Texas Mall shooter failed Army Infantry training due to mental health problems. Whodathunk?

Because of the type of discharge he received.
Read my link Gator... the category he was discharged under was mental and or physical ailment... he didn't have the latter or we would know it... And the FBI had everything they needed to stop him from buying a gun... but they failed us once again.... why even let the FBI do background checks if they can't do it right?....
How many times are they going to blow it and allow the death of innocent Americans?...
Read my link Gator... the category he was discharged under was mental and or physical ailment...

Yes, which can be anything from in ingrown toenail to a bit bout of being homesick to being a homicidal manic.

Looking at the discharge code nobody would have any way of knowing which it was.

And the FBI had everything they needed to stop him from buying a gun... but they failed us once again.... why even let the FBI do background checks if they can't do it right?....

Unless you can show me there is something in the database the FBI has access to, there is no way you can pin this on the FBI.

How many times are they going to blow it and cause dead Americans?...

It seems you are advocating for much stricter, and longer, background checks.

Would you go along with a 2 to 3 week period while they conduct a background check before a person can get the weapon they are trying to buy?
The military will have it noted why a person was discharged.

He was discharged under was mental and or physical ailment receiving an administrative discharge. That is all that would be noted along with an RE-4 Reenlistment code.
He was discharged under was mental and or physical ailment receiving an administrative discharge. That is all that would be noted along with an RE-4 Reenlistment code.
And that would note why he couldn't reenlist
The FBI failed
And that would note why he couldn't reenlist
The FBI failed

Because of a admin discharge from boot camp. That is all that would be listed.

Do you think the FBI should investigate every single person with an RE-4 code that wants to buy a gun?

Would you be ok with the 2 to 3 week wait that would add to buying a gun?
Because of a admin discharge from boot camp. That is all that would be listed.

Do you think the FBI should investigate every single person with an RE-4 code that wants to buy a gun?

Would you be ok with the 2 to 3 week wait that would add to buying a gun?

They don't have to.......it should be part of the NICS check.........
The military is supposed to add those files to the NICS system......your god, government, failed again...

The military adds the file of every single person that ever served to the NICS?

I think you are full of shit.
They don't have to.......it should be part of the NICS check.........

Should having an RE-4 code disqualify someone from owning a gun?
Nope.....those discharged with mental issues....

Which there is no evidence other than the word of one person that this was the case.

There is no evidence this was put into his military record even if it were the case.
Where did all the money added during the Trump years go?

Or was he doing the same thing?
Some yes, Mueller's team had to get paid....and they were still paying Comey and McCabe for a time period.

but we didn't have nearly the increase....2019 for example the budget was only $29 billion.
So the latest "mass shooter" has the exact same issue that all the other "mass shooters" have. He was bat shit nuts. Imagine that! The common denominator between all mass shooters is they are insane. Hmmmm Maybe we should start paying more attention to the next potential nut case who wants to go out in a blaze of TV Media glory.

Yep. Bat shit nuts like most neo nazi white supremacists. :cuckoo:
Wrong...it's on all firearms

Only If purchased through a federally licensed dealer.

“A dangerous gap in our federal gun laws lets people buy guns without passing a background check. Under current law, unlicensed sellers—people who sell guns online, at gun shows, or anywhere else without a federal dealer’s license—can transfer firearms without having to run any background check whatsoever.”

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