiscal 2020 as the coronavirus outbreak slowed migration across much of the world

Did you skip this part?
No they aren't. If they actually were we would address issues like employers drawing them here with the offer of jobs.

We have NO desire whatsoever to remove millions from the working class and the consumption here they contribute.
can you provide us with one “help wanted” ad from a US employer for a job in the United States in Mexico or South America?

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