Texas Mall shooter failed Army Infantry training due to mental health problems. Whodathunk?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
So the latest "mass shooter" has the exact same issue that all the other "mass shooters" have. He was bat shit nuts. Imagine that! The common denominator between all mass shooters is they are insane. Hmmmm Maybe we should start paying more attention to the next potential nut case who wants to go out in a blaze of TV Media glory.

Good that you can buy as many weapons as you want no questions asked through the gun show loophole illustrated here...right?

There are two distinct lines of view. One party wants to get rid of guns. The other wants to have a dialogue over the abilities of people to own them due to a few issues. Mental Health can be used also to stop anyone from having a weapon even for the most minor personal problem as the new law expands. Also, people with political views not agreeable to the state can be put into asylums as they could open up as the nation declines.
So the latest "mass shooter" has the exact same issue that all the other "mass shooters" have. He was bat shit nuts. Imagine that! The common denominator between all mass shooters is they are insane. Hmmmm Maybe we should start paying more attention to the next potential nut case who wants to go out in a blaze of TV Media glory.

But we were told he was an illegal.
If you are discharged for mental instability you bet your ass the FBI can find that.... almost any government agency can....

No way the FBI could find this....

Does the FBI have access to personal military files?
The black guy that went on a shooting rampage in DC a few years back had similar circumstances where the Navy dropped the ball and did not flag him as a mental case.

In the .mil a psychological discharge is supposed to follow you as it counts the same as a civilian adjudication.
Yes they do or they did when I was in. I had the FBI investigate me when I upgraded my security clearence.

Getting an upgraded my security clearance is not the same thing as the FBI given a report on everyone that fails boot camp.

His discharge could be for one of 1000 different things
Getting an upgraded my security clearance is not the same thing as the FBI given a report on everyone that fails boot camp.

His discharge could be for one of 1000 different things
Yes but they had access to my military records. If the FBI is investigating someone they can get those records.
Yes but they had access to my military records. If the FBI is investigating someone they can get those records.

The FBI does not have access to every single person's military record that ever served.

And there is nothing in his record that would have stopped him from getting a gun. This discharge he got could have been for hurting his leg and not being able to finish basic training.
The FBI does not have access to every single person's military record that ever served.

And there is nothing in his record that would have stopped him from getting a gun. This discharge he got could have been for hurting his leg and not being able to finish basic training.
They can get them if they are investigating. I don't care what he was discharged for. The point I was making is that the FBI can pull military records and someone being discharged before completing basic should be a reason to take a look at why they were separated.

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