Texas Led the Country in New Renewable Energy Projects Last Year!

Lol....nobody cares.

This is like a football team being behind 49-0 and taking bows and spiking the ball after making the score 49-7. :hello77:

I mean, c'mon now....wind and solar combined still only providing < 8% of grid electricity. A joke. This is what they call a booby prize :up: Tiny little raisin-type boobies btw....

That's Right. King Oil going cleaner and Cheaper... BIG!
CNBC - Feb 18, 2022

  • Texas led the country in new renewable energy projects last year, according to a report released this week by the American Clean Power Association.
  • Texas installed 7,352 megawatts of new wind, solar and energy installation projects last year, significantly outpacing California, which installed 2,697 megawatts of storage projects.
  • Republicans for decades have overseen the the energy sector in Texas, which still ranks 10th in the country for fossil fuel consumption, as nearly 90% of its energy is derived from fossil fuels.

....Texas also surpassed other states in the amount of Storage it has under construction or in advanced development, reaching nearly 20,000 megawatts, followed by California at nearly 14,000 megawatts.

Texas is experiencing a rise in renewable energy deployment Not necessarily due to concerns over human-caused climate change, but rather because of the Low Costs of renewable energy sources like solar and wind development......

:texflag:!Yea! :woohoo: !Yea!:texflag:
Thats fucken stupid.
Why would texas beating you clowns in your own game piss us off?
Actually it pisses off the the anti-anti-environmental side.
King Oil leading the way on Renewables... Because it is indeed cheaper.

The analogy?

The woman who goes out and boasts about getting a boob job and increasing her boob size by 100%. But since she started flat chested, she now sports an A cup. Nobody is impressed.

:cul2: :hello77::cul2::hello77:

Wind and solar still laughable by any measure.
Your "Analogy" fails
Texas Installed 3x what California did last year.
Because again:
""Texas is experiencing a rise in renewable energy deployment Not necessarily due to concerns over human-caused climate change, but rather because of the Low Costs of renewable energy sources like solar and wind development......""

Texas is great for both Solar and Wind.
A Natural, like much of the Southwest

Actually it pisses off the the anti-anti-environmental side.
King Oil leading the way on Renewables... Because it is indeed cheaper.


But then why.......after 20 years........do wind/solar combined still only provide for 7% of the electricity for the grid? Kinda laughable, no? :spinner: Just sayin'.......in this entire forum, only you and a couple of other bozo's impressed by that figure! If it was so cheap, why such a paltry figure?

And that is what is driving the 'Conservatives' nuts. It is not liberal policies or environmental concerns that is driving the switch to renewables, but economics. Renewables are less costly in every way. Less costly to install, less costly to maintain.
What a crock of lying shit.......

Flat out WRONG.........


Windmills---extremely expensive to operate- Requires an A AND P license to repair. Breaks down in cold weather--fluids freeze.....many are just dismantled just because of the cost and waste of time.

EV CARs---oh my gawd the stupidity. Put all the demand on electric--talk about rolling black outs and let us not forget their damn environmentally unfriendly batteries.
""Texas is experiencing a rise in renewable energy deployment Not necessarily due to concerns over human-caused climate change, but rather because of the Low Costs of renewable energy sources like solar and wind development......""

Texas is great for both Solar and Wind.

Your "Analogy" fails
Texas Installed 3x what California did last year.
Because again:
""Texas is experiencing a rise in renewable energy deployment Not necessarily due to concerns over human-caused climate change, but rather because of the Low Costs of renewable energy sources like solar and wind development......""

Texas is great for both Solar and Wind.
A Natural, like much of the Southwest

So we got a few trolls by Skooker to cover this embarrassing thread for his anti-renewable positions.

Actually it was KEN LAY of the ENRON who came up with the CARBON CREDIT SCAM ----big oil has always behind the supposed GREEN ENERGIES.
There is no scam,
Renewables are cheaper now... even in TEXAS!

Last edited:
I have no interest in answering your one-line (now One-Word) trolls/harassment.
However they serve as useful excuses to bump my threads up.
Think about the next time you get your childish urge.
I have no interest in answering your one-line (now One-Word) trolls/harassment.
However they serve as useful excuses to bump my threads up.
Think about the next time you get your childish urge.
Go figure
Federal subsidies... FREE MONEY...

Uh... No.
as you've seen me post for Years.
And what are you doing here?
You've 100% DIScredited on every topic you claim expertise in you slimy lowlife.


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