Texas "last in, first out" of recession--economist says

service based is in the present & future. if you want to work in a factory or break your back everyday til you are 70 be my guest, but the rest of us will do something more useful and forward thinking

We disagree. Factory/manufacturing jobs are necessary to "create wealth". Buying goods made over seas is a sure path to the 3rd world. Manufacturing jobs aren't "back-breaking", they are good paying and employ all types of workers, blue-collar, white-collar, and many support jobs. The service economy is a hoax. It basically says that we can import everything, sell them in stores and that brings prosperity. I don't see a service economy creating wealth in the long run. IMHO we moved too many factories overseas, and now we're borrowing money from China......who creates wealth and has a trade surplus.
You are correct. Blu does not have a clue.

Apparently, I must spread my rep.... I'll get ya later.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand why. Texas is highly reliant on the price of energy. The energy industry has done far better than almost all other industries over the past three years. Thus, Texas has done far better than the rest of the country.
The "oil patch" parts of Texas are not faring well in this recession.

Which completely belies your assertions.

Texas is a massive, diversified economy in which the oil industry is only a part.

Some southern states such as Louisiana are far more oil rich and far more dependent on oil, and are faring terribly.
Umm last time I checked we import a lot of our fuel in refined form.Y
You made this claim awhile back, were asked to back it up with some credible links to credible sources, and fled the thread instead.


Care to back this assertion this time around?

Here ya go, Listen to uscitizen you should.

The United States consumed 19.5 million barrels per day (MMbd) of petroleum products during 2008 making us the world’s largest petroleum consumer. The United States was third in crude oil production at 4.9 MMbd. But crude oil alone does not constitute all U.S. petroleum supplies. Significant gains occur, because crude oil expands in the refining process, liquid fuel is captured in the processing of natural gas, and we have other sources of liquid fuel, including biofuels. These additional supplies totaled 3.6 MMbd in 2008.

In 2008 the United States imported 12.9 million barrels per day (MMbd) of crude oil and refined petroleum products. We also exported 1.8 MMbd of crude oil and petroleum products during 2008, so our net imports (imports minus exports) equaled 11.1 MMbd.

Petroleum products imported by the United States during 2008 included gasoline, diesel fuel, heating oil, jet fuel, chemical feedstocks, asphalt, and other products. Still, most petroleum products consumed in the United States were refined here. Net imports of petroleum other than crude oil were 7% of the petroleum consumed in the United States during 2008

EIA?s Energy in Brief: How dependent are we on foreign oil?
Umm last time I checked we import a lot of our fuel in refined form.Y
You made this claim awhile back, were asked to back it up with some credible links to credible sources, and fled the thread instead.


Care to back this assertion this time around?

Here ya go, Listen to uscitizen you should.

Petroleum products imported by the United States during 2008 included gasoline, diesel fuel, heating oil, jet fuel, chemical feedstocks, asphalt, and other products. Still, most petroleum products consumed in the United States were refined here. Net imports of petroleum other than crude oil were 7% of the petroleum consumed in the United States during 2008

EIA?s Energy in Brief: How dependent are we on foreign oil?
Read your own links you do not. For this link completely belies what you were trying to assert. Which was, "Umm last time I checked we import a lot of our fuel in refined form."

You can find something that backs your assertion, or you can be accurate in your statement by using the word "some" instead of, "a lot."

7% is some. 20% and on up might be considered "a lot."
You made this claim awhile back, were asked to back it up with some credible links to credible sources, and fled the thread instead.


Care to back this assertion this time around?

Here ya go, Listen to uscitizen you should.

Petroleum products imported by the United States during 2008 included gasoline, diesel fuel, heating oil, jet fuel, chemical feedstocks, asphalt, and other products. Still, most petroleum products consumed in the United States were refined here. Net imports of petroleum other than crude oil were 7% of the petroleum consumed in the United States during 2008

EIA?s Energy in Brief: How dependent are we on foreign oil?
Read your own links you do not. For this link completely belies what you were trying to assert. Which was, "Umm last time I checked we import a lot of our fuel in refined form."

You can find something that backs your assertion, or you can be accurate in your statement by using the word "some" instead of, "a lot."

7% is some. 20% and on up might be considered "a lot."

Yeah 7% is not much only 11.1 Million barells of refined goods a day.
Shucks that ain't nuthin is it?
Heck billy bob could do that in his barbie Que Grill.
Here ya go, Listen to uscitizen you should.

Petroleum products imported by the United States during 2008 included gasoline, diesel fuel, heating oil, jet fuel, chemical feedstocks, asphalt, and other products. Still, most petroleum products consumed in the United States were refined here. Net imports of petroleum other than crude oil were 7% of the petroleum consumed in the United States during 2008

EIA?s Energy in Brief: How dependent are we on foreign oil?
Read your own links you do not. For this link completely belies what you were trying to assert. Which was, "Umm last time I checked we import a lot of our fuel in refined form."

You can find something that backs your assertion, or you can be accurate in your statement by using the word "some" instead of, "a lot."

7% is some. 20% and on up might be considered "a lot."

Yeah 7% is not much only 11.1 Million barells of refined goods a day.
Shucks that ain't nuthin is it?
Heck billy bob could do that in his barbie Que Grill.
We EXPORT much more than that. Yes, EXPORT.

Concede your point blown away, shredded. Try to save some face. Stop embarrassing yourself.
Heck 11 million barells a day would probably only suppy a few entire states demands.
Read your own links you do not. For this link completely belies what you were trying to assert. Which was, "Umm last time I checked we import a lot of our fuel in refined form."

You can find something that backs your assertion, or you can be accurate in your statement by using the word "some" instead of, "a lot."

7% is some. 20% and on up might be considered "a lot."

Yeah 7% is not much only 11.1 Million barells of refined goods a day.
Shucks that ain't nuthin is it?
Heck billy bob could do that in his barbie Que Grill.
We EXPORT much more than that. Yes, EXPORT.

Concede your point blown away, shredded. Try to save some face. Stop embarrassing yourself.

Read the article again dude, refined imports vs exports leaves us with a net import of 11.1 million bbl per day.

I think I will take their word over yours anyday.
Yeah 7% is not much only 11.1 Million barells of refined goods a day.
Shucks that ain't nuthin is it?
Heck billy bob could do that in his barbie Que Grill.
We EXPORT much more than that. Yes, EXPORT.

Concede your point blown away, shredded. Try to save some face. Stop embarrassing yourself.

Read the article again dude, refined imports vs exports leaves us with a net import of 11.1 million bbl per day.

I think I will take their word over yours anyday.
That is not what it says, at all.

You continue to try to salvage yourself. It's impossible. Your wisdom before, of fleeing, appears genuis level right now.
It Says net dummy.
"Net imports of petroleum other than crude oil were 7% of the petroleum consumed in the United States during 2008"

somce you are so dense I will find another one.
It Says net dummy.
"Net imports of petroleum other than crude oil were 7% of the petroleum consumed in the United States during 2008"

somce you are so dense I will find another one.
Apparently you have reading comprehension difficulties, but let's say for a moment it is "net."

You are STILL a long way off from "a lot" correct?


Your assertion was shattered. Just man-up and admit so, and take that stupid talking point out of your notebook, or make it more accurate using the word "some."

It should now be: "Umm last time I checked we import some of our fuel in refined form."

Even though the FACT is, we are the #17 exporter on the planet:

While I am looking if exports are rising, which they are just still a net improt balance.

Why do we need to drill more here if we are exporting?
It Says net dummy.
"Net imports of petroleum other than crude oil were 7% of the petroleum consumed in the United States during 2008"

somce you are so dense I will find another one.
Apparently you have reading comprehension difficulties, but let's say for a moment it is "net."

You are STILL a long way off from "a lot" correct?


Your assertion was shattered. Just man-up and admit so, and take that stupid talking point out of your notebook, or make it more accurate using the word "some."

It should now be: "Umm last time I checked we import some of our fuel in refined form."

Even though the FACT is, we are the #17 exporter on the planet:


Well lets just use that precise and non appllicable term as tons of oil?

It Says net dummy.
"Net imports of petroleum other than crude oil were 7% of the petroleum consumed in the United States during 2008"

somce you are so dense I will find another one.
Apparently you have reading comprehension difficulties, but let's say for a moment it is "net."

You are STILL a long way off from "a lot" correct?


Your assertion was shattered. Just man-up and admit so, and take that stupid talking point out of your notebook, or make it more accurate using the word "some."

It should now be: "Umm last time I checked we import some of our fuel in refined form."

Even though the FACT is, we are the #17 exporter on the planet:


Well lets just use that precise and non appllicable term as tons of oil?

How about you just drop your exaggerated, false and misleading talking point you cannot back up?

Smegma Head.

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