Texas Mall shooter failed Army Infantry training due to mental health problems. Whodathunk?

Which is not in his record anywhere.

Seems you have a very low view of the 2nd.
It was stated this morning that he was discharged for mental reasons... so I'm not sure why you are arguing that point....
Then you should know mental examinations are not part of entrance exams....

Correct, they just complete a form with questions that focus on contact with mental health professionals as well as alcohol use/abuse treatment
Correct, they just complete a form with questions that focus on contact with mental health professionals as well as alcohol use/abuse treatment
Listen... the Army does not discharge you without a reason... and they don't kick you out of boot camp because you are not happy to be there... if he committed a crime he would have been court marshalled... if he were not in shape they would have gotten him in shape... so what I heard this morning makes the most sense....
Listen... the Army does not discharge you without a reason... and they don't kick you out of boot camp because you are not happy to be there... if he committed a crime he would have been court marshalled... if he were not in shape they would have gotten him in shape... so what I heard this morning makes the most sense....

So, you cannot tell me who said it and if it is in his military record.

And you still cannot tell me how the FBI was supposed to find out about it
The FBI does not have access to every single person's military record that ever served.

And there is nothing in his record that would have stopped him from getting a gun. This discharge he got could have been for hurting his leg and not being able to finish basic training.
of course rhe fbi has access to military records
What kind of background check do you get if you are going to join the infantry?

Every applicant for military service must pass a basic background check regardless of intended/elected MOS. The deeper dive background investigations come later, should chosen MOS require it. At least—that's how it was up to a few years ago. My guess, were I asked to make one, would hazard this latest shooter guy believed he was a chick and said belief skull fu**ed his chances to stand on the firing line with the 11B big boys. Isn't that the trend as of late? Mass shooters who disbelieve their own genitals?
So, you cannot tell me who said it and if it is in his military record.

And you still cannot tell me how the FBI was supposed to find out about it
No I was listening to markley van camp and robbins... not sure if it was a news break or one of them said it... but why else would they have discharged him without a trial or an injury report?... think about it....
When I went in (1966) they didn't have background checks at all unless you were entering a MOS needing a security clearance.

My younger son went in with the big post 911 build up (Cav Scout) and I don't think they gave a shit about anybody's background. They just wanted bodies.

Knowing the incompetency of the military I wouldn't be surprised if anybody fell through the cracks.
When I went in (1966) they didn't have background checks at all unless you were entering a MOS needing a security clearance.

My younger son went in with the big post 911 build up (Cav Scout) and I don't think they gave a shit about anybody's background. They just wanted bodies.

Knowing the incompetency of the military I wouldn't be surprised if anybody fell through the cracks.
Yes me too but the FBI should have found his DOD file and not granted his gun sale if he was found to be unstable and if he indeed purchased his weapons legally....
Its the FBI that keeps dropping the ball in these domestic mass shootings... and no one says anything about that fact in DC....
Yes me too but the FBI should have found his DOD file and not granted his gun sale if he was found to be unstable and if he indeed purchased his weapons legally....
Its the FBI that keeps dropping the ball in these domestic mass shootings... and no one says anything about that fact in DC....
Just another example of government background checks being absolutely useless.
No I was listening to markley van camp and robbins... not sure if it was a news break or one of them said it... but why else would they have discharged him without a trial or an injury report?... think about it....

It happens all the time. If they cannot cut it they wash them out. His discharge is the same one a Marine gets that cannot pass the swimming qual or cannot qualify with the M16 or hurts their leg and cannot finish.

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