Texas Maskless and Free: Day 45

Are all these doctors and nurses telling you that masks don’t work and are a total waste and slowing infections for COVID?

Yet all the doctors and nurses photographed on the job, are wearing masks.

Why is that?
Because masks are effective
If masks are effective where’s the spike in cases in maskless states?
What would cause the spike?
Using a placebo thinking it makes you safe when in fact masks don’t is the primary cause.
reread my question and then tell me how your answer makes any kind of sense
tell us how any of yours ever do.....
mone do just fine. Where’s that Stanford study?
Why are Texas cases 40% of NY?
Where’s the dead Texans?
Again common sense fails you. Masks cut coronavirus cases. Vaccinations cut coronavirus cases. If you apply both together the rate of case declines is greater than each individually.

If your idea is to stretch out the virus so more people become infected, then don't do everything you can to control it.
Is everyone in Texas dead yet? If not, why are we still pretending these irritating face diapers
are keeping us all alive?
Are you pretending that everybody in Texas stopped where IG masks and therefore should all be dead?! Are you expecting to be taken seriously?
How many in Texas still wear face diapers that kept a spike from occurring?
Would any Karen care to explain why maskless and wide open Texas has continued falling cases rather than the spike Karen’s screamed about?

Answer: Masks and shutdowns don’t work.
View attachment 483605View attachment 483606 IHME | COVID-19 Projections
Actually texas is averaging 3,500 new cases a day.

That's not good.
14th in America.
40% of new cases NY has.
View attachment 483675
Thanks. That proves the OP. No spike in Texas in 45 days, masks are useless.
3,500 cases a day on average. Well over 100,000 a month.

And then there's this.

View attachment 483676

53 deaths a day on average. 1,600 ish loved ones a month.
Yes. Maskless Texas is 40% of NY, 10% of Michigan per capita.
Are all these doctors and nurses telling you that masks don’t work and are a total waste and slowing infections for COVID?

Yet all the doctors and nurses photographed on the job, are wearing masks.

Why is that?
Because masks are effective
If masks are effective where’s the spike in cases in maskless states?
What would cause the spike?
Using a placebo thinking it makes you safe when in fact masks don’t is the primary cause.
reread my question and then tell me how your answer makes any kind of sense
tell us how any of yours ever do.....
mone do just fine. Where’s that Stanford study?
Why are Texas cases 40% of NY?
Where’s the dead Texans?
My best guess would be that New York has more cases than Texas because it has more tourism and a higher concentration of people in highly populated areas. Dead Texans are mostly in the ground.
Again common sense fails you. Masks cut coronavirus cases. Vaccinations cut coronavirus cases. If you apply both together the rate of case declines is greater than each individually.

If your idea is to stretch out the virus so more people become infected, then don't do everything you can to control it.
Is everyone in Texas dead yet? If not, why are we still pretending these irritating face diapers
are keeping us all alive?
Are you pretending that everybody in Texas stopped where IG masks and therefore should all be dead?! Are you expecting to be taken seriously?
How many in Texas still wear face diapers that kept a spike from occurring?
I don’t know but I’m very thankful to all who did.
Gee and that is after only 100 days in office. Trump spearheaded the vaccine program, distributed and administered 50M doses in thirty days. I think you owe the last POTUS a round of applause and a hearty thank you for setting your demented fool up for success. To his credit, he didn't fuck it up with an executive order.
The record is that from December 20th to January 20th there were 14,270,000 vaccinations (14.3 million).

Where did you get the bullshit that Trump administered 50 million doses in his last 30 days in office.
I live in Texas, and it is not "open and maskless", that's more contrived media bullshyte!!! The governor rescinded the mask rules because he was a F-tard to even make them in the first place.

People here in Texas aren't all that stuck up and "Karen'ed" about this lunacy. Most people that don't wear masks, stay several feet from others, regardless of them being maskless or not. People that do wear masks, do so because most businesses still have signs stating you have to have one.

Other places that do not have signs for wearing masks......it's half and half. I have yet to see anybody throw a fit because somebody was or was not wearing a mask. No maskers, so far that I've been witnessed to, have been polite and considerate enough to keep their distance. And it makes me very happy to see that there ARE intelligent humans out here that understand and comprehend the lunacy going on and compromise with it.

Personally, I continue to wear a mask in social places because I have medical issues. I also had a hospital stay last December from another medical issue that popped up. Needless to say, my Dr.s want me to wear a mask for the next year while I'm recouping.

Just remember..........

Well gorsh Toffeenut Baconsmuggler

You win!!
Hilarious. Yes, there will always be a few of you psychotic germaphobes riding around in your cars alone with t shirts over your faces the rest of your pathetic lives.

Fact remains, tens of millions Texans are maskless and there’s no difference in cases.

Oh lookie.........another widdle snowflake that never was able to grasp the concept of READING and COMPREHENSION.
You mask cut off your oxygen supply long ago.

And you were born without a brain, much less any concept of reality. OH.....I know who you are now!!!! Welcome Mr. Biden!!!

Toffeenut Baconsmuggler - Forget about the awesome handle - you’re funny. Do stick around! ;)
Gee and that is after only 100 days in office. Trump spearheaded the vaccine program, distributed and administered 50M doses in thirty days. I think you owe the last POTUS a round of applause and a hearty thank you for setting your demented fool up for success. To his credit, he didn't fuck it up with an executive order.
The record is that from December 20th to January 20th there were 14,270,000 vaccinations (14.3 million).

Where did you get the bullshit that Trump administered 50 million doses in his last 30 days in office.

They probably read it in a facebook meme, which usually means it's a fact now.
Fact remains, tens of millions Texans are maskless and there’s no difference in cases.

Texas (yesterday) has more new cases than California and Minnesota.
Texas has 40% of the new cases New York has.
India thought they could reopen as well.
3rd world may compare to your Dem controlled states, but not real America.
They even thought they had already achieved herd immunity.
Sweden never took any action.
Yet they’re doing better than Gestapo Michigan.
View attachment 483656View attachment 483657
Can’t fix Stoopid!!
Coronavirus Cases:

2M people in less than 100 days.
You're a moron--don't you even read what you type or do you just have diarrhea of the keyboard. Either study up or STFU.
Thanks for pointing that out. It's over 100 million people in 100 days.

Not 2 million.
Thanks for pointing out the vaccines are keeping Texas cases down so we can now all burn our masks.

Joe's doing a great job distributing the vaccine. He made it so simple and easy, even Texans could benefit from it.

So easy a Caveman could do it, but Texans could be dicy! ;-)

Nobody is wearing masks in Texas.

I hate to break it to you, but there are lots of assholes still wearing these fuckin things in my beloved state. Of course the further away from what I call "The Mecca for Shitheads" AKA Austin, the less masks you see. However people are wearing them. Not because they're afraid of the fuckin wuhan cold, but they're afraid of other people. I'm disgusted by my fellow Texans and their sheepish behavior. It's pathetic.
Are all these doctors and nurses telling you that masks don’t work and are a total waste and slowing infections for COVID?

Yet all the doctors and nurses photographed on the job, are wearing masks.

Why is that?
Because masks are effective
If masks are effective where’s the spike in cases in maskless states?
What would cause the spike?
Using a placebo thinking it makes you safe when in fact masks don’t is the primary cause.
reread my question and then tell me how your answer makes any kind of sense
tell us how any of yours ever do.....
mone do just fine. Where’s that Stanford study?
if it was up your ass, you'd know
Can’t fix Stoopid!!
Coronavirus Cases:

“It seems kind of intuitively obvious that if you put something—whether it’s a scarf or a mask—in front of your nose and mouth, that will filter out some of these viruses that are floating around out there,” says Dr. William Schaffner, professor of medicine in the division of infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University. The only problem: that’s not effective against respiratory illnesses like the flu and COVID-19. If it were, “the CDC would have recommended it years ago,” he says. “It doesn’t, because it makes science-based recommendations.

Are all these doctors and nurses telling you that masks don’t work and are a total waste and slowing infections for COVID?

Yet all the doctors and nurses photographed on the job, are wearing masks.

Why is that?
Because masks are effective
If masks are effective where’s the spike in cases in maskless states?
What would cause the spike?
Using a placebo thinking it makes you safe when in fact masks don’t is the primary cause.
reread my question and then tell me how your answer makes any kind of sense
tell us how any of yours ever do.....
mone do just fine. Where’s that Stanford study?
Why are Texas cases 40% of NY?
Where’s the dead Texans?
My best guess would be that New York has more cases than Texas because it has more tourism and a higher concentration of people in highly populated areas. Dead Texans are mostly in the ground.
The best part of your mental illness is that you Karen’s are easily identified and we don’t have to look at you.
FYI- smoke particles are 500-1000 times larger than the ChiCom Flu.
Because people are getting vaccinated and most businesses still require masking in spaces where people can’t socially distance. It’s not complicated

And you know this is the reason for a fact or it's just what best meets your bias?
"There's no reason to be walking around with a mask," Fauci told CBSNews’ 60 Minutes in a March 8 interview with chief medical correspondent for CBS News Dr. Jon LaPook.

“When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. And, often, there are unintended consequences — people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face,” said Fauci
Can’t fix Stoopid!!
Coronavirus Cases:

“It seems kind of intuitively obvious that if you put something—whether it’s a scarf or a mask—in front of your nose and mouth, that will filter out some of these viruses that are floating around out there,” says Dr. William Schaffner, professor of medicine in the division of infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University. The only problem: that’s not effective against respiratory illnesses like the flu and COVID-19. If it were, “the CDC would have recommended it years ago,” he says. “It doesn’t, because it makes science-based recommendations.

It is not as effective in normal flu seasons but it can help mitigate the spread during severe pandemics. Besides, all studies could be "tainted" since even some public officials were claiming the pandemic is a Hoax and go maskless and attend superspreader events. Can the same be said for more clinical environments where wearing a mask is protocol?

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