Texas Latina says she dates only white men doesnt date hispanics

I wouldn't date such a racist.

How is she being any less of a racist than my mother was when she told me to not marry a black man?

I wonder if she looks at the great number of Hispanics that are conservative and religious and realizes that Hispanic males will never appreciate her sluttiness?

I would never tell my kids who to vote for, but I do let them know what I think of the parties and candidates. And I would never tell my kids not to own firearms.
But you just said if you told Kids not to do Something that they would most likely do it ?
I would never tell my kids who to vote for, but I do let them know what I think of the parties and candidates. And I would never tell my kids not to own firearms.
So you would not tell your Children to not vote For an Open Borders Proud & Loud Anti American Marxist for State Assembly Or State Senate Or US Congress ? ( And you would not tell them to not vote for a vocal Gungrabber for USSenate ???)
So you would not tell your Children to not vote For an Open Borders Proud & Loud Anti American Marxist for State Assembly Or State Senate Or US Congress ? ( And you would not tell them to not vote for a vocal Gungrabber for USSenate ???)
Again, RETARD I raised my kids to think on their own and I don't tell them what to think. as to the comment about doing something, that is teenagers rebelling and if you were a parent, you would already know that.
Again, RETARD I raised my kids to think on their own and I don't tell them what to think. as to the comment about doing something, that is teenagers rebelling and if you were a parent, you would already know that.
I’m a Parent / Grandparent and your the Retard who would raise Heathen Woke Socialists .
Originally posted by Flash
Yea, but there have been a lot of interbreeding with the African slaves and Injins

Everybody blames latin american countries for their underdevelopment.

They forget to blame the real culprits:

The mentally retarded spanish and portuguese Conquistadores who couldn't keep their dicks inside their pants for 10 fucking seconds to save their mothers.
Everybody blames latin american countries for their underdevelopment.

They forget to blame the real culprits:

The mentally retarded spanish and portuguese Conquistadores who couldn't keep their dicks inside their pants for 10 fucking seconds to save their mothers.
And then the Various & Sundry ( Pirates / Colonialists , Padres , French Canadiens , ...
Now Im the hispanic male who interviews her....

I need to find a few females who agree that I interview them and put it on TikTok and Youtube. But it is hard, most I know do not want to be filmed and on TikTok. I could ask them "which race do you prefer"
Everybody blames latin american countries for their underdevelopment.

They forget to blame the real culprits:

The mentally retarded spanish and portuguese Conquistadores who couldn't keep their dicks inside their pants for 10 fucking seconds to save their mothers.
It takes two to tango amigo.
Originally posted by JoeC
It takes two to tango amigo.

When it was consensual, yes...

But this doesn't change anything I said. If the english colonists didn't manage to keep their dicks inside their pants you'd have a giant english speaking Bolivia in North America instead of a global superpower.

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