Texas Governor Sends Kamala Harris "Christmas Present"

Dumped in the street in 18 degree weather.

Cities that have welcomed them, provided support and shelter, including honest to God Christian churches. That must disappoint you.

See above.

No. That is you claiming it.

Two possible scenarios here.

1. Work with various city agencies and aid groups to move people, so they have have time to gather resources, help and shelter and meet the buses.

2. Dump them on the street late at night in 18 degree weather during one of the worst winter storm systems.

They chose number 2. Why?

Why is your president allowing this to happen? Cruel self serving bastard, isn't he?
Why is your president allowing this to happen? Cruel self serving bastard, isn't he?
What exactly can he do?

…of course, the question is just another way to dodge accountability for Republican behavior.

Many south and Central American countries lack the resources countries and space we or Canada have. Many are themselves beset by economic or political crisis, violence or climate induced crisis like drought that contribute to migration out. 2.4 million people is a lot to absorb Within Latin America and would lead to worsening problems overall (don’t take that to mean I think we should take on all).

How many should we 'take on', give us a number? And how do you decide who gets in, just who happens to be lucky enough to get here before the cut off? Then you'll be an 'inhumane bastard' and turn the rest away? Why do you hate the poor and homeless already in this country?
In which world would that justify dropping people off in 18 degree temperatures wearing just a T Shirt?

On Christmas

Indeed, it is a calculated cruelty for political points By people pretending to be Christian. It is people like that that make people so cynical of religion.

These Christians on the other hand, don’t just talk the talk…

I'm not a Libertarian. I side with some of their beliefs just the same as some (D) and some (R) beliefs.

I've simply not been brainwashed into believing I must support one party or the other no matter what they do.
Hey pknopp, I see you bailed out on your foolish opinion that the vast majority of Americans support illegal aliens. Good for you. Which one are you going to bail on next?

Oh, and by the way, you're brainwashed alright. Your critical TDS forces you to jump to the defense of any position taken by Democrats and fall all over yourself if it's far-left!

Keep up the good work my friend! You bring a hearty chuckle to most USMB readers!
Hey pknopp, I see you bailed out on your foolish opinion that the vast majority of Americans support illegal aliens. Good for you. Which one are you going to bail on next?

I did no such thing. You don't get to make up positions for me simply because you can't address them.
How many should we 'take on', give us a number? And how do you decide who gets in, just who happens to be lucky enough to get here before the cut off? Then you'll be an 'inhumane bastard' and turn the rest away? Why do you hate the poor and homeless already in this country?
Instead of asking stupid baiting questions, how about using your presumed intelligence to instead ask questions that could lead to answers? Of course we can’t take everyone. It’s stupid to even imply that nor have I suggested it.

So what needs to be done? We already have someone here proposing shooting them on sight if they cross the border, even kids. That doesn’t sound like a good solution.

There is little that can be done beyond bandaid approaches until Congress does something about overhauling our entire immigration system and it is also important to recognize what we are facing is part of a worldwide problem of migration pushed by factors that aren’t in any one nation’s control.

Temporary fixes,without Congress could include greatly increasing funding to border control, support to border towns to help deal with this, increasing the number of judges and other personnel to expedite immigration hearings, specifically fund more high tech border surveillance. Ultimately though, Congress needs to make changes. Just one example would be in the temporary visa system. We clearly have a need for certain types of workers because those jobs are not getting filled by enough Americans: landscaping, construction, dairy work, shepherding, yard work, poultry and meat processing, service industry etc. There are very limited programs for seasonal farm workers, but that doesn’t apply to these other categories. Change the temporary visa program to include some of these others. Then that might reduce the abuses of the asylum system to enter the country. If you have more legal avenues for legitimate areas of need, you can crack down on employers who hire illegally (but no president has ever really done this).
Instead of asking stupid baiting questions, how about using your presumed intelligence to instead ask questions that could lead to answers? Of course we can’t take everyone. It’s stupid to even imply that nor have I suggested it.

So what needs to be done? We already have someone here proposing shooting them on sight if they cross the border, even kids. That doesn’t sound like a good solution.

There is little that can be done beyond bandaid approaches until Congress does something about overhauling our entire immigration system and it is also important to recognize what we are facing is part of a worldwide problem of migration pushed by factors that aren’t in any one nation’s control.

Temporary fixes,without Congress could include greatly increasing funding to border control, support to border towns to help deal with this, increasing the number of judges and other personnel to expedite immigration hearings, specifically fund more high tech border surveillance. Ultimately though, Congress needs to make changes. Just one example would be in the temporary visa system. We clearly have a need for certain types of workers because those jobs are not getting filled by enough Americans: landscaping, construction, dairy work, shepherding, yard work, poultry and meat processing, service industry etc. There are very limited programs for seasonal farm workers, but that doesn’t apply to these other categories. Change the temporary visa program to include some of these others. Then that might reduce the abuses of the asylum system to enter the country. If you have more legal avenues for legitimate areas of need, you can crack down on employers who hire illegally (but no president has ever really done this).

So you have no solution, and can't answer the questions asked. That's all you needed to say, save the hot air for your fellow leftist fools.

Many south and Central American countries lack the resources countries and space we or Canada have. Many are themselves beset by economic or political crisis, violence or climate induced crisis like drought that contribute to migration out. 2.4 million people is a lot to absorb Within Latin America and would lead to worsening problems overall (don’t take that to mean I think we should take on all).
Are you so desperate that your main argument is based on people per square mile?

Enough with your fake Christianity.

They were just literally dumped like human garbage in front of the vice president’s house. That’s un-Christian un-Texan, un-American, and something that should not be allowed,” Domingo Garcia, national president of the League of United Latin American Citizens, told reporters Thursday afternoon outside Harris’ residence.

Matthew 11:28-30
“Give me your tired, your poor; your huddled masses yearning to breathe free; the wretched refuse of your teeming shore; send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”
Shit ain't the same as it was tem million years ago, traitor.
I’ve been informed that TVA’s unilateral rolling blackouts will continue. All non-essential businesses should reduce power usage. I’ve asked the @Titans to postpone their 12pm game in solidarity with our neighbors. TVA needs to invest in infrastructure to withstand extreme temps," Cooper said on Twitter.

I can bet he has power.
He could made sure they had coats, and boots.

“It really does show the cruelty behind Gov. Abbott and his insistence on continuing to bus people here without care about people arriving late at night on Christmas Eve when the weather is so cold. People are getting off the buses, they don’t have coats, they don’t have clothes for this kind of weather, and they’re freezing," Fischer said.
But they wanna be "Sanctuary Cities" babydoll.
You think Biden gives them coats when he airlifts the other 90% of the illegals to evenly disperse them around the country every day? Hell no!
It's fucking grody the way they do things.
Are Democrats dropping people off in 10 degree temperatures without proper clothing and shelter?
Who invited the illegals to rush the border? President Biden.

How many fatalities?

On the other hand, due to the Open Border policy enacted by President Biden and his handlers, we have had over 100,000 deaths due to fentanyl.


Published October 22, 2022 1:30pm EDT

Record 856 migrants die at southern border in fiscal year 2022: CBP

25 illegal migrants have already died at southern border since Oct. 1, Customs and Border Protection numbers show​

By Timothy H.J. Nerozzi , Bill Melugin , Griff Jenkins | Fox News

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Yea...a pandemic.
Just when I thought the Democrats couldn't find any more ways to use COVID as a political ploy.

The COVID caused Title 42 to be implemented by Trump. As far as I know that was the only restriction placed on immigration due to COVID. It's still in place, so but . . . but . . . but . . . COVID! is not the answer.
What policy is that?
The one that's obviously in effect, sweety.

Biden has a team of lawyers fighting to keep the borders wide open for illegals.

It's seriously unconscionable. I have zero doubts he's involved in child sex trafficking.
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