Texas Mall shooter failed Army Infantry training due to mental health problems. Whodathunk?

Sure they can gain access to all records...someone can challenge their request, but they can certainly gain access.

So, is it your position that when someone puts in a request to buy a weapon that the FBI does this for each and every person?

If I were to buy a weapon at a gun store, should the FBI check with the DOD to see if I ever served and then request all of my military records to review prior to approving the sale?

If you were to buy a gun at a gun store, should the FBI check with the DOD to see you had ever served prior to approving the sale?
So, is it your position that when someone puts in a request to buy a weapon that the FBI does this for each and every person?

If I were to buy a weapon at a gun store, should the FBI check with the DOD to see if I ever served and then request all of my military records to review prior to approving the sale?

If you were to buy a gun at a gun store, should the FBI check with the DOD to see you had ever served prior to approving the sale?
1) um...absolutely the FBI should be doing back ground checks...that's why we have the system...geez man...you all want more laws, but don't want the Govt to do what they are already suppose to be doing?? what?
2) well the military is suppose to be reporting how you were discharged on NICS, but you are suppose to be filling out an application and being honest on it, so you should inform them if you served and how you were discharged and any mental health or substance abuse problems...sure you can lie, and if caught you SHOULD be prosecuted...but sadly we have a current admin that refuses to enforce such laws.
1) um...absolutely the FBI should be doing back ground checks...that's why we have the system...geez man...you all want more laws, but don't want the Govt to do what they are already suppose to be doing?? what?

How in depth do you want these to be? How long should the FBI have to complete it? Would you be ok with a 2 week wait while the FBI gathered all of possible records any time someone wants to buy a gun?

2) well the military is suppose to be reporting how you were discharged on NICS, but you are suppose to be filling out an application and being honest on it, so you should inform them if you served and how you were discharged and any mental health or substance abuse problems...sure you can lie, and if caught you SHOULD be prosecuted...but sadly we have a current admin that refuses to enforce such laws.

And this person was given an admin discharge from basic training. The same discharge you get if you break your leg and do not wish to continue, the same discharge you get if you cannot pass the Swim Qual in MC Boot camp.

Should the FBI request the records on everyone that ever received an admin discharge from the Military if they wish to buy a gun?
How in depth do you want these to be? How long should the FBI have to complete it? Would you be ok with a 2 week wait while the FBI gathered all of possible records any time someone wants to buy a gun?

And this person was given an admin discharge from basic training. The same discharge you get if you break your leg and do not wish to continue, the same discharge you get if you cannot pass the Swim Qual in MC Boot camp.

Should the FBI request the records on everyone that ever received an admin discharge from the Military if they wish to buy a gun?
i want them to be very through and in depth. why else have the law and requirement if they are gonna half ass it?
i want them to be very through and in depth. why else have the law and requirement if they are gonna half ass it?

So, you are good with a 2 to 3 week wait while they are being very through and in depth?

A simple yes or no will suffice.
no, they should be working more effectively and efficiently then that.

They would have to request records from the DOD, wait till that request is approved and then wait till the records are received. This alone could take a good week given how the National Archives works.
They would have to request records from the DOD, wait till that request is approved and then wait till the records are received. This alone could take a good week given how the National Archives works.
a week isnkr unreasonle…but should be much faster. All govt needs to be more efficient…
a week isnkr unreasonle…but should be much faster. All govt needs to be more efficient…

The number of citizens that need the services of the Fed Govt since 2010 has gone up 7 times faster than the number of employees to provide those services.

This causes things to take longer.
So the latest "mass shooter" has the exact same issue that all the other "mass shooters" have. He was bat shit nuts. Imagine that! The common denominator between all mass shooters is they are insane. Hmmmm Maybe we should start paying more attention to the next potential nut case who wants to go out in a blaze of TV Media glory.
That's your plan of action, to "start paying more attention" to people with AR-15's? It's now up to friends and family to notify law enforcement that particular gun owners are nuts? How do you think that will work out ? You realize such an approach is basically worthless, right?
The number of citizens that need the services of the Fed Govt since 2010 has gone up 7 times faster than the number of employees to provide those services.

This causes things to take longer.
The DOJ budget has increased by $40 billion since 2010…they have the resources
Gosh .. another mental illness incident that we see with mass shooters .. yet .. it was the gun that was at fault, and this continues to demonstrate the hypocrisy from the left on addressing the underlying problem #mentalillnesstrends
n o t i l l e g a l s
why do you bother to come here?.... you appear so childish and uninformed... you can't even defend what few opinions you seem to have.... its like you hear something that sounds leftist and you grab it and repeat it but you don't have the maturity nor the intelligence to defend it....
If there was nothing in his military record, how would the FBI know?
What makes you think his folder was empty?... you assume too much....

Gosh .. another mental illness incident that we see with mass shooters .. yet .. it was the gun that was at fault, and this continues to demonstrate the hypocrisy from the left on addressing the underlying problem #mentalillnesstrends
Why doesn't the "right" ever do anything in relation to gun violence? Why do they never, ever offer a solution, or a plan, to address this? All they can do is attack the "left" (i.e., people trying to actually do something)
There are two distinct lines of view. One party wants to get rid of guns. The other wants to have a dialogue over the abilities of people to own them due to a few issues. Mental Health can be used also to stop anyone from having a weapon even for the most minor personal problem as the new law expands. Also, people with political views not agreeable to the state can be put into asylums as they could open up as the nation declines.
Another example of "shall not be infringed" is proof that this phrase in the 2nd A. is a fraud.

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