Texas Mall shooter failed Army Infantry training due to mental health problems. Whodathunk?

It happens all the time. If they cannot cut it they wash them out. His discharge is the same one a Marine gets that cannot pass the swimming qual or cannot qualify with the M16 or hurts their leg and cannot finish.
In the Marine Corps. if you break your leg in Basic you begin all over again after it heals... I slept next to a guy in basic who that happened to... lol but that aside... this shooter was obviously disturbed... he killed people... so it doesn't take a genius to figure he was disturbed in boot camp too.... and that's why they cut him... the FBI should have caught that in a background weapons check... if his weapons were legally purchased...
Its time someone in congress calls up Wray to ask him why the FBI can't handle background checks and prevent some of these nuts from killing people....
Somebody pull up one of the articles that lists the psychotropic drugs he was on, or recently off.
In the Marine Corps. if you break your leg in Basic you begin all over again after it heals... I slept next to a guy in basic who that happened to... lol but that aside...

only if you want to. If you break it and do not want to they will process you out. We had a guy in my boot camp platoon that decided he did not want to be a Marine so he failed the swim qual and the processed him out.

this shooter was obviously disturbed... he killed people... so it doesn't take a genius to figure he was disturbed in boot camp too.... and that's why they cut him... the FBI should have caught that in a background weapons check...

No the FBI should not have since his discharge did not say anything about him being mentally disturbed. There is nothing in his military record about being mentally disturbed.
only if you want to. If you break it and do not want to they will process you out. We had a guy in my boot camp platoon that decided he did not want to be a Marine so he failed the swim qual and the processed him out.

No the FBI should not have since his discharge did not say anything about him being mentally disturbed. There is nothing in his military record about being mentally disturbed.
I'm sure if you had real damage done you could process out...
I'm sure if you had real damage done you could process out...

Little known fact about Marine Boot Camp, you can quit any time you like and they will just process you out. It might take them a couple months of which time you do shit jobs around the depot, but they will process you out.

We do not want people that do not want to be a Marine
Little known fact about Marine Boot Camp, you can quit any time you like and they will just process you out. It might take them a couple months of which time you do shit jobs around the depot, but they will process you out.

We do not want people that do not want to be a Marine
That would be a dishonorable discharge... the shooter had a general discharge....
That would be a dishonorable discharge... the shooter had a general discharge....

Nope, it is an admin discharge, same as the shooter got. Same as you get for most any reason for not finishing boot camp.
Nope, it is an admin discharge, same as the shooter got. Same as you get for most any reason for not finishing boot camp.
AKA a general discharge.... the dude was nuts... period... and the DOD and the DOJ and the FBI should have known enough to stop him from passing a background check... argument done idiot... plain and simple... your beloved FBI fucked up again...
That would be a dishonorable discharge... the shooter had a general discharge....
No it would be a general discharge. You don’t get a BCD (Bad Conduct Discharge) unless you commit a crime. I don’t know about now, but in the seventies the Army went to great lengths NOT to hand
out BCDs since they were the equivalent of a felony conviction and would screw up the dischargee’s life big time. Even for minor crimes soldiers were given a choice of accepting a General Discharge or chance a Courts-martial and taking the easy way out was strongly suggested as it was better for the soldier and a lot less paperwork for the Army. A medical discharge was a whole different ball of wax and a lot of documentation was needed.
So the latest "mass shooter" has the exact same issue that all the other "mass shooters" have. He was bat shit nuts. Imagine that! The common denominator between all mass shooters is they are insane. Hmmmm Maybe we should start paying more attention to the next potential nut case who wants to go out in a blaze of TV Media glory.

Well he was a wannabe soldier with a ton of guns and a RWDS or Right Wing Death Squad patch. So he was obviously nuts. But no more so than many of those on this very site who dream of killing leftists.

So the latest "mass shooter" has the exact same issue that all the other "mass shooters" have. He was bat shit nuts. Imagine that! The common denominator between all mass shooters is they are insane. Hmmmm Maybe we should start paying more attention to the next potential nut case who wants to go out in a blaze of TV Media glory.

Mental health issues don't mean someone is insane. But mental health issues can exacerbate other problems.
Imagine someone dreams of being something in the military because.... well the military and government puts so much effort into making it look GOOD. There are so many glorifications of the US military.

Instead of "Who wants to risk a limb or life so some rich fucker can get richer", you say "be a Marine, they're the best" and then have films that are so ridiculous and promoting of the military. What could go wrong?
But yes, maybe the US should spend a little more money on mental health issues.
I can go over to the local flea market and buy a truck load of guns. I don't have to bother with a background check. I can buy the local bulletin board paper and buy all kinds of guns. I don't need a background check.

The discussion on background checks is pretty much worthless. Background checks or not there is no problem with buying guns.

I know someone that called to seek a therapist. They were told the first appointment available was 4 months out. Spend an hour and get another appointment for an hour in 2-3 weeks.

Maybe we would be better off in this country investing in mental health care than billions and billions for useless wars.

Why should we expect the people to be less violent than the country in general? It's bad for the people to randomly kill people but it's patriotic for the government to do it?
AKA a general discharge.... the dude was nuts... period... and the DOD and the DOJ and the FBI should have known enough to stop him from passing a background check

If there was nothing in his military record, how would the FBI know?
i’m not the idiot claiming the fbi can’t have access to govt records

Yes, you are the idiot claiming that every agency in the Govt has access to the records of every other agency in the Govt.

Did you know that the IRS sued the USDA to get access to their records and lost?

Did you know that I, as a member of the Govt (US Marines), did not have access to the FBI records nor the IRS records nor any other agency in the Fed Govt?
Yes, you are the idiot claiming that every agency in the Govt has access to the records of every other agency in the Govt.

Did you know that the IRS sued the USDA to get access to their records and lost?

Did you know that I, as a member of the Govt (US Marines), did not have access to the FBI records nor the IRS records nor any other agency in the Fed Govt?
the FbI conducts criminal investigations and has access to many more documents then some private in the US Marines

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